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Plenty of "Good Guys with Guns" But 6 Injured Anyway

Hey who made those workers at FedEx continue to work there?

no one

These workers, if in fear for their lives or safety

why would they be

fedex promised their safety
I can tell you this... In my Workcenter? WE are NOT a 'Gun-Free Zone'.

oh i agree

the gun free zone is one of the most dangerous places to be

fedex offered up a false sense of security to its employees

which they ought to be sued for

Oh, they will be. And FedEx's insurance company is going to settle with the victims and their families. No way something like this will go to trial. Baaad publicity and FedEx would lose when those six wounded victims with their dangling catheters and mobile IVs are dragged out in front of a jury.

I wouldn't mind working in a place where guns were allowed as long as it was say, in Hawaii or Vermont. But someplace like Oklahoma or anywhere in Redneckia (Oklahoma east to the Carolinas and Virginia south to Florida)....no phucking way.
Ooops....Sorry, 6 injured.

But otherwise so much for Wayne Lapierre's theory about the good guys with guns. Ain't working in his idea of Utopia:

Shooter Injures Six In Georgia Town Where Everyone Is Required To Own A Gun

A gunman opened fire Tuesday morning at a FedEx facility in Kennesaw, Georgia. Six were shot, with their injuries ranging from minor to two in critical condition. Authorities report that the gunman is dead.
The Georgia facility is located in Kennesaw, near Atlanta, a quiet suburb unique in the U.S. for mandating every household own at least one gun. The law is not enforced, so the Kennesaw gun ownership rate hovers around 50 percent, according to its police chief. That’s still higher than the average rate of gun ownership in the U.S., estimated to be about 34 percent. When the law was enacted in 1982, Kennesaw had only 5,000 residents. Today, it has a population of 30,000.""

Shooter Injures Six In Georgia Town Where Everyone Is Required To Own A Gun | ThinkProgress

Oh, and the shooter committed suicide. The good guys with guns were REALLY slow on the draw.
Not surprisingly, there's a whole lot of stupid, above.

You're arguing that because seatbelts do not always save lives, the very idea of them is invalid.

Well good for you, you rarely get off your cyber duff and verify your point. I'm impressed.

Now...answer the other question about what businesses DO allow guns on the property.

So you lost your original point and are left with outright blathering and references to minute.

You are possibly the most idiotic poster on this forum. I've taken shits with a higher IQ than yours.

That's insulting to some of the turds I've had. Many of them were far more articulate than NoTea, and all of them better informed.

Aye mate, my turds get a better education everytime I read the Constitution on the toilet. I have the Bill of Rights in a giant frame the the wall opposite the toilet bowl.
Hey who made those workers at FedEx continue to work there? These workers, if in fear for their lives or safety because they couldn't bring a gun to work, where does it say that they had to continue to work at FedEx?

This is still America. If there are places where you can't carry your weapon, don't go there.
How fucking hard is that?

Then it will only be those opposed to carrying guns to work that could be shot. And the gun nuts would not be exposed to the dangers of the work place.

Gun nuts, only work for a place where you can carry your weapon to work.

Hey who made those workers at FedEx continue to work there? These workers, if in fear for their lives or safety because FedEx doesn't provide birth control pills or abortions under their insurance , where does it say that they had to continue to work at FedEx?

This is still America. If there are places where you can't use the women's room if you are female identified transgendered, don't go there.
How fucking hard is that?

Then it will only be those opposed to abortion/birth control in insurance or transgender friendly bathrooms. And the pro-BC/abortion/transgendered advocates would not be exposed to the dangers of the work place.

Pro BC/abortion/transgendered advocates, only work for a place where you can get your abortion/BC at work or use whatever bathroom you want.

Fixed it for ya.

Hey who made those workers at FedEx continue to work there?

no one

These workers, if in fear for their lives or safety

why would they be

fedex promised their safety

Really? Where did you get that information? Was it a written promise? Or do you think it was an implied promise? Or are you just making shit up again?
Hey who made those workers at FedEx continue to work there? These workers, if in fear for their lives or safety because FedEx doesn't provide birth control pills or abortions under their insurance , where does it say that they had to continue to work at FedEx?

This is still America. If there are places where you can't use the women's room if you are female identified transgendered, don't go there.
How fucking hard is that?

Then it will only be those opposed to abortion/birth control in insurance or transgender friendly bathrooms. And the pro-BC/abortion/transgendered advocates would not be exposed to the dangers of the work place.

Pro BC/abortion/transgendered advocates, only work for a place where you can get your abortion/BC at work or use whatever bathroom you want.

Fixed it for ya.

Hey who made those workers at FedEx continue to work there?

no one

These workers, if in fear for their lives or safety

why would they be

fedex promised their safety

Really? Where did you get that information? Was it a written promise? Or do you think it was an implied promise? Or are you just making shit up again?

yes it is written

Hey was it that weird fucker Marty that couldn't address what I wrote without injecting a bunch of nonsense into the post.

You're kind of a fucked up poster there Marty.

Marty, do you think sex and guns go together? Is that how you get off? Waving a gun in front of you sex partners face while chanting transgender transgender transgender.

I only ask because you seemed so intent on discussing sex, bathrooms and reproductive rights in a gun thread. Weird dude. Or whatever you are.

But when you see something like a marty have to alter a post like he did, you can be pretty sure that the altered post kicked some right winger gun nut ass. Or you wouldn't have felt such a need to alter my post.

Right Marty?
Hey who made those workers at FedEx continue to work there? These workers, if in fear for their lives or safety because FedEx doesn't provide birth control pills or abortions under their insurance , where does it say that they had to continue to work at FedEx?

This is still America. If there are places where you can't use the women's room if you are female identified transgendered, don't go there.
How fucking hard is that?

Then it will only be those opposed to abortion/birth control in insurance or transgender friendly bathrooms. And the pro-BC/abortion/transgendered advocates would not be exposed to the dangers of the work place.

Pro BC/abortion/transgendered advocates, only work for a place where you can get your abortion/BC at work or use whatever bathroom you want.

Fixed it for ya.

Hey who made those workers at FedEx continue to work there?

no one

These workers, if in fear for their lives or safety

why would they be

fedex promised their safety

Really? Where did you get that information? Was it a written promise? Or do you think it was an implied promise? Or are you just making shit up again?

OSHA requires that the employer provide a safe workplace. And OSHA has been trying to address workplace violence since 2000 or 2001.

OSHA also requires written procedures for preventing workplace violence and handling it if it happens.
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Hey who made those workers at FedEx continue to work there?

no one

These workers, if in fear for their lives or safety

why would they be

fedex promised their safety

Really? Where did you get that information? Was it a written promise? Or do you think it was an implied promise? Or are you just making shit up again?

yes it is written


Looked at the work place safety section. Couldn't find the part about where Fed Ex said they would provide protection if some crazy person walked in and started shooting.

Either you are lying or I just missed it. Why don't you post up that page that says specifically what you claim it says. Fed Ex will protect its employees from crazies with guns. That is exactly what it needs to say.

Then I will be glad to apologize for calling you a liar.
OSHA requires that employers defend employees from crazies with guns. Is that what you are saying?

You are fucking stupid winterborn if you believe that shit. Are you stupid winterborn? Or just acting it?
Really? Where did you get that information? Was it a written promise? Or do you think it was an implied promise? Or are you just making shit up again?

yes it is written


Looked at the work place safety section. Couldn't find the part about where Fed Ex said they would provide protection if some crazy person walked in and started shooting.

Either you are lying or I just missed it. Why don't you post up that page that says specifically what you claim it says. Fed Ex will protect its employees from crazies with guns. That is exactly what it needs to say.

Then I will be glad to apologize for calling you a liar.

As long as we have such weak gun laws I don't see how fedex can be blamed.
Really? Where did you get that information? Was it a written promise? Or do you think it was an implied promise? Or are you just making shit up again?

yes it is written


Looked at the work place safety section. Couldn't find the part about where Fed Ex said they would provide protection if some crazy person walked in and started shooting.

Either you are lying or I just missed it. Why don't you post up that page that says specifically what you claim it says. Fed Ex will protect its employees from crazies with guns. That is exactly what it needs to say.

Then I will be glad to apologize for calling you a liar.

A culture of safety, which we have formalized through our Safety Above All
program, is integral to everything we do. Our Chairman and CEO, Frederick
W. Smith, says, “Building and maintaining an excellent safety record is key to
our People-Service-Profit philosophy. Just as we seek to continuously improve
the service we provide our customers, we must also continuously improve the
practices that can make our workplace even safer for our team members.”
Really? Where did you get that information? Was it a written promise? Or do you think it was an implied promise? Or are you just making shit up again?

yes it is written


Looked at the work place safety section. Couldn't find the part about where Fed Ex said they would provide protection if some crazy person walked in and started shooting.

Either you are lying or I just missed it. Why don't you post up that page that says specifically what you claim it says. Fed Ex will protect its employees from crazies with guns. That is exactly what it needs to say.

Then I will be glad to apologize for calling you a liar.

No, FEDEX's safety program does not specifically say that they would "...provide protection if some crazy person walked in and started shooting.". But then most safety programs are not written by idiots and do not list every single potential hazard.

But the company did address workplace violence, as most companies do.

"FedEx has zero tolerance for workplace violence and has established clear
standards of behavior in our policies. Conflicts must always be resolved in a
peaceful, professional and respectful manner. The FedEx Workplace Violence
Prevention Program helps to provide team members and vendors with a safe and
secure work environment.
Our mission is to increase awareness of developing
situations and other indicators of workplace violence. Unauthorized firearms or
weapons are strictly prohibited on company-leased or -owned property and in
buildings, aircraft or vehicles. Possession of firearms or weapons on company
property may be grounds for immediate dismissal.
All FedEx employees are responsible for reporting potential or actual situations
of workplace violence either through a special web-based reporting system,
contacting a member of FedEx Management, Security or Human Resources, or
calling the FedEx Alert Line in their respective countries.
All reported instances of workplace violence are investigated by a Workplace
Violence Response Team, which is a group established to help maintain a safe
and secure workplace. The team is made up of members from the following
areas: Security, Legal, Human Resources, Benefits, Safety, Contract Relations
and the Employee Assistance Program. When the Response Team receives a
report of potential workplace violence, they properly investigate and make a
recommendation of action to be taken. "
OSHA requires that employers defend employees from crazies with guns. Is that what you are saying?

You are fucking stupid winterborn if you believe that shit. Are you stupid winterborn? Or just acting it?

No, nimrod, I am not stupid. But having a couple of decades experience as a safety professional, there are steps that can be taken to reduce workplace violence and to reduce the injuries and loss of life when it does occur.

Unlike you, I do not just throw my hands up in the air and say "Wow, it is a crazy person. Nothing we can do here".
eflat minor. You live in the fantasy world where surprise doesn't work I see.

Right off the bat, a logical fallacy: ad hominem (Attacking your opponent's character or personal traits in an attempt to undermine their argument).

You're not off to a good start...:lol:

Oh really? And you're basing this assumption on what?

True. OF COURSE surprise is an advantage. However, that doesn't mean it makes sense to disarm his victims and thereby ensure they have no means to defend themselves.

Another logical fallacy. Careful...

If you can stop the lunatic before his shot everyone he intends to shoot, it sure as hell makes a difference. A BIG one. Of course, that's impossible when the good guys are disarmed.

You clearly have no clue as to how easy it is to conceal a firearm, either on a person or under the proverbial counter.


Way to move the goalposts. NO ONE said employees should be forced to be armed, only that they not be prevented from doing so. Big difference, but you knew that. Try not to head down that path of being a disingenuous shit like so many others around here.

And no red herring about where you decide to work. You find out if you can carry on the job, if you can't you don't work there. How is that so hard to figure out.

It is no different than what you right wing wack jobs say about anyone complaining about their wages. You don't like the money an employer is paying you, go get another job. I see that written all the time.
But you don't like that logic when applied to you eh?

You don't have an employer that allows you to carry at work, go get another job where you can carry.
How hard is that?

Not hard at all. I never argued differently. I simply support the idea of allowing people to defend themselves. Nothing more. That is allowed you know.

Wow dude, that is one massive fail. Better luck next time!

Hey asshole.

Thank you for reinforcing my point about your inability to argue without logical fallacies.

You really aren't very good at this at all...:lol:

Fail? What? To make you understand that everybody in America can be armed and when the lunatic walks in and starts firing there ain't jack shit you can do about it.

Riiiight...'cuz shooting the motherfucker is just out of the question! I mean, who would EVER thing of that kind of response???

Are you really this thick? Really?

Ok. I failed to successfully argue against your inability to understand. If you say so. Doesn't change the fact that having everybody armed and dangerous is asking for more trouble.

Better to cower in the corner while being gunned down while waiting for someone else...someone with a firearm...to save your ass.

Brilliant plan...:cuckoo:

Me thinks that you are one of those dudes who gets all big balled when you're carrying. That sound about right? You get all puffy and shit if some one looks at you weird.
When you're carrying that is? Just curious.

Your ignorance is exposed here. In fact, those that carry demonstrate EXACTLY THE OPPOSITE kind of attitude. We go out of our way to avoid confrontation. We mind our own damn business. We NEVER reach for a firearm unless our lives are in danager.

What you don't know about this topic is a lot.

But I think that if you work in an environment that you feel you need to be armed every hour you are at work, I would find a new line of work. Just me though.

I suspect the guys at Fedex...or one of the many other workplaces that have experience a crazy fuck shooting the place up, would feel differently.

You're free to remain unprepared to defend yourself, I just don't understand why you feel others should be similarly vulnerable. A very strange point of view.

But I liked how you qualified whether all employees should be armed. Of course not you say. Just the ones that want to be. How great to have an employee who's an asshole to other employees and he's the one carrying the gun. No you will say. That would never happen. Us gun carrying folks are just about damn near perfect.

Yet another logical fallacy. I never said ANYONE was near perfect. Stop making shit up.

No, I don't think your idea of just selectively allowing whoever to carry their gun will work. How about the low level employee mad at his boss. You want him armed and maybe the boss don't like guns. Uttoh. As well as it not being much deterrent. .

And there lies the heart of the problem. Tell me genius, what makes you think a gun free zone will have ANY impact on that low level employee that is mad at his boss from being armed if he's crazy enough to shoot that boss? That's the point! If an employee is unstable and intent on harming others, your little sign isn't going mean jack shit. Either way, the boss that doesn't carry is in trouble, but that's his choice. Another employee may choose otherwise and therefore be able to defend himself. Uttoh for the bad guy!

Geez, can you really not see this?

You want the lunatic to know that EVERYBODY inside that business is carrying a gun.

Hell yes! Every hear of a lunatic shooting up a gun store business where everyone is armed? Didn't think so...:lol:

Either everybody's armed or nobody.

Why, because you say so? Pass.

Then you don't have to be the gun carrying guy that was in the bathroom when the lunatic came in and he missed his chance to stop the shooter. Cause he was in the men's room. Then everybody would be pissed you for not doing what you were supposed to when you decided to carry a gun for the purpose of protecting the work place. You would have failed dude.

So let's get this straight...nobody should be able to defend themselves in a workplace on the chance that if they fail to stop a lunatic from shooting people, they might experience the ire of fellow employees who hoped the armed employee was in the right place at the right time.

Wow, just wow.
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Looked at the work place safety section. Couldn't find the part about where Fed Ex said they would provide protection if some crazy person walked in and started shooting.

Either you are lying or I just missed it. Why don't you post up that page that says specifically what you claim it says. Fed Ex will protect its employees from crazies with guns. That is exactly what it needs to say.

Then I will be glad to apologize for calling you a liar.

As long as we have such weak gun laws I don't see how fedex can be blamed.

We don't have weak gun laws, only the ones that are not enforced

They need to start there.

Looked at the work place safety section. Couldn't find the part about where Fed Ex said they would provide protection if some crazy person walked in and started shooting.

Either you are lying or I just missed it. Why don't you post up that page that says specifically what you claim it says. Fed Ex will protect its employees from crazies with guns. That is exactly what it needs to say.

Then I will be glad to apologize for calling you a liar.

As long as we have such weak gun laws I don't see how fedex can be blamed.

We don't have weak gun laws, only the ones that are not enforced

They need to start there.


Guns aren't registered and anyone can buy a gun without a background check. That's pretty weak.
OSHA requires that employers defend employees from crazies with guns. Is that what you are saying?

You are fucking stupid winterborn if you believe that shit. Are you stupid winterborn? Or just acting it?

No, nimrod, I am not stupid. But having a couple of decades experience as a safety professional, there are steps that can be taken to reduce workplace violence and to reduce the injuries and loss of life when it does occur.

Unlike you, I do not just throw my hands up in the air and say "Wow, it is a crazy person. Nothing we can do here".

And what do you suggest could have been done?

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