Planned Parenthood Scandal Proves that Liberals Like Elizabeth Warren Are Bullies : ZoNation Read mo

wow, even the so called edited tapes was enough to make someone puke.

Yeah, Stephanie....the edited tape would make anyone puke because a lot of bullshit was added in. You just showed your ignorance once again.

Could you kindly link me to the ones you watched, I would like to see what you are talking about.

I didn't watch it, but here is a link that explains it.

Unspinning the Planned Parenthood Video

So, thank you for doing a google to that site. While they went to great detail to say that PP or that the doctors were not profitting from the procedures they certainly did not say that the procedures or the selling of body parts was not going on. So it seems that the group, who your article says released both and edited and the full length version, are telling the truth. MAYBE the profit aspect might be exagerated but certainly the what they are actually doing is not.

Here is the actual full version of the video your link talks about. Note the title line. BTW if you didn't watch it, and didn't have a link to the video and the link you provided didn't really say anything was added (how does one add to a video) how do you know anything was added, as you clearly stated? Just wondering.

It's not a secret that selling of body parts is going on. How do you think Dick Cheney got his "heart"? It has been going on for years, but the edited video tried to put a spin on it to create the idea that Planned Parenthood is selling them and making a profit. It is common and legal for facilities to be reimbursed for the costs associated with donating tissue but the edited video made it seem like PP was outright selling them, which is illegal.

(CNN) — Fetal tissue has been used since the 1930s for vaccine development, and more recently to help advance stem cell research and treatments for degenerative diseases such as Parkinson’s disease. Researchers typically take tissue samples from a fetus that has been aborted (under conditions permitted by law) and grow cells from the tissue in Petri dishes.
How exactly fetal tissue is used for medicine

Here also is another article that explains how the video was edited.

Using fake IDs, the impostors, posing as employees of a (fictitious) company, discussed procurement of fetal tissue (that would otherwise be discarded) for medical research. The Planned Parenthood doctor made clear that the only cost to the research company was for preserving and transporting fetal tissue.

No profit was involved; however, the edited video cut the doctor’s explanation out — to make it sound as if this was a sale of tissue. Four experts in the field of human-tissue procurement said that the $30 to $100 per patient represents a reasonable fee to cover Planned Parenthood’s costs, including the procedure, proper storing of fetal tissue and transportation.

Abortion is legal and has been since 1973.

POINT OF VIEW Attack on Planned Parenthood an attack on women
Another ploy for your edification. Can't pretend they are zygotes anymore, so you pretend it is a plot. It's not. It's barbaric.

WARNING -- Link Contents Graphic Image..

Image at: -----
Extreme bias alert.

^ You bet. We should all be bias about babies being ripped apart until they die. If pictures of piles of dead babies are to "graphic" for usmb, ask yourself why that is. It's called, "turning a blind eye". As long as you are sheltered from the truth, you can continue to buy into the cells or zygote ruse.
You're a liar, as no such thing is happening.

Your propensity to lie in order to advance your extremist agenda is what renders you and others on the social right a danger to our civil liberties, and illustrates why the Constitution and its case law – privacy rights jurisprudence in particular – are needed as much today as any time in our Nation's history.

You must be the only person on earth that doesn't know that this is indeed happening. And it has nothing to do with party affiliation. The medical professionals that testified before Congress were social lefts. But what they had become a part of was too gruesome to overlook, even though the practice fit their convictions. They were you, Clayton. And I am willing to bet if you were to take their place for a year, when the time was up you wouldn't be able to be a part of the brutality any longer either.

And, Mert, stop pretending this is a health related concern, and stop with the aborted zygote thing. If a zygote is 4 days old and as has been pointed out, and the pregnancy hasn't even been discovered yet, then it's not zygotes they are selling. They are conducting surgical procedures on live infants and killing them in the process. Zygote has nothing to do with what this nightmare has evolved into.

Planned Parenthood actually is Soylent Green. This is just the beginning. After harvesting all the babies they can get, they plan of killing our aged and processing them for food.....
And the progressive right wingers want to use Big Government to enact their social and cultural goals regarding abortion.
wow, even the so called edited tapes was enough to make someone puke.

Yeah, Stephanie....the edited tape would make anyone puke because a lot of bullshit was added in. You just showed your ignorance once again.

Could you kindly link me to the ones you watched, I would like to see what you are talking about.

I didn't watch it, but here is a link that explains it.

Unspinning the Planned Parenthood Video

So, thank you for doing a google to that site. While they went to great detail to say that PP or that the doctors were not profitting from the procedures they certainly did not say that the procedures or the selling of body parts was not going on. So it seems that the group, who your article says released both and edited and the full length version, are telling the truth. MAYBE the profit aspect might be exagerated but certainly the what they are actually doing is not.

Here is the actual full version of the video your link talks about. Note the title line. BTW if you didn't watch it, and didn't have a link to the video and the link you provided didn't really say anything was added (how does one add to a video) how do you know anything was added, as you clearly stated? Just wondering.

It's not a secret that selling of body parts is going on. How do you think Dick Cheney got his "heart"? It has been going on for years, but the edited video tried to put a spin on it to create the idea that Planned Parenthood is selling them and making a profit. It is common and legal for facilities to be reimbursed for the costs associated with donating tissue but the edited video made it seem like PP was outright selling them, which is illegal.

(CNN) — Fetal tissue has been used since the 1930s for vaccine development, and more recently to help advance stem cell research and treatments for degenerative diseases such as Parkinson’s disease. Researchers typically take tissue samples from a fetus that has been aborted (under conditions permitted by law) and grow cells from the tissue in Petri dishes.
How exactly fetal tissue is used for medicine

Here also is another article that explains how the video was edited.

Using fake IDs, the impostors, posing as employees of a (fictitious) company, discussed procurement of fetal tissue (that would otherwise be discarded) for medical research. The Planned Parenthood doctor made clear that the only cost to the research company was for preserving and transporting fetal tissue.

No profit was involved; however, the edited video cut the doctor’s explanation out — to make it sound as if this was a sale of tissue. Four experts in the field of human-tissue procurement said that the $30 to $100 per patient represents a reasonable fee to cover Planned Parenthood’s costs, including the procedure, proper storing of fetal tissue and transportation.

Abortion is legal and has been since 1973.

POINT OF VIEW Attack on Planned Parenthood an attack on women

When I received my driver's licence I was asked if I wanted to be an organ donor. Now my licence says organ donor.

I would be very happy to know that when I was done with my organs that they were able to use them to save someone else.

That is a choice I made and I hope that when they go to use them I am no longer able to make that decision.

That said, you have no problem with the harvesting of parts for unborn children that have been killed. Does everyone have to agree with that position? You seem to raise the issue to a moral obligation that everyone must adhere to or there is something wrong with them. When in fact I think just the opposite.

Clearly the videos are exactly what they say they are, an indictment on the selling of body parts. Editing the tape, motive, or anything else does not change the FACT of what you can see and hear.

You stated this: Yeah, Stephanie....the edited tape would make anyone puke because a lot of bullshit was added in. You just showed your ignorance once again.

Which I have now shown to all is nothing but a fabrication. You didn't listen or view the tapes. You didn't know if there was, or was not BS added. You didn't even provide a link to the video. YOU not only showed your ignorance but you expressed it. Now had I done the same people like you and Jake would be all over me calling me a liar like you more or less did to Stephanie. You owe her an apology she will never receive.

You do realize that the argument over profit is not the issue. But that is what the liberals want to make the argument because you think it is somehow a winner and will make people accept the destruction of life and the selling of the body parts. "Breaking even" on the sale of the body parts IS making a profit what in the hell don't you people understand about money? It would be the same as paying your mechanic to remove your tire, you pay him what he charges he makes a profit from changing tires.

Interesting that both democrats that oppose abortion have their own organization and web site.

Community Health Centers Are Better For Women Than Planned Parenthood
Planned Parenthood doesn't do anything different than what is done when people donate their own organs. Republicans edited a video to push their sick agenda where they give a zygote more importance than a full grown woman.

Republican politicians have grabbed on to "anti-abortion" as their main issue because it is the only means that they can get votes from people that are well-intended but are not informed enough to know any better. They pander to their emotional state and have them so convinced that abortion is so evil that even if a woman is at risk for their life, they should not opt for an abortion.

Over-the-top outrage is the emotion of the day for Republicans as they respond to the latest misleading, heavily edited video attacking Planned Parenthood. The video shows Deborah Nucatola, Planned Parenthood's senior director of medical services, talking about voluntary fetal tissue donation and the reimbursements for the costs of doing that. It's being depicted as some lurid plot to sell bodies, but really it's ... organ donation. You know, like you can register to donate your own organs when you renew your driver's license?
Republicans outraged by organ and tissue donation ... if Planned Parenthood is involved

What is sick is when protecting the most innocent of society is call sick. What type of mind thinks such things? Sick minds.

There is nothing wrong with protecting the most innocent, but giving a zygote more importance than a woman, now that is sick. Why is the woman less important than a fertilized egg?

You must really be irate knowing that Dr. Ben Carson operated on a zygote while it was still inside its mother's womb. What a waste of talent, huh?

Really? This is a picture of a zygote.....

I can't imagine how Dr. Carson would be operating on a zygote, since the phase of the zygote is about 4 days....hardly enough time to figure out that something is wrong with it, schedule an operation and then operate. I think you are delusional.

The term zygote was used to mimic the poster's description. Dr. Carson operated on a fetus/a baby.
After 12 weeks, the fetus assumes an increasingly human form. Would you step up and stop a beating heart?
Planned Parenthood doesn't do anything different than what is done when people donate their own organs. Republicans edited a video to push their sick agenda where they give a zygote more importance than a full grown woman.

Republican politicians have grabbed on to "anti-abortion" as their main issue because it is the only means that they can get votes from people that are well-intended but are not informed enough to know any better. They pander to their emotional state and have them so convinced that abortion is so evil that even if a woman is at risk for their life, they should not opt for an abortion.

Over-the-top outrage is the emotion of the day for Republicans as they respond to the latest misleading, heavily edited video attacking Planned Parenthood. The video shows Deborah Nucatola, Planned Parenthood's senior director of medical services, talking about voluntary fetal tissue donation and the reimbursements for the costs of doing that. It's being depicted as some lurid plot to sell bodies, but really it's ... organ donation. You know, like you can register to donate your own organs when you renew your driver's license?
Republicans outraged by organ and tissue donation ... if Planned Parenthood is involved

What is sick is when protecting the most innocent of society is call sick. What type of mind thinks such things? Sick minds.

There is nothing wrong with protecting the most innocent, but giving a zygote more importance than a woman, now that is sick. Why is the woman less important than a fertilized egg?

You must really be irate knowing that Dr. Ben Carson operated on a zygote while it was still inside its mother's womb. What a waste of talent, huh?

Really? This is a picture of a zygote.....

I can't imagine how Dr. Carson would be operating on a zygote, since the phase of the zygote is about 4 days....hardly enough time to figure out that something is wrong with it, schedule an operation and then operate. I think you are delusional.

The term zygote was used to mimic the poster's description. Dr. Carson operated on a fetus/a baby.
After 12 weeks, the fetus assumes an increasingly human form. Would you step up and stop a beating heart?
Not if one believes an embryo/fetus is a 'person.'

That's the genius of our Constitutional Republic, where each American can decide for himself when life begins, in accordance with his own good faith and good conscience, free from unwarranted interference from the state, free from being compelled by force of law to believe one way or the other.
There is no scandal at Planned Parenthood unless you count the invented one from the rightwing propaganda machine.

No scandal in auto parts stores.

No scandal in wrecking yards where CARS are parted out.

But, OK, there is no legal requirement that anyone respect the sanctity of the human body.


You don't realize apparently that every organ transplant that is performed necessitates the use of human organs from another human body,


Or don't you realize that?

Yeah....but we aren't murdering people to get those organs are we....that is the difference.....
What is sick is when protecting the most innocent of society is call sick. What type of mind thinks such things? Sick minds.

There is nothing wrong with protecting the most innocent, but giving a zygote more importance than a woman, now that is sick. Why is the woman less important than a fertilized egg?

You must really be irate knowing that Dr. Ben Carson operated on a zygote while it was still inside its mother's womb. What a waste of talent, huh?

Really? This is a picture of a zygote.....

I can't imagine how Dr. Carson would be operating on a zygote, since the phase of the zygote is about 4 days....hardly enough time to figure out that something is wrong with it, schedule an operation and then operate. I think you are delusional.

The term zygote was used to mimic the poster's description. Dr. Carson operated on a fetus/a baby.
After 12 weeks, the fetus assumes an increasingly human form. Would you step up and stop a beating heart?
Not if one believes an embryo/fetus is a 'person.'

That's the genius of our Constitutional Republic, where each American can decide for himself when life begins, in accordance with his own good faith and good conscience, free from unwarranted interference from the state, free from being compelled by force of law to believe one way or the other.

Well....does that mean I can determine that your life hasn't really begun you want me to make decisions about you based on that freedom, might not like the outcome if you hold onto that belief system....

And they weren't cutting up zygotes...they were cutting up small human beings with arms, legs, a head, and internal organs....nice try at lying guys..........
Planned Parenthood doesn't do anything different than what is done when people donate their own organs. Republicans edited a video to push their sick agenda where they give a zygote more importance than a full grown woman.

Republican politicians have grabbed on to "anti-abortion" as their main issue because it is the only means that they can get votes from people that are well-intended but are not informed enough to know any better. They pander to their emotional state and have them so convinced that abortion is so evil that even if a woman is at risk for their life, they should not opt for an abortion.

Over-the-top outrage is the emotion of the day for Republicans as they respond to the latest misleading, heavily edited video attacking Planned Parenthood. The video shows Deborah Nucatola, Planned Parenthood's senior director of medical services, talking about voluntary fetal tissue donation and the reimbursements for the costs of doing that. It's being depicted as some lurid plot to sell bodies, but really it's ... organ donation. You know, like you can register to donate your own organs when you renew your driver's license?
Republicans outraged by organ and tissue donation ... if Planned Parenthood is involved

Yeah...they are...they are taking the organs from human beings who did not give their consent........what about that is so confusing for you lefties......of course, you don't like humans to begin this is no big deal.........that is why it was so easy for you guys to fill mass graves around the world....
What is sick is when protecting the most innocent of society is call sick. What type of mind thinks such things? Sick minds.

There is nothing wrong with protecting the most innocent, but giving a zygote more importance than a woman, now that is sick. Why is the woman less important than a fertilized egg?

You must really be irate knowing that Dr. Ben Carson operated on a zygote while it was still inside its mother's womb. What a waste of talent, huh?

Really? This is a picture of a zygote.....

I can't imagine how Dr. Carson would be operating on a zygote, since the phase of the zygote is about 4 days....hardly enough time to figure out that something is wrong with it, schedule an operation and then operate. I think you are delusional.

The term zygote was used to mimic the poster's description. Dr. Carson operated on a fetus/a baby.
After 12 weeks, the fetus assumes an increasingly human form. Would you step up and stop a beating heart?
Not if one believes an embryo/fetus is a 'person.'

That's the genius of our Constitutional Republic, where each American can decide for himself when life begins, in accordance with his own good faith and good conscience, free from unwarranted interference from the state, free from being compelled by force of law to believe one way or the other.

"free from being compelled by force of law to believe one way or the other."
Believe what you choose, but try acting on your beliefs when the State has specific laws in place.
There is no scandal at Planned Parenthood unless you count the invented one from the rightwing propaganda machine.

No scandal in auto parts stores.

No scandal in wrecking yards where CARS are parted out.

But, OK, there is no legal requirement that anyone respect the sanctity of the human body.


You don't realize apparently that every organ transplant that is performed necessitates the use of human organs from another human body,


Or don't you realize that?

Yeah....but we aren't murdering people to get those organs are we....that is the difference.....

Emotional meltdown rhetoric. Get a grip.
There is no scandal at Planned Parenthood unless you count the invented one from the rightwing propaganda machine.

No scandal in auto parts stores.

No scandal in wrecking yards where CARS are parted out.

But, OK, there is no legal requirement that anyone respect the sanctity of the human body.


You don't realize apparently that every organ transplant that is performed necessitates the use of human organs from another human body,


Or don't you realize that?

Yeah....but we aren't murdering people to get those organs are we....that is the difference.....

Emotional meltdown rhetoric. Get a grip.

I'm not would be nice if you lefties acted like humans........
And the difference between a zygote and 17 week old baby.....a face....

17 Weeks Pregnant - What to Expect Bounty

Your baby at week 17

Your little one is piling on the pounds now (well, not literally!) and is growing very quickly. They weigh around 150g and would fit in the palm of your hand.

Their little face looks entirely human, especially as their eyebrows and eyelashes have started to grow. Despite this, their eyelids are still fused shut, although they can move their eyes around.

Your baby’s heartbeat is now being regulated by the brain and whilst it might not be irregular, it’ll still be beating at between 140-150 beats per minute – that’s about twice as fast as yours!

Amazingly, your baby’s toes and fingers will form their own unique patterns this week as they develop the fingerprints that will stay with them for the rest of their lives.

Yeah...that isn't a human at it.........your backs must hurt as you contort yourselves to believe that killing these humans is no different than scraping cells.....
There is nothing wrong with protecting the most innocent, but giving a zygote more importance than a woman, now that is sick. Why is the woman less important than a fertilized egg?

You must really be irate knowing that Dr. Ben Carson operated on a zygote while it was still inside its mother's womb. What a waste of talent, huh?

Really? This is a picture of a zygote.....

I can't imagine how Dr. Carson would be operating on a zygote, since the phase of the zygote is about 4 days....hardly enough time to figure out that something is wrong with it, schedule an operation and then operate. I think you are delusional.

The term zygote was used to mimic the poster's description. Dr. Carson operated on a fetus/a baby.
After 12 weeks, the fetus assumes an increasingly human form. Would you step up and stop a beating heart?
Not if one believes an embryo/fetus is a 'person.'

That's the genius of our Constitutional Republic, where each American can decide for himself when life begins, in accordance with his own good faith and good conscience, free from unwarranted interference from the state, free from being compelled by force of law to believe one way or the other.

"free from being compelled by force of law to believe one way or the other."
Believe what you choose, but try acting on your beliefs when the State has specific laws in place.
And as a fact of Constitutional law an embryo/fetus is not a 'baby,' where abortion is not 'murder,' and where abortion is perfectly legal.
You must really be irate knowing that Dr. Ben Carson operated on a zygote while it was still inside its mother's womb. What a waste of talent, huh?

Really? This is a picture of a zygote.....

I can't imagine how Dr. Carson would be operating on a zygote, since the phase of the zygote is about 4 days....hardly enough time to figure out that something is wrong with it, schedule an operation and then operate. I think you are delusional.

The term zygote was used to mimic the poster's description. Dr. Carson operated on a fetus/a baby.
After 12 weeks, the fetus assumes an increasingly human form. Would you step up and stop a beating heart?
Not if one believes an embryo/fetus is a 'person.'

That's the genius of our Constitutional Republic, where each American can decide for himself when life begins, in accordance with his own good faith and good conscience, free from unwarranted interference from the state, free from being compelled by force of law to believe one way or the other.

"free from being compelled by force of law to believe one way or the other."
Believe what you choose, but try acting on your beliefs when the State has specific laws in place.
And as a fact of Constitutional law an embryo/fetus is not a 'baby,' where abortion is not 'murder,' and where abortion is perfectly legal.

The Jews in the death camps weren't human either the ones killing them.....
There is no scandal at Planned Parenthood unless you count the invented one from the rightwing propaganda machine.

No scandal in auto parts stores.

No scandal in wrecking yards where CARS are parted out.

But, OK, there is no legal requirement that anyone respect the sanctity of the human body.


You don't realize apparently that every organ transplant that is performed necessitates the use of human organs from another human body,


Or don't you realize that?

Yeah....but we aren't murdering people to get those organs are we....that is the difference.....

Emotional meltdown rhetoric. Get a grip.

It is sad...there are lefty nut jobs who won't eat an animal if it has a face...but will kill a baby even when it actually has a human face.........

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