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And your hero wasn’t defending himself. In Georgia waving the bang stick around is illegal. And it has been for decades.
1) He is not my hero simply because he defended himself.\
2) bringing out a gun in self defense before a crowd of threatening thugs is not 'brandishing', doofus.
You are the one who said I live in fear. No I don't fear looters and arsonists because I have a shotgun and know how to use it.
Vengance has nothing to do with it. I'd be shooting them to prevent looting and arson.

You are the one with a weak case.

This was about your desire for the mayor to order the police to shoot looters. What does your shotgun have to do with anything?

Again, you live in an irrational fear of this because of your media bubble. It's something you know nothing about.

Your and idiot and I'm done talking with an idiot.
Suit yourself. Return to your bubble. Just remember, everything you see about the riots and looting in cities comes from the media.
You are the one who said I live in fear. No I don't fear looters and arsonists because I have a shotgun and know how to use it.
Vengance has nothing to do with it. I'd be shooting them to prevent looting and arson.

You are the one with a weak case.

This was about your desire for the mayor to order the police to shoot looters. What does your shotgun have to do with anything?

Again, you live in an irrational fear of this because of your media bubble. It's something you know nothing about.

Your and idiot and I'm done talking with an idiot.
Suit yourself. Return to your bubble. Just remember, everything you see about the riots and looting in cities comes from the media.

LMAO Your the one in a bubble. Get out of it and live a little.

Nope. Saw plenty of looters and arsonists on the news. Nothing fake about it. If you think its fake then you seriously need help.
You are the one who said I live in fear. No I don't fear looters and arsonists because I have a shotgun and know how to use it.
Vengance has nothing to do with it. I'd be shooting them to prevent looting and arson.

You are the one with a weak case.

This was about your desire for the mayor to order the police to shoot looters. What does your shotgun have to do with anything?

Again, you live in an irrational fear of this because of your media bubble. It's something you know nothing about.

Your and idiot and I'm done talking with an idiot.
Suit yourself. Return to your bubble. Just remember, everything you see about the riots and looting in cities comes from the media.

LMAO Your the one in a bubble. Get out of it and live a little.

Nope. Saw plenty of looters and arsonists on the news. Nothing fake about it. If you think its fake then you seriously need help.

Not fake. Just not nearly dire as the people who get their information from television like yourself.

What you lack is perspective.
You are the one who said I live in fear. No I don't fear looters and arsonists because I have a shotgun and know how to use it.
Vengance has nothing to do with it. I'd be shooting them to prevent looting and arson.

You are the one with a weak case.

This was about your desire for the mayor to order the police to shoot looters. What does your shotgun have to do with anything?

Again, you live in an irrational fear of this because of your media bubble. It's something you know nothing about.

Your and idiot and I'm done talking with an idiot.
Suit yourself. Return to your bubble. Just remember, everything you see about the riots and looting in cities comes from the media.

LMAO Your the one in a bubble. Get out of it and live a little.

Nope. Saw plenty of looters and arsonists on the news. Nothing fake about it. If you think its fake then you seriously need help.

Not fake. Just not nearly dire as the people who get their information from television like yourself.

What you lack is perspective.

I have all kinds of perspective. You sure don't. Of course if you were in the middle of it you would see how dire it was.
Like I’ve said before, if there’s no police to deal with criminals, the people will begin to fill that void, and it won’t be pretty.

I saw a news story about that earlier. Oh where was it?

Here we go.

Much like the other cases like this. The “Hero” committed crimes and is facing incarceration. Reckless Endangerment and Aggravated Assault. In Savannah, he has a better than average chance of being convicted. If he is lucky it will be misdemeanor and he might get to keep his guns.

Yep, Dem Blue cities will ignore protesters blocking traffic and assaulting people at random, but if you defend yourself they will prosecute you 100% of the time.

That is because the protesters are a funding conduit for the DNC.

I know this probably will break your heart. But it isn’t just the cities. Dems or otherwise. When Bush came for the G whatever on the Island. Protestors started walking down the two lane road with the intention of walking right up to the G Leaders. The Republican County Police let them walk down the middle of the road. A road marked no pedestrians. The Republican County Cops did nothing. They even blocked traffic to keep the protesters safe.

And your hero wasn’t defending himself. In Georgia waving the bang stick around is illegal. And it has been for decades.

More butthurt lies.

Well I don’t have a news report for the March. My main witness was the Senior Non Commissioned Officer of the Air National Guard. An old friend who described it for me. If I am lying. I am reporting the lie verbatim. And it is logical. Georgia in the summer is usually in the nineties and often higher with humidity in the sweat clinging range. Marching through that heat is something that takes time to get used to.

For the second. The Aggravated Assault. It is the same argument we had when the McMichaels were charged. It is the law in Georgia that covers what is commonly referred to as Brandishing. In Georgia it is Aggravated Assault.
And your hero wasn’t defending himself. In Georgia waving the bang stick around is illegal. And it has been for decades.
1) He is not my hero simply because he defended himself.\
2) bringing out a gun in self defense before a crowd of threatening thugs is not 'brandishing', doofus.

It is in Georgia. The Bang Stick can only be pulled where reasonable belief of imminent threat to life is expected. You can’t pull the gun unless you are threatened with death. Then you can pull but unless they run you basically have to shoot.
What's false is your impression about the sense of scale. You are so afraid because you have no sense of the scale of the problem, thinking it's massive and widespread when it's really not.

I live in a city affected by riots, I don't live in fear.

In a nation of 330 MILLION people, 12,000 have died FROM the Wuhan virus. Indeed, let's talk about scale, Chang.
Suit yourself. Return to your bubble. Just remember, everything you see about the riots and looting in cities comes from the media.

Nonsense Chang.

The DNCCP media has done everything they can to cover up the violence by the democrat's Brown Shirts on their 4 month Kristalnacht. BRAVE men like Andy Ngo are responsible for getting the truth about what the terrorist democrats are doing out.

Truth is what you fear most, and what your henchmen the democrats try to supress.
It is in Georgia. The Bang Stick can only be pulled where reasonable belief of imminent threat to life is expected. You can’t pull the gun unless you are threatened with death. Then you can pull but unless they run you basically have to shoot.
Either that is complete horse shit or Georgia has some seriously twisted laws that encourage people to kill each other.

Edit: Georgia is an open carry state, so unless the guy was pointing the weapon at people, I dont think the prosecution has much of a chance.
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Like I’ve said before, if there’s no police to deal with criminals, the people will begin to fill that void, and it won’t be pretty.

I saw a news story about that earlier. Oh where was it?

Here we go.

Much like the other cases like this. The “Hero” committed crimes and is facing incarceration. Reckless Endangerment and Aggravated Assault. In Savannah, he has a better than average chance of being convicted. If he is lucky it will be misdemeanor and he might get to keep his guns.

Yep, Dem Blue cities will ignore protesters blocking traffic and assaulting people at random, but if you defend yourself they will prosecute you 100% of the time.

That is because the protesters are a funding conduit for the DNC.

It is in Georgia. The Bang Stick can only be pulled where reasonable belief of imminent threat to life is expected. You can’t pull the gun unless you are threatened with death. Then you can pull but unless they run you basically have to shoot.
Either that is complete horse shit or Georgia has some seriously twisted laws that encourage people to kill each other.

Edit: Georgia is an open carry state, so unless the guy was pointing the weapon at people, I dont think the prosecution has much of a chance.

Open Carry only with Concealed Carry Permit. And pointing the weapon is the definition of Aggravated Assault. Which is what they are charged with.
Open Carry only with Concealed Carry Permit. And pointing the weapon is the definition of Aggravated Assault. Which is what they are charged with.
Waving the gun around and not holding it on a specific person is not 'pointing' the weapon dude.

You just cant wait for this mans life to be ruined, can you?
Open Carry only with Concealed Carry Permit. And pointing the weapon is the definition of Aggravated Assault. Which is what they are charged with.
Waving the gun around and not holding it on a specific person is not 'pointing' the weapon dude.

You just cant wait for this mans life to be ruined, can you?

That is hilarious. The title of this thread is what again? Everyone thought that was hilarious when it was the Protestors who were the stupid games people. It turns out the person playing the stupidest game was the Hero the Right thought was handing out the prize.

Every single time one of these things comes out what do I suggest? Learn the laws. Do not talk to the police. Get a lawyer. In other words do the smart thing. I said it for the McMichaels. I said it about St Louis. I said it about every single situation where you all on the right scream about political persecution.

I am the one telling people to be smart and not get themselves in trouble. Folks like you are the ones cheering the idiots breaking the laws. People like you are the ones who deride and denounce folks like me for telling the truth. People on your side are the ones who claim that the law doesn’t say what it clearly says. And you all encourage more people to go out and win the stupid prize.

Then you have the audacity to claim that I can’t wait to ruin this guys life. If this guy had listened to someone like me he wouldn’t be facing charges. If he had learned from the examples of Kyle Rittenhouse, the McMichaels, or any of the other Heroes people like you keep lionizing he wouldn’t be facing a trial and the expense of tens of thousands of dollars in legal fees.

I am the one telling people to wake the fuck up and quit pretending the world is like Hollywood. In the movies the Hero rides off victorious as the credits roll. Die Hard? He would spend days being interviewed in real life. Then he would be prosecuted for a couple dozen crimes. Illegally carrying a concealed weapon. Interference in an investigation. Disturbing the scene of the crime. The list goes on, and on, and on. By the time the Prosecutor was done John McClane would be lucky if he only got life. The movies are entertaining. They are not real life.

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