Planned Parenthood and donations

What a liar you are, I didn't guilt them, women talk to each other, sometimes they need a shoulder to lean on, asshole. You can use all the excuses you want to make it ok to kill a human baby, but it doesn't change my mind. And, you are the only one that brought religion into it. You reap what you sow.

No, you see, you guys are the ones who brought religion into it after the Christian Right lost the argument on Segregation, and then needed something to keep Cleetus and Bubba upset about. then they came up with Abortion in the 1970's, which they had previously seen as "a catholic issue" that they didn't care about.

Fetuses aren't babies. They are the size of kidney bean when most abortions are performed and look like a cocktail shrimp. The problem with you clowns on the Crazy Religious Right is that you want to give the fetus more rights than the woman it is in.

As a practical matter, a woman who is pregnant who doesn't want to be pregnant will find a way to not be pregnant. It's why every country that has tried to ban abortion has failed miserably.
You reap what you sow, the end.
4 kids for me and a lot less hair...

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