Planned Parenthood and donations

If Planned Parenthood were defunded, the $528 million in taxpayer dollars they receive — more than half a billion dollars — would be re-allocated to FQHCs — facilities that can actually care for all of the needs of women.

But would they be in the communities that they need to serve, that is the question. If your neighborhood already has an OB/GYN practice, then they are doing fine on patients with insurance, they don't want or need the hassle of a government payment.

Well maybe you guys on the Left oughta make sure there are sufficient FQHCs in the communities that need them most rather than bitching about funding abortions with federla tax dollars. Tell you what, I'll get right with you on that right after we defund PP. There are over 13,000 of those places, are you telling me they are all in wealthy communties? Bull effing shit.
Oh, so it's okay to kill off an unwanted fetus. Jesus, Joe.

Perfectly okay as far as I'm concerned. Her body. Her choice. Period.

So what? That makes it okay to terminate their lives?

Yes, perfectly okay, and when you wingnuts stop trying to yank food out of the mouths of real poor children to give tax breaks to billionaires, I might not find your concern for unviable, Kidney-bean sized fetuses laughable

That is not true and it's a bullshit argument.

Sure it is. People disobey stupid laws all the time. This is a really stupid law and people are finding ways around it. Just like they found ways to get abortions before Roe v. Wade said, "Yeah, these laws are stupid."

Here's the thing. When abortion was illegal, women were never convicted for having them and abortionists only got arrested when they screwed up and injured a patient.

Not really, why should I give a fuck what another country's laws are? Apparently my point went rightover your head, didn't it?

No, dude, you really didn't have a point. The point you miss is the Philippines have the law you religious nutters want. Abortion is illegal in all cases except a threat to the life of the mother.Yet every year, 800,000 Filipinas get abortions. The law is unworkable there,it would be more unworkable here where we are less religious and have enjoyed the right to choose for 44 years now.
Well maybe you guys on the Left oughta make sure there are sufficient FQHCs in the communities that need them most rather than bitching about funding abortions with federla tax dollars. Tell you what, I'll get right with you on that right after we defund PP. There are over 13,000 of those places, are you telling me they are all in wealthy communties? Bull effing shit.

Guy, you aren't going to defund PP. There are too many Republican Senators with vaginas.. Much like his wall and his Muslim ban, this will be a HUGE fail on the part of the Orange Shitgibbon.
The information in the latest report is particularly relevant as Congress considers a budget reconciliation bill to repeal Obamacare. The bill includes a provision that would disqualify Planned Parenthood affiliates from receiving Medicaid reimbursements for one year after enactment of the bill.

Okay, so who is going to provide those women's health services to poor communities, then?

We'll wait.
If you read the article PP provided few services and the number was getting smaller.

To answer, Obamacare was to take care of the poor.

PP is an abortion mill, if that doesn't bother you fine. I just don't want to fund it with my money. What problem could you have with that position?

PP is an abortion mill, if that doesn't bother you fine. I just don't want to fund it with my money. What problem could you have with that position?

That you are a pig ignorant, inbred bible thumping moron who has no business telling doctors what the best treatments for their patients are.

I mean, I personally don't care to fund all the fat ass, inbred bible-thumpers in Jesusland collecting Disability because they weigh 400 lbs and have diabetes.... but we are a humane society and we let doctors make those decisions.

PP is an abortion mill, if that doesn't bother you fine. I just don't want to fund it with my money. What problem could you have with that position?

That you are a pig ignorant, inbred bible thumping moron who has no business telling doctors what the best treatments for their patients are.

I mean, I personally don't care to fund all the fat ass, inbred bible-thumpers in Jesusland collecting Disability because they weigh 400 lbs and have diabetes.... but we are a humane society and we let doctors make those decisions.
Oh, now I do understand. You are a religious bigot so that entitles you to tell the rest of us how we should live. Quite hypocritical don't you think?

Abortion is not treatment, it is killing of the unborn. What medical book are you reading?
Oh, now I do understand. You are a religious bigot so that entitles you to tell the rest of us how we should live. Quite hypocritical don't you think?

Abortion is not treatment, it is killing of the unborn. What medical book are you reading?

There's no such thing as 'the unborn". there are fetuses and sometimes they need to be removed. Like an ingrown toenail or a wart.

The thing is, we don't need some dumb ass, 400 lbs inbred bible thumper telling a doctor how to do his job.

Just like a doctor shouldn't be going in telling a 400 lbs inbred bible thumper how to wait for his disability check to arrive.
Oh, now I do understand. You are a religious bigot so that entitles you to tell the rest of us how we should live. Quite hypocritical don't you think?

Abortion is not treatment, it is killing of the unborn. What medical book are you reading?

There's no such thing as 'the unborn". there are fetuses and sometimes they need to be removed. Like an ingrown toenail or a wart.

The thing is, we don't need some dumb ass, 400 lbs inbred bible thumper telling a doctor how to do his job.

Just like a doctor shouldn't be going in telling a 400 lbs inbred bible thumper how to wait for his disability check to arrive.
Again, you want an abortion, it is legal go get an abortion. But the unborn child is nothing less then and unborn child. Your opinion is not science or even proven fact. Have an abortion if you want. Fund an abortion if you want. But I do not see why an abortion mill that has plenty of profit needs to be funded by me. And you being a religious bigot is not an argument for or against. It is just an acceptance of reality.

I realize that abortion today is American genocide against those of color, that fact should not be lost on those who discuss the topic.
Again, you want an abortion, it is legal go get an abortion. But the unborn child is nothing less then and unborn child. Your opinion is not science or even proven fact. Have an abortion if you want. Fund an abortion if you want. But I do not see why an abortion mill that has plenty of profit needs to be funded by me. And you being a religious bigot is not an argument for or against. It is just an acceptance of reality.

Guy, your imaginary sky fairy doesn't make a kidney bean sized fetus a "baby".... It just doesn't.

And as long as I have to fund a military industrial complex, you have to fund abortion mills.

IN fact, what we ought to do is have people commit their tax dollars to just the things they want to pay for. PP will get funded long before the War on an Emotional State does.
I realize that abortion today is American genocide against those of color, that fact should not be lost on those who discuss the topic.

Horseshit. It's white people who are thankfully shrinking as a percentage of the population. And frankly, when your side stops yanking school lunches out of the mouths of poor children of color to give tax breaks to billionaires, I'll take you seriously on your concern for kidney-bean sized fetuses.
Again, you want an abortion, it is legal go get an abortion. But the unborn child is nothing less then and unborn child. Your opinion is not science or even proven fact. Have an abortion if you want. Fund an abortion if you want. But I do not see why an abortion mill that has plenty of profit needs to be funded by me. And you being a religious bigot is not an argument for or against. It is just an acceptance of reality.

Guy, your imaginary sky fairy doesn't make a kidney bean sized fetus a "baby".... It just doesn't.

And as long as I have to fund a military industrial complex, you have to fund abortion mills.

IN fact, what we ought to do is have people commit their tax dollars to just the things they want to pay for. PP will get funded long before the War on an Emotional State does.
You are right, science makes the child an unborn child, not your intolerant religious bigotry. A woman's pregnancy never results in anything other than a human being, a human being you would kill in a heart beat. Rather sad really.

See what you are doing is trying to force YOUR view on the rest of us but claim to be doing the opposite. You are the true definition of a liberal.

Go, go write the check for PP so the genocide of the black race can continue.
You are right, science makes the child an unborn child, not your intolerant religious bigotry. A woman's pregnancy never results in anything other than a human being, a human being you would kill in a heart beat. Rather sad really.

Well, that's not true. Most fertilized eggs never attach to the uterine wall. Some attach themselves to the wall of the fallopian tube and have to be removed. And of course, 1/3 end in abortions, no matter what the religious nuts want or think. So in fact, most pregnancies don't end up in a baby.

See what you are doing is trying to force YOUR view on the rest of us but claim to be doing the opposite. You are the true definition of a liberal.

Not at all. I would not force one inbred bible thumping moron to get an abortion if they didn't want one. That would be forcing my view. I only support abortion for women who know damned well they aren't mother material.

Go, go write the check for PP so the genocide of the black race can continue.

Guy, black folks are going to be fine. The best thing that can happen is for them to be able to control their reproduction, so instead of five hungry kids who don't have the infrastructure to support them, we have only one or two who do. The best anti-poverty program in history was allowing women to control their own reproduction.
With all those wealthy liberals running around telling us how to live, what to believe, why is it that they don't put their money where their mouth is and fund PP privately? Whats up with that? Are they afraid that it will kindle the truth behind the progressive movement and its lofty ties to eugenics?

At the same time they scream about global warming look at their homes, mode of travel, cars they drive, lifestyle, what a sterling example. Show us the money and commitment, walk the talk!
You are right, science makes the child an unborn child, not your intolerant religious bigotry. A woman's pregnancy never results in anything other than a human being, a human being you would kill in a heart beat. Rather sad really.

Well, that's not true. Most fertilized eggs never attach to the uterine wall. Some attach themselves to the wall of the fallopian tube and have to be removed. And of course, 1/3 end in abortions, no matter what the religious nuts want or think. So in fact, most pregnancies don't end up in a baby.

See what you are doing is trying to force YOUR view on the rest of us but claim to be doing the opposite. You are the true definition of a liberal.

Not at all. I would not force one inbred bible thumping moron to get an abortion if they didn't want one. That would be forcing my view. I only support abortion for women who know damned well they aren't mother material.

Go, go write the check for PP so the genocide of the black race can continue.

Guy, black folks are going to be fine. The best thing that can happen is for them to be able to control their reproduction, so instead of five hungry kids who don't have the infrastructure to support them, we have only one or two who do. The best anti-poverty program in history was allowing women to control their own reproduction.
Well at least you are an equal opportunity lecturer. Lecturing why blacks should be happy with abortion used to reduce their off spring.

As I said, have an abortion. Send your money to the PP abortion mills. Matter of fact invest in companies that sell body parts. Just try, for a moment to stop lecturing the rest of us on how you think we should live. But then again you wouldn't be a liberal if you didn't.
With all those wealthy liberals running around telling us how to live, what to believe, why is it that they don't put their money where their mouth is and fund PP privately? Whats up with that? Are they afraid that it will kindle the truth behind the progressive movement and its lofty ties to eugenics?

At the same time they scream about global warming look at their homes, mode of travel, cars they drive, lifestyle, what a sterling example. Show us the money and commitment, walk the talk!
It would defeat their purpose if they didn't force someone else to pay for their depravity. How much fun it is for them to force people to do things they don't want to do is immeasurable.
The information in the latest report is particularly relevant as Congress considers a budget reconciliation bill to repeal Obamacare. The bill includes a provision that would disqualify Planned Parenthood affiliates from receiving Medicaid reimbursements for one year after enactment of the bill.

Okay, so who is going to provide those women's health services to poor communities, then?

We'll wait.

I suspect that PP is not the only organization that provides health services to women. Why don't you guys support them more instead of all this bitching about PP?
Are you a woman?

Why do you ask? You think males can't have a valid opinion and express it?

You know what really bugged me is Hobby Lobby not having to provide birth control in their insurance. That is against the lemon law. This country was not founded on Christianity, but separation of Church and State.

Why does it really bug you that Hobby Lobby does anything with their insurance? Do you work there? If not, it ain't your fuckin business?
Lemon law? What are you blithering on about? That has to do with cars.
Most of the men who worked to create our nation were Christians and there is a vein of religion and Christianity throughout the first documents of our nstion
Oh, now I do understand. You are a religious bigot so that entitles you to tell the rest of us how we should live. Quite hypocritical don't you think?

Abortion is not treatment, it is killing of the unborn. What medical book are you reading?

There's no such thing as 'the unborn". there are fetuses and sometimes they need to be removed. Like an ingrown toenail or a wart.

The thing is, we don't need some dumb ass, 400 lbs inbred bible thumper telling a doctor how to do his job.

Just like a doctor shouldn't be going in telling a 400 lbs inbred bible thumper how to wait for his disability check to arrive.

You are very stoopit
I realize that abortion today is American genocide against those of color, that fact should not be lost on those who discuss the topic.

Horseshit. It's white people who are thankfully shrinking as a percentage of the population. And frankly, when your side stops yanking school lunches out of the mouths of poor children of color to give tax breaks to billionaires, I'll take you seriously on your concern for kidney-bean sized fetuses.

Ridiculous hysteria
With all those wealthy liberals running around telling us how to live, what to believe, why is it that they don't put their money where their mouth is and fund PP privately? Whats up with that? Are they afraid that it will kindle the truth behind the progressive movement and its lofty ties to eugenics?

At the same time they scream about global warming look at their homes, mode of travel, cars they drive, lifestyle, what a sterling example. Show us the money and commitment, walk the talk!
It would defeat their purpose if they didn't force someone else to pay for their depravity. How much fun it is for them to force people to do things they don't want to do is immeasurable.
One would assume that not all that work for a place like Hobby Lobby would be in the same mindset as the owners..

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