Planned Parenthood and donations

Maybe they don't get attacked cuz they aren't doing abortions. And I don't think PP is going out of business any time soon. I thought the law as clear on this: the US Gov't cannot be funding organizations to perform abortions. Period. No fancy flimflam dishonest bullshit about the money doing other things, PP can do all the abortions they want to but if they do that then they should not be receiving federal funding.

And that's a bullshit law. We should fund abortions for any woman who wants one.

Here's the thing. France the government pays for abortions. And guess what, they have half the number of abortions per capita that the US has.

Why? Because they also pay for contraception, sex education, family leave and health care.

"And that's a bullshit law. We should fund abortions for any woman who wants one."

Change the law then. Until then STFU and comply with existing law.

"Here's the thing. France the government pays for abortions."

I don't give a flying fuck what France does, or any other country.

"Why? Because they also pay for contraception, sex education, family leave and health care."

There are other organizations out there that can do these things. That is not a viable argument or funding PP.
Don't know, but if the Left cared as much about women's health issues as they say they do then why aren't more of those kinds of organizations out there?

Why reinvent the wheel? PP has been doing this kind of work well for a century.

This is pure bullshit. The gov't is not supposed to be in the business of subsidizing unprofitable enterprises just because they are not fiscally sustainable.

But they do that all the time. Roads, the military, infrastructure, rural electrification... All of these things are only happening because the government stepped in where the private sector wouldn't because there was no money to be made.

You guys are going to have to do better than this. I know that PP makes money doing abortions and they get mucho donations for doing just that. Which is fine, I don't like it but that's the law as laid down by Roe v Wade. But why is it so God Damn hard for the Left to live by the laws we have rather than circumventing them with bullshit accounting tricks or outright ignoring them and doing whatever they please (sanctuary cities). WHO THE FUCK DO YOU GUYS THINK YOU ARE? Just because you don't like a particular law does not mean it's non-compliance is okay.

We think we are people who are reacting to dumb laws the best way you can-- by ignoring them.

Not that this is what's happening in this case. PP doesn't need money from the government for abortions. It's amazing how fast they can come up with that money when they have an unwanted pregnancy.

They do need money to do pap smears and contraception and breast cancer screenings. And since these are things we need done, we should be happy to pay for them.
There are other organizations out there that can do these things. That is not a viable argument or funding PP.

You haven't named one of these organizations yet. And assuming you find one, it will be pretty obvious they don't have the reach, expertise, etc. of PP.

Change the law then. Until then STFU and comply with existing law.

Nope. Sorry. Look, here's an idea. Why don't you stop worrying about what women are doing with their lady parts and mind your own business.
I suspect that PP is not the only organization that provides health services to women. Why don't you guys support them more instead of all this bitching about PP?
Are you a woman?

Why do you ask? You think males can't have a valid opinion and express it?
Since you don't utilize these services you have no experience of the vacuum that may exist if PP goes out of business.. Sure there are other clinics in areas for women's health, but they get federal grant funds also...yet they are not attacked by the right.

Maybe they don't get attacked cuz they aren't doing abortions. And I don't think PP is going out of business any time soon. I thought the law as clear on this: the US Gov't cannot be funding organizations to perform abortions. Period. No fancy flimflam dishonest bullshit about the money doing other things, PP can do all the abortions they want to but if they do that then they should not be receiving federal funding.
Trumps told them they will be cut off if they don't stop abortions, seems fair to me.

Thanks to them fewer and fewer abortions are being done. You don't think the elite CINO get abortions, you just do not know about it. Either Rush got a vasectomy at a early age or didn't have sex.
I suspect that PP is not the only organization that provides health services to women. Why don't you guys support them more instead of all this bitching about PP?

Are those other organizations as wide spread and in as many places?

I mean, PP could do abortions exclusively and be very profitable doing so. They do the other stuff at a loss. No one is going to make a profit doing it, which is why the government has to subsidize it.

"Are those other organizations as wide spread and in as many places? "

Don't know, but if the Left cared as much about women's health issues as they say they do then why aren't more of those kinds of organizations out there?

"No one is going to make a profit doing it, which is why the government has to subsidize it."

This is pure bullshit. The gov't is not supposed to be in the business of subsidizing unprofitable enterprises just because they are not fiscally sustainable.

You guys are going to have to do better than this. I know that PP makes money doing abortions and they get mucho donations for doing just that. Which is fine, I don't like it but that's the law as laid down by Roe v Wade. But why is it so God Damn hard for the Left to live by the laws we have rather than circumventing them with bullshit accounting tricks or outright ignoring them and doing whatever they please (sanctuary cities). WHO THE FUCK DO YOU GUYS THINK YOU ARE? Just because you don't like a particular law does not mean it's non-compliance is okay.

I'd go this far: if a state wants to fund abortion mills like PP with their money, fine. The residents in that state can live with that burden or change their laws or their elected officials. Same as us on the national level, but you don't get to ignore or circumvent existing federal law and use federal tax dollars for that purpose and we should not be funding those who do that.

Why not, we subsidize the rich Incs via state and fed tax dollars and most of us taxpayers would prefer to subsidize PP. Most of us also hate to subsidize congresses health insurance. We'd rather put that tax money towards our own. Get it!!!

I am beginning to believe we need a revolution, I didn't vote for Bernie but I am so sick and tired of the fake CINO liberals, who use Christianity for everything they sprout. Fake Christians are the worst, aka Republican Christians.
Are you a woman?

Why do you ask? You think males can't have a valid opinion and express it?
Since you don't utilize these services you have no experience of the vacuum that may exist if PP goes out of business.. Sure there are other clinics in areas for women's health, but they get federal grant funds also...yet they are not attacked by the right.

Maybe they don't get attacked cuz they aren't doing abortions. And I don't think PP is going out of business any time soon. I thought the law as clear on this: the US Gov't cannot be funding organizations to perform abortions. Period. No fancy flimflam dishonest bullshit about the money doing other things, PP can do all the abortions they want to but if they do that then they should not be receiving federal funding.
Trumps told them they will be cut off if they don't stop abortions, seems fair to me.

Thanks to them fewer and fewer abortions are being done. You don't think the elite CINO get abortions, you just do not know about it. Either Rush got a vasectomy at a early age or didn't have sex.
I suspect that PP is not the only organization that provides health services to women. Why don't you guys support them more instead of all this bitching about PP?

Are those other organizations as wide spread and in as many places?

I mean, PP could do abortions exclusively and be very profitable doing so. They do the other stuff at a loss. No one is going to make a profit doing it, which is why the government has to subsidize it.

"Are those other organizations as wide spread and in as many places? "

Don't know, but if the Left cared as much about women's health issues as they say they do then why aren't more of those kinds of organizations out there?

"No one is going to make a profit doing it, which is why the government has to subsidize it."

This is pure bullshit. The gov't is not supposed to be in the business of subsidizing unprofitable enterprises just because they are not fiscally sustainable.

You guys are going to have to do better than this. I know that PP makes money doing abortions and they get mucho donations for doing just that. Which is fine, I don't like it but that's the law as laid down by Roe v Wade. But why is it so God Damn hard for the Left to live by the laws we have rather than circumventing them with bullshit accounting tricks or outright ignoring them and doing whatever they please (sanctuary cities). WHO THE FUCK DO YOU GUYS THINK YOU ARE? Just because you don't like a particular law does not mean it's non-compliance is okay.

I'd go this far: if a state wants to fund abortion mills like PP with their money, fine. The residents in that state can live with that burden or change their laws or their elected officials. Same as us on the national level, but you don't get to ignore or circumvent existing federal law and use federal tax dollars for that purpose and we should not be funding those who do that.

Why not, we subsidize the rich Incs via state and fed tax dollars and most of us taxpayers would prefer to subsidize PP. Most of us also hate to subsidize congresses health insurance. We'd rather put that tax money towards our own. Get it!!!
I know for a fact that rich folks do or have used abortion services. I know of several that have.
"Why reinvent the wheel? PP has been doing this kind of work well for a century."
Yes I know, Margret Sanger was quite the eugenicist wasn't she.

"But they do that all the time. Roads, the military, infrastructure, rural electrification... All of these things are only happening because the government stepped in where the private sector wouldn't because there was no money to be made."
You said yourself that abortions is profitable for PP.

"We think we are people who are reacting to dumb laws the best way you can-- by ignoring them."
See, I have a huge problem with this, you don't get to choose which laws you can ignore and which ones you don't. You think a law is dumb, change it through the system. It is outragious that you guys on the Left think it's perfectly fine for anyone to decide this law is dumb so I won't comply with it.
The information in the latest report is particularly relevant as Congress considers a budget reconciliation bill to repeal Obamacare. The bill includes a provision that would disqualify Planned Parenthood affiliates from receiving Medicaid reimbursements for one year after enactment of the bill.

Okay, so who is going to provide those women's health services to poor communities, then?

We'll wait.

I suspect that PP is not the only organization that provides health services to women. Why don't you guys support them more instead of all this bitching about PP?
Are you a woman?

Why do you ask? You think males can't have a valid opinion and express it?

You know what really bugged me is Hobby Lobby not having to provide birth control in their insurance. That is against the lemon law. This country was not founded on Christianity, but separation of Church and State.
Yes I know, Margret Sanger was quite the eugenicist wasn't she.

Probably no more than anyone else at the time it was considered a valid science.

You said yourself that abortions is profitable for PP.

We weren't talking about abortions, we were talking about the other fine services they provide. Although, honestly, I wouldn't mind seeing up pay for abortions. Better than paying for an unwanted kid for 18 years until the prison system gets him.

See, I have a huge problem with this, you don't get to choose which laws you can ignore and which ones you don't. You think a law is dumb, change it through the system. It is outragious that you guys on the Left think it's perfectly fine for anyone to decide this law is dumb so I won't comply with it.

But you see, that's the thing. The dumb laws are dumb because they are largely unenforceable. Nobody says the murder laws are dumb. Everyone has an interest in stopping murder. ON the other hand, the immigration laws are kind of dumb, which is why so many employers, government agencies and average citizens who hire some Mexicans outside the Home Depot to hang drywall for them ignore them.
There are other organizations out there that can do these things. That is not a viable argument or funding PP.

You haven't named one of these organizations yet. And assuming you find one, it will be pretty obvious they don't have the reach, expertise, etc. of PP.

Change the law then. Until then STFU and comply with existing law.

Nope. Sorry. Look, here's an idea. Why don't you stop worrying about what women are doing with their lady parts and mind your own business.

It's not their lady parts we are concerned about but the baby they want to kill...
There are other organizations out there that can do these things. That is not a viable argument or funding PP.

You haven't named one of these organizations yet. And assuming you find one, it will be pretty obvious they don't have the reach, expertise, etc. of PP.

Change the law then. Until then STFU and comply with existing law.

Nope. Sorry. Look, here's an idea. Why don't you stop worrying about what women are doing with their lady parts and mind your own business.

It's not their lady parts we are concerned about but the baby they want to kill...
The right is so concerned about children that they want to cut off Medicaid.
There are other organizations out there that can do these things. That is not a viable argument or funding PP.

You haven't named one of these organizations yet. And assuming you find one, it will be pretty obvious they don't have the reach, expertise, etc. of PP.

Change the law then. Until then STFU and comply with existing law.

Nope. Sorry. Look, here's an idea. Why don't you stop worrying about what women are doing with their lady parts and mind your own business.

It's not their lady parts we are concerned about but the baby they want to kill...
The right is so concerned about children that they want to cut off Medicaid.

Nope.......nice lie though......
There are other organizations out there that can do these things. That is not a viable argument or funding PP.

You haven't named one of these organizations yet. And assuming you find one, it will be pretty obvious they don't have the reach, expertise, etc. of PP.

Change the law then. Until then STFU and comply with existing law.

Nope. Sorry. Look, here's an idea. Why don't you stop worrying about what women are doing with their lady parts and mind your own business.

It's not their lady parts we are concerned about but the baby they want to kill...
The right is so concerned about children that they want to cut off Medicaid.

Nope.......nice lie though......
It is in the plans through the House health care plan and Trump's proposed budget.
It's not their lady parts we are concerned about but the baby they want to kill...

Fetuses aren't babies.

Babies are bigger and they can live outside the lady parts... that's what you don't seem to get.

Also, I would say what you always say about your fetish. People are going to still get abortions no matter what the law is. Except unlike Guns, this is actually true.

Women got abortions before Roe v. Wade. How do we know this? The birth rate didn't drop in 1973, and it started going up again in 1974.

Want further proof? The Philippines have exactly the kind of abortion laws you nutters want. Except that they have 500,000 to 800,000 abortions a year. Almost as many as the US with a third of the population.

Now, there is a way to reduce the number of abortions. Most of those gun grabbing socalist countries you like to pretend don't exist have figured this out. Universal health care, paid family leave, contraception education without religious bullshit.
The information in the latest report is particularly relevant as Congress considers a budget reconciliation bill to repeal Obamacare. The bill includes a provision that would disqualify Planned Parenthood affiliates from receiving Medicaid reimbursements for one year after enactment of the bill.

Okay, so who is going to provide those women's health services to poor communities, then?

We'll wait.

I suspect that PP is not the only organization that provides health services to women. Why don't you guys support them more instead of all this bitching about PP?
Are you a woman?

Why do you ask? You think males can't have a valid opinion and express it?

You know what really bugged me is Hobby Lobby not having to provide birth control in their insurance. That is against the lemon law. This country was not founded on Christianity, but separation of Church and State.

Didn't Hobby Lobby go to court over their decision about birth control? Don't remember, but IMHO birth control pills ought to be free and available in any clinic or doctor's office. I'd even have 'em available in high schools and jr highs. It's one thing to take the life of an existing fetus but quite another to prevent conception in the 1st place.
Fetuses aren't babies.
Yes they are, unborn babies. Try telling that to an expecting mother and father, you might get punched in the mouth.

Babies are bigger and they can live outside the lady parts... that's what you don't seem to get.
Fetuses are alive inside the womb too, it isn't a pimple. Your insensitivity is astounding.

Also, I would say what you always say about your fetish. People are going to still get abortions no matter what the law is. Except unlike Guns, this is actually true.
I'm not saying people can't get an abortion, Roe v Wade specifically says abortion is a legal right. I do not agree, but unlike you I can respect the law and am willing to abide by it. But the real argument here is that the law also says the an abortion should not be financed with federal tax dollars. The lawless Left such as yourself seem to think they can arbitrarily decide for themselves I don't like this law or that one and thereby ignore it. Well fuck that.

Want further proof? The Philippines have exactly the kind of abortion laws you nutters want. Except that they have 500,000 to 800,000 abortions a year. Almost as many as the US with a third of the population.
I don't give a rat's ass what the Philippinos do, or anyone else. There are countries where they mutilate a females sex organs, should we do that too?

Now, there is a way to reduce the number of abortions. Universal health care, paid family leave, contraception education without religious bullshit.
These things are nice, all you gotta do is pay for them, and BTW pass the legislation through Congress and the WH. And BTW there's no way to guarantee any of this would reduce abortions in this country.
The information in the latest report is particularly relevant as Congress considers a budget reconciliation bill to repeal Obamacare. The bill includes a provision that would disqualify Planned Parenthood affiliates from receiving Medicaid reimbursements for one year after enactment of the bill.

Okay, so who is going to provide those women's health services to poor communities, then?

We'll wait.
Why cant they use Obamacare and go to a real OGBYN?
Yes they are, unborn babies. Try telling that to an expecting mother and father, you might get punched in the mouth.

Yeah, but you see, those fetuses are wanted.

Fetuses are alive inside the womb too, it isn't a pimple. Your insensitivity is astounding.

But if they plopped out of the womb...they'd die. Immediately.

I'm not saying people can't get an abortion, Roe v Wade specifically says abortion is a legal right. I do not agree, but unlike you I can respect the law and am willing to abide by it. But the real argument here is that the law also says the an abortion should not be financed with federal tax dollars. The lawless Left such as yourself seem to think they can arbitrarily decide for themselves I don't like this law or that one and thereby ignore it. Well fuck that.

I can ignore it because you can't really enforce it.

I don't give a rat's ass what the Philippinos do, or anyone else. There are countries where they mutilate a females sex organs, should we do that too?

The point went right over your head, didn't it?

These things are nice, all you gotta do is pay for them, and BTW pass the legislation through Congress and the WH. And BTW there's no way to guarantee any of this would reduce abortions in this country.

You mean other than every other country that has done it has....
From, Jan 26, 2017:

Planned Parenthood has about 650 facilities nationwide, all of which provide very limited care to their patients.
Yet there are over 13,000 non-abortion providing Federally Qualified Health Centers that provide whole health care to women and their families. And that number doesn’t include the tens of thousands of private and group physicians that accept government subsidy programs like Medicaid.
Women are not desperate to find health care clinics, and they won’t be even without Planned Parenthood. In fact, the only thing Planned Parenthood provides that these other facilities do not is abortion.
If Planned Parenthood were defunded, the $528 million in taxpayer dollars they receive — more than half a billion dollars — would be re-allocated to FQHCs — facilities that can actually care for all of the needs of women.

Women deserve better than Planned Parenthood. I know, I worked there.
If Planned Parenthood were defunded, the $528 million in taxpayer dollars they receive — more than half a billion dollars — would be re-allocated to FQHCs — facilities that can actually care for all of the needs of women.

But would they be in the communities that they need to serve, that is the question. If your neighborhood already has an OB/GYN practice, then they are doing fine on patients with insurance, they don't want or need the hassle of a government payment.
Yes they are, unborn babies. Try telling that to an expecting mother and father, you might get punched in the mouth.
Yeah, but you see, those fetuses are wanted.
Oh, so it's okay to kill off an unwanted fetus. Jesus, Joe.

Fetuses are alive inside the womb too, it isn't a pimple. Your insensitivity is astounding.
But if they plopped out of the womb...they'd die. Immediately.
So what? That makes it okay to terminate their lives?

I'm not saying people can't get an abortion, Roe v Wade specifically says abortion is a legal right. I do not agree, but unlike you I can respect the law and am willing to abide by it. But the real argument here is that the law also says the an abortion should not be financed with federal tax dollars. The lawless Left such as yourself seem to think they can arbitrarily decide for themselves I don't like this law or that one and thereby ignore it. Well fuck that.
I can ignore it because you can't really enforce it.
That is not true and it's a bullshit argument.

I don't give a rat's ass what the Philippinos do, or anyone else. There are countries where they mutilate a females sex organs, should we do that too?
The point went right over your head, didn't it?
Not really, why should I give a fuck what another country's laws are? Apparently my point went rightover your head, didn't it?

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