Please critique my proposed policy to ensure an honest vote

It will be interesting to see what happens after the elections next month if the GOP wins back both the House and the Senate. Dollars to donuts they will claim election fraud, BUT their answer is to federalize elections with rules in their favor. IOW, they want the maximum opportunities to steal an election(s). They want to allow all illegals the right to vote, because they believe that would be in their favor.
They're already trying to figure a way to do that without creating a huge backlash in the electorate. They want to do away with the electoral college, pack the SCOTUS with several more ultra leftist/activist justices and federalize elections with rules that enable them to control the entire process. That will in no way be favorable to conservatives, Patriots, Republicans, libertarians (small "L")

And, if the Republicans do retake the House and Senate, it remains to be seen if there are enough reformer Patriots to make a difference. If we get the same old majority of feckless, gutless, self serving old guard Republicans, it will help just because of the constituency they represent. But we won't get the government we hope for. It may block some of the worst they intend to do to us, but they'll also allow Biden to keep destroying the country via executive order.
They're already trying to figure a way to do that without creating a huge backlash in the electorate. They want to do away with the electoral college, pack the SCOTUS with several more ultra leftist/activist justices and federalize elections with rules that enable them to control the entire process. That will in no way be favorable to conservatives, Patriots, Republicans, libertarians (small "L")

And, if the Republicans do retake the House and Senate, it remains to be seen if there are enough reformer Patriots to make a difference. If we get the same old majority of feckless, gutless, self serving old guard Republicans, it will help just because of the constituency they represent. But we won't get the government we hope for. It may block some of the worst they intend to do to us, but they'll also allow Biden to keep destroying the country via executive order.

It will merely delay the coming civil war. I am now firmly convinced that we are heading for one. The WEF and the chinese want us in one, so that is what is going to happen.
It will merely delay the coming civil war. I am now firmly convinced that we are heading for one. The WEF and the chinese want us in one, so that is what is going to happen.
I suppose anything is possible but I sincerely hope you are wrong. Both sides were terribly wrong in the last one we had and it was by far the bloodiest and deadliest war the U.S. has fought in its 229 year history. It took generations to recover from the land and industries laid waste. Certainly civil war now would be far far worse and would likely not achieve any more unity or liberties than the last one did.
I think that is a great plan. But I would not agree with exceptions for natural disasters or whatever, because they used “whatever” during COVID as an excuse to rig the election for the Democrats.

If a natural disaster is that bad, postpone the election, but don’t change the rules.

If all those rules make it more difficult for some people to vote, it will effect some Republican people the same as some Democratic people and some Libertarian, Green, New Reform, CPUSA and whoever else. Good rules are good for everyone, except those who want to cheat.

A set of rules for honest election is like a diet or a budget: Almost any reasonable one will work, if the people implementing it stick to it.

There is no provision for postponing an election.
#4 under Registration should be amended. I get what you are driving at but missing one primary or election shouldnt require you to reregister. Multiple consecutive instances of not voting I think is likely more appropriate.

What is the fascination with hand counting? Why do people believe it is more accurate than the computer counting? Computers are better at certain things than humans. One of those things is counting.
Can you hack a paper and pencil?
I suppose anything is possible but I sincerely hope you are wrong. Both sides were terribly wrong in the last one we had and it was by far the bloodiest and deadliest war the U.S. has fought in its 229 year history. It took generations to recover from the land and industries laid waste. Certainly civil war now would be far far worse and would likely not achieve any more unity or liberties than the last one did.

Yup, but look at everything the demofascists are doing. EVERYTHING is geared to harm the middle class, and take away civil liberties. Marie Antoinette has nothing on these clueless, feckless, heartless, bastards.
They don't do that, and hacking the programs in the voting scanners does not take the internet.
Someone is going to “hack“ the programs in the voting machines via telepathy? Or you believe some cabal is going to hire enough “hackers” to volumteer at enough polling stations so they can do it on individual machines to make a significant difference to swing a presidential election? Or you believe that the voting machine company is in cahoots with the cabal and just coded the “hack” into the program?

which BS conspiracy theory are you operating under so I can have some context
Yup, but look at everything the demofascists are doing. EVERYTHING is geared to harm the middle class, and take away civil liberties. Marie Antoinette has nothing on these clueless, feckless, heartless, bastards.
Yes but I hope we can remedy it using the Constitution and an educated Patriot base. I keep railing at Patriots both on message boards and social media to stop attacking each other over the small stuff that we can work out later. We all aren't going to agree on everything but we can share a common goal of a free, secure, prosperous America with common sense instead of ideological policies. We have to do it with sheer numbers at the ballot box. We have to stop trying to cancel people who are mostly on our side just because they took a position we disagree with.

That's how the left is beating us. They don't all agree any more than we do, but they rally behind their candidate no matter what and no matter how bad that candidate is.

I never want to get to the point they are in which we all have to agree on everything or be 'cancelled.' I won't live inside an echo chamber, an ideological bubble, march in lockstep as whatever deep state operatives calling the shot demand, parrot assigned talking points and phrases that I cannot back up with any credible evidence.

But we will not change hearts and minds with insults, personal attacks, conspiracy theories, accusations, etc. etc. etc. I honestly don't know a soul who had his or her mind changed because somebody called him/her names. We have to do it at the ballot box. Or we will lose our country.
All U.S. citizens who are not felons and who are sufficiently mentally competent to register to vote via their own intentional effort should go to the city or county clerk's office where they reside and:
1. Provide certified photo ID, proof of citizenship, proof of home residency, proof of age.
2. Anyone who moves out of his/her precinct must re-register in order to be allowed to vote.
3. Voter registration must be done 2 to 6 weeks prior to the election so that the person can be added to the official voter rolls.
4. Any person not voting in either the primary or general election in any given election year will be dropped from the voter rolls and must re-register to vote.
5. Some provision will be made for those who otherwise qualify but cannot physically go to the city or county clerk's office to register but the registration must be taken by a person with the city or county clerk's office.
5. Anyone falsifying his/her voter registration or knowingly accepting or creating fake registrations is subject to prosecution for a felony offense and, if convicted, will be subject to fine and/or imprisonment.

Moving out of the precinct? What if the precinct moves? In Florida, I never moved and went to a new precinct, and new congressional district!

Why can't I just vote in my assigned precinct after I moved 200 yards? If I move to a different county or state, I would need to reregister under current law in my former state. I recently moved to another state and reregistered to vote in my new state.

I should have to reregister because I was in the hospital at the time? Sorry, that one will simply not fly! Not voting in multiple elections over an extended period should be the requirement to remove someone from the voter rolls.
Someone is going to “hack“ the programs in the voting machines via telepathy? Or you believe some cabal is going to hire enough “hackers” to volumteer at enough polling stations so they can do it on individual machines to make a significant difference to swing a presidential election? Or you believe that the voting machine company is in cahoots with the cabal and just coded the “hack” into the program?

which BS conspiracy theory are you operating under so I can have some context

Voting scanners are usually stored in a central location where it would be easy to hack their programs or it could be done when the machines are built by the manufacturer. Have you never heard of Diebold?
Someone is going to “hack“ the programs in the voting machines via telepathy? Or you believe some cabal is going to hire enough “hackers” to volumteer at enough polling stations so they can do it on individual machines to make a significant difference to swing a presidential election? Or you believe that the voting machine company is in cahoots with the cabal and just coded the “hack” into the program?

which BS conspiracy theory are you operating under so I can have some context
They would only have a reprogram a few in key districts and precincts. Los Angeles County alone for instance has more population than any of 40 U.S. states. Control the vote in that one county plus a few other large population centers and you control California. Control the vote in the swing states and you will win the election.

Are they doing that? Who knows? But when more than 50% of theelectorate think there is substantial cheating going on, there can be no confidence in the integrity of our elections.
Moving out of the precinct? What if the precinct moves? In Florida, I never moved and went to a new precinct, and new congressional district!

Why can't I just vote in my assigned precinct after I moved 200 yards? If I move to a different county or state, I would need to reregister under current law in my former state. I recently moved to another state and reregistered to vote in my new state.

I should have to reregister because I was in the hospital at the time? Sorry, that one will simply not fly! Not voting in multiple elections over an extended period should be the requirement to remove someone from the voter rolls.
The reason you need to vote in your precinct is that local elected leaders are chosen within assigned groups within the population. My precinct has changed boundaries twice since we have lived in our home. It didn't negate our voter registration but we were advised that we were in a new precinct and should go to that polling location accordingly.
I suppose anything is possible but I sincerely hope you are wrong. Both sides were terribly wrong in the last one we had and it was by far the bloodiest and deadliest war the U.S. has fought in its 229 year history. It took generations to recover from the land and industries laid waste. Certainly civil war now would be far far worse and would likely not achieve any more unity or liberties than the last one did.

Well, we're kinda already in a civil war except for the lack of shootings, and even that is happening a little bit. Witness the guy that wanted to shoot 2 or 3 conservative SCOTUS justices, and the guy that shot up the GOP baseball team while they were practicing. It ain't going to be armies against armies IHO, but rather terrorist attacks and assassination attempts here and there. Plus of course the big city riots, which I think could turn more violent and deadly.
I like the conceptualization. There would seem to be some problems in practice. First of all we can't hand count 150 million ballots, that's not practical. Second we need to start with a clean slate so we need to force EVERYONE to re-register. And thirdly there ARE secure computer systems and mail in votes CAN be made secure. But good luck getting the Dems to shut up long enough to talk about it
Why not?

Reregistering about 200 million people would be practical? Hilarious!
The reason you need to vote in your precinct is that local elected leaders are chosen within assigned groups within the population. My precinct has changed boundaries twice since we have lived in our home. It didn't negate our voter registration but we were advised that we were in a new precinct and should go to that polling location accordingly.
That's exactly what I said. Try rereading it.
They would only have a reprogram a few in key districts and precincts. Los Angeles County alone for instance has more population than any of 40 U.S. states. Control the vote in that one county plus a few other large population centers and you control California. Control the vote in the swing states and you will win the election.

Are they doing that? Who knows? But when more than 50% of theelectorate think there is substantial cheating going on, there can be no confidence in the integrity of our elections.
And no one would notice this person hacking this program? This sounds like more of a physical security program than an electronic one.
Well, we're kinda already in a civil war except for the lack of shootings, and even that is happening a little bit. Witness the guy that wanted to shoot 2 or 3 conservative SCOTUS justices, and the guy that shot up the GOP baseball team while they were practicing. It ain't going to be armies against armies IHO, but rather terrorist attacks and assassination attempts here and there. Plus of course the big city riots, which I think could turn more violent and deadly.
The Founders were pretty well unified that the Constitution would work only for a morally centered and religious people. One of the reasons the left on average works so hard to remove religion from the public scene is that it increases their power to subjugate people to their will not only re exercising religious faith but in all other ways. And the more God is unwelcome in our schools, sporting events, public streets, public gatherings etc., the more evil of the kind you mention increases. It has always been here. There have been murders and assassinations through our national history. But it is coming to a head in an era in which criminals have more rights than do the peaceful citizens.

Controlling speech, religion, scientific institutions, government, media becomes far more difficult when they can't control the vote.

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