Planned Parenthood fires worker after release of undercover video

What do ya' know another Brietbart/O'Keefe style hit piece.

Sex Ring Was A Hoax; Live Action Posts Video Targeting Planned Parenthood | TPMMuckraker

Until the full video is seen these people have no credibility.

O let's not be delusional here, Art. The health care sector devoted to women's health and abortion attracts some creepy people. Doubtless, Planned Parenthood pays for shit and gets more'n its share. They did fire the woman featured, remember?

Between Sherrod and the ACORN nonsense these people have no credibility w/out the full, unedited tape.
What do ya' know another Brietbart/O'Keefe style hit piece.

Sex Ring Was A Hoax; Live Action Posts Video Targeting Planned Parenthood | TPMMuckraker

Until the full video is seen these people have no credibility.

O let's not be delusional here, Art. The health care sector devoted to women's health and abortion attracts some creepy people. Doubtless, Planned Parenthood pays for shit and gets more'n its share. They did fire the woman featured, remember?

Between Sherrod and the ACORN nonsense these people have no credibility w/out the full, unedited tape.

Meh, okay.

I have a question for your wannabe trollness.

Do you support what the woman in the OP did? Was Planned Parenthood wrong to fire her after she tried to help these people in their endevor to keep underage prostitutes?

These people had gone to many planned parenthood offices, and this woman was the only idiot that missed the memo that people were trying to trap them. I am happy that Planned Parenthood, as an organization, caught on, but that is actually irrelevant to the OP. That is something that all but the most die hard pro abortionist should understand.
As usual the SCUM is on the right...I hope the FBI puts this scum where it belongs...JAIL

Lila Rose: 5 Facts on the Woman Behind the Planned Parenthood Hoax [VIDEOS]

Who orchestrated the latest Planned Parenthood hoax, in which people pretending to be sex traffickers sought advice from clinic staff?

Her name is Lila Rose, and she's well known on both sides of the abortion debate. Although she's only 22 years old, she's been a high-profile member of anti-abortion circles for at least seven years.

Surge Desk has the facts about the young woman who founded Live Action, the group that made the Planned Parenthood video.

1. She thinks abortions "should be performed in public"
2. She's arranged undercover operations at Planned Parenthood before
3. She's worked with James O'Keefe, the man who ran an undercover hoax at ACORN
4. She's won conservative awards and cash
5. She became an activist when she was a teenager

Funny how the reporters are scum for testing a liberal organization, but the person who actually wanted to help them pull off this shit is not.
What do ya' know another Brietbart/O'Keefe style hit piece.

Sex Ring Was A Hoax; Live Action Posts Video Targeting Planned Parenthood | TPMMuckraker

Until the full video is seen these people have no credibility.

I would be a lot more impressed with your position if, instead of simply condemning the reporters who tried this, you also condemn the woman who was willing to help someone cover up child prostitution. I might actually think you are not a partisan hack under those circumstances.

Unlike the other case you are alluding to, no one is trying to argue that more than one Planned Parenthood location fell for the hoax, and Planned Parenthood actually reported the couple to the FBI. That means that, even if I disagree with their position on abortion, I can admit that they did the right thing here, with the exception of one employee, and they fired her.

Tell me something, why aren't you calling for an investigation of the clinic the couple was referred to? Don't you think any clinic that routinely ignores the laws about abortions for minors should be investigated? Or do you think it is a good idea that there is a clinic out there that has no problem with multiple visits by underage girls who are obviously abused?
Well none of us were there, but you can choose to believe it is true or not. I do. And I will reiterate once again that the rules need to be changed - with
or without the video. And a set up or a sting is not the same as a hoax.

Why do the rules need to be changed?

Planned Parenthood, as an organization, caught on to the couple early, and, despite believing it a hoax like the on used against ACORN, reported it to the FBI. Individuals in PP saw this, reported it up the chain of command, and sent the couple packing.

Yes, there was one woman who helped them, but unlike the ACORN situation, she was not defended by PP, and was fired. This is not a tip of the iceberg type thing, it is the case of a single idiot in an organization ignoring policy and breaking the law. This could happen anywhere in a large organization, and all the rules in the world will not prevent it.
Oh she should be jailed? For trying to protect children from sex crimes? Unbelievable.

What part of the word HOAX don't you comprehend chanel? She is not trying to do anything for anyone except LILA ROSE...

Among a people generally corrupt liberty cannot long exist.
Edmund Burke
The video is pretty damning. I'm having trouble seeing what context could possibly make the woman's words seem okay- especially since, based on her employers' response, she didn't approach her supervisors to report this guy, adding credence to the video and the allegations against her.
Yep PP did the right thing. However, but that does not mean there motives were benign because they "care about their patients" They were covering their ass because of potential bad publicity. And yes QW, isn't it a bit disgusting that posters on here would prefer to jail the journalist rather than see this employee punished? The woman stated that its even easier at the abortion center. "They don't get as audited as much". Maybe that's who needs some further investigation.

Who am I kidding? The investigation will center on the videographers.
Yep And as Madeline pointed out, she was fired. I don't think the PP people needed more evidence. But obviously the people on here do. (Well not really It wouldn't matter if the woman admitted it herself on national TV)
Yep PP did the right thing. However, but that does not mean there motives were benign because they "care about their patients" They were covering their ass because of potential bad publicity. And yes QW, isn't it a bit disgusting that posters on here would prefer to jail the journalist rather than see this employee punished? The woman stated that its even easier at the abortion center. "They don't get as audited as much". Maybe that's who needs some further investigation.

Who am I kidding? The investigation will center on the videographers.

Now,'re doing the same thing you condemn. If you have evidence PP should have done more than it already has, by all means share it -- but it's not fair to tar every PP employee with the same brush.
Maddie, we already know you're a retard. There's no need for you to join Windbag in proving it.
The video is repugnant, chanel. It's beyond comprehension how anyone who delivers services to women and girls could sit across the table from a pimp and counsel him on how to better cover up his crimes. There's no getting around that.

However, I dun understand what you want done. Parental notification is not always possible (what would you have happen in incest cases?). I had thought minors ALWAYS had to get judicial approval to obtain an abortion without parental consent -- if this requirement has eroded, I'd support putting it back.

To me, it does not matter whether the girl is 12 or 15 (though the nature of the crime committed against her might change). Both should have some adult supervision.

I'm not sure how parental notification laws work. I would like to see parental consent for under 16; and at a minimum; notification until 18. What is there are complications, for crying out loud? I cannot even give a student an aspirin without parental consent. But young girls can have surgery? It defies logic.

We don't give parents enough credit today. Mother may know best sometimes.
Not much coverage and not much outrage in the media. Count on lefties to attack FOX for simply covering the issue.
We are talking about 350 million Taxpayer dollars per year to "planned parenthood" clinics. Now it is alleged with hard evidence that PP is funding the underage sex trade industry. Are liberals so out of touch with reality that they need to sanction the sex trade industry in order to keep abortion clinics funded?

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