Planned Parenthood caught trafficking in human body parts

For all the pro-life folks watch this video and tell me when that starts becoming ok

Warning-Graphic A Partial Birth Abortion Filmed MRCTV

If you still have the ability to dehumanize that, then I don't know what to say

Later term or partial birth is done of medical reason not for choice.

What people don't seem to realize is abortions after 21 weeks account for only 1.2% of abortions, and are strictly regulated by all states. Third trimester abortions are done if the mother's life or health are endangered or occassionaly severe fetal deformaties that couldn't be caught earlier such as anacephaly. People deliberately try to associate that with abortions in general.

12% too high.


and that 1.2% is done for medically necessary reasons.

High risk to the mother or genetic testing that determines the fetus would not live or live only briefly and be suffering what little time it might have........... not all genetic testing is early. Ultra sound might also show the fetus with no brain or the brain growing outside of the body. Defects cannot be prescreened.

later term termination is not a matter of choice but a medical decision and should be of no ones business except the woman and her doctor.
Again, no proof, just spouting, listen Joeyboy, no offense but anything you post I consider a huge lie. It is your fault for all the lies you have spewed over the last few years.

You're the one who got the stat wrong.

I consider anything you post to "not be worth my time" unless I am humilating you.

Try to educate yourself, stupid.

The Truth Behind Late-Term Abortions Everyday Feminism

It figures you read Everyday Feminism....I bet you comment wearing chiffon

Are you trying to be an @ss?

Women can't read medical or issue sites that deal with male topics? Why shouldn't a man read about female issues? If nothing else it is educational and helps to understand? A simple search brings all types of sites so why should one be verboten for men to reference?

Chiffon???? you should change you screen name to silly after that comment. Go take a walk around the block and get some oxygen. You have a brain, use it to think before posting.

People need to stop thinking if abortion or termination as a substitute for birth control. I doubt any women makes a decision lightly, but they do what is best option for them. As for later term termination it is not because they don't want a child but because it is life safety issue or to prevent the child suffering and only surviving a short time.

The reason the fetus is take out in pieces during later term is because it is too large to be removed whole. Any reflex of the fetus is from the brain stem and not because it is alive or feels anything from the procedure. It is like frog legs twitching while sitting on a plate after being removed from the rest of the body. It is a residual electrical response. Our bodies react after we are dead, even after brain death family can't accept because the body muscles twitch and they misinterpret that with willing response to the sound of their voice or a touch of their hand.

The release of electrical energy stored up in the muscles and brain is not living and trying to keep someone artificially alive in that that state is any but quality of live and only prolongs the pain for the loved one rather than allow them to mourn.

No women would opt to not prevent a pregnancy in favor or abortion. When a woman has to make that choice it is because it is what is best after weighing the options for her.

You want to save unwanted children? Go adopt a few and care for them. No women should unwillingly be made to carry and give birth. Adoption is not an easy choice either.
Again, no proof, just spouting, listen Joeyboy, no offense but anything you post I consider a huge lie. It is your fault for all the lies you have spewed over the last few years.

You're the one who got the stat wrong.

I consider anything you post to "not be worth my time" unless I am humilating you.

Try to educate yourself, stupid.

The Truth Behind Late-Term Abortions Everyday Feminism

It figures you read Everyday Feminism....I bet you comment wearing chiffon

Are you trying to be an @ss?

Women can't read medical or issue sites that deal with male topics? Why shouldn't a man read about female issues? If nothing else it is educational and helps to understand? A simple search brings all types of sites so why should one be verboten for men to reference?

Chiffon???? you should change you screen name to silly after that comment. Go take a walk around the block and get some oxygen. You have a brain, use it to think before posting.

People need to stop thinking if abortion or termination as a substitute for birth control. I doubt any women makes a decision lightly, but they do what is best option for them. As for later term termination it is not because they don't want a child but because it is life safety issue or to prevent the child suffering and only surviving a short time.

The reason the fetus is take out in pieces during later term is because it is too large to be removed whole. Any reflex of the fetus is from the brain stem and not because it is alive or feels anything from the procedure. It is like frog legs twitching while sitting on a plate after being removed from the rest of the body. It is a residual electrical response. Our bodies react after we are dead, even after brain death family can't accept because the body muscles twitch and they misinterpret that with willing response to the sound of their voice or a touch of their hand.

The release of electrical energy stored up in the muscles and brain is not living and trying to keep someone artificially alive in that that state is any but quality of live and only prolongs the pain for the loved one rather than allow them to mourn.

No women would opt to not prevent a pregnancy in favor or abortion. When a woman has to make that choice it is because it is what is best after weighing the options for her.

You want to save unwanted children? Go adopt a few and care for them. No women should unwillingly be made to carry and give birth. Adoption is not an easy choice either.

GFY doofus...oh and we have two adopted children. Ball is in your court
Planned Parenthood has been outed an an inhuman money driven torture group. They deserve to be utterly destroyed to the point where such groups cannot even be contemplated.

yep and no amount of name calling, screaming the tapes are edited, bla bla bla is going to erase that image. I just want our tax dollars defunded from them. they can go beg for money on a street corner. Hold a sign that says: need money so we can chop up aborted babies for body parts

If you don't want an abortion, don't have one. You should to take that right away from a woman. Her body is her own.
Planned Parenthood has been outed an an inhuman money driven torture group. They deserve to be utterly destroyed to the point where such groups cannot even be contemplated.

yep and no amount of name calling, screaming the tapes are edited, bla bla bla is going to erase that image. I just want our tax dollars defunded from them. they can go beg for money on a street corner. Hold a sign that says: need money so we can chop up aborted babies for body parts

If you don't want an abortion, don't have one. You should to take that right away from a woman. Her body is her own.

If you don't want a gun....blah blah blah
later term termination is not a matter of choice but a medical decision and should be of no ones business except the woman and her doctor.

No one is arguing about clearly defined medical necessity... and the pretense that such is the case is ABSURD.


Planned Parenthood is the ACORN of 'Medical Service Providers'. It is a scam which caters to children and fools. It is a purveyor of only: Deceit, FRAUD and DEATH.

Decent people do not allow this... and Planned Parenthood needs to be destroyed. Entirely... with its board charged with every possible violation of the law relevant to their crimes. Upon conviction, the worst of them should be executed, the balance imprisoned for the rest of their natural lives.
Last edited:
Planned Parenthood has been outed an an inhuman money driven torture group. They deserve to be utterly destroyed to the point where such groups cannot even be contemplated.

yep and no amount of name calling, screaming the tapes are edited, bla bla bla is going to erase that image. I just want our tax dollars defunded from them. they can go beg for money on a street corner. Hold a sign that says: need money so we can chop up aborted babies for body parts

If you don't want an abortion, don't have one. You should to take that right away from a woman. Her body is her own.

There is NO POTENTIAL, for a right, wherein the exercise of such, directly causes another to be unable to exercise their own rights.

Thus there is NO POTENTIAL for a RIGHT to murder your own pre-born child.

Now... that said, where the pre-born baby is in medical FACT: NOT VIABLE... and its existence in the mothers womb, is a direct MEDICAL threat to the mother's life, beyond the intrinsic risks of gestation, then... just like any other circumstance wherein there represents a threat to an INNOCENT... one is morally justified to destroy that threat.

But where one INTENTIONALLY ENGAGED IN SEXUAL INTERCOURSE and THAT Act results in conception... ONE IS MOST DECIDEDLY NOT: "INNOCENT". Thus one cannot reasonably claim that the existence of the baby one conceived, represents a threat, in and of itself... which is the addled reasoning being used by the degenerates at issue.
Again, no proof, just spouting, listen Joeyboy, no offense but anything you post I consider a huge lie. It is your fault for all the lies you have spewed over the last few years.

You're the one who got the stat wrong.

I consider anything you post to "not be worth my time" unless I am humilating you.

Try to educate yourself, stupid.

The Truth Behind Late-Term Abortions Everyday Feminism

It figures you read Everyday Feminism....I bet you comment wearing chiffon

Are you trying to be an @ss?

Women can't read medical or issue sites that deal with male topics? Why shouldn't a man read about female issues? If nothing else it is educational and helps to understand? A simple search brings all types of sites so why should one be verboten for men to reference?

Chiffon???? you should change you screen name to silly after that comment. Go take a walk around the block and get some oxygen. You have a brain, use it to think before posting.

People need to stop thinking if abortion or termination as a substitute for birth control. I doubt any women makes a decision lightly, but they do what is best option for them. As for later term termination it is not because they don't want a child but because it is life safety issue or to prevent the child suffering and only surviving a short time.

The reason the fetus is take out in pieces during later term is because it is too large to be removed whole. Any reflex of the fetus is from the brain stem and not because it is alive or feels anything from the procedure. It is like frog legs twitching while sitting on a plate after being removed from the rest of the body. It is a residual electrical response. Our bodies react after we are dead, even after brain death family can't accept because the body muscles twitch and they misinterpret that with willing response to the sound of their voice or a touch of their hand.

The release of electrical energy stored up in the muscles and brain is not living and trying to keep someone artificially alive in that that state is any but quality of live and only prolongs the pain for the loved one rather than allow them to mourn.

No women would opt to not prevent a pregnancy in favor or abortion. When a woman has to make that choice it is because it is what is best after weighing the options for her.

You want to save unwanted children? Go adopt a few and care for them. No women should unwillingly be made to carry and give birth. Adoption is not an easy choice either.

GFY doofus...oh and we have two adopted children. Ball is in your court

We took care of several children, teens, at least on a temporary basis along with our own children. It gave them a chance before being thrown into the foster care system and become the responsibility of the state.

My court, was over my life time, was quiet full thank you. I've cared for the injured, the abused, disabled and dying. If there is a score card after death, I doubt adoption would have changed anything. I'm not about to take on another child at this point in my life.

Let those that want to dictate what a woman does to her body, take on caring for the living before they get involved in those not yet alive. How about caring of women that are pregnant and making sure they not only eat, get medical care but stay off drugs and alcohol so they actually give birth to a healthy child that will not cost the system millions to care for.

Telling a women she can't have an abortion does not mean she will care for the fetus over the course of the pregnancy. Healthy children have a better chance of being adopted than one with drug addiction or birth defects. Unwanted children have a higher rate of being abused.
Again, no proof, just spouting, listen Joeyboy, no offense but anything you post I consider a huge lie. It is your fault for all the lies you have spewed over the last few years.

You're the one who got the stat wrong.

I consider anything you post to "not be worth my time" unless I am humilating you.

Try to educate yourself, stupid.

The Truth Behind Late-Term Abortions Everyday Feminism

It figures you read Everyday Feminism....I bet you comment wearing chiffon

Are you trying to be an @ss?

Women can't read medical or issue sites that deal with male topics? Why shouldn't a man read about female issues? If nothing else it is educational and helps to understand? A simple search brings all types of sites so why should one be verboten for men to reference?

Chiffon???? you should change you screen name to silly after that comment. Go take a walk around the block and get some oxygen. You have a brain, use it to think before posting.

People need to stop thinking if abortion or termination as a substitute for birth control. I doubt any women makes a decision lightly, but they do what is best option for them. As for later term termination it is not because they don't want a child but because it is life safety issue or to prevent the child suffering and only surviving a short time.

The reason the fetus is take out in pieces during later term is because it is too large to be removed whole. Any reflex of the fetus is from the brain stem and not because it is alive or feels anything from the procedure. It is like frog legs twitching while sitting on a plate after being removed from the rest of the body. It is a residual electrical response. Our bodies react after we are dead, even after brain death family can't accept because the body muscles twitch and they misinterpret that with willing response to the sound of their voice or a touch of their hand.

The release of electrical energy stored up in the muscles and brain is not living and trying to keep someone artificially alive in that that state is any but quality of live and only prolongs the pain for the loved one rather than allow them to mourn.

No women would opt to not prevent a pregnancy in favor or abortion. When a woman has to make that choice it is because it is what is best after weighing the options for her.

You want to save unwanted children? Go adopt a few and care for them. No women should unwillingly be made to carry and give birth. Adoption is not an easy choice either.

GFY doofus...oh and we have two adopted children. Ball is in your court

We took care of several children, teens, at least on a temporary basis along with our own children. It gave them a chance before being thrown into the foster care system and become the responsibility of the state.

My court, was over my life time, was quiet full thank you. I've cared for the injured, the abused, disabled and dying. If there is a score card after death, I doubt adoption would have changed anything. I'm not about to take on another child at this point in my life.

Let those that want to dictate what a woman does to her body, take on caring for the living before they get involved in those not yet alive. How about caring of women that are pregnant and making sure they not only eat, get medical care but stay off drugs and alcohol so they actually give birth to a healthy child that will not cost the system millions to care for.

Telling a women she can't have an abortion does not mean she will care for the fetus over the course of the pregnancy. Healthy children have a better chance of being adopted than one with drug addiction or birth defects. Unwanted children have a higher rate of being abused.

I suggest you don't go around telling me to adopt when it's obvious you're clueless.
Planned Parenthood has been outed an an inhuman money driven torture group. They deserve to be utterly destroyed to the point where such groups cannot even be contemplated.

yep and no amount of name calling, screaming the tapes are edited, bla bla bla is going to erase that image. I just want our tax dollars defunded from them. they can go beg for money on a street corner. Hold a sign that says: need money so we can chop up aborted babies for body parts

If you don't want an abortion, don't have one. You should to take that right away from a woman. Her body is her own.

There is NO POTENTIAL, for a right, wherein the exercise of such, directly causes another to be unable to exercise their own rights.

Thus there is NO POTENTIAL for a RIGHT to murder your own pre-born child.

Now... that said, where the pre-born baby is in medical FACT: NOT VIABLE... and its existence in the mothers womb, is a direct MEDICAL threat to the mother's life, beyond the intrinsic risks of gestation, then... just like any other circumstance wherein there represents a threat to an INNOCENT... one is morally justified to destroy that threat.

But where one INTENTIONALLY ENGAGED IN SEXUAL INTERCOURSE and THAT Act results in conception... ONE IS MOST DECIDEDLY NOT: "INNOCENT". Thus one cannot reasonably claim that the existence of the baby one conceived, represents a threat, in and of itself... which is the addled reasoning being used by the degenerates at issue.

Court ruled 7–2 that a right to privacy under the due process clause of the 14th Amendment extended to a woman's decision to have an abortion

You have not right to treat a women like a breeding slave. She has a right over her own body.
Correction: people don't like taxpayer money going to fund an abortion mill like Planned Parenthood.
Frankly, with Obama Care now, PP is absolutely redundant in the non abortive
services it renders.

So essentially, PP is getting half a billion tax dollars per year simply to abort human life and regardless of what the ethically challenged defenders of Planned Parenthood say, money sent to the snuff masters at
PP can't help but go towards abortion services because any tax money it
receives is fungible at it's core.

Actually, people are just fine with their tax money going to fund PP's non-abortion work.

Poll 63 percent oppose defunding Planned Parenthood TheHill

and the half billion it gets a year - less money than we spend on a fighter jet - goes to all sorts of services like cancer screenings, STD Treatment and things that are actually pretty good.

of course they do
You might not like it but PP did not commit a crime. It is not illegal to use tissue for research. They can charge a price for the expenses and did not 'profit' from the transfer of tissue.

Get rid of PP and every doctor and OB/GYN will have to take on the performance of education and abortions. It is a woman's right to choose under the law. Women are not slaves. I'd rather see personal doctors required to carry out abortions than a handful of distant clinics, I also think they should be covered in full by 'all' medical insurance.........and all tissue should be turned over to labs.

Of course..........all feminist bulldogs possess morality levels of a small soap dish. The level of selfish is astounding.

PP? Fine.....but not with taxpayer dollars to fund these morticians.

Lastly and most importantly..........keep the legs closed if you're a pseudo-human!!!:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

Taxpayers do not pay for abortions.

And, don't forget - keep your zipper zipped.

I've seen too many bodies turned inside out in war to be squeamish by an abortion. I've seen too many children starving or suffering to believe an unwanted infant should be brought into the world.

I've had three wonderful children and lost one early on. I also nearly bled to death during the delivery of my second live birth. My last I was on bed rest and suffering painful complications to this day.

Two separate times the ER told my daughter her second was dead and should be removed. They were wrong. He is autistic but a strong and active child.

Children are wonderful but there is no reason a women should be forced to have a child if she is not ready or does not want to. Pregnancy is a commitment in time, body and mind. Raising a child is a life time.

There are many people that want to be parents and some that would gladly adopt, but there are far too many out there in the world that will never survive to their teens and millions that have no home or parents and only a fraction of them will ever be adopted.

Too many living children die every day that could be saved and the high minded right in the US living in their pretty bubble want to force a woman to have her body deformed and give birth a child she does not want. Why aren't they each adopting 20 children, already born, instead?

Sadly girls/women are not taught about birth control and natural abortions. They are sometimes not even aware in the first couple of weeks that they are pregnant because they are not taught the signs.

There are a million reason a woman might not want to carry, or told she should not carry, a child and unless you are in that place or actually know those women you can't really understand, but that does not give you the right to tell a woman what she can and cannot do with her body. Go find some other band wagon to jump on.

Birth is a wonderful thing, but only when you want and are ready for it.
When has a mother ever regretted a child outside of the sad cases of ppd like Casey Anthony? And when did it become right to put fiscal questions before life?

Why do you think women were desperate for birth control?

There's a big difference between "I would rather not become pregnant at this time" and "I regret my child."

Of the three pregnancies I've had - all resulting in live births - only one was intended. Although I used birth control to avoid pregnancy the rest of the time, when those pregnancies happened otherwise, I did not regret them, nor have I ever regretted the existence of those two children. Intended or not, they are wonderful human beings who have been welcome additions to my life.

Can you see the arms, legs and HEAD crushed, and the removal with a tweezer of body parts?.... I can, I've seen the actual pictures..... Now why aren't convicts that are put to death have their ORGANS harvested?
Wow good pic. Look up the former PP head who resigned after seeing a fetus recoil in pain when the forceps squeezed down for the kill's a "good pic" - it's just not a 12 week old fetus. 12 week old fetus' aren't yet capable of feeling pain.

What's your point? Paraplegics can't feel pain on their paralyzed limbs, but I still wouldn't shrug at someone crushing them with hammers or something.
You might not like it but PP did not commit a crime. It is not illegal to use tissue for research. They can charge a price for the expenses and did not 'profit' from the transfer of tissue.

Get rid of PP and every doctor and OB/GYN will have to take on the performance of education and abortions. It is a woman's right to choose under the law. Women are not slaves. I'd rather see personal doctors required to carry out abortions than a handful of distant clinics, I also think they should be covered in full by 'all' medical insurance.........and all tissue should be turned over to labs.

Of course..........all feminist bulldogs possess morality levels of a small soap dish. The level of selfish is astounding.

PP? Fine.....but not with taxpayer dollars to fund these morticians.

Lastly and most importantly..........keep the legs closed if you're a pseudo-human!!!:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

Taxpayers do not pay for abortions.

And, don't forget - keep your zipper zipped.

I've seen too many bodies turned inside out in war to be squeamish by an abortion. I've seen too many children starving or suffering to believe an unwanted infant should be brought into the world.

I've had three wonderful children and lost one early on. I also nearly bled to death during the delivery of my second live birth. My last I was on bed rest and suffering painful complications to this day.

Two separate times the ER told my daughter her second was dead and should be removed. They were wrong. He is autistic but a strong and active child.

Children are wonderful but there is no reason a women should be forced to have a child if she is not ready or does not want to. Pregnancy is a commitment in time, body and mind. Raising a child is a life time.

There are many people that want to be parents and some that would gladly adopt, but there are far too many out there in the world that will never survive to their teens and millions that have no home or parents and only a fraction of them will ever be adopted.

Too many living children die every day that could be saved and the high minded right in the US living in their pretty bubble want to force a woman to have her body deformed and give birth a child she does not want. Why aren't they each adopting 20 children, already born, instead?

Sadly girls/women are not taught about birth control and natural abortions. They are sometimes not even aware in the first couple of weeks that they are pregnant because they are not taught the signs.

There are a million reason a woman might not want to carry, or told she should not carry, a child and unless you are in that place or actually know those women you can't really understand, but that does not give you the right to tell a woman what she can and cannot do with her body. Go find some other band wagon to jump on.

Birth is a wonderful thing, but only when you want and are ready for it.
When has a mother ever regretted a child outside of the sad cases of ppd like Casey Anthony? And when did it become right to put fiscal questions before life?

My whole life I have heard my mother complaining that she never want to be have a child. As she degrades mentally all those rants become more fervent and at times vulgar attacks. In the culture oversea it was expected and an abortion was not an option.
She had us. She raised us. She was relatively speaking not a bad mother, but she has never made a secret of the fact she never wanted children and would have aborted us if she could have. Thankfully our father more than made up in love and guidance. For us it was never a question of finances, my father did very well. My mother also had her own business in a world were that was rare. Both my parents grew up in large families.

If you think Casey was such a rare exception you really don't get out enough. Try reading the police and legal reports of crime charges. Read about the abuse of children by family member including mothers. Read the statistics of mental abuse of children by parents. About how many of those go onto commit crimes or become abuser. It is not just a poverty issue, but all levels of society

I'm sorry you had a shitty mother, but possibly you should visit a therapist and get over the trauma, rather than projecting it onto women in general. You're old enough by now to understand that the childhood belief that whatever your parents do is "normal" is incorrect.
Just stop, old man. You're a nothing to me, a zero. I recognized you for what you are long ago. A sad old man, upset with your miserable existence, mad at the man and blame that on your failure to succeed in life. In other words your typical liberal.

Actually, i used to be more right wing than you are.

But that was before the retards took over the conservative movement.

Anyone who was still a conservative after 2008 is kind of a retard.

Save the BS, old man. Your lies are "duly noted" time and time again.

This is you LMAO


You can find clips to post but not a basic search for the facts on planned parenthood. So who is the one jerking off?
Try the facts instead of posting lies and disinformation.
Just stop, old man. You're a nothing to me, a zero. I recognized you for what you are long ago. A sad old man, upset with your miserable existence, mad at the man and blame that on your failure to succeed in life. In other words your typical liberal.

Actually, i used to be more right wing than you are.

But that was before the retards took over the conservative movement.

Anyone who was still a conservative after 2008 is kind of a retard.

Save the BS, old man. Your lies are "duly noted" time and time again.

This is you LMAO


You can find clips to post but not a basic search for the facts on planned parenthood. So who is the one jerking off?
Try the facts instead of posting lies and disinformation.

I know all I need to know about Murder Inc. Now scram, you annoy me

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