Planned Parenthood Employee urges woman to seek gender select abortion

my word you people are retards. nobody outside a few select few support abortion. people tend to support the choice.

You trolls purposely lie about peoples view on the subject in order to try to have the moral high ground.

you people dont love freedom,you route for some bastard version of it.

The issue of gender based abortion is now confronting us clearly on this continent. It is real.

This is not some fucking political game. We are crossing all boundaries here now. When India has banned the practice, when the UN and other organizations clearly see this as female fetacide, when this is regarded as a human rights violation, surely you can't just sit there and go "neneneneneeeeeeeeener right wing dummies it's all about choice".

But there are those that do. I never ever thought I'd live in a time period when it would be acceptable to choose life or death of a fetus at 5 months of age based on sex.

What next? Eye freaking color? And don't tell me that's not around the bloody corner, because I've heard all this shit over the decades that it's all about rape, incest, mistakes, poverty and that choosing the sex of a child would never ever ever happen.

Bull mother fucking pardon my french shit. Now we are into the nitty gritty of choosing sex and by any other name it's called fucking eugenics.

It's sick that anyone in America could even believe that this is acceptable.

Oh and by the way. In her own mother fucking words this bitch from Planned Parenthood does believe that a woman has the right to choose the sex of her child.

I was looking around for a quote I knew was out there from when they were celebrating their anniversary up here.

" The horrific, anti-Life remarks from Planned Parenthood directors were on full display as they celebrated the 39th anniversary of Roe v. Wade.

In an interview earlier this week, Angie Murie, executive director of Planned Parenthood Waterloo Region in Canada, was asked about sex-selection abortions. She said:

“I wrestle with gender-based abortion more than any other reason [for having an abortion]...From a macro perspective, I don’t think it is a good idea for us to be eliminating women.

But if you look at it at the individual level, which is what we do, I don’t have any right to say that one person’s reason is better or worse than another’s.”

She actually says "eliminating women". Tcccchh tccccch, Not a good idea. Holy Mary mother of God what type of beast is running this organization. A descendant of freaking Dr. Mengele?

Well hell's bells. How's that for a fucking war on women. This is the mindset of Planned Parenthood world wide.

I think that takes the freaking cake don't you?

Disgusting: Planned Parenthood Executive Supports Gender Based Abortions - Katie Pavlich

townhall? Fuck you...

Seriously gender based is meaningless, Like you really give a shit about gender based. You think i am new or something? I've seen you in these topics before. You don't give a shit about the Topic. You dont like abortion period. Thats the Rub really, you find some new meaningless "outrage" to keep the story going as if the world depends on this issue being fixed..And what is your moronic solution? Creating MORE government regulation in order to stop people from making a choice.

I dont give a shit what a person decides on what they want an abortion for. Its not my problem. They only place i agree is that Taxes should not pay for it, otherwise fuck off, and fuck you for thinking you have any damn say in the matter. You think you have the right to tell my family let alone my wife what we can do in regards to my family?

Well then if you feel so, then i get to take over what you eat, drive, smoke, watch, and your hobbies. You don't get to have personal freedom anymore. Why should you care? Its obvious you dont give a shit about personal freedoms given your stance here.

That's my compromise. You want to ban abortion, I want control over your life. No more government is to big of a nanny state bullshit threads, No more Obama is a socialist, No more the democrats want to strip you of your freedoms. Thats all pure Bullshit and you fucking know it. You are just as much for larger in your bedroom Government as the motherfucking liberals are as well. YOU are part of the problem, not the solution.

Hell you live in Canada so who really gives a shit about your opinion on American Politics when it comes to Abortion. It amounts to a fart in a bucket.

You care that much about life? Go fucking picket a graveyard.
I seriously can't stand you anti-freedom, anti-choice, anti-free will trolls, who think enlarging government is the solution to this problem.

----------Sounds like you have a few anger managment issues. Also, your personnel freedoms start and end the moment they effect the life of another person. This is not about the government, it's about the attitudes of people toward the unborn.
"Planned Parenthood" is a cruel oxymoron.

The only thing these dried up rejects of humanity plan for is abortion.


PP was my CHOICE for reproductive health services before I had kids, they provided yearly check ups, pap smears, etc, and helped me find the birth control method most effective for me.

PP was my obgyn of CHOICE when I was pregnant for my son. They were very supportive of my CHOICE to carry my pregnancy to term, and solicitous of mine AND my son's health.

PP continues to be my CHOICE for my reproductive health. Yearly exams, pap smears, etc. They were the ones who discovered that my anemia was kicking back up, and told me to start taking my iron pills again.

Among many other services, PP conducts outreach with their patients to connect those who were or are victims of domestic violence, including sexual assault (both as adults and as children) to the organizations that can help them through the trauma and towards a better, safer, more healthy life.

PP also offers the above and reproductive health services to men.

my word you people are retards. nobody outside a few select few support abortion. people tend to support the choice.

You trolls purposely lie about peoples view on the subject in order to try to have the moral high ground.

you people dont love freedom,you route for some bastard version of it.

The issue of gender based abortion is now confronting us clearly on this continent. It is real.

This is not some fucking political game. We are crossing all boundaries here now. When India has banned the practice, when the UN and other organizations clearly see this as female fetacide, when this is regarded as a human rights violation, surely you can't just sit there and go "neneneneneeeeeeeeener right wing dummies it's all about choice".

But there are those that do. I never ever thought I'd live in a time period when it would be acceptable to choose life or death of a fetus at 5 months of age based on sex.

What next? Eye freaking color? And don't tell me that's not around the bloody corner, because I've heard all this shit over the decades that it's all about rape, incest, mistakes, poverty and that choosing the sex of a child would never ever ever happen.

Bull mother fucking pardon my french shit. Now we are into the nitty gritty of choosing sex and by any other name it's called fucking eugenics.

It's sick that anyone in America could even believe that this is acceptable.

Oh and by the way. In her own mother fucking words this bitch from Planned Parenthood does believe that a woman has the right to choose the sex of her child.

I was looking around for a quote I knew was out there from when they were celebrating their anniversary up here.

" The horrific, anti-Life remarks from Planned Parenthood directors were on full display as they celebrated the 39th anniversary of Roe v. Wade.

In an interview earlier this week, Angie Murie, executive director of Planned Parenthood Waterloo Region in Canada, was asked about sex-selection abortions. She said:

“I wrestle with gender-based abortion more than any other reason [for having an abortion]...From a macro perspective, I don’t think it is a good idea for us to be eliminating women.

But if you look at it at the individual level, which is what we do, I don’t have any right to say that one person’s reason is better or worse than another’s.”

She actually says "eliminating women". Tcccchh tccccch, Not a good idea. Holy Mary mother of God what type of beast is running this organization. A descendant of freaking Dr. Mengele?

Well hell's bells. How's that for a fucking war on women. This is the mindset of Planned Parenthood world wide.

I think that takes the freaking cake don't you?

Disgusting: Planned Parenthood Executive Supports Gender Based Abortions - Katie Pavlich

townhall? Fuck you...

Seriously gender based is meaningless, Like you really give a shit about gender based. You think i am new or something? I've seen you in these topics before. You don't give a shit about the Topic. You dont like abortion period. Thats the Rub really, you find some new meaningless "outrage" to keep the story going as if the world depends on this issue being fixed..And what is your moronic solution? Creating MORE government regulation in order to stop people from making a choice.

I dont give a shit what a person decides on what they want an abortion for. Its not my problem. They only place i agree is that Taxes should not pay for it, otherwise fuck off, and fuck you for thinking you have any damn say in the matter. You think you have the right to tell my family let alone my wife what we can do in regards to my family?

Well then if you feel so, then i get to take over what you eat, drive, smoke, watch, and your hobbies. You don't get to have personal freedom anymore. Why should you care? Its obvious you dont give a shit about personal freedoms given your stance here.

That's my compromise. You want to ban abortion, I want control over your life. No more government is to big of a nanny state bullshit threads, No more Obama is a socialist, No more the democrats want to strip you of your freedoms. Thats all pure Bullshit and you fucking know it. You are just as much for larger in your bedroom Government as the motherfucking liberals are as well. YOU are part of the problem, not the solution.

Hell you live in Canada so who really gives a shit about your opinion on American Politics when it comes to Abortion. It amounts to a fart in a bucket.

You care that much about life? Go fucking picket a graveyard.
I seriously can't stand you anti-freedom, anti-choice, anti-free will trolls, who think enlarging government is the solution to this problem.

So freedom loving pro choice free will poster, you put yourself now squarely in the war against women. Because that is what female feticide is.

I'm not trying to convince you of anything. You are obviously one fucked up human being if you think female feticide is just fine and dandy.

And whether I live in Canada or the Ukraine or Scotland or Bangledesh doesn't matter. Because this issue is international.

And it's in the here and now. And it's an ethical debate world wide.
It's not ethical to allow the government to decide when and why a woman should give birth.

I am still not understanding why the "conservatives" on this thread would rather regulate women than address the men or families that they believe are forcing women to abort.
It's not ethical to allow the government to decide when and why a woman should give birth.

I am still not understanding why the "conservatives" on this thread would rather regulate women than address the men or families that they believe are forcing women to abort.

So you think it's "ethical" for women to kill their babies.....? what about their right to life....?

....and speaking of "forcing" about the "forcing" of MEN to pay for child support....?
...if it is the "choice" of women to have or not have their babies....then isn't it logical that men should have the "choice" to support or not support?
...yet liberals think men MUST pay child support even though they did not "choose" to keep the baby....and this is FORCED through government means..... how about getting the GOVERNMENT out of mens lives too.....? :eusa_whistle:
It's not ethical to allow the government to decide when and why a woman should give birth.

I am still not understanding why the "conservatives" on this thread would rather regulate women than address the men or families that they believe are forcing women to abort.

So you think it's "ethical" for women to kill their babies.....? what about their right to life....?

....and speaking of "forcing" about the "forcing" of MEN to pay for child support....?
...if it is the "choice" of women to have or not have their babies....then isn't it logical that men should have the "choice" to support or not support?
...yet liberals think men MUST pay child support even though they did not "choose" to keep the baby....and this is FORCED through government means..... how about getting the GOVERNMENT out of mens lives too.....? :eusa_whistle:

Once the child is born, both parents are legally obligated to care for it.

Maybe this guy that doesn't want to pay child support should think about it before he has sex, eh?
It's not ethical to allow the government to decide when and why a woman should give birth.

I am still not understanding why the "conservatives" on this thread would rather regulate women than address the men or families that they believe are forcing women to abort.

So you think it's "ethical" for women to kill their babies.....? what about their right to life....?

....and speaking of "forcing" about the "forcing" of MEN to pay for child support....?
...if it is the "choice" of women to have or not have their babies....then isn't it logical that men should have the "choice" to support or not support?
...yet liberals think men MUST pay child support even though they did not "choose" to keep the baby....and this is FORCED through government means..... how about getting the GOVERNMENT out of mens lives too.....? :eusa_whistle:

Once the child is born, both parents are legally obligated to care for it.

Maybe this guy that doesn't want to pay child support should think about it before he has sex, eh?

talk about HYPOCRITICAL....but then libs are well known for that....

it takes two....why should only the woman get to make the decision?
...if the woman makes the sole decision to keep the child then the woman should be the sole provider....
...isn't that what womens lib is all about....? you think it is "ethical" for women to kill their babies....?
Update: Gendercide appears to be AOK with Planned Parenthood. Gee, I remember the good old days when we were told that abortions would be performed on rape and incest victims. We'd never ever go down a slippery slope into eugenics.

And then they reassured us, abortions would never be used to select the sex of a baby.

Sheer evil. Now America is no different than India and China and North Korea.

This spokeswoman for Planned Parenthood Federation of America also told The Huffington Post that the organization condemns seeking abortions on the basis of gender, but its policy is to provide “high quality, confidential, nonjudgmental care to all who come into” its health centers.

That means that no Planned Parenthood clinic will deny a woman an abortion based on her reasons for wanting one, except in those states that explicitly prohibit sex-selective abortions (Arizona, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania and Illinois).

Planned Parenthood Responds to Video: Won’t Prevent Sex-Selective Abortion |


So a few months back I'd put up thread discussing gender select abortions on the rise in Canada and how we were dealing with it to eradicate this horrific turn of events in the world of abortions. For quite a while we've already known of this hideous practice in places like India and China.

Well, now there is a video that has surfaced where a PP employee in Texas is recommending an abortion for a woman who really wanted to have a boy instead of a girl. We've gone down that slippery slope, hit rock bottom and started digging.

Talk about a" liberal war on women ". Right in the womb. :mad:

On the other hand for Planned Parenthood, it will be a great way to drum up new business.

Think of the slogans they could use.

"Don't want to pay for the wedding? We can help!"

Here you go. Video at link.

“I see that you’re saying that you want to terminate if it’s a girl, so are you just wanting to continue the pregnancy in the meantime?” a Planned Parenthood counselor named “Rebecca” offers the woman, who is purportedly still in her first trimester and cannot be certain about the gender.

“The abortion covers you up until 23 weeks,” explains Rebecca, “and usually at 5 months is usually (sic) when they detect, you know, whether or not it’s a boy or a girl.”

While this bone-chilling video is unsettling to watch, it does raise an important question: if this type of “advising” is permissible at one clinic in Austin, Texas – and there are 820 Planned Parenthood clinics in the United States – how many other PP staffers are offering similar advice?

Video: Planned Parenthood Employee Urges Woman to Seek a Sex-Selection Abortion - Daniel Doherty
..... And Susan G. Komen Foundation was demonized because it only wanted its funds to go for mammograms and not things such as this.
So you think it's "ethical" for women to kill their babies.....? what about their right to life....?

....and speaking of "forcing" about the "forcing" of MEN to pay for child support....?
...if it is the "choice" of women to have or not have their babies....then isn't it logical that men should have the "choice" to support or not support?
...yet liberals think men MUST pay child support even though they did not "choose" to keep the baby....and this is FORCED through government means..... how about getting the GOVERNMENT out of mens lives too.....? :eusa_whistle:

Once the child is born, both parents are legally obligated to care for it.

Maybe this guy that doesn't want to pay child support should think about it before he has sex, eh?

talk about HYPOCRITICAL....but then libs are well known for that....

it takes two....why should only the woman get to make the decision?
...if the woman makes the sole decision to keep the child then the woman should be the sole provider....
...isn't that what womens lib is all about....? you think it is "ethical" for women to kill their babies....?

Please explain how allowing the government to decide when and why a woman gives birth solves the problem of, as you see it, the unfairness to men regarding child support.
It's not ethical to allow the government to decide when and why a woman should give birth.

I am still not understanding why the "conservatives" on this thread would rather regulate women than address the men or families that they believe are forcing women to abort.

I am a conservative and agree with you.
True conservatives oppose abortion just like I do but do not want to hand over to government the power to decide which women can legally have an abortion and who can't.
"In the best interests of the health of the mother the abortion was needed" Dr. Joe Blow for the women that have the cash.
And if government has the power they will prosecute only the women with no resources to defend themselves.
Amazing how truly ignorant the right wing is on this issue. "I am for a ban on abortion" is their cry ignoring the 350 years of history with abortion in this country and how NO LAW has ever stopped it and how when it was banned the above process was always the norm.
Most folk that I know that are pro choice OPPOSE ABORTION.
But we oppose the power of government and the abuses of that even more.
Amazing how the liberal sides with us on this issue only. They want no part of government intervention in this but in everything else they cheer them on.
Oh goody, one more circle jerk of echo chamber members. Let's all attack Planned Parenthood, fun fun fun.

God, Gays, Guns and Abortion - all wedge issues and no matter which party hold the majority in Congress, or who is POTUS, everything will remain the same.

Unless, the far right (which seems to be the majority of Republicans) is able to hold a majority in the Congress, the White House and the Supreme Court. When that occurs we will have made the transition from a democratic republic to a plutocratic one where every member of congress is a millionaire beholden to the Kock Brothers and others in their select club.

Then contraception and abortion will be illegal, the population of the underclass and poor will grow and cheap labor will abound. Nervana for some, hell for most and a sure method to bring forth what the right most fears.
"Planned Parenthood" is a cruel oxymoron.

The only thing these dried up rejects of humanity plan for is abortion.


PP was my CHOICE for reproductive health services before I had kids, they provided yearly check ups, pap smears, etc, and helped me find the birth control method most effective for me.

PP was my obgyn of CHOICE when I was pregnant for my son. They were very supportive of my CHOICE to carry my pregnancy to term, and solicitous of mine AND my son's health.

PP continues to be my CHOICE for my reproductive health. Yearly exams, pap smears, etc. They were the ones who discovered that my anemia was kicking back up, and told me to start taking my iron pills again.

Among many other services, PP conducts outreach with their patients to connect those who were or are victims of domestic violence, including sexual assault (both as adults and as children) to the organizations that can help them through the trauma and towards a better, safer, more healthy life.

PP also offers the above and reproductive health services to men.


Even terrorists support liberal causes.

I'm sure PP does all kinds of wonderful things. It's just that "Murdering The Unborn" thing I have problems with. If they didn't do that I might support them.
Oh goody, one more circle jerk of echo chamber members. Let's all attack Planned Parenthood, fun fun fun.

God, Gays, Guns and Abortion - all wedge issues and no matter which party hold the majority in Congress, or who is POTUS, everything will remain the same.

Unless, the far right (which seems to be the majority of Republicans) is able to hold a majority in the Congress, the White House and the Supreme Court. When that occurs we will have made the transition from a democratic republic to a plutocratic one where every member of congress is a millionaire beholden to the Kock Brothers and others in their select club.

Then contraception and abortion will be illegal, the population of the underclass and poor will grow and cheap labor will abound. Nervana for some, hell for most and a sure method to bring forth what the right most fears.

This thread is about gender selective abortions. Nothing more. Female feticide is real, it is repulsive and it is an international issue.

The American arm of Planned Parenthood has stated quite clearly (reread the OP) that they are nonjudgmental and will perform gender select abortions in any and all States that have not legislated against it.

Take your rant about conservatives elsewhere because even liberals world wide realize how very unethical and barbaric female feticide is.

This is not about right versus left. This is not a political game. This is about medical ethics.
"Planned Parenthood" is a cruel oxymoron.

The only thing these dried up rejects of humanity plan for is abortion.


PP was my CHOICE for reproductive health services before I had kids, they provided yearly check ups, pap smears, etc, and helped me find the birth control method most effective for me.

PP was my obgyn of CHOICE when I was pregnant for my son. They were very supportive of my CHOICE to carry my pregnancy to term, and solicitous of mine AND my son's health.

PP continues to be my CHOICE for my reproductive health. Yearly exams, pap smears, etc. They were the ones who discovered that my anemia was kicking back up, and told me to start taking my iron pills again.

Among many other services, PP conducts outreach with their patients to connect those who were or are victims of domestic violence, including sexual assault (both as adults and as children) to the organizations that can help them through the trauma and towards a better, safer, more healthy life.

PP also offers the above and reproductive health services to men.


Even terrorists support liberal causes.

I'm sure PP does all kinds of wonderful things. It's just that "Murdering The Unborn" thing I have problems with. If they didn't do that I might support them.

ud think the whole "murder" aspect woudl be enuff, but as ive seen in this country some peopel dont even have a problem with murder, some even try to blame the person for being there, and some are like well everyone deserves a secod chance and if hte dead person wasnt dead, they would see the same point of view.

but i digress.
"Planned Parenthood" is a cruel oxymoron.

The only thing these dried up rejects of humanity plan for is abortion.


PP was my CHOICE for reproductive health services before I had kids, they provided yearly check ups, pap smears, etc, and helped me find the birth control method most effective for me.

PP was my obgyn of CHOICE when I was pregnant for my son. They were very supportive of my CHOICE to carry my pregnancy to term, and solicitous of mine AND my son's health.

PP continues to be my CHOICE for my reproductive health. Yearly exams, pap smears, etc. They were the ones who discovered that my anemia was kicking back up, and told me to start taking my iron pills again.

Among many other services, PP conducts outreach with their patients to connect those who were or are victims of domestic violence, including sexual assault (both as adults and as children) to the organizations that can help them through the trauma and towards a better, safer, more healthy life.

PP also offers the above and reproductive health services to men.


Even terrorists support liberal causes.

I'm sure PP does all kinds of wonderful things. It's just that "Murdering The Unborn" thing I have problems with. If they didn't do that I might support them.

"murder" is illegal. Like it or not, abortion is a legal medical procedure decided upon between a patient and her doctor, and none of your business.


no? Then you most likely don't have the uterus either, or any of the other tools, risks, or responsibilities necessary for any woman's choice to BE any of your damned business.
Oh goody, one more circle jerk of echo chamber members. Let's all attack Planned Parenthood, fun fun fun.

God, Gays, Guns and Abortion - all wedge issues and no matter which party hold the majority in Congress, or who is POTUS, everything will remain the same.

Unless, the far right (which seems to be the majority of Republicans) is able to hold a majority in the Congress, the White House and the Supreme Court. When that occurs we will have made the transition from a democratic republic to a plutocratic one where every member of congress is a millionaire beholden to the Kock Brothers and others in their select club.

Then contraception and abortion will be illegal, the population of the underclass and poor will grow and cheap labor will abound. Nervana for some, hell for most and a sure method to bring forth what the right most fears.

This thread is about gender selective abortions. Nothing more. Female feticide is real, it is repulsive and it is an international issue.

The American arm of Planned Parenthood has stated quite clearly (reread the OP) that they are nonjudgmental and will perform gender select abortions in any and all States that have not legislated against it.

Take your rant about conservatives elsewhere because even liberals world wide realize how very unethical and barbaric female feticide is.

This is not about right versus left. This is not a political game. This is about medical ethics.

No its about you sticking your nose where it doesn't belong.

You are a fool who has a hard on for any opinion that differs from yours. This issue is about medical ethics and it is being addressed world wide.

Planned Parenthood is an international organization. You don't own it in the USA.

In America the Planned Parenthood branch of the International Planned Parenthood is quite perverted to allow gender based abortions, female fetacide if you will, when even India will not.

So Plasmaball, why don't you spend your time shitting down the throats of the heads of Medical Associations world wide and tell them YOU are more brilliant and more ethical than anyone else on the planet.

And you tell those high ranking medical officials who have absolutely NO problem with abortion that they are wrong, because Plasmaball says so, that they are wrong to feel that gender based abortions are unethical.

You must be a god in your own mind.

Former AMA president and obstetrician Dr Andrew Pesce said Australian doctors regularly made decisions about whether they were comfortable performing terminations but it would take “extraordinary circumstances” to justify the procedure based on gender.

“Most people will probably be reasonably able to cope with the disappointment of having a child that’s not the sex they were hoping for,” Dr Pesce said.

“Obviously there are some situations where you would hold grave concerns about the mother’s health, but I think most doctors would not consider a termination based solely on the sex of the child is justified.”

Oh goody, one more circle jerk of echo chamber members. Let's all attack Planned Parenthood, fun fun fun.

God, Gays, Guns and Abortion - all wedge issues and no matter which party hold the majority in Congress, or who is POTUS, everything will remain the same.

Unless, the far right (which seems to be the majority of Republicans) is able to hold a majority in the Congress, the White House and the Supreme Court. When that occurs we will have made the transition from a democratic republic to a plutocratic one where every member of congress is a millionaire beholden to the Kock Brothers and others in their select club.

Then contraception and abortion will be illegal, the population of the underclass and poor will grow and cheap labor will abound. Nervana for some, hell for most and a sure method to bring forth what the right most fears.

That is and always HAS been the prevailing force behind the powers that drive the (sometimes well-intentioned) busy-bodies to the ridiculousness seen here. Pandering for votes within a wedge issue ranks an incestuously close second.
This is part of the democrat war on women. Murder them in the womb. I see from the congressional debates that democrats feel that this is a matter of women's health, as if being pregnant with a female is somehow more unhealthy than being pregnant with a male.

We are really becoming a disgusting people!
Oh goody, one more circle jerk of echo chamber members. Let's all attack Planned Parenthood, fun fun fun.

God, Gays, Guns and Abortion - all wedge issues and no matter which party hold the majority in Congress, or who is POTUS, everything will remain the same.

Unless, the far right (which seems to be the majority of Republicans) is able to hold a majority in the Congress, the White House and the Supreme Court. When that occurs we will have made the transition from a democratic republic to a plutocratic one where every member of congress is a millionaire beholden to the Kock Brothers and others in their select club.

Then contraception and abortion will be illegal, the population of the underclass and poor will grow and cheap labor will abound. Nervana for some, hell for most and a sure method to bring forth what the right most fears.

That is and always HAS been the prevailing force behind the powers that drive the (sometimes well-intentioned) busy-bodies to the ridiculousness seen here. Pandering for votes within a wedge issue ranks an incestuously close second.

I've put up quotes of internationally renowned Medical Association personell who have no problem whatsoever with abortion except gender based.

In your wildest dreams do you really believe that physicians world wide are pandering to votes in your country?

Is that why they hold those ethical positions? How crazy are you on the left?
Planned Parenthood is the God of progressives. They will overlook anything it does, and justify anything they do. It is the sacrosanct representation of everything they stand for. They do not want any oversight of it, they do not want any criticism of it.

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