Plurality Of Voters Believe News Media Fabricate Stories About Trump

What else do the people surveyed believe?
  • Trump on the right or wrong track? (Table P1)
    • Wrong track: 82% of Dems; 67% of Inds; 35% of Reps
  • Do you approve or disapprove of the job Donald Trump is doing as President? (Table Q172)
    • 51% disapprove

      (5% don't know what they think on that question...They must be the complete idiots...I mean really...How can one not know, given what one does know, whether one approves or disapproves? It's not as though they were asked to express their dis-/approbation based on what they don't know, and it's not as though they were asked a question for which "I don't know" is a legit answer, that is, a question having a qualitatively and quantitatively objective and existentially true answer. That response is like the one received from children: "Why did you do 'such and such?'" " I don't know." How the hell do you not know why you did what you did? You had some reason, good, bad or otherwise. WTF was your reason(s)?)
Our President fabricated stories about:

Obama's birth certificate
Thousands of Muslims dancing in the streets of NJ on 9-11
The size of his inauguration crowd
Obama tapping his wires

Can anyone point to a story about Trump that the media fabricated?

As I stated, its less about fabrication, and more about embellishment.

As an example, yes Trump did say the whole "grab em by the pussy" thing, but by the way its projected by the MSM, bloggers and many posters on this board, one would think he actually did it, and the video is proof that he did it.

The video is proof he said it, nothing more.

He said he did it, dope.

he said he did "what" specifically?

Sexually assaults women.

Can't play it at work, again, what did he say he did? when did he say he did it, and since he "admitted it" why isn't the woman suing the shit out of him?

Statute of limitations. The cost of filing the suit. The years it will take to go to trial. Being harassed and threatened if she were to do so.

Like the girl who filed suit against Trump for beating and raping her when she was 13.
As I stated, its less about fabrication, and more about embellishment.

As an example, yes Trump did say the whole "grab em by the pussy" thing, but by the way its projected by the MSM, bloggers and many posters on this board, one would think he actually did it, and the video is proof that he did it.

The video is proof he said it, nothing more.

He said he did it, dope.

he said he did "what" specifically?

Sexually assaults women.

Can't play it at work, again, what did he say he did? when did he say he did it, and since he "admitted it" why isn't the woman suing the shit out of him?

Statute of limitations. The cost of filing the suit. The years it will take to go to trial. Being harassed and threatened if she were to do so.

Like the girl who filed suit against Trump for beating and raping her when she was 13.

Excuses excuses. If he really did all this he didn't stop recently, as Weinstein has shown, guys like that can't help themselves.

From Snopes:

As of now, all of the information about this lawsuit comes solely from the complaint filed by “Katie Johnson,” and no one has as yet located, identified, or interviewed her. She was scheduled to appear at a press conference on 2 November 2016 but didn’t show up, claiming that threats to her life kept her away. She reportedly dropped the lawsuit again on 4 November 2016 for the same reason.

Lawsuit Charges Donald Trump with Raping a 13-Year-Old Girl

It's all related to the stuff against this guy, who seems to have friends in the usual places.

Jeffrey Epstein - Wikipedia

Flight logs show Bill Clinton flew on sex offender's jet much more than previously known
Sexually assaults women.

Can't play it at work, again, what did he say he did? when did he say he did it, and since he "admitted it" why isn't the woman suing the shit out of him?

Can't play it at work
Not my problem.

No your problem is you are a political hack-twat.

That's right, act like you don't know what he said on that bus.

SAID, he said a hell of a lot more on other times he was on Stern's show. But that doesn't prove he did anything, and in the current climate if there was any real proof beyond some blowhard words he would be facing impeachment by now.

He himself said that's what he does.
That's right, everyone brags about sexually assaulting women.
Can't play it at work, again, what did he say he did? when did he say he did it, and since he "admitted it" why isn't the woman suing the shit out of him?

Can't play it at work
Not my problem.

No your problem is you are a political hack-twat.

That's right, act like you don't know what he said on that bus.

SAID, he said a hell of a lot more on other times he was on Stern's show. But that doesn't prove he did anything, and in the current climate if there was any real proof beyond some blowhard words he would be facing impeachment by now.
He himself said that's what he does.
That's right, everyone brags about sexually assaulting women.

Still no proof of anything.

haaaaaaccccckkkk tttttwwaaaaaaaatttt.
Not my problem.

No your problem is you are a political hack-twat.

That's right, act like you don't know what he said on that bus.

SAID, he said a hell of a lot more on other times he was on Stern's show. But that doesn't prove he did anything, and in the current climate if there was any real proof beyond some blowhard words he would be facing impeachment by now.
He himself said that's what he does.
That's right, everyone brags about sexually assaulting women.

Still no proof of anything.

haaaaaaccccckkkk tttttwwaaaaaaaatttt.

Great choice you have there. Trump is either a lying, depraved perv who brags about sexually assaulting women or he actually is a depraved perv who sexually assaults women.

Could the bar be any lower?
No your problem is you are a political hack-twat.

That's right, act like you don't know what he said on that bus.

SAID, he said a hell of a lot more on other times he was on Stern's show. But that doesn't prove he did anything, and in the current climate if there was any real proof beyond some blowhard words he would be facing impeachment by now.
He himself said that's what he does.
That's right, everyone brags about sexually assaulting women.

Still no proof of anything.

haaaaaaccccckkkk tttttwwaaaaaaaatttt.

Great choice you have there. Trump is either a lying, depraved perv who brags about sexually assaulting women or he actually is a depraved perv who sexually assaults women.

Could the bar be any lower?

How about a Hollywood movie mogul who espouses hollywood values while for decades assaulting women under his power?
That's right, act like you don't know what he said on that bus.

SAID, he said a hell of a lot more on other times he was on Stern's show. But that doesn't prove he did anything, and in the current climate if there was any real proof beyond some blowhard words he would be facing impeachment by now.
He himself said that's what he does.
That's right, everyone brags about sexually assaulting women.

Still no proof of anything.

haaaaaaccccckkkk tttttwwaaaaaaaatttt.

Great choice you have there. Trump is either a lying, depraved perv who brags about sexually assaulting women or he actually is a depraved perv who sexually assaults women.

Could the bar be any lower?

How about a Hollywood movie mogul who espouses hollywood values while for decades assaulting women under his power?

Try to focus. This is about Trump. You know, the president?
SAID, he said a hell of a lot more on other times he was on Stern's show. But that doesn't prove he did anything, and in the current climate if there was any real proof beyond some blowhard words he would be facing impeachment by now.
He himself said that's what he does.
That's right, everyone brags about sexually assaulting women.

Still no proof of anything.

haaaaaaccccckkkk tttttwwaaaaaaaatttt.

Great choice you have there. Trump is either a lying, depraved perv who brags about sexually assaulting women or he actually is a depraved perv who sexually assaults women.

Could the bar be any lower?

How about a Hollywood movie mogul who espouses hollywood values while for decades assaulting women under his power?

Try to focus. This is about Trump. You know, the president?

You asked about a lower bar, and proven sexual misconduct and the enablers who allowed it to happen is most assuredly lower.
He himself said that's what he does.
That's right, everyone brags about sexually assaulting women.

Still no proof of anything.

haaaaaaccccckkkk tttttwwaaaaaaaatttt.

Great choice you have there. Trump is either a lying, depraved perv who brags about sexually assaulting women or he actually is a depraved perv who sexually assaults women.

Could the bar be any lower?

How about a Hollywood movie mogul who espouses hollywood values while for decades assaulting women under his power?

Try to focus. This is about Trump. You know, the president?

You asked about a lower bar, and proven sexual misconduct and the enablers who allowed it to happen is most assuredly lower.

The bar for Trump, dope.
Still no proof of anything.

haaaaaaccccckkkk tttttwwaaaaaaaatttt.

Great choice you have there. Trump is either a lying, depraved perv who brags about sexually assaulting women or he actually is a depraved perv who sexually assaults women.

Could the bar be any lower?

How about a Hollywood movie mogul who espouses hollywood values while for decades assaulting women under his power?

Try to focus. This is about Trump. You know, the president?

You asked about a lower bar, and proven sexual misconduct and the enablers who allowed it to happen is most assuredly lower.

The bar for Trump, dope.

The bar applies across the board. You lower it for Trump for political reasons, and believe anything about him if it suits your political interests.

Hence your overall Hack-twatty-ness.
Can anyone provide a story that the media fabricated against Trump?
Great choice you have there. Trump is either a lying, depraved perv who brags about sexually assaulting women or he actually is a depraved perv who sexually assaults women.

Could the bar be any lower?

How about a Hollywood movie mogul who espouses hollywood values while for decades assaulting women under his power?

Try to focus. This is about Trump. You know, the president?

You asked about a lower bar, and proven sexual misconduct and the enablers who allowed it to happen is most assuredly lower.

The bar for Trump, dope.

The bar applies across the board. You lower it for Trump for political reasons, and believe anything about him if it suits your political interests.

Hence your overall Hack-twatty-ness.

Don't like that choice much, do ya? :laugh:
Why did Hillary cover for Weinstein for so many years?
Why did Hillary cover for Bill for so many years?

Hillary is a sexual predator enabler.

Hillary would have had no idea about Harvey Weinstein. Lots of people who worked with him didn't know because what happened went on behind closed doors. Unless you witness something, you don't know what really happened.

Bill Clinton is not a sexual predator in the same way as Donald Trump is a sexual predator. Clinton is a sexual opportunist. Regardless of how Repulicans try to paint it, Clinton doesn't force himself on women but he doesn't pass up opportunities. There is a difference. He doesn't force himself on women when they say "No".

Bullshit. Just like at our sites when we know the functioning alcoholics even though you don't see them drink, people around these assholes know they are cads. They just wilfully ignore it for political expediency, job expediency or whatever other justification they can come up with.

And your justification of Billy Boy just shows that you are part of the problem, and your castigation of Trump solely because you don't like him politically puts you in the same boat as any other enabler hack on the progressive side.

I didn't justify Bill Clinton's actions. Monica Lewinsky, Gennifer Flowers and all the others have admitted the acts were consenual. Anita Broaddrick denied vehemently that Bill raped her until Ken Starr and the FBI threatened to charge her with perjury if she didn't recant her affidavit in the Paula Jones trial. Even Jones says that she declined Bill's advances and left the room.

There's a huge difference between men who are hound dogs, like Bill Clinton, and those who are serial predators like Weinstein, Cosby or Trump. For starters, they respect the word "No".

I knew a guy when I was single who was a total hound dog. He propositioned every woman he met. He was relentless. But if you said "No", he moved on.

You're still blaming others for the actions of these predators. But when it comes to Trump, you say there's no evidence he did these things. So you're enabling his behaviour, and so is everyone who voted for him after he confessed to sexually assaulting women. Why didn't YOU hold Donald Trump accountable? He ADMITTED he assaults women and gets away with it, but you still voted for him.


Stop trying the star trek trick.

My God, you are such a hack that you just keep trying to make Cosby and Weinstein Equivalent to Trump without any proof whatsoever.

He admitted nothing, you are stretching a statement into an admission.

And I love how you just gloss over adultery just because the women were OK with it.

I am blaming others because they allowed him to continue for DECADES just to protect their own asses.

Trump admitted to sexually assaulting women. You heard his words in that tape. 12 women have confirmed what he said.

Trump told Howard Stern he was able to walk into the dressing room with underage beauty contestants in the Miss Teen USA contest in various stages of undress, because he owned the production. This was also confirmed by said contestants.

There are also numerous accounts of women who worked on the Celebrity Apprentice who claim that Trump sexually harassed them.

There's your evidence, which you choose to ignore.

That's more evidence than is available in either the Weinstein case or the Cosby case and you're wilfully ignoring it, and choosing to say it never happened.
Bill Clinton admitted to sexual harassment and is a sexual pervert.

Still not even faux outrage over his actions.

Sex with people working for you is a great thing in Leftardia.
Hillary would have had no idea about Harvey Weinstein. Lots of people who worked with him didn't know because what happened went on behind closed doors. Unless you witness something, you don't know what really happened.

Bill Clinton is not a sexual predator in the same way as Donald Trump is a sexual predator. Clinton is a sexual opportunist. Regardless of how Repulicans try to paint it, Clinton doesn't force himself on women but he doesn't pass up opportunities. There is a difference. He doesn't force himself on women when they say "No".

Bullshit. Just like at our sites when we know the functioning alcoholics even though you don't see them drink, people around these assholes know they are cads. They just wilfully ignore it for political expediency, job expediency or whatever other justification they can come up with.

And your justification of Billy Boy just shows that you are part of the problem, and your castigation of Trump solely because you don't like him politically puts you in the same boat as any other enabler hack on the progressive side.

I didn't justify Bill Clinton's actions. Monica Lewinsky, Gennifer Flowers and all the others have admitted the acts were consenual. Anita Broaddrick denied vehemently that Bill raped her until Ken Starr and the FBI threatened to charge her with perjury if she didn't recant her affidavit in the Paula Jones trial. Even Jones says that she declined Bill's advances and left the room.

There's a huge difference between men who are hound dogs, like Bill Clinton, and those who are serial predators like Weinstein, Cosby or Trump. For starters, they respect the word "No".

I knew a guy when I was single who was a total hound dog. He propositioned every woman he met. He was relentless. But if you said "No", he moved on.

You're still blaming others for the actions of these predators. But when it comes to Trump, you say there's no evidence he did these things. So you're enabling his behaviour, and so is everyone who voted for him after he confessed to sexually assaulting women. Why didn't YOU hold Donald Trump accountable? He ADMITTED he assaults women and gets away with it, but you still voted for him.


Stop trying the star trek trick.

My God, you are such a hack that you just keep trying to make Cosby and Weinstein Equivalent to Trump without any proof whatsoever.

He admitted nothing, you are stretching a statement into an admission.

And I love how you just gloss over adultery just because the women were OK with it.

I am blaming others because they allowed him to continue for DECADES just to protect their own asses.

Trump admitted to sexually assaulting women. You heard his words in that tape. 12 women have confirmed what he said.

Trump told Howard Stern he was able to walk into the dressing room with underage beauty contestants in the Miss Teen USA contest in various stages of undress, because he owned the production. This was also confirmed by said contestants.

There are also numerous accounts of women who worked on the Celebrity Apprentice who claim that Trump sexually harassed them.

There's your evidence, which you choose to ignore.

That's more evidence than is available in either the Weinstein case or the Cosby case and you're wilfully ignoring it, and choosing to say it never happened.
Bill Clinton admitted to sexual harassment and is a sexual pervert.

Still not even faux outrage over his actions.

Sex with people working for you is a great thing in Leftardia.

I do not recall bill admitting to sexual harassment
That's right, act like you don't know what he said on that bus.

SAID, he said a hell of a lot more on other times he was on Stern's show. But that doesn't prove he did anything, and in the current climate if there was any real proof beyond some blowhard words he would be facing impeachment by now.
He himself said that's what he does.
That's right, everyone brags about sexually assaulting women.

Still no proof of anything.

haaaaaaccccckkkk tttttwwaaaaaaaatttt.

Great choice you have there. Trump is either a lying, depraved perv who brags about sexually assaulting women or he actually is a depraved perv who sexually assaults women.

Could the bar be any lower?

How about a Hollywood movie mogul who espouses hollywood values while for decades assaulting women under his power?

Both men are swine. Harvey was prepared to help these women in their careers, at least. Trump offered nothing in return for his abuse.

Harvey is finished. Fired from his own company, drummed out of the motion picture academy, and his wife is filing for divorce.

But you elected Trump President of the United States so why should he change his behaviour when 65 million Americans are enabling him by voting for him?
Hillary would have had no idea about Harvey Weinstein. Lots of people who worked with him didn't know because what happened went on behind closed doors. Unless you witness something, you don't know what really happened.

Bill Clinton is not a sexual predator in the same way as Donald Trump is a sexual predator. Clinton is a sexual opportunist. Regardless of how Repulicans try to paint it, Clinton doesn't force himself on women but he doesn't pass up opportunities. There is a difference. He doesn't force himself on women when they say "No".

Bullshit. Just like at our sites when we know the functioning alcoholics even though you don't see them drink, people around these assholes know they are cads. They just wilfully ignore it for political expediency, job expediency or whatever other justification they can come up with.

And your justification of Billy Boy just shows that you are part of the problem, and your castigation of Trump solely because you don't like him politically puts you in the same boat as any other enabler hack on the progressive side.

I didn't justify Bill Clinton's actions. Monica Lewinsky, Gennifer Flowers and all the others have admitted the acts were consenual. Anita Broaddrick denied vehemently that Bill raped her until Ken Starr and the FBI threatened to charge her with perjury if she didn't recant her affidavit in the Paula Jones trial. Even Jones says that she declined Bill's advances and left the room.

There's a huge difference between men who are hound dogs, like Bill Clinton, and those who are serial predators like Weinstein, Cosby or Trump. For starters, they respect the word "No".

I knew a guy when I was single who was a total hound dog. He propositioned every woman he met. He was relentless. But if you said "No", he moved on.

You're still blaming others for the actions of these predators. But when it comes to Trump, you say there's no evidence he did these things. So you're enabling his behaviour, and so is everyone who voted for him after he confessed to sexually assaulting women. Why didn't YOU hold Donald Trump accountable? He ADMITTED he assaults women and gets away with it, but you still voted for him.


Stop trying the star trek trick.

My God, you are such a hack that you just keep trying to make Cosby and Weinstein Equivalent to Trump without any proof whatsoever.

He admitted nothing, you are stretching a statement into an admission.

And I love how you just gloss over adultery just because the women were OK with it.

I am blaming others because they allowed him to continue for DECADES just to protect their own asses.

Trump admitted to sexually assaulting women. You heard his words in that tape. 12 women have confirmed what he said.

Trump told Howard Stern he was able to walk into the dressing room with underage beauty contestants in the Miss Teen USA contest in various stages of undress, because he owned the production. This was also confirmed by said contestants.

There are also numerous accounts of women who worked on the Celebrity Apprentice who claim that Trump sexually harassed them.

There's your evidence, which you choose to ignore.

That's more evidence than is available in either the Weinstein case or the Cosby case and you're wilfully ignoring it, and choosing to say it never happened.
Bill Clinton admitted to sexual harassment and is a sexual pervert.

Still not even faux outrage over his actions.

Sex with people working for you is a great thing in Leftardia.

Bill did not admit to sexual harassment and the Paula Jones case was dismissed for lack of evidence that either Jones or her husband suffered any losses or other repercussions from her refusal to have sex with Clinton.

There is no law that says you can't have sex with coworkers, and people would ignore it anyway.

Bill may be a hound dog who takes every opportunity that comes his way, but that's not the same thing as sexual assault, and not even asking before grabbing.

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