Planned Parenthood caught trafficking in human body parts

This isn't about abortion ya fucking's about the savagery connected to the procedure....a living human child ripped from it's sanctuary, murdered, and then sold for parts. Your ilk's defense of the witch in the video is yelling at those horrified by her blase blase demeanor.....She should lose her license to practice...the oath she took said very clearly "do no harm"....

Again, abortion is legal in this country, so not so much.

fetuses aren't children.

The women consented to the abortions and the donations of tissue.

If you guys wanted there to be less abortions, you'd support liberal european socialism... but you don't.

Fetuses are children if the woman carrying t says it is in liberal la la land
Abortion is a big money making industry. They must protect their investments.

You do realize that doctors make more money when women go through with a pregnancy and delivery, don't you? A lot more money.
Yea but it's a niche market. Regular Coke is the biggest seller so why make diet coke?
Most abortionists can't work as doctors outside of abortion clinics. They're charlatans, quacks and sickos...and they have already been identified as such by the real medical community.
Abortion is a big money making industry. They must protect their investments.

You do realize that doctors make more money when women go through with a pregnancy and delivery, don't you? A lot more money.
Yea but it's a niche market. Regular Coke is the biggest seller so why make diet coke?
Most abortionists can't work as doctors outside of abortion clinics. They're charlatans, quacks and sickos...and they have already been identified as such by the real medical community.

See Gosnell 's clinic where non medically trained staff performed abortions. Wonder if dragon lady would hop on that table willingly knowing that?
Abortion is a big money making industry. They must protect their investments.

You do realize that doctors make more money when women go through with a pregnancy and delivery, don't you? A lot more money.
Yea but it's a niche market. Regular Coke is the biggest seller so why make diet coke?
Most abortionists can't work as doctors outside of abortion clinics. They're charlatans, quacks and sickos...and they have already been identified as such by the real medical community.

See Gosnell 's clinic where non medically trained staff performed abortions. Wonder if dragon lady would hop on that table willingly knowing that?
And in the video the pp doktor talks about how some won't do the illegal change of procedure to accommodate harvest, but there are others she 'trains'. The ones she trains either don't know our laws or aren't doctors.
Hey Joe... Let's test this theory. Would you get a vasectomy from an un licensed staff member at a clinic that was hired to mop floors?
Abortion is a big money making industry. They must protect their investments.

You do realize that doctors make more money when women go through with a pregnancy and delivery, don't you? A lot more money.
Yea but it's a niche market. Regular Coke is the biggest seller so why make diet coke?
Most abortionists can't work as doctors outside of abortion clinics. They're charlatans, quacks and sickos...and they have already been identified as such by the real medical community.

See Gosnell 's clinic where non medically trained staff performed abortions. Wonder if dragon lady would hop on that table willingly knowing that?
And in the video the pp doktor talks about how some won't do the illegal change of procedure to accommodate harvest, but there are others she 'trains'. The ones she trains either don't know our laws or aren't doctors.

Did she really say that or did the editors cut the footage to make it appear that she said it? You don't know what she really said at all.

As for Dr. Gosnell, why wasn't his clinic shut down for unsafe conditions? Perhaps if abortion providers weren't threatened, ostracized and shot by right wing zealots, women could go to any hospital and have safe abortions.

The more you haters fight against providing safe abortions for those who seek them, the worse conditions become and the more women will die. I know you won't stop until women who seek abortions are dying on a regular basis.

You still haven't answered the question: what will you do to provide financial supports to poor families? Paid maternity leave with a guaranteed job waiting on you return? Subsidized day care? Income support?

Where are your programs to help young families?

All you talk about is the evils of abortion. You need to talk about children and families and helping people so that they have other choices.
Gosnell was reported repeatedly. He wasn't shut down....and PP continued to send women to him.
The organ selling video is posted, in it's entirety. The doktor said what she said...even her boss doesn't deny it. Now get out of here you disgusting predatory acolyte, you're making everybody sick.
Lying POS. They want you to mind your own fucking business and stay out of their decisions.
Right ... So they can perform illegal abortions and make money selling spare baby parts for profit. The lefty agenda is well known.
They don't perform illegal abortions or sell any tissue for a profit. The entire video proves this. Stop being a lying piece of shit..

That's what you nitwits said about Kermit Gosnell too. It's not like you are in the habit of telling the truth. So forgive me if I laugh at you.
No one said that about Gosnell.
Yes they did. Now who's lying...
Find one quote from one person calling that monster a hero or shut the fuck up, kosher girl.
You do realize that doctors make more money when women go through with a pregnancy and delivery, don't you? A lot more money.
Yea but it's a niche market. Regular Coke is the biggest seller so why make diet coke?
Most abortionists can't work as doctors outside of abortion clinics. They're charlatans, quacks and sickos...and they have already been identified as such by the real medical community.

See Gosnell 's clinic where non medically trained staff performed abortions. Wonder if dragon lady would hop on that table willingly knowing that?
And in the video the pp doktor talks about how some won't do the illegal change of procedure to accommodate harvest, but there are others she 'trains'. The ones she trains either don't know our laws or aren't doctors.

Did she really say that or did the editors cut the footage to make it appear that she said it? You don't know what she really said at all.

As for Dr. Gosnell, why wasn't his clinic shut down for unsafe conditions? Perhaps if abortion providers weren't threatened, ostracized and shot by right wing zealots, women could go to any hospital and have safe abortions.

The more you haters fight against providing safe abortions for those who seek them, the worse conditions become and the more women will die. I know you won't stop until women who seek abortions are dying on a regular basis.

You still haven't answered the question: what will you do to provide financial supports to poor families? Paid maternity leave with a guaranteed job waiting on you return? Subsidized day care? Income support?

Where are your programs to help young families?

All you talk about is the evils of abortion. You need to talk about children and families and helping people so that they have other choices.
There are thousands of programs, government and private to support poor families. The average family on welfare is receiving 60,000 a year in benefits (housing, food stamps, ebt cards, etc.) Not to mention you can make a pretty penny giving your baby up for adoption to families who have to go to other countries to adopt, and spend even more. They would be glad to adopt for 50,000 as opposed to 80 to 100,000 from other countries. And just because orange is the new black has a character shooting an abortion nurse doesn't mean it's happening left and right. Be reasonable. The fact is we don't have an established definition on life in the womb and are not allowed to have that debate. Abortion is something done for convenience of the "greater good" of society bc we can't afford these babies, just like nazi Germany couldn't afford to care for the mentally challenged of the society. A lot like ancient peoples sacrificing their newborns to Baal in order to receive prosperity in life, too bad they didn't have abortion back then. This is not a new issue for humanity, the thought of killing off the weak, unwanted and unworthy stems from the thinking that our resources are limited so we need to off more people and that way I'll receive more of whatever resource I want. Those who love Margaret Sanger should read up on what she said about black people, and her love letters to hitler. I'm not sure why we are tearing down monuments of confederate generals and not monuments to her. I'd rather be a slave than exterminated, extermination is a whole different level of racism
Right ... So they can perform illegal abortions and make money selling spare baby parts for profit. The lefty agenda is well known.
They don't perform illegal abortions or sell any tissue for a profit. The entire video proves this. Stop being a lying piece of shit..

That's what you nitwits said about Kermit Gosnell too. It's not like you are in the habit of telling the truth. So forgive me if I laugh at you.
No one said that about Gosnell.
Yes they did. Now who's lying...
Find one quote from one person calling that monster a hero or shut the fuck up, kosher girl.
I'll defend gosnell. He made a point in his trial, and I'm paraphrasing his statement, but what's the difference between terminating a fetus on the outside of the womb, as opposed to inside of the womb? End result is still the same, and it's a fetus. What was the point of leaving the head in the vagina in a partial birth abortion, why not pull it completely out and take care of your business there? Less chance for injury for the mother (guess you can't use the word mother, so carrier) less chance of injury for the carrier
I repeat, GFY. Now what are you going to do it about it old man, pester me to death? Get lost, loon

Naw, I'm enjoying the space in your head I occupy Rent Free. I'm just not going to let you get away with saying stupid things...

Just because you use your personality as birth control, doesn't mean you should limit other people's options.
Such a nice Christian lady you are. A beautiful cross on your avatar and a ton of fucks in your posts.
I repeat, GFY. Now what are you going to do it about it old man, pester me to death? Get lost, loon

Naw, I'm enjoying the space in your head I occupy Rent Free. I'm just not going to let you get away with saying stupid things...

Just because you use your personality as birth control, doesn't mean you should limit other people's options.
Such a nice Christian lady you are. A beautiful cross on your avatar and a ton of fucks in your posts.

Says the most foul mouthed POS on this forum. Post fail
I repeat, GFY. Now what are you going to do it about it old man, pester me to death? Get lost, loon

Naw, I'm enjoying the space in your head I occupy Rent Free. I'm just not going to let you get away with saying stupid things...

Just because you use your personality as birth control, doesn't mean you should limit other people's options.
Such a nice Christian lady you are. A beautiful cross on your avatar and a ton of fucks in your posts.

Says the most foul mouthed POS on this forum. Post fail
So, you missed the part where you are a hypocrite?

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