Planned Parenthood fires worker after release of undercover video


Silver Member
Jun 8, 2009
Warning: This video could induce vomiting.

The man and woman walked into the Planned Parenthood clinic in Perth Amboy sounding like the operators of a child sex ring looking for help with their business.

They told the manager they would bring in girls as young as 14 for tests, birth control and abortion referrals and wanted to know what kind of questions to expect from clinic employees.

The manager was helpful. She coached them to lie about the age of the girls’ sex partners. "If they are a minor, we are obligated if we hear certain information, to kind of report (it)," the manager said. "So as long as they just lie and say, ‘Oh, he’s 15, 16,’ ’’ no one should question them.

But the man and woman were actually members of Live Action, a California-based anti-abortion group that targeted Planned Parenthood clinics in five states and Washington, D.C., last month. The scenes were videotaped and posted on YouTube, and today created a national uproar.

Tonight, Central Jersey Planned Parenthood fired the manager, identified in the video as Amy Woodruff, and beefed up security around its clinics.

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A true look inside the heart and mind of a liberal.....
Interesting article. Thanks JB.

Regardless of whether the video was edited (they claim the full unedited version is on their website), or whether this was just a few rogue employees who violated their policy, it is really just the tip of the iceberg in my opinion.

The bigger issue is that there are so many loopholes that could allow for this to go on in the future. No ID. Bring your own interpreter. No fee for students. Confidentiality trumps accountability.

I am pro-choice. But I am also for parental notification laws. This video just points out that hypothetically, a 12 year old could go in saying "I'm 15." or "no habla ingles" and get an abortion. Easily. That is unacceptable.
From the articles, it seems they targeted multiple locations and- taking the video at face value- found one bad one.

I can find a paedophile if I hit up a few dozen catholic churches; anywhere you go, there are bad folk to be found if you look for them. Given the Jersey PP's reaction, it doesn't seem she was one of the ones to approach their bosses after these folk showed up, lending credibility to the video.

As to the rest of your post, the entire industry has some serious problems.
You're right. But they have to do something about the loopholes. They won't be shut down because of this, but I expect new rules will be in order. Those will PROTECT clients; not punish them.
Warning: This video could induce vomiting.

The man and woman walked into the Planned Parenthood clinic in Perth Amboy sounding like the operators of a child sex ring looking for help with their business.

They told the manager they would bring in girls as young as 14 for tests, birth control and abortion referrals and wanted to know what kind of questions to expect from clinic employees.

The manager was helpful. She coached them to lie about the age of the girls’ sex partners. "If they are a minor, we are obligated if we hear certain information, to kind of report (it)," the manager said. "So as long as they just lie and say, ‘Oh, he’s 15, 16,’ ’’ no one should question them.

But the man and woman were actually members of Live Action, a California-based anti-abortion group that targeted Planned Parenthood clinics in five states and Washington, D.C., last month. The scenes were videotaped and posted on YouTube, and today created a national uproar.

Tonight, Central Jersey Planned Parenthood fired the manager, identified in the video as Amy Woodruff, and beefed up security around its clinics.

Central Jersey Planned Parenthood fires worker after release of undercover video |


So? They handled the situation.
You're right. But they have to do something about the loopholes. They won't be shut down because of this, but I expect new rules will be in order. Those will PROTECT clients; not punish them.

Why would you want them shut down? They provide medical help for people, and the majority of their care has nothing to do with abortions.
As usual the SCUM is on the right...I hope the FBI puts this scum where it belongs...JAIL


Lila Rose: 5 Facts on the Woman Behind the Planned Parenthood Hoax [VIDEOS]

Who orchestrated the latest Planned Parenthood hoax, in which people pretending to be sex traffickers sought advice from clinic staff?

Her name is Lila Rose, and she's well known on both sides of the abortion debate. Although she's only 22 years old, she's been a high-profile member of anti-abortion circles for at least seven years.

Surge Desk has the facts about the young woman who founded Live Action, the group that made the Planned Parenthood video.

1. She thinks abortions "should be performed in public"
2. She's arranged undercover operations at Planned Parenthood before
3. She's worked with James O'Keefe, the man who ran an undercover hoax at ACORN
4. She's won conservative awards and cash
5. She became an activist when she was a teenager

Lila Rose: 5 Facts on the Woman Behind the Planned Parenthood Hoax [VIDEOS]

Oh she should be jailed? For trying to protect children from sex crimes? Unbelievable.
Oh she should be jailed? For trying to protect children from sex crimes? Unbelievable.

What part of the word HOAX don't you comprehend chanel? She is not trying to do anything for anyone except LILA ROSE...

Among a people generally corrupt liberty cannot long exist.
Edmund Burke
Prove it's a hoax. Just because you and your source don't like the messenger, doesn't mean that woman in the video was fake.

Maybe if the MSM and the govt. did its fucking job, these ambush videographers wouldn't have to. 17 years since Gosnell's clinic was inspected. Is that ok?

Underage girls, who may be victims of crimes, being given abortions with few questions asked. Is that ok?

New rules are in order. Period.
NPR was forced to correct: "An earlier version of this post stated Live Action was associated with James O'Keefe. They are not, and O'Keefe was not a part of this undercover video."

It’s chilling. It’s ridiculous to know that in the wake of catching onto Live Action’s fieldwork, Planned Parenthood has reportedly warned its clinic workers to know there could be cameras on them.

Read more: Oops! NPR Mangles Planned Parenthood Sting Story, Is Forced to Correct |

Sad commentary of the level of acceptance for some people in today's society.
The video is repugnant, chanel. It's beyond comprehension how anyone who delivers services to women and girls could sit across the table from a pimp and counsel him on how to better cover up his crimes. There's no getting around that.

However, I dun understand what you want done. Parental notification is not always possible (what would you have happen in incest cases?). I had thought minors ALWAYS had to get judicial approval to obtain an abortion without parental consent -- if this requirement has eroded, I'd support putting it back.

To me, it does not matter whether the girl is 12 or 15 (though the nature of the crime committed against her might change). Both should have some adult supervision.
Prove it's a hoax. Just because you and your source don't like the messenger, doesn't mean that woman in the video was fake.

Maybe if the MSM and the govt. did its fucking job, these ambush videographers wouldn't have to. 17 years since Gosnell's clinic was inspected. Is that ok?

Underage girls, who may be victims of crimes, being given abortions with few questions asked. Is that ok?

New rules are in order. Period.

All I need to know about you chanel was in this post:

Regardless of whether the video was edited (they claim the full unedited version is on their website), or whether this was just a few rogue employees who violated their policy, it is really just the tip of the iceberg in my opinion.

You are judge, jury and executioner. You are not interested in truth. You already KNOW.

The same scurrilous people who lied and were caught pull the same crap...hey, maybe THIS time they are not scurrilous?
I'd have liked it if they're given us the entire interview from start to finish.

Careful editing can make people appear to be saying something they're not.

I have no idea if that is happening in this case, but the fact that the interview is so carefully editing makes me doubtful this is anything but a setup.
Well none of us were there, but you can choose to believe it is true or not. I do. And I will reiterate once again that the rules need to be changed - with
or without the video. And a set up or a sting is not the same as a hoax.
Well none of us were there, but you can choose to believe it is true or not. I do. And I will reiterate once again that the rules need to be changed - with
or without the video. And a set up or a sting is not the same as a hoax.

It sure smells like one when your evidence is a highly edited tape and you refuse to publicly release the raw video.

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