PLEASE EXPLAIN: How will I get $4000 increase in my income if corporate taxes go down?

Yeah, but those solar panels on your roof will only last 20.

Maybe the ones bought back in 2010 would, but each year the solar panels manufactured get better and better, more and more efficient. Meanwhile, coal production is so pitiful they have to rely on robots to carve off mountaintops because there isn't any more coal anyone can safely mine.

How many people were killed in solar panel mishaps the last decade? How many people were killed in mine explosions and collapses?
I said it then for Bush and Obama.

No you didn't. You're just saying it after the fact now, to make yourself look more credible on a fucking internet message board.

Let that sink in: you have to lie about your support for Bush just to establish credibility on a fucking message board.

Fuckin' sad, dude...really sad.

I mean at this point, killing yourself would probably be the best, most genuine thing you will ever do.
Again, for the math challenged Progs:

A progressive tax is a tax in which the tax rate increases as the taxable amount increases.[1][2][3][4][5] The term "progressive" refers to the way the tax rate progresses from low to high, with the result that a taxpayer's average tax rate is less than the person's marginal tax rate.[6][7] The term can be applied to individual taxes or to a tax system as a whole; a year, multi-year, or lifetime. Progressive taxes are imposed in an attempt to reduce the tax incidence of people with a lower ability to pay, as such taxes shift the incidence increasingly to those with a higher ability-to-pay. The opposite of a progressive tax is a regressive tax, where the relative tax rate or burden decreases as an individual's ability to pay increases.[5]

The term is frequently applied in reference to personal income taxes, in which people with lower income pay a lower percentage of that income in tax than do those with higher income. It can also apply to adjustments of the tax base by using tax exemptions, tax credits, or selective taxation that creates progressive distribution effects. For example, a wealth or property tax,[8] a sales tax on luxury goods, or the exemption of sales taxes on basic necessities, may be described as having progressive effects as it increases the tax burden of higher income families and reduces it on lower income families.[9][10][11]

Progressive taxation is often suggested as a way to mitigate the societal ills associated with higher income inequality,[12] as the tax structure reduces inequality,[13] but economists disagree on the tax policy's economic and long-term effects.[14][15][16] Progressive taxation has also been positively associated with happiness, the subjective well-being of nations and citizen satisfaction with public goods, such as education and transportation.[17]
It's true, those solar jobs have very low productivity.

What do you mean by "low productivity"? Is this just some general, vague term you used that allows you to wiggle around the definition parameters as it suits your argument?

Bitch move, pal.

What do you mean by "low productivity"?

FFS. Do you have no clue about economics?

One guy with a back hoe can dig a ditch much faster than 5 guys with shovels.
You can brag that your ditch company with the shovel guys creates more jobs, but they're less productive.
Do you get it now?
Raise contributions, you have to pay out more.

Says who? You? Who the fuck are you, anyway, and why should anyone give a shit what you think?

Yeah, Obama made things worse with his SS tax cut, eh?

So how will cutting income taxes for the rich "help" social security and Medicare? Because the Conservatives' budget cuts Medicare to pay for tax cuts.

Raise contributions, you have to pay out more.

Says who? You?

Says the Social Security Administration, you fucktard.
It's in their formula.

So how will cutting income taxes for the rich "help" social security and Medicare?

Social Security and Medicare aren't funded out of income taxes, so how will it hurt?

40% of Medicare is funded out of the general fund, not payroll taxes.

Medicare is already broke? Worse than I thought.

Bush's unfunded Medicare Part D didn't help.
My argument is the government spends way too fucking much money.
Your belief is immaterial to my argument.


The argument was that y'all opposed Bush's spending just as you opposed Obama's...but in absence of any proof of you opposing Bush's spending at the time, we are forced to take your word for it. And you've given no reason for anyone to take your word for it. That's why I doubt your sincerity and know you're being disingenuous. Fact is, you never once gave Bush's deficits and debt a passing thought when he was President because he was your ideological compatriot. Only once he left office, and his legacy looked like shit and that would reflect poorly on you because of your support of his administration, did all you Conservatives start peacocking about debt.

You're all liars, fakers, phonies, and frauds.

ush should have spent 50% less. Obama should have spent 60% less.
Trump should spend 60% less.

LOL! Saying it now, after the fact, rings disingenuous.

I'm flattered. I don't mind if you change my posts...but to be believable you need to leave out the 'eff' word. It's not a part of my vocabulary.

Oh SeaGal, I bow to your superior intellect, integrity, beauty and grasp of all things politic. You are so right, Obama was an irresponsible and unpatriotic president, the biggest spender, and the lowest economic growth of any president in recent history. I am ashamed I once thought him great. I beg of you America, please accept my heartfelt apologies for being such a fooltool.

It's OK, Derp - the grownups are in charge. All will be well, you'll see.
Medicare is already broke? Worse than I thought.

Hold on a said that Medicare wasn't funded by income taxes. So you were wrong about that, right?

Hold on a said that Medicare wasn't funded by income taxes.

Wait, a government program wasn't fully funded by the dedicated taxes levied?
Even though they removed the Medicare income cap? LOL!
Is that because it was much more expensive than projected?
Kinda like Obamacare, eh?

So you were wrong about that, right?

Absolutely, I was wrong to believe government promises about future spending.
In 10 years, solar workers will be more than 2% as productive as fossil fuel workers?That's a pretty high bar you're setting.

In 10 years, they will probably be far more productive than fossil fuel is today. Fossil fuel is so unproductive that a slight change in the price per barrel of oil results in sending states into what happened in Oklahoma and Texas.
Wait, a government program wasn't fully funded by the dedicated taxes levied?

YOU SAID that Medicare wasn't funded by income taxes. You were wrong about that. Let's not lose sight of that because it completely undermines your credibility.

Absolutely, I was wrong to believe government promises about future spending.

No, you were wrong about how Medicare was funded. And if you don't know how Medicare is funded, then you can't really go around saying it's not funded. And if you can't go around saying it's not funded, then what the fuck are you even doing here?
I said it then for Bush and Obama.

No you didn't. You're just saying it after the fact now, to make yourself look more credible on a fucking internet message board.

Let that sink in: you have to lie about your support for Bush just to establish credibility on a fucking message board.

Fuckin' sad, dude...really sad.

I mean at this point, killing yourself would probably be the best, most genuine thing you will ever do.

Trump should cut spending 60%.
Is that also after the fact?
Medicare is already broke? Worse than I thought.

Hold on a said that Medicare wasn't funded by income taxes. So you were wrong about that, right?

Hold on a said that Medicare wasn't funded by income taxes.

Wait, a government program wasn't fully funded by the dedicated taxes levied?
Even though they removed the Medicare income cap? LOL!
Is that because it was much more expensive than projected?
Kinda like Obamacare, eh?

So you were wrong about that, right?

Absolutely, I was wrong to believe government promises about future spending.

Obama his so many tax hikes disguised as fees and also removing deductions.

Progs are simple cvnts who simply do not have the mental capacity to understand the nucances of the progressive tax system.
It's true, those solar jobs have very low productivity.

What do you mean by "low productivity"? Is this just some general, vague term you used that allows you to wiggle around the definition parameters as it suits your argument?

Bitch move, pal.

What do you mean by "low productivity"?

FFS. Do you have no clue about economics?

One guy with a back hoe can dig a ditch much faster than 5 guys with shovels.
You can brag that your ditch company with the shovel guys creates more jobs, but they're less productive.
Do you get it now?
Raise contributions, you have to pay out more.

Says who? You? Who the fuck are you, anyway, and why should anyone give a shit what you think?

Yeah, Obama made things worse with his SS tax cut, eh?

So how will cutting income taxes for the rich "help" social security and Medicare? Because the Conservatives' budget cuts Medicare to pay for tax cuts.

Raise contributions, you have to pay out more.

Says who? You?

Says the Social Security Administration, you fucktard.
It's in their formula.

So how will cutting income taxes for the rich "help" social security and Medicare?

Social Security and Medicare aren't funded out of income taxes, so how will it hurt?

40% of Medicare is funded out of the general fund, not payroll taxes.

Medicare is already broke? Worse than I thought.

Bush's unfunded Medicare Part D didn't help.

Why didn't you and Obama push to repeal that?
At this point, Trump is a liar until someone can come forward and prove that he is not.

Trump's tax plan: Give 1 person out of 25 $100,000, then say the average amount per person is $4,000.
well dip, if someone doesn't make 100,000 it is tough to get them that amount right? so what is it you think is fair? do you even have a clue? even if you took all of the 1 out of 25's money, it doesn't do anything to the debt. and someone getting 4K back is better than 0 isn't it? why are you consumed with the 1 guy? I don't get it. do you do math? do you do percentages? if not you should go to school and learn what that means.
I said it then for Bush and Obama.

No you didn't. You're just saying it after the fact now, to make yourself look more credible on a fucking internet message board.

Let that sink in: you have to lie about your support for Bush just to establish credibility on a fucking message board.

Fuckin' sad, dude...really sad.

I mean at this point, killing yourself would probably be the best, most genuine thing you will ever do.

Trump should cut spending 60%.
Is that also after the fact?

Progs never want to talk about that side of the equation.

Their answer is always tax raises no government expansion. They need government to be be their mommy and provide for them from womb to tomb.

They are insecure useless organ bags.
So so-called "green energy" requires more labor than all fossil fuel enery sources combined? That's not a benefit, moron.

Right now it does, but its share and efficiency continues to rise as it has since 2010. Back in 2010, less than 1% got energy from wind and/or solar. In 2017, that is now up to 10%. So it grew significantly in just 7 years and continues to grow.
You don't know the meaning of the term "efficiency."
Can any explain Trump's claim that a cut in the corporate tax rate from 35 percent to 20 percent would boost incomes of U.S. workers by at least $4,000 a year?

The White House Council of Economic Advisers put out a paper this week that says:

"Reducing the statutory federal corporate tax rate from 35 to 20 percent would, the analysis below suggests, increase average household income in the United States by, very conservatively, $4,000 annually."

I suppose that if you average all of the households in America, and include the millions of dollars that the CEOs from corporations will get as well as the $0 that everyone else gets, it might average out to $4,000.

But I don't see any way that my household income will increase by $4,000.

At this point, Trump is a liar until someone can come forward and prove that he is not.
If you have to ask then you are liberal who doesn't want to hear the answer.
When you find out that you actually do get more money in your take home pay, if you aren't a welfare queen, then you will know where it came from.
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So you don't have a rational answer. Just more "Believe us" right wing crap.
Can any explain Trump's claim that a cut in the corporate tax rate from 35 percent to 20 percent would boost incomes of U.S. workers by at least $4,000 a year?

The White House Council of Economic Advisers put out a paper this week that says:

"Reducing the statutory federal corporate tax rate from 35 to 20 percent would, the analysis below suggests, increase average household income in the United States by, very conservatively, $4,000 annually."

I suppose that if you average all of the households in America, and include the millions of dollars that the CEOs from corporations will get as well as the $0 that everyone else gets, it might average out to $4,000.

But I don't see any way that my household income will increase by $4,000.

At this point, Trump is a liar until someone can come forward and prove that he is not.

You won't.

What's worse is there's an ad running now on tv saying the average family will save over $7000 with the tax bill.
In 10 years, solar workers will be more than 2% as productive as fossil fuel workers?That's a pretty high bar you're setting.

In 10 years, they will probably be far more productive than fossil fuel is today. Fossil fuel is so unproductive that a slight change in the price per barrel of oil results in sending states into what happened in Oklahoma and Texas.

In 10 years, they will probably be far more productive than fossil fuel is today.

Probably? Wow!
Pretty convincing argument.
At this point, Trump is a liar until someone can come forward and prove that he is not.

Trump's tax plan: Give 1 person out of 25 $100,000, then say the average amount per person is $4,000.
well dip, if someone doesn't make 100,000 it is tough to get them that amount right? so what is it you think is fair? do you even have a clue? even if you took all of the 1 out of 25's money, it doesn't do anything to the debt. and someone getting 4K back is better than 0 isn't it? why are you consumed with the 1 guy? I don't get it. do you do math? do you do percentages? if not you should go to school and learn what that means.

It's interesting how the ignorant twats think a flat tax is "unfair"

If we are all taxed at (FOR EXAMPLE) 20%.....then the guy earning a TAXABLE INCOME OF $10,000 would pay $2000 in taxes and the guy earning a TAXABLE INCOME OF $1m is paying $200,000 in taxes.

How is that not "fair"?

What is the exact rate to make the "wealthy" pay their "fair share"?

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