Please stop trying tell black people about MLK

The governments at the state level who have odered the violations of free speech.
Respond to the republicans' gag on pro-choice speech. Some states have passed laws dictating what medical professionals must say and can't say to patients. In some states, laws have been passed to force women who are pregnant to attend a religious indoctrination session. In some states, license plates are offered to those who have one viewpoint on the issue, but do not offer plates to those who have an opposing view. Neutral government? Free speech? Freedom of religion???
You're not wrong on the free speech issues. That is not neutral government, nor freedom of religion.

I do believe it is appropriate to require some sort of pre- and post-abortion counseling and a brief waiting period (nothing unreasonable, and the abortion begins when services are requested, not when procedure is done), given the nature of abortion, and what it does to a woman.
But why? We don't require government-mandated counseling in other situations. People know who they can go to among their family and friends if they have a problem. Is there some law that I have to consult with a rabbi as a condition of my buying an AR15?

What role is the government supposed to play in our decision-making? Any? Does the government have any right to to force us to listen to an ideological viewpoint?
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Respond to the republicans' gag on pro-choice speech. Some states have passed laws dictating what medical professionals must say and can't say to patients. In some states, laws have been passed to force women who are pregnant to attend a religious indoctrination session. In some states, license plates are offered to those who have one viewpoint on the issue, but do not offer plates to those who have an opposing view. Neutral government? Free speech? Freedom of religion???
You're not wrong on the free speech issues. That is not neutral government, nor freedom of religion.

I do believe it is appropriate to require some sort of pre- and post-abortion counseling and a brief waiting period (nothing unreasonable, and the abortion begins when services are requested, not when procedure is done), given the nature of abortion, and what it does to a woman.
When the government abdicates its responsibility to keep the peace and just stands back and allow the brownshirts to prevent free expression, there IS a free speech angle involved because the government is therefore complicit in such prevention.

It is only local government, of course, but the mayors of Berkely, Portland and other cities have actually ordered their police departments to stand down while the leftist brownshirts riot.
Brown shirts now?

What a drama queen
Obvipusly, you support cracking some heads open to prevent a Jewish man from speaking on campus.

I would expect nothing different from your limited mind.

When did I do this? Who is this Jewish man who you are speaking of?
The governments at the state level who have odered the violations of free speech.
Respond to the republicans' gag on pro-choice speech. Some states have passed laws dictating what medical professionals must say and can't say to patients. In some states, laws have been passed to force women who are pregnant to attend a religious indoctrination session. In some states, license plates are offered to those who have one viewpoint on the issue, but do not offer plates to those who have an opposing view. Neutral government? Free speech? Freedom of religion???
You're not wrong on the free speech issues. That is not neutral government, nor freedom of religion.

I do believe it is appropriate to require some sort of pre- and post-abortion counseling and a brief waiting period (nothing unreasonable, and the abortion begins when services are requested, not when procedure is done), given the nature of abortion, and what it does to a woman.
But why? We don't require government-mandated counseling in other situations. People know who they can go to among their family and friends if they have a problem. Is there some law that I have to consult with a rabbi as a condition of my buying an AR15?

What role is the government supposed to play in our decision-making? Any? Does the government have any right to to force us to listen to an ideological viewpoint?
If someone accosts another human being at a university, do you have a problem with the victim responding by shooting the perp?
What "counseling" does the government require me to undergo as I make my decisions as regard to my daily life in this country and on this planet? Government is only a a group of human beings. If I am required to undergo "counseling" with regard to my pregnancy, why are those who won't bake wedding cakes required to undergo ""counseling'?
Same people who will hire experts to determine if an ID is fake
State-issued IDs are MUCH harder to fake than it would be to forge a signature and have an expert compare all signatures.

Why are you so against allowing only citizens to vote, and making sure they do so only once?

Faking a signature, on the spot, without something to copy off of is very difficult.
Not if the person signing is the same person (who registered in multiple precincts and voted 10 times in one day).

I know I don't need to explain to you how all this fraud works. You're probably an expert. That's why you are resisting it so hard.

There is absolutely NO EXCUSE for not have ID to vote. You can make up all the nonsense you want. It is a FACT.


I demand no ID to purchase a firearm. A signature will do.

Agree to that, and I will agree to the signature ID for voting.

. you are really going off the deep end

Now we have one person with multiple identities voting in multiple precincts

Same person could have multiple IDs made up
Imagine not having to even go through the trouble of making IDs...LIKE NOW!!

The governments at the state level who have odered the violations of free speech.
Respond to the republicans' gag on pro-choice speech. Some states have passed laws dictating what medical professionals must say and can't say to patients. In some states, laws have been passed to force women who are pregnant to attend a religious indoctrination session. In some states, license plates are offered to those who have one viewpoint on the issue, but do not offer plates to those who have an opposing view. Neutral government? Free speech? Freedom of religion???
You're not wrong on the free speech issues. That is not neutral government, nor freedom of religion.

I do believe it is appropriate to require some sort of pre- and post-abortion counseling and a brief waiting period (nothing unreasonable, and the abortion begins when services are requested, not when procedure is done), given the nature of abortion, and what it does to a woman.
But why? We don't require government-mandated counseling in other situations. People know who they can go to among their family and friends if they have a problem. Is there some law that I have to consult with a rabbi as a condition of my buying an AR15?

What role is the government supposed to play in our decision-making? Any? Does the government have any right to to force us to listen to an ideological viewpoint?
I must admit, you make a lot of sense. You have convinced me.


Respond to the republicans' gag on pro-choice speech. Some states have passed laws dictating what medical professionals must say and can't say to patients. In some states, laws have been passed to force women who are pregnant to attend a religious indoctrination session. In some states, license plates are offered to those who have one viewpoint on the issue, but do not offer plates to those who have an opposing view. Neutral government? Free speech? Freedom of religion???
You're not wrong on the free speech issues. That is not neutral government, nor freedom of religion.

I do believe it is appropriate to require some sort of pre- and post-abortion counseling and a brief waiting period (nothing unreasonable, and the abortion begins when services are requested, not when procedure is done), given the nature of abortion, and what it does to a woman.
When the government abdicates its responsibility to keep the peace and just stands back and allow the brownshirts to prevent free expression, there IS a free speech angle involved because the government is therefore complicit in such prevention.

It is only local government, of course, but the mayors of Berkely, Portland and other cities have actually ordered their police departments to stand down while the leftist brownshirts riot.
Brown shirts now?

What a drama queen
Obvipusly, you support cracking some heads open to prevent a Jewish man from speaking on campus.

I would expect nothing different from your limited mind.
Violence is against the law
Protests against a speaker is not
Not all whites were slave owners or lived a rich life. Not all whites are wealthy today. Not all blacks are poor today. If there are more whites,doesn't it figure that there would be a bigger wealthy population of whites? How do you figure that if blacks were not enslaved that they would have had riches to pass on to their descendants? Not all blacks descended from slaves. It would not be productive to give free money (not earned) just to someone because they are black and haven't earned the money.
The racial wealth gap numbers are abysmal Molly, and it's not by coincidence.

Whites, in this country, have been given everything possible not to fail. Blacks weren't.

These are facts.
In the past yes,I agree. Not now and the whites who were given anything is minimal.
You can believe whatever you want and you can call me whatever you want. Blacks DID get to a significant level of 15 million acres of land ownership post Civil War through a variety of programs. Did they lose it because of systemic Racism? Maybe in part. Maybe that's not the whole story. THat's all I'm saying. It is also interesting that your boy MLK didn't mention the great increase in Black land ownership at all in his speech you originally posted. It was all about how the system enabled Whites to increase land ownership, as I recall.

I don't have to believe anything. The facts speak for themselves. You want to talk about the great increases but don't want to about how much of that land was forcibly taken. The continued abuses blacks suffered are why we are demanding reparations. So then what we see is a bunch of broken promises to blacks, programs not enforced, racism against black landowner, land forcibly taken, black communities burned and blacks living under the constant threat of terror.
Blacks in Africa stole land belonging to whites.
Long after the only words the white racists think King ever spoke, he said these words:

"We're Coming To Get Our Check"

We blacks know what King was about. And we will not whitewash it to serve your need to lie to yourselves.

MLK would tell you to STFU, were he still with us. He would also call you a pussy.
Long after the only words the white racists think King ever spoke, he said these words:

"We're Coming To Get Our Check"

We blacks know what King was about. And we will not whitewash it to serve your need to lie to yourselves.

MLK would tell you to STFU, were he still with us. He would also call you a pussy.

barack luther king Obama jr. whatever whatever. responsibility payment. Hey run that daily functioning by supervision one more time.

So, some big idiot smart people , here they are, oh, police say that in order not to b arrested, be on facebook, like I ever met any of them outside whats happening next to me. there's somebody doing smart crap there. probably from psychology problems they have.

Oh wait here's another MLK Jr. doozie. How about, the Minorities are the Only ones that have cursed Every curse word, assaulted people, and hinged all that on being on a social facebook where they can pretend to catch any behavior about me. There's one. Not a singular reason I've been anywhere in my life in 10 years in a singular moment except for somebody exposing the short end of a STICK ,no craps given. no craps given in any discussion of other people's maniacal controls that Disapproved of Interest in nonexistent interactions or exchange.
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You can believe whatever you want and you can call me whatever you want. Blacks DID get to a significant level of 15 million acres of land ownership post Civil War through a variety of programs. Did they lose it because of systemic Racism? Maybe in part. Maybe that's not the whole story. THat's all I'm saying. It is also interesting that your boy MLK didn't mention the great increase in Black land ownership at all in his speech you originally posted. It was all about how the system enabled Whites to increase land ownership, as I recall.

I don't have to believe anything. The facts speak for themselves. You want to talk about the great increases but don't want to about how much of that land was forcibly taken. The continued abuses blacks suffered are why we are demanding reparations. So then what we see is a bunch of broken promises to blacks, programs not enforced, racism against black landowner, land forcibly taken, black communities burned and blacks living under the constant threat of terror.
Blacks in Africa stole land belonging to whites.
Did the white people get reparations?
Long after the only words the white racists think King ever spoke, he said these words:

"We're Coming To Get Our Check"

We blacks know what King was about. And we will not whitewash it to serve your need to lie to yourselves.

MLK would tell you to STFU, were he still with us. He would also call you a pussy.

Mark Larry Kimball of the white supremacist group you belong to might try saying that, but Martin Luther King Jr. would agree with me.
You can believe whatever you want and you can call me whatever you want. Blacks DID get to a significant level of 15 million acres of land ownership post Civil War through a variety of programs. Did they lose it because of systemic Racism? Maybe in part. Maybe that's not the whole story. THat's all I'm saying. It is also interesting that your boy MLK didn't mention the great increase in Black land ownership at all in his speech you originally posted. It was all about how the system enabled Whites to increase land ownership, as I recall.

I don't have to believe anything. The facts speak for themselves. You want to talk about the great increases but don't want to about how much of that land was forcibly taken. The continued abuses blacks suffered are why we are demanding reparations. So then what we see is a bunch of broken promises to blacks, programs not enforced, racism against black landowner, land forcibly taken, black communities burned and blacks living under the constant threat of terror.
Blacks in Africa stole land belonging to whites.
Did the white people get reparations?

White people have received reparations since 7-4-1776.
Long after the only words the white racists think King ever spoke, he said these words:

"We're Coming To Get Our Check"

We blacks know what King was about. And we will not whitewash it to serve your need to lie to yourselves.
Is that why you let Democrats fuck you up the ass? You think they are going to give you a reparation check?

You are an extraordinarily gullible idiot.
Would a white teacher be qualified to teach a Black History class.

Would an American teacher be qualified to teach Greek History?
fncceo difference I think is, well how are we all guilty to MLK jr ,and indebted? I'm not involved. I'm not part of situations where I'm supposed to have learned a lesson simply by being alive, by my participation to begin with, where none of them have a cooperative goal that could ever push past Any of it. I'm not part of that. I don't know how people appreciate the whole BS. I never have had any racial contact anywhere that isn't going to become petty, total blame no matter what you did. What I did never existed from first accusation.

Total strangers , and other people with no investigative rights where I'm a private person never looking to be known or engage with anybody. That was the case. I don't have apologies for all the violent close-vested consequences that involved Not bothering my local police , so that's a liar, and its 100% of the whole deal, if doing whats asked is a lie and that involved people.

No one's ever gotten a single advantage over them, order, or demand of them, or wish for them, while they attack going to get along, exactly how they present themselves. No one ANywhere puts a penny on any generalities or stereotypes or racism, oh somebody's this then that happens, that never happens anywhere.

The most effort, representative capital, and seriousness, and resume material I should bring to the table anywhere and for anybody, was already a sneered piece of garbage to those types. As for the slightest cooperation or sign that Any of my time is not wasted , worth a dang, going to c ause anything, there is not a single factual measure of that, no one would dare speak it, that's the MLK jr types, plus,they're sadistic, having cornered you regardless of EVERYTHING, that's 2010 for me.

I bet MLK Jr. could personally come up to you, and Personally accuse you of indiscretion like all the rest, Kick you Out on Authority of his Churches, with the rest of the years of Holier than You already practiced, then wonder how he can cheat his way around about where they left you somewhere.
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Long after the only words the white racists think King ever spoke, he said these words:

"We're Coming To Get Our Check"

We blacks know what King was about. And we will not whitewash it to serve your need to lie to yourselves.

MLK would tell you to STFU, were he still with us. He would also call you a pussy.

Mark Larry Kimball of the white supremacist group you belong to might try saying that, but Martin Luther King Jr. would agree with me.

No. MLK would consider you just another whiny bitch.
Long after the only words the white racists think King ever spoke, he said these words:

"We're Coming To Get Our Check"

We blacks know what King was about. And we will not whitewash it to serve your need to lie to yourselves.

MLK would tell you to STFU, were he still with us. He would also call you a pussy.

Actually, MLK would be enraged with Trump America
Long after the only words the white racists think King ever spoke, he said these words:

"We're Coming To Get Our Check"

We blacks know what King was about. And we will not whitewash it to serve your need to lie to yourselves.

It is not the white racists" or even the white "racists" who have an exaggerated view of who and what MLK was.

It is the moderate and mainstream white Americans who have been fed a line of bullshit about him, in an attempt to create some common ground between them and black Americans.

When we white conservatives, who you pretend to believe are "racists" point out the words of MLK, we are just pointing out the hypocrisy of what your civil rights movement has degenerated into.

Are you pretending that we, and I use "We" in the sense that your clip shows, MLK talking about "we" in, ie when he said "they",

Are you pretending that WE, have not spend BILLIONS, AND BILLIONS, if not actually TRILLIONS on trying to help out the Black Community in this country?

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