Please critique my proposed policy to ensure an honest vote

So we use the bank card model. That's easy, we can start there. Anyone can get a debit card. Easy peasy.
Just saying, the left thinks that any rule you make, like having to have a debit card to vote, suppresses votes. They don't want any kind of identification. I remember a scene on MASH once where Hawkeye asked a local Korean if he had an ID and the local said, "This is me". That's the kind of identification the left want for voting.
No. A driver's license is a privilege. Enfranchisement is a right. You reveal your intent with your efforts to knock people off the voting rolls without informing them and making re-registration easy. You reveal your intent to limit voting to a group when you limit early voting (why???). You reveal you intent to limit voting when you limit mail in voting. You reveal your intent with your sneaky poll test that was always used to limit minority voting.

Voting should be a paid holiday. It should be easy to register, verify, and vote. People who work should be able to easily vote.
For many years every state purged voters off the voting rolls after every general election. Nobody was disenfranchised. You knew if you didn't vote in either the primary or general election you had to re-register to vote. It was actually a powerful incentive to make sure you did vote in one or the other or both. The reason to limit early voting is so that registration rolls won't have to be closed and finalized too early. People who can't find time or motivation to vote sometime during the week probably aren't the type we want to be voting anyway. And it would make the need for a paid holiday, a further burden on small businesses, unnecessary.
Voting over an extended period of time is a problem. People who vote early my do so before information pertinent to the campaign becomes public, like Hunter's laptop
But reasonable early voting--I think maybe an election week is reasonable--is a blessing for those who have difficulty standing in line for long periods. Hombre (my hubby) and I usually take advantage of early voting as we both have back issues that making standing in line quite uncomfortable. Our early voting location is rarely backed up for more than a very few minutes. I stood in line for almost an hour one time waiting to vote for Reagan. Early voting would have been a real blessing.

But we vote and then feed our ballot into one of those machines. And every time I do it I wonder if it really was counted with the votes I put on that ballot. Zero way to know. With hand counting under proper supervision, I would have far more confidence that my vote counted.
My take, FWIW:

If you can't or won't get a photo-id then you shouldn't be allowed to vote. Even if it's just an ID card that shows you're a resident in a city and state, no ID should mean no vote. I would require the ID cards to be free of charge, and I would have teams going to nursing homes and the like to create ID cards for the infirm.

Remember the stories a few years back when Obama was the prez, where people who could not do their own paperwork for SSI or taxes could be declared ineligible to own a gun? And in some cases it was alleged that their guns were confiscated if they had any? Well, same deal with voting, if you can't manage your own affairs without assistance then you shouldn't be voting either. I would assume that every gov't assistance program has a place where the individual is declared to be mentally capable of making their own decisions, and the Medicare/Medicaid payments ought to reflect that. Cuz somebody has to sign the paperwork, and if it wasn't the individual involved then that person shouldn't be voting or have anyone vote for her/him. So, if the gov't says you need special care then you ought not to be voting, and I don't care who you are.

I would require every citizen above the age of 18 to file a tax return whether you owe anything or not. That's one way to ensure dead people don't vote. No return? No vote. And no federal aid either. Who are you and where do you live? This can be more than just improving election integrity, it can also assist in reducing gov't fraud, waste, and abuse. Hey, we're gonna have 87,000 new IRS agents, right? Well put their asses to work.

Before I retired, I used to be a database software designer/developer/analyst/tester for the USAF. Every USAF base or installation around the world was connected up to central database in Texas for all personnel data and actions. Well, we oughta have a similar national database that connects state databases that checks for duplicate IDs and changes, where somebody moved from X location to Y. Every database from the IRS to SSA to Medicare/Medicaid to every other federal agency that tracks US citizens for any gov't program ought to be interfaced to make sure people ain't voting more than once and also that they ain't dead. I don't care if it's only 10 people, do it anyway. And BTW, I think that happens for a lot more than 10 instances. It's doable, folks. Costly maybe, but doable. Do you want election integrity or not?
Thoughtful and inciteful and certainly worth considering.

Positive ID isn't sufficient in my opinion to register to vote. You also need proof of residency. That is why I think it necessary for people to register in person of their own volition and with sufficient documentation to verify they are citizens, they are who they say they are, and they have a permanent address in their assigned precinct. That ensures integrity of not only national elections but state and local ones as well. Once you are registered, positive photo ID should be sufficient to vote though you should also swear that you still live at the address on your voter registration.

People in nursing homes or otherwise physically challenged who are sufficiently cognizant to vote can call themselves for someone in authority to come register them but again all the verifications should be the policy. Volunteers shouldn't be going through nursing homes or other facilities getting signatures on voter registration the volunteers themselves filled out.

In 2020 people I was working with in that election advised they were at swearing in ceremonies of immigrants receiving their citizenship. They intended to offer those citizens a form to register to vote. The Democrats were also there but were filling out the forms with DEMOCRAT and showing the new citizens where to sign. That should be so illegal that opportunity to do it should not be allowed.
Thats your problem right there. Its a right, not subject to whether or not someone is the type "we want voting."
And you read into my comment something I didn't say. I didn't say they should not be allowed to vote. But I prefer people who have studied the issues and the candidates and have a good grounding in them to be those who vote and not those who just vote for whomever they have been instructed or paid to vote.

Do you want that?

The 'right to vote' also comes with responsibilities. Only those who are U.S. citizens, who are of legal age, and who permanently reside in the state and precinct/district they register--who are properly registered--have a right to vote.
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Decades ago there was cheating and hanky panky in elections, but never did we have an electorate as suspicious and convinced of malfeasance or as fearful that elections can be stolen as we have now. Without faith that elections are fair and honest, it is unlikely that our constitutional republic will survive.

So I propose what I believe is a system/policy that, if implemented, will ensure roughly 99.9% honest and fair elections. Do you agree? If not please state your reason why it would be bad policy.

Any person who is unable to secure a certified Driver's License w/photo or other valid photo ID may provide proof of citizenship and residence and apply for a free photo ID in the city or county where the person resides.

All U.S. citizens who are not felons and who are sufficiently mentally competent to register to vote via their own intentional effort should go to the city or county clerk's office where they reside and:
1. Provide certified photo ID, proof of citizenship, proof of home residency, proof of age.
2. Anyone who moves out of his/her precinct must re-register in order to be allowed to vote.
3. Voter registration must be done 2 to 6 weeks prior to the election so that the person can be added to the official voter rolls.
4. Any person not voting in either the primary or general election in any given election year will be dropped from the voter rolls and must re-register to vote.
5. Some provision will be made for those who otherwise qualify but cannot physically go to the city or county clerk's office to register but the registration must be taken by a person with the city or county clerk's office.
5. Anyone falsifying his/her voter registration or knowingly accepting or creating fake registrations is subject to prosecution for a felony offense and, if convicted, will be subject to fine and/or imprisonment.

1. All persons physically able must go to the polls in their assigned precinct personally and present positive certified photo ID and certify under oath that they live at the address shown on their voter registration. Early voting if allowed in any state may not exceed ten days prior to election day and must include all safeguards in place on election day.
2. Those who must or need to vote absentee will apply for an absentee ballot with a signed and notarized application.
3. The completed absentee ballot must be delivered to the precinct polling location no later than the close of the polls on election day. No ballots will be accepted from any source after the polls close. Every absentee ballot should be able to be matched with a notarized application for the ballot. No person having been issued an absentee ballot may vote by any means other than that absentee ballot.
4. Anyone voting in somebody else's name or hindering the timely delivery of absentee ballots to the polling place or discouraging or hindering people's ability to get to the polls will be subject to prosecution for a felony with penalties fines and/or imprisonment.
5. Only properly registered persons living within the United States and/or its territories are eligible to vote.

1. All interested parties must be allowed to have representatives present and able to observe the counting process. Those representatives must be allowed to remain until the counting is completed and will be given a certified document verifying what the final count is.
2. All ballots will be via paper ballots and hand counted. Counting will continue without interruption, even if people have to be replaced, until all ballots are counted and the results provided to the city or county officials as well as to the poll watchers.

Recognizing that for every rule, there can be necessary exceptions for truly valid reasons such as natural disasters or whatever, the above should insure that never again will any person have to wonder whether an election was stolen.
There is no evidence of anybody posing as somebody else to vote or any of this other crap you people go on about. It's just idiotic to think someone could steal an election like that. They have to go about it like trump is, getting criminals and swine to change election totals at the top, attorney generals who will lie and election officials who will lie.
Your whole party is a total disgrace., actually just the people who believe the election was stolen, and the swine who brainwashed them with this crap absolute idiocy against all evidence and all GOP governors and attorney generals and election officials. A total disgrace.
There is no evidence of anybody posing as somebody else to vote or any of this other crap you people go on about. It's just idiotic to think someone could steal an election like that. They have to go about it like trump is, getting criminals and swine to change election totals at the top, attorney generals who will lie and election officials who will lie.
Your whole party is a total disgrace., actually just the people who believe the election was stolen, and the swine who brainwashed them with this crap absolute idiocy against all evidence and all GOP governors and attorney generals and election officials. A total disgrace.
More than 60% of Americans disagree with you. They do believe there is sufficient fraud and cheating to be of concern. They do want assurance of integrity in our elections.

You can obfusicate, go ad hominem, insult, flame, distract, derail from that until the cows come home and it won't change that fact.

I can't begin to understand how so many become so partisan and/or corrupt that they do not want assurance of integrity in our elections. Or so unable to see and understand why so many think we need more assurance of integrity in our elections.
And you read into my comment something I didn't say. I didn't say they should not be allowed to vote. But I prefer people who have studied the issues and the candidates and have a good grounding in them to be those who vote and not those who just vote for whomever they have been instructed or paid to vote.

Do you want that?

The 'right to vote' also comes with responsibilities. Only those who are U.S. citizens, who are of legal age, and who permanently reside in the state and precinct/district they register--who are properly registered--have a right to vote.
There is absolutely no evidence that there is any problem with the system we have and most of what you think is not even true. There is no evidence that there is anybody who is not registered properly. Brainwashed functional moron, only 20% believe the election was stolen, absolute brainwashed morons of the GOP base period end of story 60% is crap, of concern my ****
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More than 60% of Americans disagree with you. They do believe there is sufficient fraud and cheating to be of concern. They do want assurance of integrity in our elections.

You can obfusicate, go ad hominem, insult, flame, distract, derail from that until the cows come home and it won't change that fact.

I can't begin to understand how so many become so partisan and/or corrupt that they do not want assurance of integrity in our elections. Or so unable to see and understand why so many think we need more assurance of integrity in our elections.
It might just be because of fox and Internet conspiracy nut jobs that are GOP propaganda media nowadays. And of course the crap education the GOP base has for politics. So of course people think there are problems, but in actuality there aren't, proven in the last election, dupe.
Here in Nevada the DMV is closed to walk ins. Except for voter registration. So, you can go to the DMV to register to vote, but not register your car.

Corruption anyone?
More than 60% of Americans disagree with you. They do believe there is sufficient fraud and cheating to be of concern. They do want assurance of integrity in our elections.

You can obfusicate, go ad hominem, insult, flame, distract, derail from that until the cows come home and it won't change that fact.

I can't begin to understand how so many become so partisan and/or corrupt that they do not want assurance of integrity in our elections. Or so unable to see and understand why so many think we need more assurance of integrity in our elections.
It was proven in over 60 courtroom cases which were a joke, because all the crap you believe they wouldn't even say in court because that would be a crime, brainwashed functional moron anti American traitor.
Here in Nevada the DMV is closed to walk ins. Except for voter registration. So, you can go to the DMV to register to vote, but not register your car.

Corruption anyone?
It would be a crime to close registration. Why did they close the DMV for crying out loud? Do you think in out of context bumper stickers?
It would be a crime to close registration. Why did they close the DMV for crying out loud? Do you think in out of context bumper stickers?

You would have to ask the swine sisolak why the DMV is closed to walking. There are MANY places to register to vote. You can only register your vehicles at one.

Again the topic is restoring confidence that our elections are fair and honest for all. Whatever your personal opinion of our elections is, the fact remains that more than 60% of Americans are concerned that our elections are NOT fair and honest for all.

What possible motivation could any of you have with policies that would reassure ALL Americans that our elections are fair and honest?
Again the topic is restoring confidence that our elections are fair and honest for all. Whatever your personal opinion of our elections is, the fact remains that more than 60% of Americans are concerned that our elections are NOT fair and honest for all.

What possible motivation could any of you have with policies that would reassure ALL Americans that our elections are fair and honest?

Because the demofascists have a vested interest in keeping them corruptable.
Living, voting minorities hate democrats, but the Party makes up those losses the Tammany Hall way

The government school grads, the Wehrmacht/Democrats never understood the less in the tale...

From the Aesop's fable The Goose that Laid the Golden Eggs, in which a married couple own a goose that lays one golden egg every day. For greed, they decide to kill the goose to obtain all the gold they suppose to be inside.

kill the goose that lays the golden eggs - Wiktionary​ › wiki › kill_the_goose_that_lay...

Of course, the goose is America.
Because the demofascists have a vested interest in keeping them corruptable.
You know I love you westie, value your opinion, and appreciate your take on most things. But I don't know that the leftists on this forum, in this thread, are demofascist. Maybe they are. Not all but most are insulting sometimes to the point of being hateful, trying to pick food fights, deflect, change the subject, or otherwise trying to derail the thread.

I just wonder why? What motivates them to object to reassuring the American public that our elections are honest and fair to all?

Recent polls this year, and demofacists would not have motivation to vote with the majority here:

In June:

In July:

In October:

And before these polls are dismissed as 'partisan', remember that Rasmussen polls generally are among those giving Biden some of his highest approval ratings.
You know I love you westie, value your opinion, and appreciate your take on most things. But I don't know that the leftists on this forum, in this thread, are demofascist. Maybe they are. Not all but most are insulting sometimes to the point of being hateful, trying to pick food fights, deflect, change the subject, or otherwise trying to derail the thread.

I just wonder why? What motivates them to object to reassuring the American public that our elections are honest and fair to all?

Recent polls this year, and demofacists would not have motivation to vote with the majority here:

In June:

In July:

In October:

And before these polls are dismissed as 'partisan', remember that Rasmussen polls generally are among those giving Biden some of his highest approval ratings.

Foxfyre, when I refer to the demofascists I am not referring to Democrats as a whole, I am specifically referring to the political class, which is made up of dems AND repubs, but who are only looking out for their own interests, and those of their corporate masters, and NOT the American people.
It will be interesting to see what happens after the elections next month if the GOP wins back both the House and the Senate. Dollars to donuts they will claim election fraud, BUT their answer is to federalize elections with rules in their favor. IOW, they want the maximum opportunities to steal an election(s). They want to allow all illegals the right to vote, because they believe that would be in their favor.
Foxfyre, when I refer to the demofascists I am not referring to Democrats as a whole, I am specifically referring to the political class, which is made up of dems AND repubs, but who are only looking out for their own interests, and those of their corporate masters, and NOT the American people.
I get that. For sure.

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