Planned Parenthood Shooting Suspect: 'I'm Guilty... I'm A Warrior For The Babies'

Right wingers can't tell the difference between a movie and reality.
According to the Denver Post article linked by the OP Dear made dozens of outburst besides his planned parenthood outburst he also accused his lawyer of trying to drug him and of being in cahoots with planned parenthood to silence him. Putting your partisan politics aside which I know is all but impossible for some ask yourself does this sound like someone who is either sane or rational?

Of course not but that applies to almost all right wingers.
As I said putting partisan politics aside is all but impossible for some.
According to the Denver Post article linked by the OP Dear made dozens of outburst besides his planned parenthood outburst he also accused his lawyer of trying to drug him and of being in cahoots with planned parenthood to silence him. Putting your partisan politics aside which I know is all but impossible for some ask yourself does this sound like someone who is either sane or rational?

Of course not but that applies to almost all right wingers.
As I said putting partisan politics aside is all but impossible for some.

My opinion isn't based on partisan politics. It's based on the right wing posts read right hear. Other than him admitting guilt, everything else he said has been repeatedly posted by the majority of right wingers. Instead of claiming a lawyer was out to get them, they accuse every media source except fox.
Too bad he wasn't a Muslim terrorist, then the left would have to support him.
The question itself is stupid. I am pro-life, but I'm not about to go shoot some abortion doctor.

It looks like the man is incompetent to stand trial.
How are the conservatives going to explain this one?
The way most on the right usually do: lies, spin, and hypocrisy.

For example, many on the right will attempt to propagate the lie that there's some 'difference' between a Christian committing an act of terror and a Muslim, where the latter is 'representative' of 'all Muslims' and that Islam is a 'terrorist religion,' when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.

The truth is that religious extremism is dangerous no matter how it manifests, that acts of religious terrorism need to be perceived and treated the same, whether the act of terrorism was committed by a Christian, Jew, or Muslim, and that whatever the religion of the terrorist, the terrorist is in no way 'representative' of the entire religion he belongs to.
I wonder where all the posters are that kept claiming that he was just a crazy nut, shooting people at random, who just happened to be near a PP clinic?
How are the conservatives going to explain this one?
The way most on the right usually do: lies, spin, and hypocrisy.

For example, many on the right will attempt to propagate the lie that there's some 'difference' between a Christian committing an act of terror and a Muslim, where the latter is 'representative' of 'all Muslims' and that Islam is a 'terrorist religion,' when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.

The truth is that religious extremism is dangerous no matter how it manifests, that acts of religious terrorism need to be perceived and treated the same, whether the act of terrorism was committed by a Christian, Jew, or Muslim, and that whatever the religion of the terrorist, the terrorist is in no way 'representative' of the entire religion he belongs to.
Oh no, that won't work at all, the sand ******* are EVIL, but killing in the name of Jesus (or babies) is entirely valid. Besides, guns are for protection...
Planned Parenthood Shooting Suspect Says He's A 'Warrior For The Babies' In Courtroom Outburst

Planned Parenthood advocates censorship of pro-lifers:

“We know that words matter. It is time to put an end to the dangerous rhetoric that has permeated our political conversations," Vicki Cowart, CEO and president of Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains, said in a statement Wednesday. "Enough is enough -- this violence, whether inflicted with words or with weapons, cannot become our normal.”

Sorry, but the words CAN continue ... it's called the 1st Amendment,
How are the conservatives going to explain this one?
The way most on the right usually do: lies, spin, and hypocrisy.

For example, many on the right will attempt to propagate the lie that there's some 'difference' between a Christian committing an act of terror and a Muslim, where the latter is 'representative' of 'all Muslims' and that Islam is a 'terrorist religion,' when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.

The truth is that religious extremism is dangerous no matter how it manifests, that acts of religious terrorism need to be perceived and treated the same, whether the act of terrorism was committed by a Christian, Jew, or Muslim, and that whatever the religion of the terrorist, the terrorist is in no way 'representative' of the entire religion he belongs to.
Well, why don't you just say it? You hate Christians so much it just makes you want to laugh out loud with joy every time there's a terrorist act that is NOT Muslim.
This whole thread is a circle jerk of progressives, pretending that conservatives support this guy. We already denounced the loon the day it happened. But, those facts don't matter. You have to live your fantasy that right wing Christians are plotting attacks against abortion clinics. Funny how we don't hear how you are more likely to get hit by lightening than killed by a anti-abortion nut attacking a Planned Parenthood baby parts shop.
-- this violence, whether inflicted with words or with weapons, cannot become our normal.”

Let's stop killing 100s of 1000s of unborn babies!


And make them grow up in ghettos and become criminals so we can execute them later.....

So we are killing unborn babies NOW to prevent "future crime"?

Minority Report
is a 2002 Americanscience-fictionthriller film directed by Steven Spielberg and loosely based on the short story of the same name by Philip K. Dick. It is set primarily in Washington, D.C., and Northern Virginia in the year 2054, where "PreCrime", a specialized police department, apprehends criminals based on foreknowledge provided by three psychics called "precogs". The cast includes Tom Cruise as Chief of PreCrime John Anderton, Colin Farrell as Department of Justice agent Danny Witwer, Samantha Morton as the senior precog Agatha, and Max von Sydow as Anderton's superior Lamar Burgess. The film is a combination ofwhodunit, thriller and science fiction. It is also a traditional chase film, as the main protagonist is accused of a crime he has not committed and becomes a fugitive.[3]

The point being that these "pro-lifers" only care about abortion, once the baby is born, then they couldn't give a damn about it.

Consistent? No it isn't, it's hypocrisy.
This whole thread is a circle jerk of progressives, pretending that conservatives support this guy. We already denounced the loon the day it happened. But, those facts don't matter. You have to live your fantasy that right wing Christians are plotting attacks against abortion clinics. Funny how we don't hear how you are more likely to get hit by lightening than killed by a anti-abortion nut attacking a Planned Parenthood baby parts shop.

You only denounced this loon because you knew that if he was linked to conservatives and the Christian right that he would bring you down.

Right Wing Christians aren't plotting attacks against abortion clinics or their doctors? Really? Wanna talk about the abortion bombings, or about the killing of Dr. Tiller?

You're right, there are more people killed by lightning strikes than there are killed by anti abortion nuts.

But, there are more lightning strikes every year than there are abortion killings by those who are insane.

I guess we're lucky that there are less insane people than there are lightning strikes.
Planned Parenthood Shooting Suspect Says He's A 'Warrior For The Babies' In Courtroom Outburst

Planned Parenthood advocates censorship of pro-lifers:

“We know that words matter. It is time to put an end to the dangerous rhetoric that has permeated our political conversations," Vicki Cowart, CEO and president of Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains, said in a statement Wednesday. "Enough is enough -- this violence, whether inflicted with words or with weapons, cannot become our normal.”

Sorry, but the words CAN continue ... it's called the 1st Amendment,

Is shouting "fire!" in a crowded theater protected by the 1A or not?

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