Please will someone who opposes the building of the "Wall" on the southern border explain why?

Haha...this isn’t complicated.
If you left your front door unlocked and burglars entered through the front door to burglarize you would you be stupid enough to say...”well, had I locked the door they would have broke in anyway.”
Think once.
The Wall is only a fragment of a comprehensive anti Brown illegal immigration policy.
Idiotic comparison, since all immigrants aren't violent criminals.....This is hysterical hyperbole more suited to moonbat leftists.
I was watching talking heads program and the token Democrat said "Democrats are against building the wall".
I shouted at the TV "Ask why are the Democrats against the wall"?

What are the reasons for Democrats opposing the building of the wall?
Americans Oppose Border Walls, Favor Dealing With DACA
GOP 73% favor expanding the wall while 87% of Democrats don't favor.
WHY are Democrats against improving the security of the country?

Now my opinion based on the previous history of National Voter Registration Act of 1993
National Voter Registration Act of 1993 - Wikipedia passed by the MAJORITY of the Democrat party which directly approved illegals secure driver's license to aid in voter registration.
This has been the major reason Democrats have favored "open borders'.. political benefits cloaked in pious supposedly humanitarian reasons.

The sad fact is that while yes I AGREE the vast MAJORITY of ILLEGAL immigrants are not criminals, are not
a threat to me, it is the few that ARE getting in that are smuggling not only drugs BUT these innocent immigrants who don't know better!
That is the fact that the DEMOCRATS are aiding and abetting, i.e. encouraging people to break the law their first steps into America!

How can people then be against building a physical barrier that will reduce the chances for people to break
the law in the first place?
Why are supposedly these "humanitarians" that feel so bad for these "illegals" that they have NO problem ENCOURAGING their breaking the law in the first place?

So you people that OPPOSE improving the security of America i.e. building the "wall" please explain why because it has been proven that the wall would effectively reduce the
... At the federal, state, and local levels, taxpayers shell out approximately $134.9 billion to cover the costs incurred by the presence of more than 12.5 million illegal aliens, and about 4.2 million citizen children of illegal aliens....The Cost of Illegal Immigration to US Taxpayers | FAIR

$135 billion a year... versus a wall that will reduce dramatically drug/human trafficking as well as reducing the number of people requiring this federal/state/local costs.

View attachment 218407
Billions of dollars to build. Billions of dollars to maintain. A ladder beats it quite simply. The lions share of illegals come legaly and over stay Not a good way to spend the money. Oh ya there is also the thopusands of miles of coast line.

Link us to a stat which shows that a large number of Mexican, Central and South Americans enter legally. Thanks in advance.
Bear in mind...nobody gives two shits about illegals from New Zealand. Sane people know we must stop the human cockroaches from the filthy Brown south.
Theyare feasible at normal border crossings where there are people to veiw and intervene as you have pointed out. This does not make sense in areas with no people.

This does not make sense in areas with no people.

So all you need to do to sneak into the US is go to an area with no people?
Ya it is a shit load easier than going where troops and cops are. OUr border with mexico is not exactly highly populated. What do you not undertand here? No one to watch means no one to intervene. What is your malfunction?

Ya it is a shit load easier than going where troops and cops are.

That's why we need walls and fences, to stop people from illegally crossing.
Walls and fences that are kept under surveillance, with agents nearby, in case someone tries to
scale them using a ladder or an oak log.
We have 3987 miles of land border. Do some math here. You still have not figured out what to do the log have you. Hint see what myth busters did on a SanFran airport runway with an oak log. You turn it into a cannon. How many people do you plan to put on that wall. They going to work for free? You have about a minute and a half to stop me from getting through.

We have 3987 miles of land border.

And we don't have to build a wall on every single mile of that.

How many people do you plan to put on that wall.

Enough to greatly reduce the flow of illegal aliens.

They going to work for free?

Is this stupid question day?
Considering you have not thought this out at all there is no question to stupid to give to you. How many people will it take to greatly reduce the the flow? Lets just start a project that we have no idea what it's long term costs are and if it will even work. Take that buisness plan to the bank and try to get a loan. What a fucking idiot.
I was watching talking heads program and the token Democrat said "Democrats are against building the wall".
I shouted at the TV "Ask why are the Democrats against the wall"?

What are the reasons for Democrats opposing the building of the wall?
Americans Oppose Border Walls, Favor Dealing With DACA
GOP 73% favor expanding the wall while 87% of Democrats don't favor.
WHY are Democrats against improving the security of the country?

Now my opinion based on the previous history of National Voter Registration Act of 1993
National Voter Registration Act of 1993 - Wikipedia passed by the MAJORITY of the Democrat party which directly approved illegals secure driver's license to aid in voter registration.
This has been the major reason Democrats have favored "open borders'.. political benefits cloaked in pious supposedly humanitarian reasons.

The sad fact is that while yes I AGREE the vast MAJORITY of ILLEGAL immigrants are not criminals, are not
a threat to me, it is the few that ARE getting in that are smuggling not only drugs BUT these innocent immigrants who don't know better!
That is the fact that the DEMOCRATS are aiding and abetting, i.e. encouraging people to break the law their first steps into America!

How can people then be against building a physical barrier that will reduce the chances for people to break
the law in the first place?
Why are supposedly these "humanitarians" that feel so bad for these "illegals" that they have NO problem ENCOURAGING their breaking the law in the first place?

So you people that OPPOSE improving the security of America i.e. building the "wall" please explain why because it has been proven that the wall would effectively reduce the
... At the federal, state, and local levels, taxpayers shell out approximately $134.9 billion to cover the costs incurred by the presence of more than 12.5 million illegal aliens, and about 4.2 million citizen children of illegal aliens....The Cost of Illegal Immigration to US Taxpayers | FAIR

$135 billion a year... versus a wall that will reduce dramatically drug/human trafficking as well as reducing the number of people requiring this federal/state/local costs.

View attachment 218407
Billions of dollars to build. Billions of dollars to maintain. A ladder beats it quite simply. The lions share of illegals come legaly and over stay Not a good way to spend the money. Oh ya there is also the thopusands of miles of coast line.

Link us to a stat which shows that a large number of Mexican, Central and South Americans enter legally. Thanks in advance.
Bear in mind...nobody gives two shits about illegals from New Zealand. Sane people know we must stop the human cockroaches from the filthy Brown south.
How about this dumb fuck you spend your hard earned money on a wall you think will work. Then I will come down and destroy it for less than ten bucks, I will make a whole big enough to drive a car through. For 24.99 I will put three holes in it.
This does not make sense in areas with no people.

So all you need to do to sneak into the US is go to an area with no people?
Ya it is a shit load easier than going where troops and cops are. OUr border with mexico is not exactly highly populated. What do you not undertand here? No one to watch means no one to intervene. What is your malfunction?

Ya it is a shit load easier than going where troops and cops are.

That's why we need walls and fences, to stop people from illegally crossing.
Walls and fences that are kept under surveillance, with agents nearby, in case someone tries to
scale them using a ladder or an oak log.
We have 3987 miles of land border. Do some math here. You still have not figured out what to do the log have you. Hint see what myth busters did on a SanFran airport runway with an oak log. You turn it into a cannon. How many people do you plan to put on that wall. They going to work for free? You have about a minute and a half to stop me from getting through.

We have 3987 miles of land border.

And we don't have to build a wall on every single mile of that.

How many people do you plan to put on that wall.

Enough to greatly reduce the flow of illegal aliens.

They going to work for free?

Is this stupid question day?
Considering you have not thought this out at all there is no question to stupid to give to you. How many people will it take to greatly reduce the the flow? Lets just start a project that we have no idea what it's long term costs are and if it will even work. Take that buisness plan to the bank and try to get a loan. What a fucking idiot.

Considering you have not thought this out at all

I have thought out ladders and explosives. That's why I said the wall/fence must be kept under observation with agents nearby.

Lets just start a project that we have no idea what it's long term costs are and if it will even work.

Cheaper than allowing millions of illegals to freely cross our borders.

Take that buisness plan

Business plan? Government is a business? DERP!
Seriously, I want to see a practical plan for the Rio Grande that does not violate the rights of property owners on either side. Gonna put the wall down the middle of Falcon Lake? Or just make the river inaccessible to property owners and agriculture on the US side.

Its all bullsquat, never gonna happen.
Ya it is a shit load easier than going where troops and cops are. OUr border with mexico is not exactly highly populated. What do you not undertand here? No one to watch means no one to intervene. What is your malfunction?

Ya it is a shit load easier than going where troops and cops are.

That's why we need walls and fences, to stop people from illegally crossing.
Walls and fences that are kept under surveillance, with agents nearby, in case someone tries to
scale them using a ladder or an oak log.
We have 3987 miles of land border. Do some math here. You still have not figured out what to do the log have you. Hint see what myth busters did on a SanFran airport runway with an oak log. You turn it into a cannon. How many people do you plan to put on that wall. They going to work for free? You have about a minute and a half to stop me from getting through.

We have 3987 miles of land border.

And we don't have to build a wall on every single mile of that.

How many people do you plan to put on that wall.

Enough to greatly reduce the flow of illegal aliens.

They going to work for free?

Is this stupid question day?
Considering you have not thought this out at all there is no question to stupid to give to you. How many people will it take to greatly reduce the the flow? Lets just start a project that we have no idea what it's long term costs are and if it will even work. Take that buisness plan to the bank and try to get a loan. What a fucking idiot.

Considering you have not thought this out at all

I have thought out ladders and explosives. That's why I said the wall/fence must be kept under observation with agents nearby.

Lets just start a project that we have no idea what it's long term costs are and if it will even work.

Cheaper than allowing millions of illegals to freely cross our borders.

Take that buisness plan

Business plan? Government is a business? DERP!
You have not put a cost to it! You would get lauighed at just like trump at the UN. You are a fucking idiot! I can put a whole in your fence inside of two minutes. This means you need some one inside two miles to stop me. Good luck!
A wall around a 'free country' is a contradiction in terms.
Historically, wall have not solved any problems for very long.
A wall is usually ugly.
The proposed wall will be very expensive.
Building the wall caters to our lesser national identity.
Ya it is a shit load easier than going where troops and cops are.

That's why we need walls and fences, to stop people from illegally crossing.
Walls and fences that are kept under surveillance, with agents nearby, in case someone tries to
scale them using a ladder or an oak log.
We have 3987 miles of land border. Do some math here. You still have not figured out what to do the log have you. Hint see what myth busters did on a SanFran airport runway with an oak log. You turn it into a cannon. How many people do you plan to put on that wall. They going to work for free? You have about a minute and a half to stop me from getting through.

We have 3987 miles of land border.

And we don't have to build a wall on every single mile of that.

How many people do you plan to put on that wall.

Enough to greatly reduce the flow of illegal aliens.

They going to work for free?

Is this stupid question day?
Considering you have not thought this out at all there is no question to stupid to give to you. How many people will it take to greatly reduce the the flow? Lets just start a project that we have no idea what it's long term costs are and if it will even work. Take that buisness plan to the bank and try to get a loan. What a fucking idiot.

Considering you have not thought this out at all

I have thought out ladders and explosives. That's why I said the wall/fence must be kept under observation with agents nearby.

Lets just start a project that we have no idea what it's long term costs are and if it will even work.

Cheaper than allowing millions of illegals to freely cross our borders.

Take that buisness plan

Business plan? Government is a business? DERP!
You have not put a cost to it! You would get lauighed at just like trump at the UN. You are a fucking idiot! I can put a whole in your fence inside of two minutes. This means you need some one inside two miles to stop me. Good luck!

You have not put a cost to it!

So what?

You would get lauighed at

Why is securing our porous border.....funny?

I can put a whole in your fence inside of two minutes.

I'm hoping the agents monitoring the wall/fence have permission to shoot your dumb ass.

This means you need some one inside two miles to stop me.

Or drones to watch you and catch you further inside the US. Good luck!
Seriously, I want to see a practical plan for the Rio Grande that does not violate the rights of property owners on either side. Gonna put the wall down the middle of Falcon Lake? Or just make the river inaccessible to property owners and agriculture on the US side.

Its all bullsquat, never gonna happen.
Rivers, lakes and poor soils are a definite issue. Then there is the whole property rights thing. Just the appraisal to determine the value of the ground taken would take years and ungodly money even if no one went to court of the taking. Stupid patriot todd has obviously never been involved in eminent domain cases to see what all goes into them. I have heard of people being shot over the governent plans to destroy a tree on thier property. Guess how they feel when you take grandmas house! This is an excercise for idiots.
I was watching talking heads program and the token Democrat said "Democrats are against building the wall".
I shouted at the TV "Ask why are the Democrats against the wall"?

What are the reasons for Democrats opposing the building of the wall?
Americans Oppose Border Walls, Favor Dealing With DACA
GOP 73% favor expanding the wall while 87% of Democrats don't favor.
WHY are Democrats against improving the security of the country?

Now my opinion based on the previous history of National Voter Registration Act of 1993
National Voter Registration Act of 1993 - Wikipedia passed by the MAJORITY of the Democrat party which directly approved illegals secure driver's license to aid in voter registration.
This has been the major reason Democrats have favored "open borders'.. political benefits cloaked in pious supposedly humanitarian reasons.

The sad fact is that while yes I AGREE the vast MAJORITY of ILLEGAL immigrants are not criminals, are not
a threat to me, it is the few that ARE getting in that are smuggling not only drugs BUT these innocent immigrants who don't know better!
That is the fact that the DEMOCRATS are aiding and abetting, i.e. encouraging people to break the law their first steps into America!

How can people then be against building a physical barrier that will reduce the chances for people to break
the law in the first place?
Why are supposedly these "humanitarians" that feel so bad for these "illegals" that they have NO problem ENCOURAGING their breaking the law in the first place?

So you people that OPPOSE improving the security of America i.e. building the "wall" please explain why because it has been proven that the wall would effectively reduce the
... At the federal, state, and local levels, taxpayers shell out approximately $134.9 billion to cover the costs incurred by the presence of more than 12.5 million illegal aliens, and about 4.2 million citizen children of illegal aliens....The Cost of Illegal Immigration to US Taxpayers | FAIR

$135 billion a year... versus a wall that will reduce dramatically drug/human trafficking as well as reducing the number of people requiring this federal/state/local costs.

View attachment 218407
Billions of dollars to build. Billions of dollars to maintain. A ladder beats it quite simply. The lions share of illegals come legaly and over stay Not a good way to spend the money. Oh ya there is also the thopusands of miles of coast line.

Link us to a stat which shows that a large number of Mexican, Central and South Americans enter legally. Thanks in advance.
Bear in mind...nobody gives two shits about illegals from New Zealand. Sane people know we must stop the human cockroaches from the filthy Brown south.
Racist rant .....Unworthy of a response
We have 3987 miles of land border. Do some math here. You still have not figured out what to do the log have you. Hint see what myth busters did on a SanFran airport runway with an oak log. You turn it into a cannon. How many people do you plan to put on that wall. They going to work for free? You have about a minute and a half to stop me from getting through.

We have 3987 miles of land border.

And we don't have to build a wall on every single mile of that.

How many people do you plan to put on that wall.

Enough to greatly reduce the flow of illegal aliens.

They going to work for free?

Is this stupid question day?
Considering you have not thought this out at all there is no question to stupid to give to you. How many people will it take to greatly reduce the the flow? Lets just start a project that we have no idea what it's long term costs are and if it will even work. Take that buisness plan to the bank and try to get a loan. What a fucking idiot.

Considering you have not thought this out at all

I have thought out ladders and explosives. That's why I said the wall/fence must be kept under observation with agents nearby.

Lets just start a project that we have no idea what it's long term costs are and if it will even work.

Cheaper than allowing millions of illegals to freely cross our borders.

Take that buisness plan

Business plan? Government is a business? DERP!
You have not put a cost to it! You would get lauighed at just like trump at the UN. You are a fucking idiot! I can put a whole in your fence inside of two minutes. This means you need some one inside two miles to stop me. Good luck!

You have not put a cost to it!

So what?

You would get lauighed at

Why is securing our porous border.....funny?

I can put a whole in your fence inside of two minutes.

I'm hoping the agents monitoring the wall/fence have permission to shoot your dumb ass.

This means you need some one inside two miles to stop me.

Or drones to watch you and catch you further inside the US. Good luck!
You are a true idiot! Only idiots say things are a great idea with out knowing the cost!
I changed my mind.

I don't want a wall.

I want a set of interlocking sentry machine guns every 200 yards set to destroy anything that moves.


What is sad is that Mexico has been at war with the U.S. for decades. Our shitty, worthless, do-nothing federal government simply refuses to acknowledge the declaration of war.

I normally hate world policing and nation building (read: puppeteering), but in the case of Mexico, we need to destroy that shit hole and put in our puppet head of state.
I changed my mind.

I don't want a wall.

I want a set of interlocking sentry machine guns every 200 yards set to destroy anything that moves.


What is sad is that Mexico has been at war with the U.S. for decades. Our shitty, worthless, do-nothing federal government simply refuses to acknowledge the declaration of war.

I normally hate world policing and nation building (read: puppeteering), but in the case of Mexico, we need to destroy that shit hole and put in our puppet head of state.
We do not need either of those solutions. All we need to do is enforce the laws on the books. Easier and cheaper to enforce laws on the books. Why we can't get people to do that is beyond me.
Build the fucking thing, if it's so damned important to you. Trump has decimated the number of refugees he is admitting to the country during the worst worldwide refugee crisis this planet has ever experienced. Now he wants a 30 foot high wall across our southern border to keep the boogey man out. Sounds like a coward to me.
/----/ Why doesn't Mexico take all of the refugees?
They don't have a first world economy; haven't you, seen the charts?
/----/ But Mexico has free healthcare and guns are banned. Not true in the USA.
congress killed the wall - someone explain why morons cant get past that, please.
Build the fucking thing, if it's so damned important to you. Trump has decimated the number of refugees he is admitting to the country during the worst worldwide refugee crisis this planet has ever experienced. Now he wants a 30 foot high wall across our southern border to keep the boogey man out. Sounds like a coward to me.
/----/ Why doesn't Mexico take all of the refugees?
They don't have a first world economy; haven't you, seen the charts?
/----/ But Mexico has free healthcare and guns are banned. Not true in the USA.
still don't know how to read charts?

All people, men and women, are equal under the law. This article also grants all people protection to their health, a right to housing, and rights for children. Everyone has a right to an appropriated ecosystem for their development & welfare.
Habitants of the Republic may, for their protection, own guns and arms in their homes. Only arms approved by the Army may be owned, and federal law will state the manner in which they can be used (Firearms are prohibited from importation into the Republic without proper licensing and documentation. Foreigners may not pass the border with unlicensed firearms; the commission of such act is a felony, punishable by prison term.
congress killed the wall - someone explain why morons cant get past that, please.
I do not know what happened but I woke up one day and the whole world turned into a big circle jerk. You would think that the last 500 years that governents quit building them would give some people a clue. The wall was made obsolete with the cannon.
I was watching talking heads program and the token Democrat said "Democrats are against building the wall".
I shouted at the TV "Ask why are the Democrats against the wall"?

What are the reasons for Democrats opposing the building of the wall?
Americans Oppose Border Walls, Favor Dealing With DACA
GOP 73% favor expanding the wall while 87% of Democrats don't favor.
WHY are Democrats against improving the security of the country?

Now my opinion based on the previous history of National Voter Registration Act of 1993
National Voter Registration Act of 1993 - Wikipedia passed by the MAJORITY of the Democrat party which directly approved illegals secure driver's license to aid in voter registration.
This has been the major reason Democrats have favored "open borders'.. political benefits cloaked in pious supposedly humanitarian reasons.

The sad fact is that while yes I AGREE the vast MAJORITY of ILLEGAL immigrants are not criminals, are not
a threat to me, it is the few that ARE getting in that are smuggling not only drugs BUT these innocent immigrants who don't know better!
That is the fact that the DEMOCRATS are aiding and abetting, i.e. encouraging people to break the law their first steps into America!

How can people then be against building a physical barrier that will reduce the chances for people to break
the law in the first place?
Why are supposedly these "humanitarians" that feel so bad for these "illegals" that they have NO problem ENCOURAGING their breaking the law in the first place?

So you people that OPPOSE improving the security of America i.e. building the "wall" please explain why because it has been proven that the wall would effectively reduce the
... At the federal, state, and local levels, taxpayers shell out approximately $134.9 billion to cover the costs incurred by the presence of more than 12.5 million illegal aliens, and about 4.2 million citizen children of illegal aliens....The Cost of Illegal Immigration to US Taxpayers | FAIR

$135 billion a year... versus a wall that will reduce dramatically drug/human trafficking as well as reducing the number of people requiring this federal/state/local costs.

View attachment 218407
Billions of dollars to build. Billions of dollars to maintain. A ladder beats it quite simply. The lions share of illegals come legaly and over stay Not a good way to spend the money. Oh ya there is also the thopusands of miles of coast line.

Link us to a stat which shows that a large number of Mexican, Central and South Americans enter legally. Thanks in advance.
Bear in mind...nobody gives two shits about illegals from New Zealand. Sane people know we must stop the human cockroaches from the filthy Brown south.
How about this dumb fuck you spend your hard earned money on a wall you think will work. Then I will come down and destroy it for less than ten bucks, I will make a whole big enough to drive a car through. For 24.99 I will put three holes in it.

I was watching talking heads program and the token Democrat said "Democrats are against building the wall".
I shouted at the TV "Ask why are the Democrats against the wall"?

What are the reasons for Democrats opposing the building of the wall?
Americans Oppose Border Walls, Favor Dealing With DACA
GOP 73% favor expanding the wall while 87% of Democrats don't favor.
WHY are Democrats against improving the security of the country?

Now my opinion based on the previous history of National Voter Registration Act of 1993
National Voter Registration Act of 1993 - Wikipedia passed by the MAJORITY of the Democrat party which directly approved illegals secure driver's license to aid in voter registration.
This has been the major reason Democrats have favored "open borders'.. political benefits cloaked in pious supposedly humanitarian reasons.

The sad fact is that while yes I AGREE the vast MAJORITY of ILLEGAL immigrants are not criminals, are not
a threat to me, it is the few that ARE getting in that are smuggling not only drugs BUT these innocent immigrants who don't know better!
That is the fact that the DEMOCRATS are aiding and abetting, i.e. encouraging people to break the law their first steps into America!

How can people then be against building a physical barrier that will reduce the chances for people to break
the law in the first place?
Why are supposedly these "humanitarians" that feel so bad for these "illegals" that they have NO problem ENCOURAGING their breaking the law in the first place?

So you people that OPPOSE improving the security of America i.e. building the "wall" please explain why because it has been proven that the wall would effectively reduce the
... At the federal, state, and local levels, taxpayers shell out approximately $134.9 billion to cover the costs incurred by the presence of more than 12.5 million illegal aliens, and about 4.2 million citizen children of illegal aliens....The Cost of Illegal Immigration to US Taxpayers | FAIR

$135 billion a year... versus a wall that will reduce dramatically drug/human trafficking as well as reducing the number of people requiring this federal/state/local costs.

View attachment 218407
Billions of dollars to build. Billions of dollars to maintain. A ladder beats it quite simply. The lions share of illegals come legaly and over stay Not a good way to spend the money. Oh ya there is also the thopusands of miles of coast line.

Link us to a stat which shows that a large number of Mexican, Central and South Americans enter legally. Thanks in advance.
Bear in mind...nobody gives two shits about illegals from New Zealand. Sane people know we must stop the human cockroaches from the filthy Brown south.
Racist rant .....Unworthy of a response

I’m guessing....“you’re a racist dick!” means no such stat exists?

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