Plot to shut down Baltimore electric grid stopped

True, but what we really need is to stop it before the attack occurs. Afterwards you already have the damage, the extended outage, the effect on the public. It’s great to punish the offenders but I’d rather see them stopped ahead of time, like this Baltimore attack.
Lol, well evidently you have electricity or you would not be posting here ya retard. So evidently Joe did not shut down the grid did he retard.
Retard? After your weak response ? Your's was the retard response. lol
Nazis...fascists....the Reich...all leftists. Surprised you dimwits cannot get this fact into your tiny brains.
But we certainly are anti Dimocrat, that is a fact.
Fascists preach that they want a structured society, where some people (them) deserve more of society's benefits than others. That is the definition of the right wing.

The opposite are those who preach that they want a completely equal society, where everyone deserves an equal amount of society's benefits. That's the left wing, and it's the last thing in the world that fascists want.

The only people who insist that fascists (and therefore Nazis and the Third Reich) are part of the left are right-wingers who don't want to be associated with Nazis (understandably), and haven't bothered to study enough political science to be able to resist the propaganda firehose they've been bathing in.

Fascism is on the far right wing, exclusively.

Darn it, our plot to shut down the electric grid in Baltimore was foiled by the FBI...BwhahahhHAHHAHHAHhahahahhhahha
"Free sunglasses to every new recruit!"
The FBI didn't save Baltimore a damned thing. The FBI has lots of informants and moles in fringe "neo nazi" groups who probably came up with the idea.

There was Zero chance of enacting it as this ragtag group has no funds or competencies and the FBI and other law enforcement has such a presence that they could never pull it off if they did have competency.

My guess is that Maryland Law Enforcement came up with this alleged scheme and were trying to get FBI agents to agree to it so they could bust them.

Two groups of Law Enforcement officers assuming that each other were actually extremists.
This is what the beginning of a conspiracy theory looks like. You came up with the idea of something that might have happened, and you put it out there even though there's not a shred of evidence that it did.
Because there hasn't been a national study to find out how many of our law enforcement personnel have active ties to White Supremacist groups across the country despite the historical, and mounting, evidence of it being a problem.
I agree. It makes sense that White Supremacist groups would actively target law enforcement for recruitment. It also makes sense that they would push their members to join law enforcement. Even one per precinct can turn a lot of blind eyes their way.
I have preached that to my employer for two decades now. They, like most utility companies see the cyber threat as a bigger concern. The attacks at the end of last year sent some small ripples through the industry, but not a big enough wave to make serious changes. At least not yet.
Do you think if an attack such as this one had succeeded, it would be enough to spark (sorry) a larger, industry-wide push to make those changes?
Baltimore is doing a pretty good job of destroying it's self it really doesn't need any help.
Fascists preach that they want a structured society, where some people (them) deserve more of society's benefits than others. That is the definition of the right wing.

The opposite are those who preach that they want a completely equal society, where everyone deserves an equal amount of society's benefits. That's the left wing, and it's the last thing in the world that fascists want.

The only people who insist that fascists (and therefore Nazis and the Third Reich) are part of the left are right-wingers who don't want to be associated with Nazis (understandably), and haven't bothered to study enough political science to be able to resist the propaganda firehose they've been bathing in.

Fascism is on the far right wing, exclusively.
You are an idiot.... This notion that anyone deserves anything without merit, otherwise being of some type of add to society in a positive way, and to their own health, their family, their communities, their skills, uhhhhhhh is simply preposterous and outrageous.

You leftist and your bull shite talking points, and your constant gas lighting is quickly coming to an end.

No one is fooled by you people anymore, and I mean no one, accept maybe for those that were indoctrinated or come up in a badly broken abusive home, and even there is hope in those situations.

It's time to judge people by their CHARACTER as King rightly said, and not by any other measure such as skin color, gender or handicap. It's time to move in the right direction, and if it's beyond that time then God be with us AMEN.
You are an idiot.... This notion that anyone deserves anything without merit, otherwise being of some type of add to society in a positive way, and to their own health, their family, their communities, their skills, uhhhhhhh is simply preposterous and outrageous.

You leftist and your bull shite talking points, and your constant gas lighting is quickly coming to an end.

No one is fooled by you people anymore, and I mean no one, accept maybe for those that were indoctrinated or come up in a badly broken abusive home, and even there is hope in those situations.

It's time to judge people by their CHARACTER as King rightly said, and not by any other measure such as skin color, gender or handicap. It's time to move in the right direction, and if it's beyond that time then God be with us AMEN.
Okay, but you're missing the point. I'm not interested in getting into a name-calling match, I'm trying to explain what "left-wing" and "right-wing" mean because a lot of people here have a backwards idea about what they are. So please, set down your burning desire to call me an asshole or whatever, and just listen for a moment.

Think of all the people who consider themselves on the left wing—moderate liberals, far-left democratic socialists like Bernie and AOC, complete anarchists, and outright Communists. The ideal they all have in common is the idea of total equality. They push equal opportunities for women and minorities, socialism is about equal ownership, they want corporations to pay more taxes because they think it's unequal. Whether you agree with them or not, that's their message: Equality.

The right wing tends to be more pragmatic about it and points out that some people don't deserve to have as much money invested in them, or to have equal access to benefits or whatever, as you and I. The hard work ethic that this country has held up since Jamestown ("He who works, eats") says just that: It is the hard workers who deserve to keep their earnings, while crooks and lazy people don't deserve to live large off of other peoples' high taxes. That's classic conservative thinking, and it preaches a hierarchy based on who deserves what. Everybody else who calls themselves right wing (for example, right-wing libertarians, hard-core capitalists, and corporate technocrats) work around the same basic idea.

And each side have their anti-democratic, pro-autocracy authoritarians as well. The left has Communists, perpetually promising that everyone will own everything equally while never being able to deliver. The right, on the other hand, has fascists, extreme right-wing nationalists who say that Their People should be at the top of the hierarchy, while the "others" deserve less. The last thing in the world they want is equality, which would put them on the same level with the people they think are inferior.

None of this is my opinion or something having to do with "you people," whoever that is. This is basic political science that 14-year-olds are learning in their PoliSci classes all over the world. Communists left, fascists right. Easy peasy.
Okay, but you're missing the point. I'm not interested in getting into a name-calling match, I'm trying to explain what "left-wing" and "right-wing" mean because a lot of people here have a backwards idea about what they are. So please, set down your burning desire to call me an asshole or whatever, and just listen for a moment.

Think of all the people who consider themselves on the left wing—moderate liberals, far-left democratic socialists like Bernie and AOC, complete anarchists, and outright Communists. The ideal they all have in common is the idea of total equality. They push equal opportunities for women and minorities, socialism is about equal ownership, they want corporations to pay more taxes because they think it's unequal. Whether you agree with them or not, that's their message: Equality.

The right wing tends to be more pragmatic about it and points out that some people don't deserve to have as much money invested in them, or to have equal access to benefits or whatever, as you and I. The hard work ethic that this country has held up since Jamestown ("He who works, eats") says just that: It is the hard workers who deserve to keep their earnings, while crooks and lazy people don't deserve to live large off of other peoples' high taxes. That's classic conservative thinking, and it preaches a hierarchy based on who deserves what. Everybody else who calls themselves right wing (for example, right-wing libertarians, hard-core capitalists, and corporate technocrats) work around the same basic idea.

And each side have their anti-democratic, pro-autocracy authoritarians as well. The left has Communists, perpetually promising that everyone will own everything equally while never being able to deliver. The right, on the other hand, has fascists, extreme right-wing nationalists who say that Their People should be at the top of the hierarchy, while the "others" deserve less. The last thing in the world they want is equality, which would put them on the same level with the people they think are inferior.

None of this is my opinion or something having to do with "you people," whoever that is. This is basic political science that 14-year-olds are learning in their PoliSci classes all over the world. Communists left, fascists right. Easy peasy.
So where do you fall on the political spectrum ?? Left or right ?
Do you think if an attack such as this one had succeeded, it would be enough to spark (sorry) a larger, industry-wide push to make those changes?
I don’t know. Right now the electric utility industry is getting beaten up from all sides...

Customers complain about bills. Regulators want better reliability without increased cost. Distributed Generation (solar, wind, etc…) and alternate energy providers are causing issues with the grid. The grid itself is aging. Cybersecurity is a major concern. Everywhere you turn somebody else wants to punch the industry in the face.

Now you add the need for enhanced physical security to the mix, and it’s just overwhelming.
Fascists preach that they want a structured society, where some people (them) deserve more of society's benefits than others. That is the definition of the right wing.

The opposite are those who preach that they want a completely equal society, where everyone deserves an equal amount of society's benefits. That's the left wing, and it's the last thing in the world that fascists want.

The only people who insist that fascists (and therefore Nazis and the Third Reich) are part of the left are right-wingers who don't want to be associated with Nazis (understandably), and haven't bothered to study enough political science to be able to resist the propaganda firehose they've been bathing in.

Fascism is on the far right wing, exclusively.
How do you brainless Dimwits always get things backwards? Definition of the right wing? You are describing Poopeypants and the Reich to a T. Do you wackos ever read what you write??
Fascists have ALWAYS been leftists and always will be minion.
Okay, but you're missing the point. I'm not interested in getting into a name-calling match, I'm trying to explain what "left-wing" and "right-wing" mean because a lot of people here have a backwards idea about what they are. So please, set down your burning desire to call me an asshole or whatever, and just listen for a moment.

Think of all the people who consider themselves on the left wing—moderate liberals, far-left democratic socialists like Bernie and AOC, complete anarchists, and outright Communists. The ideal they all have in common is the idea of total equality. They push equal opportunities for women and minorities, socialism is about equal ownership, they want corporations to pay more taxes because they think it's unequal. Whether you agree with them or not, that's their message: Equality.

The right wing tends to be more pragmatic about it and points out that some people don't deserve to have as much money invested in them, or to have equal access to benefits or whatever, as you and I. The hard work ethic that this country has held up since Jamestown ("He who works, eats") says just that: It is the hard workers who deserve to keep their earnings, while crooks and lazy people don't deserve to live large off of other peoples' high taxes. That's classic conservative thinking, and it preaches a hierarchy based on who deserves what. Everybody else who calls themselves right wing (for example, right-wing libertarians, hard-core capitalists, and corporate technocrats) work around the same basic idea.

And each side have their anti-democratic, pro-autocracy authoritarians as well. The left has Communists, perpetually promising that everyone will own everything equally while never being able to deliver. The right, on the other hand, has fascists, extreme right-wing nationalists who say that Their People should be at the top of the hierarchy, while the "others" deserve less. The last thing in the world they want is equality, which would put them on the same level with the people they think are inferior.

None of this is my opinion or something having to do with "you people," whoever that is. This is basic political science that 14-year-olds are learning in their PoliSci classes all over the world. Communists left, fascists right. Easy peasy.
Backwards is correct Dimmer.
Fascists preach that they want a structured society, where some people (them) deserve more of society's benefits than others. That is the definition of the right wing.

The opposite are those who preach that they want a completely equal society, where everyone deserves an equal amount of society's benefits. That's the left wing, and it's the last thing in the world that fascists want.

The only people who insist that fascists (and therefore Nazis and the Third Reich) are part of the left are right-wingers who don't want to be associated with Nazis (understandably), and haven't bothered to study enough political science to be able to resist the propaganda firehose they've been bathing in.

Fascism is on the far right wing, exclusively.
The Unite the Right rally goers in Charlottesville were shouting. "Russia is our friend."

The far right and MAGA are poootin apologist. Trump took poootin's word over his own Intel. If he is elected again...he will finish destroying our nation.
The Unite the Right rally goers in Charlottesville were shouting. "Russia is our friend."

The far right and MAGA are poootin apologist. Trump took poootin's word over his own Intel. If he is elected again...he will finish destroying our nation.
TDS tumor, 4th stage in poor ole jimboliar. Not much time left Dimwit.
How do you brainless Dimwits always get things backwards? Definition of the right wing? You are describing Poopeypants and the Reich to a T. Do you wackos ever read what you write??
Fascists have ALWAYS been leftists and always will be minion.
All right. If you're going to try and win the debate through insults and just repeating your (incorrect) position with no explanation or evidence or anything, then I'm not interested.

Best of luck to you.
All right. If you're going to try and win the debate through insults and just repeating your (incorrect) position with no explanation or evidence or anything, then I'm not interested.

Best of luck to you.
MAGA LIES A LOT. Ignored this idiot long ago.

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