PLEASE EXPLAIN: How will I get $4000 increase in my income if corporate taxes go down?

Can any explain Trump's claim that a cut in the corporate tax rate from 35 percent to 20 percent would boost incomes of U.S. workers by at least $4,000 a year?

The White House Council of Economic Advisers put out a paper this week that says:

"Reducing the statutory federal corporate tax rate from 35 to 20 percent would, the analysis below suggests, increase average household income in the United States by, very conservatively, $4,000 annually."

I suppose that if you average all of the households in America, and include the millions of dollars that the CEOs from corporations will get as well as the $0 that everyone else gets, it might average out to $4,000.

But I don't see any way that my household income will increase by $4,000.

At this point, Trump is a liar until someone can come forward and prove that he is not.
If you have to ask then you are liberal who doesn't want to hear the answer.
When you find out that you actually do get more money in your take home pay, if you aren't a welfare queen, then you will know where it came from.
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If it comes it will come from more borrowing and higher deficits and debt.
do you know what you're talking about? they keep their money, they don't get 4k from the government. what the fk is wrong with you idiots? hly fk.

Wait, a government program wasn't fully funded by the dedicated taxes levied?

YOU SAID that Medicare wasn't funded by income taxes. You were wrong about that. Let's not lose sight of that because it completely undermines your credibility.

Absolutely, I was wrong to believe government promises about future spending.

No, you were wrong about how Medicare was funded. And if you don't know how Medicare is funded, then you can't really go around saying it's not funded. And if you can't go around saying it's not funded, then what the fuck are you even doing here?

No, you were wrong about how Medicare was funded.

I know. Their projections for future spending were way too low.
We can't trust them one bit.

And if you can't go around saying it's not funded

If they have to take money from the General Fund, it's obvious it isn't funded thru payroll taxes alone.

Typical government. Lowball projections at the beginning, whine that you need more funding later.
I see a metric ton of red herrings, tu quoque fallacies, and straw men.

But not one single person has explained how cutting the corporate tax rate will add $4,000 to the average household.
At this point, Trump is a liar until someone can come forward and prove that he is not.

Trump's tax plan: Give 1 person out of 25 $100,000, then say the average amount per person is $4,000.
well dip, if someone doesn't make 100,000 it is tough to get them that amount right? so what is it you think is fair? do you even have a clue? even if you took all of the 1 out of 25's money, it doesn't do anything to the debt. and someone getting 4K back is better than 0 isn't it? why are you consumed with the 1 guy? I don't get it. do you do math? do you do percentages? if not you should go to school and learn what that means.

It's interesting how the ignorant twats think a flat tax is "unfair"

If we are all taxed at (FOR EXAMPLE) 20%.....then the guy earning a TAXABLE INCOME OF $10,000 would pay $2000 in taxes and the guy earning a TAXABLE INCOME OF $1m is paying $200,000 in taxes.

How is that not "fair"?

What is the exact rate to make the "wealthy" pay their "fair share"?
well they won't answer that question. that is the end of the discussion. until they explain what they mean by fair, there is going to be absolutely zero intelligent discussions that can be had to agree. I've been waiting for five years for what is fair?

Please left losers, what is a fair tax system? please we are fking waiting
From everything I have seen, the corporate tax rate is being cut without commensurate closing of special interest carve-outs in the tax code.

Congressman Devin Nunes warned about this ass raping of the American taxpayer earlier this year. I posted his warning several times on this forum.

And the tards present their sphincters and tell themselves, "B-b-b-b-but Obaaaaaamaaaaaa!"
At this point, Trump is a liar until someone can come forward and prove that he is not.

Trump's tax plan: Give 1 person out of 25 $100,000, then say the average amount per person is $4,000.
well dip, if someone doesn't make 100,000 it is tough to get them that amount right? so what is it you think is fair? do you even have a clue? even if you took all of the 1 out of 25's money, it doesn't do anything to the debt. and someone getting 4K back is better than 0 isn't it? why are you consumed with the 1 guy? I don't get it. do you do math? do you do percentages? if not you should go to school and learn what that means.

It's interesting how the ignorant twats think a flat tax is "unfair"

If we are all taxed at (FOR EXAMPLE) 20%.....then the guy earning a TAXABLE INCOME OF $10,000 would pay $2000 in taxes and the guy earning a TAXABLE INCOME OF $1m is paying $200,000 in taxes.

How is that not "fair"?

What is the exact rate to make the "wealthy" pay their "fair share"?
well they won't answer that question. that is the end of the discussion. until they explain what they mean by fair, there is going to be absolutely zero intelligent discussions that can be had to agree. I've been waiting for five years for what is fair?

Please left losers, what is a fair tax system? please we are fking waiting
Answer the question in the OP first.

How is a corporate tax cut going to put $4,000 in a person's home?

We are fucking waiting.
I see a metric ton of red herrings, tu quoque fallacies, and straw men.

But not one single person has explained how cutting the corporate tax rate will add $4,000 to the average household.
you don't want 4K added to your household?
I see a metric ton of red herrings, tu quoque fallacies, and straw men.

But not one single person has explained how cutting the corporate tax rate will add $4,000 to the average household.
you don't want 4K added to your household?
Another straw man.

Explain how that will happen.

We are fucking waiting.
I see a metric ton of red herrings, tu quoque fallacies, and straw men.

But not one single person has explained how cutting the corporate tax rate will add $4,000 to the average household.
you don't want 4K added to your household?
You don't believe that do you? Come on. That was what the Bush Tax cuts were supposed to do.
The same way you got to keep your doctor and healthcare plan if you liked them under Obamacare.
At this point, Trump is a liar until someone can come forward and prove that he is not.

Trump's tax plan: Give 1 person out of 25 $100,000, then say the average amount per person is $4,000.
well dip, if someone doesn't make 100,000 it is tough to get them that amount right? so what is it you think is fair? do you even have a clue? even if you took all of the 1 out of 25's money, it doesn't do anything to the debt. and someone getting 4K back is better than 0 isn't it? why are you consumed with the 1 guy? I don't get it. do you do math? do you do percentages? if not you should go to school and learn what that means.

It's interesting how the ignorant twats think a flat tax is "unfair"

If we are all taxed at (FOR EXAMPLE) 20%.....then the guy earning a TAXABLE INCOME OF $10,000 would pay $2000 in taxes and the guy earning a TAXABLE INCOME OF $1m is paying $200,000 in taxes.

How is that not "fair"?

What is the exact rate to make the "wealthy" pay their "fair share"?
well they won't answer that question. that is the end of the discussion. until they explain what they mean by fair, there is going to be absolutely zero intelligent discussions that can be had to agree. I've been waiting for five years for what is fair?

Please left losers, what is a fair tax system? please we are fking waiting
Answer the question in the OP first.

How is a corporate tax cut going to put $4,000 in a person's home?

We are fucking waiting.
dude the answer is in the document. did you read it?

"This analysis from the Council of Economic Advisers reviews the evidence that has driven other developed countries to pursue the path of lower corporate tax rates and estimates how business tax reform in the Unified Framework for Fixing Our Broken Tax Code2 (hereafter, the “Unified Framework”) is expected to affect wages for American workers. Reducing the statutory federal corporate tax rate from 35 to 20 percent would, the analysis below suggests, increase average household income in the United States by, very conservatively, $4,000 annually. The increases recur each year, and the estimated total value of corporate tax reform for the average U.S. household is therefore substantially higher than $4,000. Moreover, the broad range of results in the literature suggest that over a decade, this effect could be much larger"
At this point, Trump is a liar until someone can come forward and prove that he is not.

Trump's tax plan: Give 1 person out of 25 $100,000, then say the average amount per person is $4,000.
well dip, if someone doesn't make 100,000 it is tough to get them that amount right? so what is it you think is fair? do you even have a clue? even if you took all of the 1 out of 25's money, it doesn't do anything to the debt. and someone getting 4K back is better than 0 isn't it? why are you consumed with the 1 guy? I don't get it. do you do math? do you do percentages? if not you should go to school and learn what that means.

It's interesting how the ignorant twats think a flat tax is "unfair"

If we are all taxed at (FOR EXAMPLE) 20%.....then the guy earning a TAXABLE INCOME OF $10,000 would pay $2000 in taxes and the guy earning a TAXABLE INCOME OF $1m is paying $200,000 in taxes.

How is that not "fair"?

What is the exact rate to make the "wealthy" pay their "fair share"?
well they won't answer that question. that is the end of the discussion. until they explain what they mean by fair, there is going to be absolutely zero intelligent discussions that can be had to agree. I've been waiting for five years for what is fair?

Please left losers, what is a fair tax system? please we are fking waiting

They won't answer because there isn't an answer.

They are promoting class warfare. It's all bullshit, and the Progs are being useful idiots for their ruling class.

They are oblivious pawns. Gladly sacrificing for their Prog leaders. It's a cult like ISIS and's all bullshit.
I see a metric ton of red herrings, tu quoque fallacies, and straw men.

But not one single person has explained how cutting the corporate tax rate will add $4,000 to the average household.
you don't want 4K added to your household?
Another straw man.

Explain how that will happen.

We are fucking waiting.
from the report:

"This analysis from the Council of Economic Advisers reviews the evidence that has driven other developed countries to pursue the path of lower corporate tax rates and estimates how business tax reform in the Unified Framework for Fixing Our Broken Tax Code2 (hereafter, the “Unified Framework”) is expected to affect wages for American workers. Reducing the statutory federal corporate tax rate from 35 to 20 percent would, the analysis below suggests, increase average household income in the United States by, very conservatively, $4,000 annually. The increases recur each year, and the estimated total value of corporate tax reform for the average U.S. household is therefore substantially higher than $4,000. Moreover, the broad range of results in the literature suggest that over a decade, this effect could be much larger"

Can't read?
Trump's tax plan: Give 1 person out of 25 $100,000, then say the average amount per person is $4,000.
well dip, if someone doesn't make 100,000 it is tough to get them that amount right? so what is it you think is fair? do you even have a clue? even if you took all of the 1 out of 25's money, it doesn't do anything to the debt. and someone getting 4K back is better than 0 isn't it? why are you consumed with the 1 guy? I don't get it. do you do math? do you do percentages? if not you should go to school and learn what that means.

It's interesting how the ignorant twats think a flat tax is "unfair"

If we are all taxed at (FOR EXAMPLE) 20%.....then the guy earning a TAXABLE INCOME OF $10,000 would pay $2000 in taxes and the guy earning a TAXABLE INCOME OF $1m is paying $200,000 in taxes.

How is that not "fair"?

What is the exact rate to make the "wealthy" pay their "fair share"?
well they won't answer that question. that is the end of the discussion. until they explain what they mean by fair, there is going to be absolutely zero intelligent discussions that can be had to agree. I've been waiting for five years for what is fair?

Please left losers, what is a fair tax system? please we are fking waiting
Answer the question in the OP first.

How is a corporate tax cut going to put $4,000 in a person's home?

We are fucking waiting.
dude the answer is the document. did you read it?

"This analysis from the Council of Economic Advisers reviews the evidence that has driven other developed countries to pursue the path of lower corporate tax rates and estimates how business tax reform in the Unified Framework for Fixing Our Broken Tax Code2 (hereafter, the “Unified Framework”) is expected to affect wages for American workers. Reducing the statutory federal corporate tax rate from 35 to 20 percent would, the analysis below suggests, increase average household income in the United States by, very conservatively, $4,000 annually. The increases recur each year, and the estimated total value of corporate tax reform for the average U.S. household is therefore substantially higher than $4,000. Moreover, the broad range of results in the literature suggest that over a decade, this effect could be much larger"

They don't read and they suck at math.

All these stupid fuckers know is what Rachel Maddow tells them.

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