Planned Parenthood caught trafficking in human body parts

Abortion is a big money making industry. They must protect their investments.
Oh you mean like the woman in Gosnell's clinic that changed their mind and were strapped down, drugged and given abortions anyway... Then sent home with life threatening infections?

Okay, was it a "woman" or was it a "their"..

Because Gosnell was never charged with that.

Now Gosnell was a horrible doctor. I wouldn't even call him a "Doctor". But when you have one standard of care for people of means and one for poor people, things like him are going to happen.

The woman came forward and told her story along with many others who were sent home with baby parts still inside them. Of which you know since it was widely reported... Even in articles on the Libby mothership Huffington post.

He's making excuses for Gosnell....the murderer

He likes to be controversial to get a reaction. He knows Gosnell is a murderer. :)
Prosecute to the fullest extent of the law, this is as bad as it can get

Video catches Planned Parenthood selling baby body parts from illegal partial-birth abortions

An undercover video released this morning shows a national leader of Planned Parenthood admitting that the abortion provider uses the illegal partial birth abortion procedure to sell intact fetal body parts.

The average asking price for fetal body parts? Between $30 and $100 per specimen.

Dr. Deborah Nucatola has been senior director of medical services at Planned Parenthood since February 2009, where she oversees medical practices at all Planned Parenthood affiliates nationwide. She has been employed by Planned Parenthood for more than a decade. She also performs abortions up to 24 weeks in Los Angeles.

In the video, she met with investigators posing as buyers from a human biologic company on July 25, 2014.

While casually sipping wine and eating salad, Dr. Nucatola revealed that she charges $30 to $100 per specimen, and that fetal livers are especially in demand – although “a lot of people want intact hearts these days,” and she has had requests for lungs and “lower extremities.”

Planned Parenthood affiliates “absolutely” want to offer such organs, she said.

Nucatola admitted that Planned Parenthood's abortionists take great care not to appear to be profiteering off fetal body parts. She said, “They just want to do it in a way that is not perceived as, 'The clinic is selling tissue. This clinic is making money off of this.'”

The issue is not merely PR – there is also the little matter of federal law. Trafficking in human body parts is a federal felony punishable by up to 10 years in prison and a fine of $500,000.

BREAKING Undercover video catches Planned Parenthood selling baby body parts from illegal partial-birth abortions News LifeSite

Breaking news? Chris Wallace's interview was from 2000. Here is an article this from 1987. Medical Use of Fetal Tissues Spurs New Abortion Debate -

Great scoop there on a story that broke 28 years ago. How many lives have been saved because of the research done on this tissue?

And, no, it is not a crime to use this tissue in research.

Yes it is, it's a felony, along with preforming a partial birth abortion which was done to obtain some of these "fetal tissue" samples. I'm sorry but I thought "tissue" was only tissue when it wasn't a part of a fully formed organ, or you were referring to a specific part of an organ. But they were harvesting organs from nothing but "fetal tissue." How can that be possible?? I'm so confused because it's just fetal tissue until the third trimester, so how were they able to get functioning organs? The third trimester is a long standing standard of human development since the dawn of humanity. When the magic happens and presto, you become human. I might be a little fuzzy on the long history of the third trimester so someone please correct me if I'm wrong. The gods of moloch and Baal are alive and stronger than ever
This isn't about abortion ya fucking's about the savagery connected to the procedure....a living human child ripped from it's sanctuary, murdered, and then sold for parts. Your ilk's defense of the witch in the video is yelling at those horrified by her blase blase demeanor.....She should lose her license to practice...the oath she took said very clearly "do no harm"....

Again, abortion is legal in this country, so not so much.

fetuses aren't children.

The women consented to the abortions and the donations of tissue.

If you guys wanted there to be less abortions, you'd support liberal european socialism... but you don't.
Oh you mean like the woman in Gosnell's clinic that changed their mind and were strapped down, drugged and given abortions anyway... Then sent home with life threatening infections?

Okay, was it a "woman" or was it a "their"..

Because Gosnell was never charged with that.

Now Gosnell was a horrible doctor. I wouldn't even call him a "Doctor". But when you have one standard of care for people of means and one for poor people, things like him are going to happen.

The woman came forward and told her story along with many others who were sent home with baby parts still inside them. Of which you know since it was widely reported... Even in articles on the Libby mothership Huffington post.

He's making excuses for Gosnell....the murderer

He likes to be controversial to get a reaction. He knows Gosnell is a murderer. :)

Everybody in the free world knows Gosnell is a murderer
Joeb maintains gosnell is a hero. Wait till he gets rolling and lets his hatred for the women he butchered shine through. And that is ultimately what abortion is all about...the state sanctioned abuse and murder of women. The dead babies are just the profitable frosting on the cake to these sick, abusive psychopaths. Yes that includes the women who get their jollies thinking of other women on the tables too.

Where do you come up with the shit you spew? Generally your posts are a reflection of who YOU are? You're the one who hates women and you're projecting your hatred on to others.

I post about helping women so they don't have to make a decision to terminate s pregnancy. Real help that lasts throughout their lifetime as a parent.

You assume women who have abortions are being coerced into making that decision. I know a few women who have had abortions. All of them were adults who made a difficult choice all by themselves. They were not abused or coerced. In many cases, the father of the child knew nothing about their pregnancy.

I'm waiting for you to just once talk about children, and their needs. Living breathing children living in poverty. I'm waiting for you to talk about helping poor families - not charity work, but community supports for families.

I'm waiting for you to say something of substance that isn't about your own rage and hatred. I suspect I'll have a long wait for that to happen because other than your hate and anger, you have nothing to contribute.
Joeb maintains gosnell is a hero. Wait till he gets rolling and lets his hatred for the women he butchered shine through. And that is ultimately what abortion is all about...the state sanctioned abuse and murder of women. The dead babies are just the profitable frosting on the cake to these sick, abusive psychopaths. Yes that includes the women who get their jollies thinking of other women on the tables too.

Where do you come up with the shit you spew? Generally your posts are a reflection of who YOU are? You're the one who hates women and you're projecting your hatred on to others.

I post about helping women so they don't have to make a decision to terminate s pregnancy. Real help that lasts throughout their lifetime as a parent.

You assume women who have abortions are being coerced into making that decision. I know a few women who have had abortions. All of them were adults who made a difficult choice all by themselves. They were not abused or coerced. In many cases, the father of the child knew nothing about their pregnancy.

I'm waiting for you to just once talk about children, and their needs. Living breathing children living in poverty. I'm waiting for you to talk about helping poor families - not charity work, but community supports for families.

I'm waiting for you to say something of substance that isn't about your own rage and hatred. I suspect I'll have a long wait for that to happen because other than your hate and anger, you have nothing to contribute.
This is a thread about killing babies for profit and the abuse of pregnant women...which you defend.
George Tiller made a fortune murdering babies....then he got aborted. :thup:

Joeb maintains gosnell is a hero. Wait till he gets rolling and lets his hatred for the women he butchered shine through. And that is ultimately what abortion is all about...the state sanctioned abuse and murder of women. The dead babies are just the profitable frosting on the cake to these sick, abusive psychopaths. Yes that includes the women who get their jollies thinking of other women on the tables too.

Where do you come up with the shit you spew? Generally your posts are a reflection of who YOU are? You're the one who hates women and you're projecting your hatred on to others.

I post about helping women so they don't have to make a decision to terminate s pregnancy. Real help that lasts throughout their lifetime as a parent.

You assume women who have abortions are being coerced into making that decision. I know a few women who have had abortions. All of them were adults who made a difficult choice all by themselves. They were not abused or coerced. In many cases, the father of the child knew nothing about their pregnancy.

I'm waiting for you to just once talk about children, and their needs. Living breathing children living in poverty. I'm waiting for you to talk about helping poor families - not charity work, but community supports for families.

I'm waiting for you to say something of substance that isn't about your own rage and hatred. I suspect I'll have a long wait for that to happen because other than your hate and anger, you have nothing to contribute.
This is a thread about killing babies for profit and the abuse of pregnant women...which you defend.

Now, now, you've destroyed the usual talking point rebuttal
Joeb maintains gosnell is a hero. Wait till he gets rolling and lets his hatred for the women he butchered shine through. And that is ultimately what abortion is all about...the state sanctioned abuse and murder of women. The dead babies are just the profitable frosting on the cake to these sick, abusive psychopaths. Yes that includes the women who get their jollies thinking of other women on the tables too.

Where do you come up with the shit you spew? Generally your posts are a reflection of who YOU are? You're the one who hates women and you're projecting your hatred on to others.

I post about helping women so they don't have to make a decision to terminate s pregnancy. Real help that lasts throughout their lifetime as a parent.

You assume women who have abortions are being coerced into making that decision. I know a few women who have had abortions. All of them were adults who made a difficult choice all by themselves. They were not abused or coerced. In many cases, the father of the child knew nothing about their pregnancy.

I'm waiting for you to just once talk about children, and their needs. Living breathing children living in poverty. I'm waiting for you to talk about helping poor families - not charity work, but community supports for families.

I'm waiting for you to say something of substance that isn't about your own rage and hatred. I suspect I'll have a long wait for that to happen because other than your hate and anger, you have nothing to contribute.
This is a thread about killing babies for profit and the abuse of pregnant women...which you defend.
Where's the profit?
There is nothing surprising about a deceivingly edited scare video by social conservatives. The technique has been used countless times. In fact, one of the gents associated with the baby-parts fake was similarly involved with the infamous "pimp" ACORN video a few years back. As a group, the social conservatives are low-education and get their information exclusively from TV. Video is the closest they come to peer-reviewed scholarly journals.
There is nothing surprising about a deceivingly edited scare video by social conservatives. The technique has been used countless times. In fact, one of the gents associated with the baby-parts fake was similarly involved with the infamous "pimp" ACORN video a few years back. As a group, the social conservatives are low-education and get their information exclusively from TV. Video is the closest they come to peer-reviewed scholarly journals.

Except the entire video is online. Next time check before you post an epic fail

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