playing the fear card

when donald trump was asked to denounce the kkk upon their enthusiastic endorsement of him, he balked and pretended not to know what the kkk is.... mister "tell it like it is" lied and danced around the question like the mealy mouthed coward that he is.

The endorsement came from David Duke not the kkk, only the far left is running this narrative.

The far left will do all they can to deny their true history.
when donald trump was asked to denounce the kkk upon their enthusiastic endorsement of him, he balked and pretended not to know what the kkk is.... mister "tell it like it is" lied and danced around the question like the mealy mouthed coward that he is.

He denounced the Klan before that. He denounced the Klan after that. He claimed he did not hear the question.

I suspect he was struggling to not strangle the little bitch lefty asshole that had the nerve to ask him if he liked having the Klan's support.
if trump tards have no problem defying our constitutional principles by banning all muslims in our country until mister big ego and his dumbo fans "can find out what is going on" (effectively insulting all who serve our country), then why won't republicans even CONSIDER banning private possession of assault weapons "until we can figure out what is going on"..........??

Because assault rifles don't hate US and want to kill US.

the orlando delusional psychotic was an AMERICAN CITIZEN.

you haven't answered my question...........

He was an American citizen because his parents were allowed to immigrate here.

Agreed, and I feel that this doesnt mean all Afghan immigration was wrong or immigration from that part of the world , but there needs to be limits because of the clash in the two cultures, there needs to be more time for peaceful assimilation before we end up with enclaves of unhappy people like in Brittain and France.
when donald trump was asked to denounce the kkk upon their enthusiastic endorsement of him, he balked and pretended not to know what the kkk is.... mister "tell it like it is" lied and danced around the question like the mealy mouthed coward that he is.

The endorsement came from David Duke not the kkk, only the far left is running this narrative.

The far left will do all they can to deny their true history.

They are assholes like that.
clueless trump attempts to browbeat the president over the term "radical islam" but he can't even call the kkk what is.

he heard the kkk question and danced around it then lied about it... now the rw parrots lie too.
clueless trump attempts to browbeat the president over the term "radical islam" but he can't even call the kkk what is.

he heard the kkk question and danced around it then lied about it... now the rw parrots lie too.

the usual host of Trumpbots eating from his crap pile. If they don't have a pre scripted excuse for him they'll make one up.
so are you trump bots going to applaud every terror attack now too..??

fools can act as if this laughing-stock buffoon candidate has some sort of magical insight but anyone with half a brain has already acknowledged terrorists hate America and want to kill Americans and derrr there's a possibility of future attacks.

Now this is a pure tool here. You call "applauding terror attacks" pointing them out because your leaders refuse to do.

And then you ridicule the only person who is saying what need s to be said. Your leader, obama, has only gave it lip service and called for gun control every time this has happened. Disgusting.
The White House sprang into action, assembling a task force and introducing an ambitious set of proposals designed to stem gun violence. They included more controversial items like reinstating the assault weapons ban and restoring a 10-round limit on ammunition magazines, measures designed to target the specific weaponry used by the gunman. Lawmakers also lobbied aggressively for highly popular initiatives, like implementing universal background checks for gun sales and making gun trafficking a federal crime.

Criminals ignore bans. Total nonsense.

Oh, never mind. Congress hasn't passed a single piece of gun control legislation, beyond voting in 2013 to renew an expiring ban on plastic firearms, which could potentially bypass security checkpoints at airports and other locations. Most recently, Senate lawmakers worked to block a package of gun violence legislation, including a measure to bar individuals on terror watch lists from purchasing firearms.

Plastic guns do not exist.
is donald trump going to call out his supporters out for what they are..??

The KKK issues plea for members to kill gay people

The KKK issues plea for members to kill gay people

The KKK is irrelevant.

if you say so...

Dan Patrick, the anti-LGBT lieutenant governor of Texas, tweeted the biblical phrase “man reaps what he sows” hours after an attack on a gay nightclub in Florida killed at least 50 people.

“The one who sows to please his flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction,” the passage from Galatians 6:7 continues.

Anti-LGBT Texas Lt. Gov. Tweets: ‘Man Reaps What He Sows’

The Religious Sources of Christian Terrorism
when donald trump was asked to denounce the kkk upon their enthusiastic endorsement of him, he balked and pretended not to know what the kkk is.... mister "tell it like it is" lied and danced around the question like the mealy mouthed coward that he is.


He rejected their support many times.

You dishonest lefties like to focus on the one time he flubbed the question, when he claims that he did not hear it.

And then use that one flubbed question to smear half the nation as nazis.

What kind of person does that?
if trump tards have no problem defying our constitutional principles by banning all muslims in our country until mister big ego and his dumbo fans "can find out what is going on" (effectively insulting all who serve our country), then why won't republicans even CONSIDER banning private possession of assault weapons "until we can figure out what is going on"..........??

Because assault rifles don't hate US and want to kill US.

the orlando delusional psychotic was an AMERICAN CITIZEN.

you haven't answered my question...........

He was an American citizen because his parents were allowed to immigrate here.

Agreed, and I feel that this doesnt mean all Afghan immigration was wrong or immigration from that part of the world , but there needs to be limits because of the clash in the two cultures, there needs to be more time for peaceful assimilation before we end up with enclaves of unhappy people like in Brittain and France.

Well, the dead in Orlando is part of the price of that immigration.
clueless trump attempts to browbeat the president over the term "radical islam" but he can't even call the kkk what is.

he heard the kkk question and danced around it then lied about it... now the rw parrots lie too.

He rejected the kkk many times before and after.

Funny how you forgot to mention that.

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