please google for crepol in france …. as i cannot

You mean the French village?

Apparently there was a stabbing there.

A 16 year old killed, 17 others wounded at a music festival; doesn't say if the gang doing the stabbings was Muslim or not, so they probably were.

Ah, they were 'North Africans', no doubt showing their support for Hamas' attacks.

In Crepol in SE France "Thomas" aged 16 was stabbed to death. A group of North Africans gatecrashed a party chanting "We are here to stab white people." In all, 17 others were stabbed & two taken to hospital. Many on the right have claimed the attack was anti-white

Obviously left wing media wants to suppress the story.
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Some countries block certain stories from search engines. Germany is having Muslim problems at the moment.

First: It is very easy to get lots of information about "crepol" in Germany. Second: We have no Muslim problem. We have different problems with migration and we have specially a problem with the Turkish state who sends Imams to Germany and pays them. The Turkish state has a ministry for religious affairs with ~ 400,000 officers who are directly the megaphone from the Islamist Erdogan in nearly all mosques in Turkey and in Germany.
Hularious claim of the day. lol

"H-u-l-a-r-i-o-u-s" ... I've found a new word ... let see:
saukomisch [ugs.]
köstlich [fig.] [außerordentlich komisch]
irrsinnig witzig
höchst amüsant
extrem lustig [ugs.]
rasend komisch [ugs.]
umwerfend komisch [ugs.]

No. What you say fits not with the German language in this context here. What a luck that you are an expert for Germany and not so I only because I'm a native German whose ancestors live here since some decades of thousands of years.

You mean the French village?

Apparently there was a stabbing there.

A 16 year old killed, 17 others wounded at a music festival; doesn't say if the gang doing the stabbings was Muslim or not, so they probably were.

Ah, they were 'North Africans', no doubt showing their support for Hamas' attacks.

In Crepol in SE France "Thomas" aged 16 was stabbed to death. A group of North Africans gatecrashed a party chanting "We are here to stab white people." In all, 17 others were stabbed & two taken to hospital. Many on the right have claimed the attack was anti-white

Obviously left wing media wants to suppress the story.

First: It is very easy to get lots of information about "crepol" in Germany. Second: We have no Muslim problem. We have different problems with migration and we have specially a problem with the Turkish state who sends Imams to Germany and pays them. The Turkish state has a ministry for religious affairs with ~ 400,000 officers who are directly the megaphone from the Islamist Erdogan in nearly all mosques in Turkey and in Germany.
Sounds like s Muslim problem.
De Crepitol US lives there .
Hopefully he is RIP if someone has done us all a public service .

He worked in a BS factory making Troll Pastry .
You mean the French village?

Apparently there was a stabbing there.

A 16 year old killed, 17 others wounded at a music festival; doesn't say if the gang doing the stabbings was Muslim or not, so they probably were.

Ah, they were 'North Africans', no doubt showing their support for Hamas' attacks.

In Crepol in SE France "Thomas" aged 16 was stabbed to death. A group of North Africans gatecrashed a party chanting "We are here to stab white people." In all, 17 others were stabbed & two taken to hospital. Many on the right have claimed the attack was anti-white

Obviously left wing media wants to suppress the story.

that was one of the articles i was looking for ……
This thread proves Europe is fucked. Cant google Muzzie stabbings. Might offend a Raghead.

Terrorists’ favourite season coming up. > The European Christmas Markets. Where amongst all the twinkling lights, the police patrol the area with AK 47s, and concrete blocks with chains and security guards adorn the entrances. :cool:

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