Planned Parenthood Employee urges woman to seek gender select abortion

Since you reposted what gramps had already posted, I'm reposting my reply here -

What a crock.

The fact is that almost all abortions are medically necessary but even if they were not, its none of your business.

Why can't you meddling freaks get that fact?

I do not have the right to control when, say, Willow, has a baby.

Willow does not have the right to control when her neighbor does.

I do not have the right to control when 'gramps' wife or daughter has a baby.

'Gramps' does not have the right to control when my female family members have a baby.

You can try to muddy the waters with religious crap or with "sex selection" crap but you just can't get any more basic than -


Not to mention that abortion is less than 3% of what PP does. More than 97% of what they do is basic health care screening and prenatal care for poor women. Why in the world would you mean spirited rw's want to take that away? Just so you can see more women die of breast cancer? More babies born sick?


What the frack makes you think that most abortions are medically necessary?
No. Do you have any statistics to show that sex selection abortions are really happening at PP or is this truly just more smear mongering.

What do you care, right? Worse case scenario is you are dead when your daughters are traded for breeding.

jeeezus, you really need to get a grip.

You're willing to trade your freedom for a vote for Mittens, er, uh, I mean, Nordquist and yet you believe this crap from Baby Huey Glenn Beck?

You voted for Obama, the man who signed the PATRIOT Act and the NDAA that allows the government to detain American citizens, the man who has sentenced American citizens who have never convicted of a crime to death, and the man who argues that if I happen to be standing withing bomb range of a terrorist I am automatically guilty of being a terrorist, and you want to try to claim I am voting against freedom when I think Romney is an idiot and doesn't deserve to be president?

Want to try again?
They don't care about the fraud?

I'm just going by their statement. Is there a separate statement about fraud?

The way I see it, they either fired her because she committed fraud, or they fired her for being the victim of a hoax. If they fired her for being the victim of a hoax then she will have her job back in a few months when she wins the lawsuit, something I am sure they are perfectly aware of. On the other hand, if they fired her for fraud she won't be able to get her job back.

Try using Occam's Razor and tell me which is more believable.
The way I see it, they either fired her because she committed fraud, or they fired her for being the victim of a hoax. If they fired her for being the victim of a hoax then she will have her job back in a few months when she wins the lawsuit, something I am sure they are perfectly aware of. On the other hand, if they fired her for fraud she won't be able to get her job back.

Try using Occam's Razor and tell me which is more believable.

According to their statement, which I just posted, they fired her because she didn't perform her duties in accordance with their standards of "the highest quality patient care".

I'm not aware of any pending fraud charges against the woman in question.
The way I see it, they either fired her because she committed fraud, or they fired her for being the victim of a hoax. If they fired her for being the victim of a hoax then she will have her job back in a few months when she wins the lawsuit, something I am sure they are perfectly aware of. On the other hand, if they fired her for fraud she won't be able to get her job back.

Try using Occam's Razor and tell me which is more believable.

According to their statement, which I just posted, they fired her because she didn't perform her duties in accordance with their standards of "the highest quality patient care".

I'm not aware of any pending fraud charges against the woman in question.

You would rather be a partisan hack than watch the video where the woman clearly advocates defrauding Medicaid and reach the reasonable conclusion that planned Parenthood has a problem with its employees defrauding the government.

Got it.
Planned Parenthood does a hell of a lot more good than bad in Georgia. They do more work encouraging women to use contraceptives than have abortions.
I oppose taxpayer funds for them on abortions but that is a small % of their funding.
If you don't support a law that makes sex selective abortions illegal you must support sex selective abortions.

Any such law would be unenforceable.

How would you possibly determine what the woman's motivation is?

Do you think they're going to walk in to a clinic and admit to a crime?

Ban all abortions.

Just like they have banned all drugs and prostitution.
Never will work because it never did work.
Fact is when abortion was banned women were rarely if ever prosecuted for it.
I oppose abortion but no law stops it. All it does is force poor uneducated women that do not have the $$ to find the thousands of doctors that would perform them no matter the law to have children they do not want and do not know how to care for.
You would rather be a partisan hack than watch the video where the woman clearly advocates defrauding Medicaid and reach the reasonable conclusion that planned Parenthood has a problem with its employees defrauding the government.

Got it.

Fraud is a legal term, and is up to a decision of the courts.

PP fired this woman, immediately, because she specifically did things that were antithetical to PP's policy.

Which is what they stated.

I'm not really sure why that needs to be read into. It seems pretty clear to me.
Since you reposted what gramps had already posted, I'm reposting my reply here -

What a crock.

The fact is that almost all abortions are medically necessary but even if they were not, its none of your business.

Why can't you meddling freaks get that fact?

I do not have the right to control when, say, Willow, has a baby.

Willow does not have the right to control when her neighbor does.

I do not have the right to control when 'gramps' wife or daughter has a baby.

'Gramps' does not have the right to control when my female family members have a baby.

You can try to muddy the waters with religious crap or with "sex selection" crap but you just can't get any more basic than -


Not to mention that abortion is less than 3% of what PP does. More than 97% of what they do is basic health care screening and prenatal care for poor women. Why in the world would you mean spirited rw's want to take that away? Just so you can see more women die of breast cancer? More babies born sick?


Nice to know that I'm posting on a board with someone so sick that they believe in the third world barbaric practice of gendercide.

I had a feeling about you luddly.:lol: It's considered a crime against humanity and even India has barred the practice of gender genocide. It

The Indian town where female foetuses 'are being fed to dogs to hide rampant gender genocide'

Sickening practice exposed in Bede, Maharashtra - Indian state with worst child sex ratio of 801 girls for every 1,000 boys being born

Feeding foetuses to dogs means bodies to not have to be disposed of by official means and hides the true scale of illegal sex-selective abortion

Indian abortion Doctors are feeding female foetuses to dogs to cover up rampant infanticide by parents who prefer boys, it has been revealed.

The sickening practice was exposed in the town of Beed, in Maharashtra - the state with the worst child sex ratio in the country.

So-called gender genocide was blamed for last year's appalling census figures, which showed that just 801 girls were being born for every 1,000 boys.

By keeping dogs, doctors can get rid of bodies without having to dispose of them through official channels.

It means that the true extent of illegal sex-selection abortion in the town - and elsewhere in India - is being hidden

The shocking revelation was made by Varsha Deshpande of Lek Ladki Abhiyan, a charity working against the practice.

She claimed her organisation had conducted a sting operation Dr Sudam Munde in 2010, in which he openly talked about how he was aborting female foetuses and feeding them to his five dogs.

Read more: Female foetuses in Beed fed to dogs to hide evidence | Mail Online

Banned in India but cool with American left wing maniacs. Wow. :eek:
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But Ravi the majority of the women in question are forced to abort the female fetus. The families decide for the young bride. The families opt for male.

Toronto is one of the most liberal cities on the planet and 6 hospitals even before legislation is introduced have banned releasing the gender of the child before 30 weeks.

The practice of gender based abortion even has been labelled "female fetacide". You have underground ultra sound places springing up for heaven's sake.

India has banned the practice. Sadly it has migrated here. What next? Kill the girls after they are born as well?

Sex-selective infanticide is killing a child based on the child's sex, usually shortly after birth (sex selective neonaticide). In 1994 over 180 states signed the Programme of Action of the International Conference on Population and Development, agreeing to "eliminate all forms of discrimination against the girl child".

In 2011 the resolution of PACE's Committee on Equal Opportunities for Women and Men condemned the practice of prenatal sex selection.[4]
You cannot legally force someone to have an abortion. If anyone is caught doing this they deserve jail time.

You can in China.
We aren't talking about China, dope.
Nice to know that I'm posting on a board with someone so sick that they believe in third world barbaric practice of gendercide.

I had a feeling about you luddly.:lol: It's considered a crime against humanity and even India has barred the practice of gender genocide.

The Indian town where female foetuses 'are being fed to dogs to hide rampant gender genocide'

Sickening practice exposed in Bede, Maharashtra - Indian state with worst child sex ratio of 801 girls for every 1,000 boys being born

Feeding foetuses to dogs means bodies to not have to be disposed of by official means and hides the true scale of illegal sex-selective abortion

Indian abortion Doctors are feeding female foetuses to dogs to cover up rampant infanticide by parents who prefer boys, it has been revealed.

The sickening practice was exposed in the town of Beed, in Maharashtra - the state with the worst child sex ratio in the country.

So-called gender genocide was blamed for last year's appalling census figures, which showed that just 801 girls were being born for every 1,000 boys.

By keeping dogs, doctors can get rid of bodies without having to dispose of them through official channels.

It means that the true extent of illegal sex-selection abortion in the town - and elsewhere in India - is being hidden

The shocking revelation was made by Varsha Deshpande of Lek Ladki Abhiyan, a charity working against the practice.

She claimed her organisation had conducted a sting operation Dr Sudam Munde in 2010, in which he openly talked about how he was aborting female foetuses and feeding them to his five dogs.

Read more: Female foetuses in Beed fed to dogs to hide evidence | Mail Online

Banned in India but cool with American left wing maniacs. Wow. :eek:

Wow... so... I'm not really sure what feeding fetuses to dogs has to do with abortions in America.

I mean, wouldn't that situation not, in fact, exist if gender selective abortion were legal in India?

But I do agree that gender selective abortion is a bad thing.

I just think a law against it would be unenforceable.
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We are talking about women in a subculture which condones total male domination. She is an inferior creature in a foreign country. Kept out of view. For a woman in such a situation who is also a stranger in a strange land, what are the odds she will seek protection from her husband?

No. She is going to more likely take the abuse and do as she is told.
I understand what you are saying and while I have a lot of sympathy for women in those situations I cannot support a law that takes the choice away from women and gives it to the government. Instead, make a law that clearly outlaws forced abortions and spells out the penalty for those that are doing the forcing.

If you don't support a law that makes sex selective abortions illegal you must support sex selective abortions.
Do you have Aspergers? I only ask because you come across as incredibly stupid and that might just be because you don't know how to express yourself properly.

Translating your idiotic post: QW supports terrorists because he doesn't think the TSA should exist.
Nice to know that I'm posting on a board with someone so sick that they believe in third world barbaric practice of gendercide.

I had a feeling about you luddly.:lol: It's considered a crime against humanity and even India has barred the practice of gender genocide.

The Indian town where female foetuses 'are being fed to dogs to hide rampant gender genocide'

Sickening practice exposed in Bede, Maharashtra - Indian state with worst child sex ratio of 801 girls for every 1,000 boys being born

Feeding foetuses to dogs means bodies to not have to be disposed of by official means and hides the true scale of illegal sex-selective abortion

Indian abortion Doctors are feeding female foetuses to dogs to cover up rampant infanticide by parents who prefer boys, it has been revealed.

The sickening practice was exposed in the town of Beed, in Maharashtra - the state with the worst child sex ratio in the country.

So-called gender genocide was blamed for last year's appalling census figures, which showed that just 801 girls were being born for every 1,000 boys.

By keeping dogs, doctors can get rid of bodies without having to dispose of them through official channels.

It means that the true extent of illegal sex-selection abortion in the town - and elsewhere in India - is being hidden

The shocking revelation was made by Varsha Deshpande of Lek Ladki Abhiyan, a charity working against the practice.

She claimed her organisation had conducted a sting operation Dr Sudam Munde in 2010, in which he openly talked about how he was aborting female foetuses and feeding them to his five dogs.

Read more: Female foetuses in Beed fed to dogs to hide evidence | Mail Online

Banned in India but cool with American left wing maniacs. Wow. :eek:

Wow... so... I'm not really sure what feeding fetuses to dogs has to do with abortions in America.

I mean, wouldn't that situation not, in fact, exist if gender selective abortion were legal in India?

But I do agree that gender selective abortion is a bad thing.

I just think a law against it would be unenforceable.

All I was doing by quoting the daily mail article was to attempt to show the lengths individuals will go to including abortionists to commit gendercide.

My former hometown, Toronto is facing a true potential epidemic of gender based abortions. 6 hospitals in the GTA have already barred informing women of the gender until 30 weeks.

And there is a movement, and not by anti abortionists, but by physicians with ethics to attempt to bring a law into play that would ban the release of the gender of a fetus until 30 weeks.

But already "black market ultrasounds" are springing up to attempt to circumvent this.
All I was doing by quoting the daily mail article was to attempt to show the lengths individuals will go to including abortionists to commit gendercide.

My former hometown, Toronto is facing a true potential epidemic of gender based abortions. 6 hospitals in the GTA have already barred informing women of the gender until 30 weeks.

And there is a movement, and not by anti abortionists, but by physicians with ethics to attempt to bring a law into play that would ban the release of the gender of a fetus until 30 weeks.

But already "black market ultrasounds" are springing up to attempt to circumvent this.

Well we are in agreement. Gender selective abortion is wrong.

I'm just not sure how one would determine if a woman were getting an abortion on the basis of gender.
Any such law would be unenforceable.

How would you possibly determine what the woman's motivation is?

Do you think they're going to walk in to a clinic and admit to a crime?

Ban all abortions.

Just like they have banned all drugs and prostitution.
Never will work because it never did work.
Fact is when abortion was banned women were rarely if ever prosecuted for it.
I oppose abortion but no law stops it. All it does is force poor uneducated women that do not have the $$ to find the thousands of doctors that would perform them no matter the law to have children they do not want and do not know how to care for.

He asked me how I would ban sex selective abortions, I answered.
You would rather be a partisan hack than watch the video where the woman clearly advocates defrauding Medicaid and reach the reasonable conclusion that planned Parenthood has a problem with its employees defrauding the government.

Got it.

Fraud is a legal term, and is up to a decision of the courts.

PP fired this woman, immediately, because she specifically did things that were antithetical to PP's policy.

Which is what they stated.

I'm not really sure why that needs to be read into. It seems pretty clear to me.

fraud is also a word in the English language.

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