Planned Parenthood caught trafficking in human body parts

Right ... So they can perform illegal abortions and make money selling spare baby parts for profit. The lefty agenda is well known.
They don't perform illegal abortions or sell any tissue for a profit. The entire video proves this. Stop being a lying piece of shit..
Yes that's why the investigation was launched. You haven't even watched the video. Only baby killing brokers are pretending it doesn't show what it shows.
I watched it and read the entire fucking transcript you sick, lying piece of shit. The only "investigation" is by right wing politicians placating assholes like you.

We have liftoff!!!!!!! Once again you get frustrated because you can't force your BS and go ballistic. You're too predictable, old man

You have been posting lies, insults, abuse and distortions this whole thread. You and KG have gone off your meds. You're positively frothing at the mouth with your hatred and lies.

I watched the video. It's crap. Again, heavily edited to make believe the doctor says something she never said. That's why it took them a year to release it. It took that long.

There are 100,000 children added to the rolls of children waiting for adoption every year, who will never find homes. You want to increase that number times 10.

You lie when you say you want to end abortion. You propose NOTHING to help women keep their babies.

In Canada, abortion is legal and free, but because we have paid maternity leave, free healthcare with no copayment, subsidized day care, family leave, and income supports for families with young children, our abortion rate is half that of the U.S.

But you won't support any of those things because, in truth you just want a target for your anger and hate and abortion gives you the excuse to come here with your nastiness and your hatred and insult people.

Campaign life your name's a lie. You don't care if women die.
But, they won the debate, right? They win by repeating the same lies over and over and over again. You can provide them with proof that they are lying and their response is to repeat the lie without offering anything in support. Theypost out of context quotes and outright falsified quotes from Sanger to claim she was a racist but when you provide quotes from the same writings that prove them wrong, they don't respond with anything other than their own unsupported claims. It really is kind of encouraging to see how utterly stupid folks who think like they do are. That is why they have so little success attracting many folks to their side of any debate.
No they didn't win the debate. They'll go away for a time and lick their wounds and come back with the same lies.

They aren't pro-life at all their goal is simply to vent their anger and their hatred at others. Abortion provides them with an excuse for their vile behaviour because how can support killing babies? It's only when they continuously reject any sort of help for poor families that they real agenda shines through.
No they didn't win the debate. They'll go away for a time and lick their wounds and come back with the same lies.

They aren't pro-life at all their goal is simply to vent their anger and their hatred at others. Abortion provides them with an excuse for their vile behaviour because how can support killing babies? It's only when they continuously reject any sort of help for poor families that they real agenda shines through.
I know. They cannot win a debate because they don't actually debate. They never bring proof or evidence to support what they say, mostly because it is impossible to prove a lie.
Gosnell is a god to them..or as joeb called him...a HERO.

funny, i don't remember calling him a "hero".

I do remember calling him a quack, a malpractricioner and a drug dealer- all crimes he clearly committed.

I even think he killed Mrs. Mognar, a 43 year old Nepalese immigrant who could't get a safe abortion in her own state because anti-choice nuts like you made it too difficult.

However, I don't think you can call him a murderer when even the Judge and Jury was reluctant to go that far. (They threw out all but three of the charges). Especially after the state gave a pass to his employees and patients who were all co-conspirators.

So they convicted him of Feticide, and then copped a sentencing deal to keep him from appealing their questionable reasoning to anyone who can actually read a law book.
Gosnell is a god to them..or as joeb called him...a HERO.

funny, i don't remember calling him a "hero".

I do remember calling him a quack, a malpractricioner and a drug dealer- all crimes he clearly committed.

I even think he killed Mrs. Mognar, a 43 year old Nepalese immigrant who could't get a safe abortion in her own state because anti-choice nuts like you made it too difficult.

However, I don't think you can call him a murderer when even the Judge and Jury was reluctant to go that far. (They threw out all but three of the charges). Especially after the state gave a pass to his employees and patients who were all co-conspirators.

So they convicted him of Feticide, and then copped a sentencing deal to keep him from appealing their questionable reasoning to anyone who can actually read a law book.

The hell you can't call him a murderer, he was convicted of three counts of first degree murder
Lefties dont want children adopted. They want them aborted.
Lying POS. They want you to mind your own fucking business and stay out of their decisions.
Right ... So they can perform illegal abortions and make money selling spare baby parts for profit. The lefty agenda is well known.
They don't perform illegal abortions or sell any tissue for a profit. The entire video proves this. Stop being a lying piece of shit..

That's what you nitwits said about Kermit Gosnell too. It's not like you are in the habit of telling the truth. So forgive me if I laugh at you.
No one said that about Gosnell.
Yes they did. Now who's lying...
Right ... So they can perform illegal abortions and make money selling spare baby parts for profit. The lefty agenda is well known.
They don't perform illegal abortions or sell any tissue for a profit. The entire video proves this. Stop being a lying piece of shit..
Yes that's why the investigation was launched. You haven't even watched the video. Only baby killing brokers are pretending it doesn't show what it shows.
I watched it and read the entire fucking transcript you sick, lying piece of shit. The only "investigation" is by right wing politicians placating assholes like you.

We have liftoff!!!!!!! Once again you get frustrated because you can't force your BS and go ballistic. You're too predictable, old man

You have been posting lies, insults, abuse and distortions this whole thread. You and KG have gone off your meds. You're positively frothing at the mouth with your hatred and lies.

I watched the video. It's crap. Again, heavily edited to make believe the doctor says something she never said. That's why it took them a year to release it. It took that long.

There are 100,000 children added to the rolls of children waiting for adoption every year, who will never find homes. You want to increase that number times 10.

You lie when you say you want to end abortion. You propose NOTHING to help women keep their babies.

In Canada, abortion is legal and free, but because we have paid maternity leave, free healthcare with no copayment, subsidized day care, family leave, and income supports for families with young children, our abortion rate is half that of the U.S.

But you won't support any of those things because, in truth you just want a target for your anger and hate and abortion gives you the excuse to come here with your nastiness and your hatred and insult people.

Campaign life your name's a lie. You don't care if women die.
Says the person who approves of coerced uterus scraping.
The hell you can't call him a murderer, he was convicted of three counts of first degree murder

one of which, he wasn't even in the building when it occurred. He gave instructions to a nurse at the clinic over the phone. That nurse was NOT charged with murder, he was. Neither was the woman who came in for the abortion.

Why weren't the women charged as co-conspirators? Why did the staff members get sweetheart deals for their testimony?

And if there case was so iron clad, why didn't they push right through to the penalty phase instead of copping a sentencing agreement that was contingent on him never appealing his case to someone who can actually read a law book?

To give you an equivlent, it would be like if I prosecuted Nancy Lanza's gun dealer for the 26 Sandy Hook murders. NO real evidence of a law broken, but just showing autopsy photos and appealing to emotion.

Law shouldn't work that way.

THere were laws he clearly broke. Killing fetuses wasn't one of them.
So I have to ask all the anti-Choice nuts.

What sentences will you give the women who get abortions? Because it seems to me that PP or Gosnell or Nucatella wouldn't have any customers if women weren't walking into their clinics with their own two legs to get them.
They would claim it's being taken out of context and try and convince you they are saving the child from a future of mean old republicans

No, we would just point out that if a woman doesn't want to be pregnant, she will find a way to not be pregnant.

Even when abortion was illegal, women were never prosecuted for having them.
The hell you can't call him a murderer, he was convicted of three counts of first degree murder

one of which, he wasn't even in the building when it occurred. He gave instructions to a nurse at the clinic over the phone. That nurse was NOT charged with murder, he was. Neither was the woman who came in for the abortion.

Why weren't the women charged as co-conspirators? Why did the staff members get sweetheart deals for their testimony?

And if there case was so iron clad, why didn't they push right through to the penalty phase instead of copping a sentencing agreement that was contingent on him never appealing his case to someone who can actually read a law book?

To give you an equivlent, it would be like if I prosecuted Nancy Lanza's gun dealer for the 26 Sandy Hook murders. NO real evidence of a law broken, but just showing autopsy photos and appealing to emotion.

Law shouldn't work that way.

THere were laws he clearly broke. Killing fetuses wasn't one of them.

You're one sick asshole.....and yes Gosnell was a murderer. All your blather doesn't change that
You're one sick asshole.....and yes Gosnell was a murderer. All your blather doesn't change that

No, what is sick is you guys wanting to get into other people's hoo-has because you don't have any action going on in your own.

Gosnell was a murderer. He killed a 43 year old Nepalese woman who couldn't get an abortion in her home state because anti-choice nutters made it too difficult.

Terminating non-viable fetuses, however, isn't something he was guilty of.
You're one sick asshole.....and yes Gosnell was a murderer. All your blather doesn't change that

No, what is sick is you guys wanting to get into other people's hoo-has because you don't have any action going on in your own.

Gosnell was a murderer. He killed a 43 year old Nepalese woman who couldn't get an abortion in her home state because anti-choice nutters made it too difficult.

Terminating non-viable fetuses, however, isn't something he was guilty of.

GFY, just go GFY. I'm done dealing with your spin and deflection. You get caught lying and play it off. Weak
Joeb maintains gosnell is a hero. Wait till he gets rolling and lets his hatred for the women he butchered shine through. And that is ultimately what abortion is all about...the state sanctioned abuse and murder of women. The dead babies are just the profitable frosting on the cake to these sick, abusive psychopaths. Yes that includes the women who get their jollies thinking of other women on the tables too.
Joeb maintains gosnell is a hero. Wait till he gets rolling and lets his hatred for the women he butchered shine through. And that is ultimately what abortion is all about...the state sanctioned abuse and murder of women. The dead babies are just the profitable frosting on the cake to these sick, abusive psychopaths. Yes that includes the women who get their jollies thinking of other women on the tables too.

I'm done dealing with his dumb ass. He's just a typical left loon. Worthless.
Joeb maintains gosnell is a hero. Wait till he gets rolling and lets his hatred for the women he butchered shine through. And that is ultimately what abortion is all about...the state sanctioned abuse and murder of women. The dead babies are just the profitable frosting on the cake to these sick, abusive psychopaths. Yes that includes the women who get their jollies thinking of other women on the tables too.

I'm done dealing with his dumb ass. He's just a typical left loon. Worthless.
I imagine he and dragonlady have a vibrant pm sex life full of colorful descriptions of pregnant women in stirrups and men with masks and forceps.

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