Plenty of jobs..but still hard to find work?

Even if everyone is vaccinated, things can still happen due to those who don't hesitate to put on display any feelings of hate that they may possess like those who choose to carry lethal weapons for example.

God bless you always!!!

Business cannot afford to shut down for days while all employees are tested

Vaccinated employees are far, far less likely to catch COVID
No, the shot isnt a vaccine but a DNA altering fluid. Many people are ending up with complications. Vaccines are supposed to give you antibodies not change the structure of your genes.

Researcher: ‘We Made a Big Mistake’ on COVID-19 Vaccine
Fake news, anti vax propaganda, bull shit.... You are believing in garbage....I don't know how else to say it?

The vaccine does not alter DNA....:rolleyes:

“As mRNA is genetic material, mRNA vaccines can be looked at as a genetic-based therapy, but they are classified as vaccines and are not designed to alter your genes,” said Dr Adam Taylor, a virologist and research fellow at the Menzies Health Institute, Queensland, Griffith University.

“Gene therapy, in the classical sense, involves making deliberate changes to a patient’s DNA in order to treat or cure them. mRNA vaccines will not enter a cell’s nucleus that houses your DNA genome. There is zero risk of these vaccines integrating into our own genome or altering our genetic makeup.”

Taylor explained that mRNA enters cells shortly after vaccination and instructs them to create a SARS-CoV-2 spike protein, prompting the immune response.

He added that unlike gene therapy, mRNA vaccines are then “rapidly degraded” by the body.

“In fact, because mRNA is degraded so quickly chemical modifications can be made to mRNA vaccines to make them a little more stable than regular mRNA

No, you are a fucking joke, for believing that the vacc works, masks work, because if they did work, we wouldnt be seeing a spike in Kung Flu deaths, for those that are vaccinated.

Maybe if your boy Joe Biteme closed the borders and wasnt shipping diseased illegals all over the country, we could of had a handle on the problem, but because dumbfucks like you stole the election for the baffoon, more people are going to die because of it. You have blood on your hands , you moron.


Fuck dude, that was awesome. Way to pivot away from the bullshit the vaccines can alter your DNA.

As for mask, not a big fan, think of them as no different than a seat belt and I wear one in places that ask me to. I do not think it is my place to make some poor employees enforce rules that they did not make. Not really something to get all upset about. I am more pissed I have to wear shoes into stores.

you can rant and rave all you like about the vaccine, but I know that 100% of the people in my wife's COVID unit are unvaccinated and none of your mad rantings will change that.

I know that as one with COPD I would be in trouble with a bad case of COVID, thus I got the vaccine like I do the flu shot. It may not keep me from getting it but it will make me less likely to have a bad case.

And even if I did not have COPD I would have gotten the vaccine as my son is Type-1 diabetic and even as a healthy 19 year old COVID could kill him.

As for Biden, I nether voted for him or helped he "steal an election", not sure how I could have done that in the first place. He is just one more in a long line of shitty presidents this country has had

Fuck dude, that was awesome. Way to pivot away from the bullshit the vaccines can alter your DNA.

As for mask, not a big fan, think of them as no different than a seat belt and I wear one in places that ask me to. I do not think it is my place to make some poor employees enforce rules that they did not make. Not really something to get all upset about. I am more pissed I have to wear shoes into stores.

you can rant and rave all you like about the vaccine, but I know that 100% of the people in my wife's COVID unit are unvaccinated and none of your mad rantings will change that.

I know that as one with COPD I would be in trouble with a bad case of COVID, thus I got the vaccine like I do the flu shot. It may not keep me from getting it but it will make me less likely to have a bad case.

And even if I did not have COPD I would have gotten the vaccine as my son is Type-1 diabetic and even as a healthy 19 year old COVID could kill him.

As for Biden, I nether voted for him or helped he "steal an election", not sure how I could have done that in the first place. He is just one more in a long line of shitty presidents this country has had
It is all a plan, go ahead get the vacc, still wear a mask, and social distance, because Joe Biteme demands that you comply. Since i am not a sickly progressive slave, i will tell Joe to go fuck himself.

It is all a plan, go ahead get the vacc, still wear a mask,

I explained why I do what I do, but because everything in your entire life is about partisan politics you cannot begin to imagine anyone making a decision outside of the paradigm.

Sucks to be you, but I am sure that ignorance is bliss so you have to be one happy SOB
It's weird paradox...employers are screaming that they can't find workers...and workers are moaning that they can't get a good job?

There’s no single party to blame here. Corporate hiring practices can be convoluted and too reliant on machines, and many applicants aren’t being realistic or strategic enough in their work search efforts. For employers, job seekers, and the American economy in general, it’s worth figuring out what’s going on and addressing it. Because although these trends have been exacerbated by the pandemic, many of them pre-date it, and they’re not going away.
Essentially anywhere you go in the United States right now, you’re going to encounter “help wanted” signs. But just because a bar or restaurant or gas station wants a worker doesn’t mean a worker wants to work for them. The millions of jobs available aren’t necessarily millions of jobs people want.
“A lot of what people are seeing are low-paying jobs with unpredictable or not-worker-friendly scheduling practices, that don’t come with benefits, don’t come with long-term stability,” Shelly Steward, director of the Future of Work Initiative at the Aspen Institute, told Recode. “And those are not the types of jobs that any worker is eager to take on.”
A survey of workers actively searching for a job on FlexJobs, a jobs website that focuses on remote and flexible work, found that about half of job seekers said they were not finding the right jobs to apply for. Some 46 percent of respondents said they were only finding jobs that are low-paying, while 41 percent said there weren’t enough openings in their preferred profession.
Businesses are hesitant to hire people. Why should they? If you can get by with 10% of your normal staff levels and customers keep coming back…why change?
I explained why I do what I do, but because everything in your entire life is about partisan politics you cannot begin to imagine anyone making a decision outside of the paradigm.

Sucks to be you, but I am sure that ignorance is bliss so you have to be one happy SOB
Yeah, sucks to be me, living in Florida where we make our own choices, not has dicks like you trying to stared us down, with your, "i am holier than thou" attitude. Must suck, to be such a sick fuck like you..
Fresh air, and sunshine, the best medicine against the Kung Flu.

miami girls.jpg
Yeah, sucks to be me, living in Florida where we make our own choices, not has dicks like you trying to stared us down, with your, "i am holier than thou" attitude. Must suck, to be such a sick fuck like you..
Fresh air, and sunshine, the best medicine against the Kung Flu.

all that fun and sunshine and yet your whole life is tied to a political party.

damn, it does suck to be you
Well, the FDA, who they turned it over to, will go over it with a fine tooth comb, and their documentation and test results and trial results are now out there in the public for peer review, which is how ALL scientific review is done.... We will find out, if it is true, or not.
Yearly Big Pharma pays millions in settlements for fully approved products and medicines that have caused harm, even though the claim was their safety. The opiate crises is one glaring example.
FDA approval should be getting deserved skepticism.
I choose to carry a lethal weapon, why would i put on display any feelings of hate? Only if my family or me are threatened by a progressive slave like the late George Floyd who put a gun to a pregnant woman's body, would i ever use my weapon, in self defense..
I pray that innocent people don't suffer the price should you accidently miss whoever your intended target may be.

God bless you always!!!

It is all a plan, go ahead get the vacc, still wear a mask, and social distance, because Joe Biteme demands that you comply. Since i am not a sickly progressive slave, i will tell Joe to go fuck himself.

The plan was, get everyone vaccinated, reach heard immunity and COVID goes away

Because of the misinformation campaign from the anti-vaxers, we never reached that level

Dont like putting your mask back on?
Blame those who are not vaccinated
It's weird paradox...employers are screaming that they can't find workers...and workers are moaning that they can't get a good job?

There’s no single party to blame here. Corporate hiring practices can be convoluted and too reliant on machines, and many applicants aren’t being realistic or strategic enough in their work search efforts. For employers, job seekers, and the American economy in general, it’s worth figuring out what’s going on and addressing it. Because although these trends have been exacerbated by the pandemic, many of them pre-date it, and they’re not going away.
Essentially anywhere you go in the United States right now, you’re going to encounter “help wanted” signs. But just because a bar or restaurant or gas station wants a worker doesn’t mean a worker wants to work for them. The millions of jobs available aren’t necessarily millions of jobs people want.
“A lot of what people are seeing are low-paying jobs with unpredictable or not-worker-friendly scheduling practices, that don’t come with benefits, don’t come with long-term stability,” Shelly Steward, director of the Future of Work Initiative at the Aspen Institute, told Recode. “And those are not the types of jobs that any worker is eager to take on.”
A survey of workers actively searching for a job on FlexJobs, a jobs website that focuses on remote and flexible work, found that about half of job seekers said they were not finding the right jobs to apply for. Some 46 percent of respondents said they were only finding jobs that are low-paying, while 41 percent said there weren’t enough openings in their preferred profession.
Since the 1960s, white Christian conservatives have condemned education and the educated as being elitist. Add to that the white Christian conservatives' politicians killing unions and the training of apprentices offered by this system. Due to these major factors, the people with the skills necessary to the remaining small sector of U.S. businesses are aging out of the market.

The trump Nazis can b!tch all they want about being unable to find high-paying jobs. But that "inherent knowledge", the trump Nazis believe they have possessed since birth, is not actually superior to learned knowledge of educated people, or that of trained professionals.

So, the limited skills of the trump Nazis, coupled with their refusal, or just plain inability, to gain the expertise to fill openings created by the many developing and sustainable technologies of the twenty-first century, are causing their own self-imposed plunge into obsolescence.

Yes, their is a small percentage of trump Nazis unaffected by this obsolescence, but that won't save the remaining tens-of-millions of trump Nazis. For those trump Nazis, there will always be the minimum wage jobs white Christian conservatism has fought, for decades, to maintain at a less-than-life-sustaining-level-of-pay.

As for the young, up and coming victims of the inferior American public education system created by white Christian conservative politics, the vast majority of these graduates are, and will continue to be, obsolete before they enter the job market.

But, the trump Nazis will, indeed, continue their fight to protect the wealth of the United States' 640 billionaires. They will keep electing Republicans, so the very, very rich can avoid taxation.

Bwaaaahhhaaaaa....Must suck to be you, COPD , were you a smoker?

For about 2.5 years in my early 20s.

The VA actually traced it back to exposure to rat shit infested dust in Korea. It was after that I started to have issues each fall and spring and over time they got worse.

I deal with it well, still run 3 to 4 times a week and keep it under control. It does not stop me from doing anything I wish to do, hiking, golf or running.

Just have to keep the weight off, which I have managed to do so far.

I can tell you I would rather have COPD than be a mindless partisan drone like you. But hey, at least you can post pictures of girls in bikinis you found on the internet and wish you were with them
For about 2.5 years in my early 20s.

The VA actually traced it back to exposure to rat shit infested dust in Korea. It was after that I started to have issues each fall and spring and over time they got worse.

I deal with it well, still run 3 to 4 times a week and keep it under control. It does not stop me from doing anything I wish to do, hiking, golf or running.

Just have to keep the weight off, which I have managed to do so far.

I can tell you I would rather have COPD than be a mindless partisan drone like you. But hey, at least you can post pictures of girls in bikinis you found on the internet and wish you were with them
Congrats on being able to cope with COPD, i smoked 14 years but gave it up when i went to Saudi Arabia for 5 1/2 years. Of course i was over there when the oil fires were still burning, so i dont know the repercussions of that, but since i had the actual Flu in 1995, i havent been sick with a cold, or Flu ever since. Again, with my health the way it is, why would i need to get a jab? Maybe i did have it, never knew it, and my antibodies have done the trick. You sure do act like a flaming liberal though, trying to FORCE me into something i dont want to do....
You sure do act like a flaming liberal though, trying to FORCE me into something i dont want to do....

you misunderstand me.

I do not want to force you to do anything and I will not mock you or make fun of you for not getting it, as is oft done to those of us who did.

I am against the Govt mandating vaccine or making companies do it under the threat of fines.

What I do support is an employer making it mandatory all on their own. They are paying the salaries I think they should be allowed to do so. I also support the right of a bar or a sporting event to ask for proof of vaccination to enter. I am a strong supporter of business being able to do what they think is best for them.

I am against state wide mask mandates. But I do think a local school board should be able to choose to make them mandatory in their schools.

All in all, I am fine with private businesses doing things that I am not fine with the government doing
you misunderstand me.

I do not want to force you to do anything and I will not mock you or make fun of you for not getting it, as is oft done to those of us who did.

I am against the Govt mandating vaccine or making companies do it under the threat of fines.

What I do support is an employer making it mandatory all on their own. They are paying the salaries I think they should be allowed to do so. I also support the right of a bar or a sporting event to ask for proof of vaccination to enter. I am a strong supporter of business being able to do what they think is best for them.

I am against state wide mask mandates. But I do think a local school board should be able to choose to make them mandatory in their schools.

All in all, I am fine with private businesses doing things that I am not fine with the government doing
Well then, i think we have found common ground then.

By the way, i am a Libertarian/Conservative/Nationalist.. Not a Republican.
Unemployment compensation and other like kind doles should cease immediately. Part of the destruction of self sufficient independent businesses is giving out money encouraging people to not work

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