Planned Parenthood caught trafficking in human body parts

PP can collect " medical waste " on their own dime.

You believe in what they do.. Send them a monthly check. The government should not be funding them.

The government SHOULD fund them because they have a compelling reason.

The money that PP gets from the government funds...

Cancer Screenings
Birth Control Education
STD testing and treatment.

The government has a COMPELLING reason for all of these things to get done. And instead of creating another bloated, ineffective bureaucracy to do these things, this is actually the most cost effective way to get them done.

Now, these things don't affect me directly, but the do have an effect on society. Not doing them will cost a lot more money, which the rest of us will pay in higher taxes and higher health care premiums.

All health plans including Obamacare/Medicaid/Tricare/Medicare

Cover that. PP is not needed for those services.

Planned Parenthood and Fetal Research Why Our Policies Don t Need to Change
How exactly fetal tissue is used for medicine -
Actually We Should Encourage Women Who Have Abortions to Donate Fetal Tissue to Science - Hit Run
A degree and 30 years of getting fired, what does that have to do with your inability to be truthful.

Poor Joey Boy, mad because I call you out for lying and now trying to move off the fact that you lie. Again, you don't seem to bright.

Guy, loving that space I occupy in your head. Think it needs some drapes, it's a bit drafty in here...

Poor disrespected Joe, he will never learn. He has to respond to me every time.
Of course..........all feminist bulldogs possess morality levels of a small soap dish. The level of selfish is astounding.

PP? Fine.....but not with taxpayer dollars to fund these morticians.

Lastly and most importantly..........keep the legs closed if you're a pseudo-human!!!:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

Taxpayers do not pay for abortions.

And, don't forget - keep your zipper zipped.

I've seen too many bodies turned inside out in war to be squeamish by an abortion. I've seen too many children starving or suffering to believe an unwanted infant should be brought into the world.

I've had three wonderful children and lost one early on. I also nearly bled to death during the delivery of my second live birth. My last I was on bed rest and suffering painful complications to this day.

Two separate times the ER told my daughter her second was dead and should be removed. They were wrong. He is autistic but a strong and active child.

Children are wonderful but there is no reason a women should be forced to have a child if she is not ready or does not want to. Pregnancy is a commitment in time, body and mind. Raising a child is a life time.

There are many people that want to be parents and some that would gladly adopt, but there are far too many out there in the world that will never survive to their teens and millions that have no home or parents and only a fraction of them will ever be adopted.

Too many living children die every day that could be saved and the high minded right in the US living in their pretty bubble want to force a woman to have her body deformed and give birth a child she does not want. Why aren't they each adopting 20 children, already born, instead?

Sadly girls/women are not taught about birth control and natural abortions. They are sometimes not even aware in the first couple of weeks that they are pregnant because they are not taught the signs.

There are a million reason a woman might not want to carry, or told she should not carry, a child and unless you are in that place or actually know those women you can't really understand, but that does not give you the right to tell a woman what she can and cannot do with her body. Go find some other band wagon to jump on.

Birth is a wonderful thing, but only when you want and are ready for it.
When has a mother ever regretted a child outside of the sad cases of ppd like Casey Anthony? And when did it become right to put fiscal questions before life?

My whole life I have heard my mother complaining that she never want to be have a child. As she degrades mentally all those rants become more fervent and at times vulgar attacks. In the culture oversea it was expected and an abortion was not an option.
She had us. She raised us. She was relatively speaking not a bad mother, but she has never made a secret of the fact she never wanted children and would have aborted us if she could have. Thankfully our father more than made up in love and guidance. For us it was never a question of finances, my father did very well. My mother also had her own business in a world were that was rare. Both my parents grew up in large families.

If you think Casey was such a rare exception you really don't get out enough. Try reading the police and legal reports of crime charges. Read about the abuse of children by family member including mothers. Read the statistics of mental abuse of children by parents. About how many of those go onto commit crimes or become abuser. It is not just a poverty issue, but all levels of society

I'm sorry you had a shitty mother, but possibly you should visit a therapist and get over the trauma, rather than projecting it onto women in general. You're old enough by now to understand that the childhood belief that whatever your parents do is "normal" is incorrect.

I feel bad for him/her, they go through life knowing they should have been aborted and were not. Such is life though, get through it and move on.
Correction: people don't like taxpayer money going to fund an abortion mill like Planned Parenthood.
Frankly, with Obama Care now, PP is absolutely redundant in the non abortive
services it renders.

So essentially, PP is getting half a billion tax dollars per year simply to abort human life and regardless of what the ethically challenged defenders of Planned Parenthood say, money sent to the snuff masters at
PP can't help but go towards abortion services because any tax money it
receives is fungible at it's core.

Actually, people are just fine with their tax money going to fund PP's non-abortion work.

Poll 63 percent oppose defunding Planned Parenthood TheHill

and the half billion it gets a year - less money than we spend on a fighter jet - goes to all sorts of services like cancer screenings, STD Treatment and things that are actually pretty good.
It's bull shit as this poll was paid for by Planned Parenthood and conducted on an unknown sample group by a democrat polling firm. Wow! Color me shocked.

On the other hand..."A CNN/ORC International survey also indicates that a majority opposes taxpayer money being used to pay for abortions for women who can't afford the procedure, with Americans split on whether women who receive government subsidies for health insurance should be able to get a plan that covers abortions."

Tell me why we should spend half a billion dollars per year on a partisan abortion mill when all the non abortion health care services are already provided and paid for by Obama Care? It's wasteful and redundant and the parasite PP needs to stop sucking off the government teat.
Last edited:
Correction: people don't like taxpayer money going to fund an abortion mill like Planned Parenthood.
Frankly, with Obama Care now, PP is absolutely redundant in the non abortive
services it renders.

So essentially, PP is getting half a billion tax dollars per year simply to abort human life and regardless of what the ethically challenged defenders of Planned Parenthood say, money sent to the snuff masters at
PP can't help but go towards abortion services because any tax money it
receives is fungible at it's core.

Actually, people are just fine with their tax money going to fund PP's non-abortion work.

Poll 63 percent oppose defunding Planned Parenthood TheHill

and the half billion it gets a year - less money than we spend on a fighter jet - goes to all sorts of services like cancer screenings, STD Treatment and things that are actually pretty good.
It's bull shit as this poll was paid for by Planned Parenthood and conducted on an unknown sample group by a democrat polling firm. Wow! Color me shocked.
"A CNN/ORC International survey also indicates that a majority opposes taxpayer money being used to pay for abortions for women who can't afford the procedure, with Americans split on whether women who receive government subsidies for health insurance should be able to get a plan that covers abortions."

Tell me why we should spend half a billion dollars per year on a partisan abortion mill when all the non abortion health care services are already provided and paid for by Obama Care? It's wasteful and redundant and the parasite PP needs to stop sucking off the government teat.

America Still Wants To Fund Planned Parenthood After Sting Videos Poll
APHA reproductive health advocates support Planned Parenthood in letter to Congress Public Health Newswire
Political Attacks on Planned Parenthood Are a Threat to Women s Health - Scientific American
Correction: people don't like taxpayer money going to fund an abortion mill like Planned Parenthood.
Frankly, with Obama Care now, PP is absolutely redundant in the non abortive
services it renders.

So essentially, PP is getting half a billion tax dollars per year simply to abort human life and regardless of what the ethically challenged defenders of Planned Parenthood say, money sent to the snuff masters at
PP can't help but go towards abortion services because any tax money it
receives is fungible at it's core.

Actually, people are just fine with their tax money going to fund PP's non-abortion work.

Poll 63 percent oppose defunding Planned Parenthood TheHill

and the half billion it gets a year - less money than we spend on a fighter jet - goes to all sorts of services like cancer screenings, STD Treatment and things that are actually pretty good.
It's bull shit as this poll was paid for by Planned Parenthood and conducted on an unknown sample group by a democrat polling firm. Wow! Color me shocked.
"A CNN/ORC International survey also indicates that a majority opposes taxpayer money being used to pay for abortions for women who can't afford the procedure, with Americans split on whether women who receive government subsidies for health insurance should be able to get a plan that covers abortions."

Tell me why we should spend half a billion dollars per year on a partisan abortion mill when all the non abortion health care services are already provided and paid for by Obama Care? It's wasteful and redundant and the parasite PP needs to stop sucking off the government teat.

America Still Wants To Fund Planned Parenthood After Sting Videos Poll
APHA reproductive health advocates support Planned Parenthood in letter to Congress Public Health Newswire
Political Attacks on Planned Parenthood Are a Threat to Women s Health - Scientific American
How long did it take for you to cobble together your cut and paste "argument"?
You really deserve no attention or credence until you yourself can give people a rational reason to think you have a point.
Well, since selling DEAD body parts is a no no..I guess those on waiting lists for hearts, lungs, eyeballs, kidneys, etc are shit outta luck.
Correction: people don't like taxpayer money going to fund an abortion mill like Planned Parenthood.
Frankly, with Obama Care now, PP is absolutely redundant in the non abortive
services it renders.

So essentially, PP is getting half a billion tax dollars per year simply to abort human life and regardless of what the ethically challenged defenders of Planned Parenthood say, money sent to the snuff masters at
PP can't help but go towards abortion services because any tax money it
receives is fungible at it's core.

Actually, people are just fine with their tax money going to fund PP's non-abortion work.

Poll 63 percent oppose defunding Planned Parenthood TheHill

and the half billion it gets a year - less money than we spend on a fighter jet - goes to all sorts of services like cancer screenings, STD Treatment and things that are actually pretty good.
It's bull shit as this poll was paid for by Planned Parenthood and conducted on an unknown sample group by a democrat polling firm. Wow! Color me shocked.
"A CNN/ORC International survey also indicates that a majority opposes taxpayer money being used to pay for abortions for women who can't afford the procedure, with Americans split on whether women who receive government subsidies for health insurance should be able to get a plan that covers abortions."

Tell me why we should spend half a billion dollars per year on a partisan abortion mill when all the non abortion health care services are already provided and paid for by Obama Care? It's wasteful and redundant and the parasite PP needs to stop sucking off the government teat.

America Still Wants To Fund Planned Parenthood After Sting Videos Poll
APHA reproductive health advocates support Planned Parenthood in letter to Congress Public Health Newswire
Political Attacks on Planned Parenthood Are a Threat to Women s Health - Scientific American
How long did it take for you to cobble together your cut and paste "argument"?
You really deserve no attention or credence until you yourself can give people a rational reason to think you have a point.

I've said quite a lot on the subject, in my own words. Two of the articles are current regarding the support of the PP. Just presenting balanced and factual information.
I did not have to take time, I read the news and follow a number of subjects, so I try to stay informed. The information was already at my finger tips.

Sorry but I was not online yesterday or I would have shared it sooner.
Nope I work for a hospital. I've seen it first hand and get notified when they close or need funding to stay open.

Okay, sure, whatever.

I've been hearing "the sky if falling" from you g uys for five years now.
Free clinics close down after patients gain coverage under ACA - FierceHealthcare

Did you actually read the article?

Several free clinics in different parts of the country are closing their doors as a result of the Affordable Care Act--and their doctors couldn't be happier about it,Thinking Points Memo reported.

RotaCare Tacoma clinic in Washington state, run by volunteer doctors and nurses, helped all of its 150 patients--most of whom had chronic conditions like diabetes--enroll in the new health insurance coverage and didn't have anyone left to serve, according to the article, closing the clinic doors earlier this year.
It's bull shit as this poll was paid for by Planned Parenthood and conducted on an unknown sample group by a democrat polling firm. Wow! Color me shocked.

On the other hand..."A CNN/ORC International survey also indicates that a majority opposes taxpayer money being used to pay for abortions for women who can't afford the procedure, with Americans split on whether women who receive government subsidies for health insurance should be able to get a plan that covers abortions."

Okay, guy, tax payers aren't paying for abortions.

Tell me why we should spend half a billion dollars per year on a partisan abortion mill when all the non abortion health care services are already provided and paid for by Obama Care? It's wasteful and redundant and the parasite PP needs to stop sucking off the government teat.

Well, I know that this probably isn't clear to you... but the only place you will find doctors who specialize in the "Lady Parts" are ones that ALSO perform abortions. I know this is a difficult concept for you, but most doctors don't do the lady parts... Too much fucking liability, which is why we have a shortage of OB/GYN's.

Ob-Gyn Shortage Is Going to Get Worse Pregnancy Health Care

Yet doctors who perform childbirth duties are becoming increasingly scarce. Data from the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) projects a shortfall of between 9,000 and 14,000 obstetrician-gynecologists (ob-gyns) in the next 20 years, and an ACOG survey found that 1 in 7 ob-gyns has stopped delivering babies. More than 20 states are now in "Red Alert" crisis mode — meaning the number of ob-gyns isn't sufficient to meet patients' needs.
Nope I work for a hospital. I've seen it first hand and get notified when they close or need funding to stay open.

Okay, sure, whatever.

I've been hearing "the sky if falling" from you g uys for five years now.
Free clinics close down after patients gain coverage under ACA - FierceHealthcare

Did you actually read the article?

Several free clinics in different parts of the country are closing their doors as a result of the Affordable Care Act--and their doctors couldn't be happier about it,Thinking Points Memo reported.

RotaCare Tacoma clinic in Washington state, run by volunteer doctors and nurses, helped all of its 150 patients--most of whom had chronic conditions like diabetes--enroll in the new health insurance coverage and didn't have anyone left to serve, according to the article, closing the clinic doors earlier this year.

And? They are still closed due to the ACA as are many others. Not just free clinics but group homes that service mental health issues.

Some are happy some aren't ...they just lost or are losing funding.

You have a point? Besides the one on your head?
And? They are still closed due to the ACA as are many others. Not just free clinics but group homes that service mental health issues.

Some are happy some aren't ...they just lost or are losing funding.

You have a point? Besides the one on your head?

THey are closed because services can be gotten at regular hospitals now that people can get insurance.

I know this is a hard concept for you to grasp, but for those who don't go around life saying "Fuck The Poor", this is a GOOD thing.

Which has nothing to do with PP still being needed to provide specialized treatment...

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