Plot to behead Pamela Geller

Wait a minute, one of your fellow Nutters claimed that Muslims killed 270 million.

I doubt that - you tend to make shit up.

The Death Toll Comparison Breakdown Wait But Why

The 60 million includes projections of the Aztecs and Myans.

Be proud, in less than a hundred years, those who preach what you preach - Communism and Atheism, killed 4 times as many as all the combined religions of the world over 6000 years.

NO ONE murders the way you Commie Atheists do. :thup:
Did anyone prove that these guys were in a "Sleeper Cell", or is this just more of your paranoia?
It sounds to me like a couple of emotionally unstable guys who decided to go out in a blaze of glory.

Sleeper cell or loners, they were jihadists. Good riddance. 2 less enemy soldiers.
, in order to secure America from the danger of nuclear attack from any of these gooneybird Muslim lunatics.

You realise no Muslim groups attacked America until America attacked them and/or interferred in local politics...don't you?

You're complaining about the people you attacked fighting back.
, in order to secure America from the danger of nuclear attack from any of these gooneybird Muslim lunatics.

You realise no Muslim groups attacked America until America attacked them and/or interferred in local politics...don't you?

You're complaining about the people you attacked fighting back.

That's what the Berber Sultan told Tom Jefferson. :thup:
, in order to secure America from the danger of nuclear attack from any of these gooneybird Muslim lunatics.

You realise no Muslim groups attacked America until America attacked them and/or interferred in local politics...don't you?

You're complaining about the people you attacked fighting back.

Correct me if I'm wrong, and I could be.... but was not our very first direct military action in the middle east, Kuwait, and didn't Kuwait ASK us to come, and wasn't there a mass middle east support for us going there?

In short, did they not ask us to interfere in local politics and attack them?
, in order to secure America from the danger of nuclear attack from any of these gooneybird Muslim lunatics.

You realise no Muslim groups attacked America until America attacked them and/or interferred in local politics...don't you?

You're complaining about the people you attacked fighting back.

Correct me if I'm wrong, and I could be.... but was not our very first direct military action in the middle east, Kuwait, and didn't Kuwait ASK us to come, and wasn't there a mass middle east support for us going there?

In short, did they not ask us to interfere in local politics and attack them?

Yes, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia both asked us to intervene.
Correct me if I'm wrong, and I could be

You are.

1982 - Israel invaded Lebanon.

America entered the war to assist Israel, but lied about it.
BEIRUT, Lebanon, Sept. 19— 1983Two United States Navy ships off Beirut fired dozens of shells today in support of Lebanese Army units defending the town of Suk al Gharb on a ridge overlooking Beirut. It was the first direct military support of the Lebanese Army by United States forces.

America got hit back, then claimed they were the victims of terrorism, totally neglecting to mention they'd shelled villages from the safety of battleships.

The bombings: Sunday, October 23, 1983
At around 06:22, a 19-ton yellow Mercedes-Benz stake-bed truck drove to the Beirut International Airport (BIA), where theU.S. 24th Marine Amphibious Unit (MAU) was deployed. The 1st Battalion 8th Marines (BLT), commanded by Lieutenant Colonel Larry Gerlach, was a subordinate element of the 24th MAU. The truck was not the water truck they had been expecting. Instead, it was a hijacked truck carrying explosives.

Was that terrorism? - No, it was the attacked force hitting you back - Tough shit.

Of course, before that ..
The CIA overthrow of the democratic government in Iran of 1953
Egypt in 1956 - Nuclear threats against Russia (also ground troops)
Lebanon 1958 - attacks against rebel forces
The 1958 Nuclear threats against Iraq
1968 saw the CIA coup in Iraq that eventually brought Saddam to power.
The US assisted 1970 Iranian marine invasion of Oman

and a bunch of other stuff.
Basically, you start wars and interfere, then moan when people get pissed off at you.
Oh, yes.
The embassy defensive attack was carried out because you supported Israel.
Enjoy that when you pay your tax bill, a lot of which is paid directly on to the country that cost you your sons' lives.
Islam, my least favorite fairy tale. In fact, I wonder if islam wasn't the inspiration for another made up nemesis, the Borg from Star Trek. The need to absorb and dominate, remove individuality and replace it with mass conformity under pain of extermination...

The difference between you and the nutter Joey is, he says he's an atheist but defends islam. you don't do that so you're much smarter than that moron:thup:

Dude..."smarter than Joey" is a REALLY low bar.
I may be a lot of things, but I depend on facts and reason. Some of your are a little thick and don't understand my logic. I get that. these personal attacks aside, there is a topic here, shall we stay focused, people?
, in order to secure America from the danger of nuclear attack from any of these gooneybird Muslim lunatics.

You realise no Muslim groups attacked America until America attacked them and/or interferred in local politics...don't you?

You're complaining about the people you attacked fighting back.

For those of you not blessed with interaction with muslims---as I have
been so blessed for more than 45 years---
the above logic fully justifies the genocide
of hundreds of millions and theft of----at one time or another ---- about 1/5 of the
earth's land. ALSO massive pillage,
vandalism, enslavement and oppression
of hundreds of millions ----AND COUNTING. All it takes is an "insult".
In Islamic logic----as an example----the
actions of PAM GELLER ---and her writings---would justify an all out attack
on the population of the USA and conquest of all of North America----and subjugation, oppression and exploitation of all who
refuse to submit to <yuck> islaaaam.
To make the action seem sweet----the pious tell us that conquest by muslims is
a blessing to all lands and to all people----
REALLY-----I am telling you what muslim children are taught and how the bloody history is justified. -----As far as I have seen---they grow up BELIEVING that bullshit. One of the first things I learned
"MUSLIMS NEVER FIGHT EXCEPT IN SELF-DEFENSE"-----Freddie did not invent the crap he is posting------the best and
brightest minds of the muslim world work
on this obscene sophistry---and then it is
drummed into the heads of the entire population of muslim dominated countries.
It takes a strong mind to overcome that which is taken as absolute fact and drummed into ones head from infancy----
few accomplish the feat.
One of Islam's basic tenants is to eradicate non Muslims. And non Muslims are held to be well, targets. Infidels. We are just targets to THEM. We understand Islam perfectly well. Good Muslims are like good Nazis. I won't the beg the difference anymore.
One of Islam's basic tenants is to eradicate non Muslims. And non Muslims are held to be well, targets. Infidels. We are just targets to THEM. We understand Islam perfectly well. Good Muslims are like good Nazis. I won't the beg the difference anymore.

not exactly-----muslim societies do not function well in the ABSENCE of a subjugated population. ----the subjugated
population can be either slaves of dhimmis.
ALL shariah societies have these groups---when they RUN out of a subjugated group----they make one on a
pretext of "takfir" ----ie declare a section
of the population "not muslim"----or somehow otherwise "marred" In some cases descendants of conquered people
even if converted to islam-----can remain
One of Islam's basic tenants is to eradicate non Muslims. And non Muslims are held to be well, targets. Infidels. We are just targets to THEM. We understand Islam perfectly well. Good Muslims are like good Nazis. I won't the beg the difference anymore.

not exactly-----muslim societies do not function well in the ABSENCE of a subjugated population. ----the subjugated
population can be either slaves of dhimmis.
ALL shariah societies have these groups---when they RUN out of a subjugated group----they make one on a
pretext of "takfir" ----ie declare a section
of the population "not muslim"----or somehow otherwise "marred" In some cases descendants of conquered people
even if converted to islam-----can remain
I am not a scolar
One of Islam's basic tenants is to eradicate non Muslims. And non Muslims are held to be well, targets. Infidels. We are just targets to THEM. We understand Islam perfectly well. Good Muslims are like good Nazis. I won't the beg the difference anymore.

not exactly-----muslim societies do not function well in the ABSENCE of a subjugated population. ----the subjugated
population can be either slaves of dhimmis.
ALL shariah societies have these groups---when they RUN out of a subjugated group----they make one on a
pretext of "takfir" ----ie declare a section
of the population "not muslim"----or somehow otherwise "marred" In some cases descendants of conquered people
even if converted to islam-----can remain
Islam means submission. A basic premise of Islam is to conquer and dominate. Sharia law isn't about tolerance or open minded people.

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