Planned Parenthood Files For Restraining Order Against Anti-Abortion Group

Planned Parenthood has gone to court to get a restraining order so that they can't be abused and harassed by an anti choice group in Texas.

I hope they get it. I don't count on the court system to protect women and health clinics so I hope they get the restraining order but won't be surprised if it's denied.

I will say, thank you to the conservatives. You have guaranteed that women are going run, not walk, to the nearest voting booth in 2022 to vote out these politicians who pass unconstitutional laws that violate the 4th and 14th amendments. This law doesn't even make exceptions for rape and incest.

Congratulations conservatives, you've just guaranteed most women will not vote for republicans for a very long time.

Women aren't going to take this anymore.

Texas is in the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals. Those judges are completely unsympathetic toward abortionists.
USSC already ruled....Your ghoulish death cult lost.

"Anti-abortion activists are already staking out our health centers, surveilling our providers, and threatening our patients," Helene Krasnoff, vice president for public policy litigation and law, Planned Parenthood Federation of America, said in a statement. "The physicians, nurses, and clinic staff at Planned Parenthood health centers in Texas — and at abortion providers statewide — deserve to come to work without fear of harassment or frivolous lawsuits." ibid

Another manifestation of the violent, lawless right.
"Anti-abortion activists are already staking out our health centers, surveilling our providers, and threatening our patients," Helene Krasnoff, vice president for public policy litigation and law, Planned Parenthood Federation of America, said in a statement. "The physicians, nurses, and clinic staff at Planned Parenthood health centers in Texas — and at abortion providers statewide — deserve to come to work without fear of harassment or frivolous lawsuits." ibid

Another manifestation of the violent, lawless right.

Their ability to kill the innocent has been diminished

God Bless Texas
The goddamned church ladies are the ones leading the anti-abortion charge. There would be no "pro-life" movement if it were left up to men.
They’re not ‘pro-life’ – they’re more government, bigger government at the expense of individual liberty.
Uhm, they already refused to hear it. 5-4.

Catch up
Nope. Wrong. They refused to grant an injunction against the law. They left the door open for someone with standing to challenge the law.

All caught up now?
This is true. About 45 percent of women are against abortion even in the first trimester.

However, women are deeply opposed to cruelty to their gender. My wife is pro-life, extremely so. But when she heard about the Virgina law which required women to be vaginally wanded before an abortion, she was furious. Spitting mad.

This Texas law is cruel. Pro-life women most likely won't vote Democrat, but they may decide not to vote at all.

Most women agree that rape and incest should be exempt from these abortion bans.

And according to right leaning Gallup poll, 52% of women are pro choice, 43% are anti choice. Where as 45% of men are pro choice, 50% are anti choice.

So I was correct, most women are pro choice.

I'm even more correct when it comes to rape and incest. Most women who aren't pro choice agree, it should be legal for cases of rape and incest.

Screen Shot 2021-09-03 at 3.20.20 PM.png

Texas is in the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals. Those judges are completely unsympathetic toward abortionists.

Like I said, I don't count on them approving the restraining order but I hope they do.

I don't see how they would go to the appeals court to get a restraining order.

This isn't the same case so this has to start at the lower court level first.

I'm sure no matter who wins, the other side will appeal then it will go to that appeals court then it will go to the Supreme Court.

We will have to wait to see how it plays out.
They’re not ‘pro-life’ – they’re more government, bigger government at the expense of individual liberty.
Single issue, single-minded busybodies. None of them have even considered the aftermath should they succeed.

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