Planned Parenthood Scandal Proves that Liberals Like Elizabeth Warren Are Bullies : ZoNation Read mo

Abortionists should be angry they're getting cut out of The Planned Parenthood Profits.

"I killed my baby and all I got was this shirt!"
Of course. You should know that by now...

Partial Birth Abortion

Thanks for giving me the opportunity to share.

I am still waiting for you to explain what this has to do with Planned Paranthood, which this thread is about.

Planned Parent kills babies. They are in the business of abortion. If you can't make the connection, you shouldn't be in the thread.

If you don't know the difference between a baby and a fetus, you need to repeat 9th grade biology.

Please note that this is not out the Inca's dictionary. Also note the ONE trait that defines a fetus.

  1. an unborn offspring of a mammal, in particular an unborn human baby more than eight weeks after conception.
    synonyms: embryo, unborn baby/child
    "an ultrasonic photo of the fetus"

Wow! better send that to the Supreme Court, right away! I'm sure that this is news to them!

Like a lot of folks, they just don't care.
Ram, I am posting this again because Freewill is ducking it.

Freewill, I am moving this because you might have missed it.

I only say it because I am more pro-life than you.

Nothing after 12 weeks except for life of mother; and only that and rape and incest before 12 weeks.

Freewill is a rabid supporter of PP when he is compared to me.

I duck nothing and I don't really believe anything you have to say. You fib about being a mainstream Republican I can't really believe anything you say. Sorry but your caused it.
Ram, it's a false comparison.

And if it is a choice between mother and fetus, mom wins hands down every single time.

Jake I agree with that. We had 2 hospitals here. One was Catholic. Nobody had their babies there because if there were complications the baby would be spared at the expense of the mother. But that isn't what is happening.
From 1973 to 2011, 53 million abortions have been performed. That's not because the mother is in danger. If there is a life or death situation with the mother, the mother goes to the hospital.
Healthy women walk into abortion clinics, and walk out healthy. Some are repeats. For the most part the only one in danger in an abortion clinic is the baby. This isn't a life or death situation for the mother. It is a convenience situation.

The ones I know of who walked into the abortion clinic walked out phsically healthy but mentally they didn't seem all that well.
I am still waiting for you to explain what this has to do with Planned Paranthood, which this thread is about.

Planned Parent kills babies. They are in the business of abortion. If you can't make the connection, you shouldn't be in the thread.

If you don't know the difference between a baby and a fetus, you need to repeat 9th grade biology.

Please note that this is not out the Inca's dictionary. Also note the ONE trait that defines a fetus.

  1. an unborn offspring of a mammal, in particular an unborn human baby more than eight weeks after conception.
    synonyms: embryo, unborn baby/child
    "an ultrasonic photo of the fetus"

Wow! better send that to the Supreme Court, right away! I'm sure that this is news to them!

Like a lot of folks, they just don't care.

Could be. I certainly don't see anything wrong with legalized abortion as it now stands.
Ram, it's a false comparison.

And if it is a choice between mother and fetus, mom wins hands down every single time.

Jake I agree with that. We had 2 hospitals here. One was Catholic. Nobody had their babies there because if there were complications the baby would be spared at the expense of the mother. But that isn't what is happening.
From 1973 to 2011, 53 million abortions have been performed. That's not because the mother is in danger. If there is a life or death situation with the mother, the mother goes to the hospital.
Healthy women walk into abortion clinics, and walk out healthy. Some are repeats. For the most part the only one in danger in an abortion clinic is the baby. This isn't a life or death situation for the mother. It is a convenience situation.

The ones I know of who walked into the abortion clinic walked out phsically healthy but mentally they didn't seem all that well.

So, tell me, did you have professional mental evaluations done on these people leaving abortion clinics?
Ram, I am posting this again because Freewill is ducking it.

Freewill, I am moving this because you might have missed it.

I only say it because I am more pro-life than you.

Nothing after 12 weeks except for life of mother; and only that and rape and incest before 12 weeks.

Freewill is a rabid supporter of PP when he is compared to me.
I duck nothing and I don't really believe anything you have to say. You fib about being a mainstream Republican I can't really believe anything you say. Sorry but your caused it.
Yeah, you are ducking, because we know you are a liar. You are far more likely to fib than me, and we all know that. I speak truth. You are a liberal on abortion compared to me.
Ram, I am posting this again because Freewill is ducking it.

Freewill, I am moving this because you might have missed it.

I only say it because I am more pro-life than you.

Nothing after 12 weeks except for life of mother; and only that and rape and incest before 12 weeks.

Freewill is a rabid supporter of PP when he is compared to me.
I duck nothing and I don't really believe anything you have to say. You fib about being a mainstream Republican I can't really believe anything you say. Sorry but your caused it.
Yeah, you are ducking, because we know you are a liar. You are far more likely to fib than me, and we all know that. I speak truth. You are a liberal on abortion compared to me.
No, Freewill did no mental evaluations. He is a gastric penguin mouth belching farts, nothing more.
Ram, it's a false comparison.

And if it is a choice between mother and fetus, mom wins hands down every single time.

Jake I agree with that. We had 2 hospitals here. One was Catholic. Nobody had their babies there because if there were complications the baby would be spared at the expense of the mother. But that isn't what is happening.
From 1973 to 2011, 53 million abortions have been performed. That's not because the mother is in danger. If there is a life or death situation with the mother, the mother goes to the hospital.
Healthy women walk into abortion clinics, and walk out healthy. Some are repeats. For the most part the only one in danger in an abortion clinic is the baby. This isn't a life or death situation for the mother. It is a convenience situation.

The ones I know of who walked into the abortion clinic walked out phsically healthy but mentally they didn't seem all that well.

So, tell me, did you have professional mental evaluations done on these people leaving abortion clinics?

Nope, mine is just an observation of the very few I knew that didn't love their unborn child. But others have:

Summary of Women s Health After Abortion The deVeber Institute for Bioethics and Social Research

I am providing a snippet of the information on that site there is much more all with references to the source.

I am also going to use my view on abortion in a very poor analogy. Cigarette smoking and abortion. First of all I do not harbor the thought that abortion will ever be made illegal. Too much money involved and there is no way liberals will ever change their minds on the subject no matter how gruesome. So the aim should be to get people to voluntarily not have abortions as we do with cigarette smoking.

We all know that cigarette smoking kills a pile of people every year. We know this by we don't make it illegal. What we do is try and convince people that is is unhealthy to do so, some commercials try and gross people out. Try that with abortion and people will be calling you a hater. They do that with the hope that they will see the light and quit on their own.

That is why I hold the position I do. Abortion is just plain wrong in almost all cases if not all. Rape, incest and the life of the mother are all situations that need to be dealt with but not dealt with the idea that abortion is the only answer, there are others. The biggest crime of abortion is that people tend to think it is harmless to the woman, it is not.

1. Suicide
· Within 12 months of the abortion or live delivery, Scandinavian women who aborted experienced a suicide rate of 34.9 per 1000, compared to a suicide rate of 5.9 per 1000 for women who delivered their babies. This is a suicide rate nearly six times greater. (Gissler et al., British Medical Journal, 1996) [WHAA, 193)

· A similar study in Wales discovered that women who aborted experienced a suicide rate 3.25 times greater (Morgan et al., BMJ, 1987) [WHAA, 196-7]

· A similar study in the U.S. found a suicide rate 2.6 times greater (Reardon et al.,Archives of Women’s Mental Health, 2001) [WHAA, 197]

2. Mental Health
· A study sponsored by the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario found that after three months, aborted women had a rate of 5.2 per thousand hospitalizations for psychiatric problems, compared to a rate of 1.1 per thousand for the control group. (Ostbye et al., American Journal of Medical Quality, 2001) [WHAA, 3]

· Recently (Nov. 2006), a rigorously neutral study from New Zealand has uncovered a strong correlation between induced abortion and subsequent mental health problems. By every measure, whether it is major depression, anxiety disorder, suicidal ideation, alcohol dependence, illicit drug dependence, or mean number of mental health problems, those who terminated their pregnancy by abortion suffered much higher rates of disorder than those who were never pregnant, and those who were pregnant but did not abort. After ‘covariate adjustment’, they found that those in the ‘not pregnant’ and ‘pregnant no abortion’ categories ran far lower risks of suffering various disorders.

3. Prematurity
· Induced abortion was associated with an 86% increased risk of very preterm birth (under 33 weeks’ gestation) among women with previous first-trimester abortions, and a 267% increased risk among women with previous second-trimester abortions. (Ancel, Papiernik et al., British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 1999) [WHAA, 46]

4. Lower fertility after abortion
· Women who have abortions experience 6% lower fertility than women who do not have abortions. (Frank et al., British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 1993) [WHAA, 64]

5. Abortion and STDs
· Women with a history of induced abortion were found to be 3.15 times more likely than women without a history of induced abortion to be seropositive for the organism causing Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID). (Jonsson et al., Sexually Transmitted Disease, 1995) [WHAA, 67]

· Chlamydia is a major cause of post-abortion PID (Giertz et al., Acta Obstetrica et Gynecologica Scandinavica, 1987) [WHAA, 68]

6. Abortion and breast cancer
· Out of 37 studies up to the year 2003 of the link between induced abortion and subsequent breast cancer, 23 showed a 30% increased risk of breast cancer for women who experienced induced abortion. [WHAA, 26-8].

7. Complication rates
· A study conducted by the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario shows that after induced abortion there is a 4 times increase in medical admissions and a 5 times increase in surgical admissions to the hospital. (Ostbye T, Wenghofer EF, Woodward CA. American Journal of Medical Quality 2001.)
Ram, I am posting this again because Freewill is ducking it.

Freewill, I am moving this because you might have missed it.

I only say it because I am more pro-life than you.

Nothing after 12 weeks except for life of mother; and only that and rape and incest before 12 weeks.

Freewill is a rabid supporter of PP when he is compared to me.
I duck nothing and I don't really believe anything you have to say. You fib about being a mainstream Republican I can't really believe anything you say. Sorry but your caused it.
Yeah, you are ducking, because we know you are a liar. You are far more likely to fib than me, and we all know that. I speak truth. You are a liberal on abortion compared to me.

Could we have an informal poll of the board?
Ram, I am posting this again because Freewill is ducking it.

Freewill, I am moving this because you might have missed it.

I only say it because I am more pro-life than you.

Nothing after 12 weeks except for life of mother; and only that and rape and incest before 12 weeks.

Freewill is a rabid supporter of PP when he is compared to me.
I duck nothing and I don't really believe anything you have to say. You fib about being a mainstream Republican I can't really believe anything you say. Sorry but your caused it.
Yeah, you are ducking, because we know you are a liar. You are far more likely to fib than me, and we all know that. I speak truth. You are a liberal on abortion compared to me.

Could we have an informal poll of the board?
The same left of center to right of center will support me, and the far right wacks will support you.

My personal belief: no abortions after 12 weeks except for life of the mother, and only that and rape and incest before that.

Your never really say: you never really say. Here is your chance.

I believe that the government should have no role in abortion, period.

You, as a far right wing Progressive, believe the Government and you should be there your invasive ultrawands and deny women to make up their own minds.
Ram, I am posting this again because Freewill is ducking it.

Freewill, I am moving this because you might have missed it.

I only say it because I am more pro-life than you.

Nothing after 12 weeks except for life of mother; and only that and rape and incest before 12 weeks.

Freewill is a rabid supporter of PP when he is compared to me.
I duck nothing and I don't really believe anything you have to say. You fib about being a mainstream Republican I can't really believe anything you say. Sorry but your caused it.
Yeah, you are ducking, because we know you are a liar. You are far more likely to fib than me, and we all know that. I speak truth. You are a liberal on abortion compared to me.

Could we have an informal poll of the board?
The same left of center to right of center will support me, and the far right wacks will support you.

My personal belief: no abortions after 12 weeks except for life of the mother, and only that and rape and incest before that.

Your never really say: you never really say. Here is your chance.

I believe that the government should have no role in abortion, period.

You, as a far right wing Progressive, believe the Government and you should be there your invasive ultrawands and deny women to make up their own minds.
You, Freewill, are not a real conservative. Only a far right Progressive.
Ram, I am posting this again because Freewill is ducking it.

Freewill, I am moving this because you might have missed it.

I only say it because I am more pro-life than you.

Nothing after 12 weeks except for life of mother; and only that and rape and incest before 12 weeks.

Freewill is a rabid supporter of PP when he is compared to me.
I duck nothing and I don't really believe anything you have to say. You fib about being a mainstream Republican I can't really believe anything you say. Sorry but your caused it.
Yeah, you are ducking, because we know you are a liar. You are far more likely to fib than me, and we all know that. I speak truth. You are a liberal on abortion compared to me.

Could we have an informal poll of the board?
The same left of center to right of center will support me, and the far right wacks will support you.

My personal belief: no abortions after 12 weeks except for life of the mother, and only that and rape and incest before that.

Your never really say: you never really say. Here is your chance.

I believe that the government should have no role in abortion, period.

You, as a far right wing Progressive, believe the Government and you should be there your invasive ultrawands and deny women to make up their own minds.
You, Freewill, are not a real conservative. Only a far right Progressive.

" Only a far right Progressive"

That's some funny made up shit right there.
A far right progressive wants Big Government to stop abortion.

A left progressive wants Big Government to allow abortion.

A conservative or a libertarians wants government to leave it alone.

One that wants government involved one way or another is a statist, a progressive.

Same way Marriage Equality.
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A far right progressive wants Big Government to stop abortion.

There is no such thing as a "far right progressive", it is an oxymoron.
Progressivism is a statist system of government, political, or cultural change through the use of Big Government. A progressive is a statist. He can be a leftist, a centrist, or a rightist.

Those that oppose Marriage Equality or abortion and want big government to intervene are right wing statist progressives. They are not conservatives, just right wing.
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Planned Parenthood doesn't do anything different than what is done when people donate their own organs. Republicans edited a video to push their sick agenda where they give a zygote more importance than a full grown woman.

Republican politicians have grabbed on to "anti-abortion" as their main issue because it is the only means that they can get votes from people that are well-intended but are not informed enough to know any better. They pander to their emotional state and have them so convinced that abortion is so evil that even if a woman is at risk for their life, they should not opt for an abortion.

Over-the-top outrage is the emotion of the day for Republicans as they respond to the latest misleading, heavily edited video attacking Planned Parenthood. The video shows Deborah Nucatola, Planned Parenthood's senior director of medical services, talking about voluntary fetal tissue donation and the reimbursements for the costs of doing that. It's being depicted as some lurid plot to sell bodies, but really it's ... organ donation. You know, like you can register to donate your own organs when you renew your driver's license?
Republicans outraged by organ and tissue donation ... if Planned Parenthood is involved

What is sick is when protecting the most innocent of society is call sick. What type of mind thinks such things? Sick minds.

There is nothing wrong with protecting the most innocent, but giving a zygote more importance than a woman, now that is sick. Why is the woman less important than a fertilized egg?

You must really be irate knowing that Dr. Ben Carson operated on a zygote while it was still inside its mother's womb. What a waste of talent, huh?
A zygote's health is secondary to that of the mother.

If even the slightest conflict should appear, then zygote to the rear.
I duck nothing and I don't really believe anything you have to say. You fib about being a mainstream Republican I can't really believe anything you say. Sorry but your caused it.
Yeah, you are ducking, because we know you are a liar. You are far more likely to fib than me, and we all know that. I speak truth. You are a liberal on abortion compared to me.

Could we have an informal poll of the board?
The same left of center to right of center will support me, and the far right wacks will support you.

My personal belief: no abortions after 12 weeks except for life of the mother, and only that and rape and incest before that.

Your never really say: you never really say. Here is your chance.

I believe that the government should have no role in abortion, period.

You, as a far right wing Progressive, believe the Government and you should be there your invasive ultrawands and deny women to make up their own minds.
You, Freewill, are not a real conservative. Only a far right Progressive.

" Only a far right Progressive"

That's some funny made up shit right there.

He's a jackass.

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