Plurality Of Voters Believe News Media Fabricate Stories About Trump

What is proof?
A video of Trump groping someone?

Like I said, the action did not cross criminality. It was women affirming that Trump acts like an asshole in his dealings with women

So it comes down to....Who do we believe?
Ten women telling of similar incidents of behavior or Lying Donnie denying it

Then why don't they press civil charges?

They didn't accuse him of being boorish they accused him of harassment or assault.

If there was actually something there SOMEONE in the press would have found enough evidence to nail him, but they didn't.

You have NOTHING, you lose, good day sir.

In order to press civil charges you need to prove damages
The women were not harmed, they were just insulted by boorish behavior

They chose to just let it go and just get on with their lives. It was only when Trump claimed "I do not act that way" that the women said......"Yes you do"

Nice revisionist history there.

More Women Accuse Trump of Groping and Sexual Harassment

The other woman, Rachel Crooks, said she was a 22-year-old receptionist working for a separate real-estate company located in Trump Tower in 2005 when he kissed her on the mouth immediately after meeting her for the first time. “I was so upset that he thought I was so insignificant that he could do that,” she told the Times

One, Jessica Leeds,74, told the Times that Trump groped her more than three decades ago, when they were seated next to each other in first-class on a commercial flight. “He was like an octopus,” she said, recounting how he grabbed her breasts and tried to put his hand up her skirt. “His hands were everywhere.”

These seem like actionable harassment to me, especially if they take place in a work environment.

And as Weinstein's case is showing guys like him don't stop at 10 or 20, they keep going and going and going, and they do things that can eventually be proven because they get so brazen.

Yet once the press dug into these stories they found not even one shred of proof for them.

Unfortunately, women in our society deal with inappropriate behavior from men all the time. They have a hard enough time proving a he said/she said accusation of rape in a court of law

Very few will file charges because of an unwanted kiss or roving hands

Trump is a creep. His statements about women, his choices of the women he surrounds himself with and anecdotal evidence affirms it

So "We have nothing, but we have to distract from the fact that our side enables cads like Weinstein because of his politics and pocketbook"

Weinstein, Clinton, Cosby, Trump and millions of others
Then why don't they press civil charges?

They didn't accuse him of being boorish they accused him of harassment or assault.

If there was actually something there SOMEONE in the press would have found enough evidence to nail him, but they didn't.

You have NOTHING, you lose, good day sir.

In order to press civil charges you need to prove damages
The women were not harmed, they were just insulted by boorish behavior

They chose to just let it go and just get on with their lives. It was only when Trump claimed "I do not act that way" that the women said......"Yes you do"

Nice revisionist history there.

More Women Accuse Trump of Groping and Sexual Harassment

The other woman, Rachel Crooks, said she was a 22-year-old receptionist working for a separate real-estate company located in Trump Tower in 2005 when he kissed her on the mouth immediately after meeting her for the first time. “I was so upset that he thought I was so insignificant that he could do that,” she told the Times

One, Jessica Leeds,74, told the Times that Trump groped her more than three decades ago, when they were seated next to each other in first-class on a commercial flight. “He was like an octopus,” she said, recounting how he grabbed her breasts and tried to put his hand up her skirt. “His hands were everywhere.”

These seem like actionable harassment to me, especially if they take place in a work environment.

And as Weinstein's case is showing guys like him don't stop at 10 or 20, they keep going and going and going, and they do things that can eventually be proven because they get so brazen.

Yet once the press dug into these stories they found not even one shred of proof for them.

Unfortunately, women in our society deal with inappropriate behavior from men all the time. They have a hard enough time proving a he said/she said accusation of rape in a court of law

Very few will file charges because of an unwanted kiss or roving hands

Trump is a creep. His statements about women, his choices of the women he surrounds himself with and anecdotal evidence affirms it

So "We have nothing, but we have to distract from the fact that our side enables cads like Weinstein because of his politics and pocketbook"

Weinstein, Clinton, Cosby, Trump and millions of others

Nice attempt at the "Star Trek" trick, but of the 4 only 3 of them have been prosecuted (or soon will be) for what they are being accused of.

The funny thing is all of them even Trump, are really left leaning at heart, and Trump would probably have still been defended by your ilk if he hadn't gone against the Heiress apparent.
"Independently confirmed" ="I have zero proof of anything, but don't care because the meme is out there and that was the goal all along"

Being he said/she said doesn't make it criminal or non-criminal. The acts itself make it criminal or non-criminal.

And by moving the goal posts you just show that these incidents are basically nothing. Weinstein is probably getting his ass prosecuted from things ranging from harassment to actual assaults.

And he was a cause celebre all the time and people knew he was a cad. But he had deep pockets and said the right words in public, so the progressives gave him a pass.

As it always has been, it's not only the crime, it's the cover-up.

What is proof?
A video of Trump groping someone?

Like I said, the action did not cross criminality. It was women affirming that Trump acts like an asshole in his dealings with women

So it comes down to....Who do we believe?
Ten women telling of similar incidents of behavior or Lying Donnie denying it

Then why don't they press civil charges?

They didn't accuse him of being boorish they accused him of harassment or assault.

If there was actually something there SOMEONE in the press would have found enough evidence to nail him, but they didn't.

You have NOTHING, you lose, good day sir.

In order to press civil charges you need to prove damages
The women were not harmed, they were just insulted by boorish behavior

They chose to just let it go and just get on with their lives. It was only when Trump claimed "I do not act that way" that the women said......"Yes you do"

Nice revisionist history there.

More Women Accuse Trump of Groping and Sexual Harassment

The other woman, Rachel Crooks, said she was a 22-year-old receptionist working for a separate real-estate company located in Trump Tower in 2005 when he kissed her on the mouth immediately after meeting her for the first time. “I was so upset that he thought I was so insignificant that he could do that,” she told the Times

One, Jessica Leeds,74, told the Times that Trump groped her more than three decades ago, when they were seated next to each other in first-class on a commercial flight. “He was like an octopus,” she said, recounting how he grabbed her breasts and tried to put his hand up her skirt. “His hands were everywhere.”

These seem like actionable harassment to me, especially if they take place in a work environment.

And as Weinstein's case is showing guys like him don't stop at 10 or 20, they keep going and going and going, and they do things that can eventually be proven because they get so brazen.

Yet once the press dug into these stories they found not even one shred of proof for them.

Unfortunately, women in our society deal with inappropriate behavior from men all the time. They have a hard enough time proving a he said/she said accusation of rape in a court of law

Very few will file charges because of an unwanted kiss or roving hands

Trump is a creep. His statements about women, his choices of the women he surrounds himself with and anecdotal evidence affirms it
Why did Hillary cover for Weinstein for so many years?
Why did Hillary cover for Bill for so many years?

Hillary is a sexual predator enabler.
The Awakening continues.

Forty-six percent of the 1,991 registered voters surveyed said they think members of the media make up stories about the president, while 37 percent believe news organizations do not make up stories about Trump or his administration.

To me the issue isn't outright making things up, the issue is the embellishment they do, which is far worse.
yep. take 1 nugget of "truth" and turn it into something completely different and certify it as EVIL.
We know from the video that either Trump sexually assaults women or he lies about sexually assaulting women.

Either way it is not good

Sent from my iPhone using

No, we know he said something stupid, that's it.

And 15 women came forward and confirmed what he told Billy Bush. That he sexually assaults women.

They didn't confirm anything. They said something, and nothing got proven or even carried forward.

That is the typical progressive ploy. Make an accusation, never back it up, but since it's been said you idiots keep forwarding it like you proved something in a structured setting like a court.

People are actually investigating weinstein and he isn't denying crap. he is doing the usual "I have a sickness" bullshit you progressive dupes fall for every time someone with the "right" politics does something terrible like this.

Police are actually investigating Weinstein, until the investigate Trump all you have is basically politically motivated bull-crap.

The women didn't "make an accusation". They confirmed what Trump said. Trump admitted he did this. They agreed.

But in typical sexist fashion, any woman who accuses a powerful white male of sexual impropriety, even after he confesses to committing sexual improprieties, is lying and has ulterior motives for coming forward.

And you wonder why this shit never gets reported.

Can you link specifically he agreed that he committed the specific incidents these women accused him of?

This "shit" never gets exposed because people don't come forward. Weinstein could have been nipped in the bud decades ago, but some of the women were scared, and some decided to put up with it, then pass along the abuse when it became their turn to have responsibility in the industry.

Coming forward now when the dogpile is (rightly) ongoing is not brave, someone blowing the whistle back in 1992 would have been brave.

Being groped, grabbed, assaulted by men is so commonplace, that women don't bother reporting it. What good would it do? The men won't be charged, and if charged, the women will be attacked, vilified and accused of lying or just being in it for the money.

Most women don't even report being raped. Those who do say that reporting the crime and the subsequent attempts to have their attacker convicted are just as bad as the rape.

This is especially true if the man is very successful. In one large law firm I worked for, there was a lawyer who billed more than a $1 million per year, which would get you a corner office on Bay Street at the time, who was widely known to sexually harass the staff. We took care to never be alone with him. Every couple of years, the firm would pay a nice settlement to a secretary he attacked and send her on her way. This was tolerated in a large law firm (300+ lawyers), because he was one of the highest billing lawyers in the firm. The partners considered it part of the cost of having him as a partner and it was factored into his compensation package.

I have a friend who worked for a stock brokerage firm. One night, while working late, the top broker at the firm raped her. When she complained, she was fired.

Look around you man. Every woman I know has, at some point in their lives, been sexually assaulted or harassed, myself included, and both of my daughters. We don't report it because it's not worth it.

Nothing happens, nothing changes. Assholes like YOU would just say we're lying.
Our President fabricated stories about:

Obama's birth certificate
Thousands of Muslims dancing in the streets of NJ on 9-11
The size of his inauguration crowd
Obama tapping his wires

Can anyone point to a story about Trump that the media fabricated?

As I stated, its less about fabrication, and more about embellishment.

As an example, yes Trump did say the whole "grab em by the pussy" thing, but by the way its projected by the MSM, bloggers and many posters on this board, one would think he actually did it, and the video is proof that he did it.

The video is proof he said it, nothing more.

He said he did it, dope.

Last edited:
Is this one of the days where polls suddenly matter again?
So polls don't matter?

No, they really don't. It appears polls only matter around here when they support one's views. If not, they are dismissed as fake or biased.
It is very clear to see that most polls are biased towards Democrats.
Look at the methodology of almost all the polls. And they generally have more Democrats then GOP in the poll.
I went to 4 different polls. All the polls had MORE Democrats then GOP.
DEMOGRAPHICS (weighted) Self-Reported 24% Republican 45% Independent 31% Democrat
11% MORE Democrats

For the survey, a sample of 1,868 Americans date May 12-16, 2017 801 (42%) Democrats 630 (33%) Republicans
9% More Democrats!

C)NBC/WSJ May 2017 poll | Opinion Poll | United States Government
Total polled 677 Registered voters
Strong Democrat .............................22 Not very strong Democrat ...............10 Independent/lean Democrat ............10
Total Democrat 42
Independent/lean Republican ..........10 Not very strong Republican .............7 Strong Republican ...........................17
Total GOP.........34
8 More Democrats then GOP

Public Policy Polling surveyed 692 registered voters between May 12th and 14th
Generally speaking if there was an election for Congress today, would you vote for the Democratic or Republican candidate from your district?
Democrat ........................................................ 49% (339)
Republican ...................................................... 38% (262)
11% More Democrats then GOP!

You do not understand how random polls are made

You do not say...I am going to call 49 Democrats and then call 38 Republicans

You make 100 random calls and then you ask political affiliation
Just because it does not result in a 50/50 distribution does not mean the poll is biased

It is YOU who are assuming there is an equal distribution....evidently, there is not

But there is an equal distribution!
Party Affiliation
Screen Shot 2017-10-20 at 10.07.49 AM.png
What is proof?
A video of Trump groping someone?

Like I said, the action did not cross criminality. It was women affirming that Trump acts like an asshole in his dealings with women

So it comes down to....Who do we believe?
Ten women telling of similar incidents of behavior or Lying Donnie denying it

Then why don't they press civil charges?

They didn't accuse him of being boorish they accused him of harassment or assault.

If there was actually something there SOMEONE in the press would have found enough evidence to nail him, but they didn't.

You have NOTHING, you lose, good day sir.

In order to press civil charges you need to prove damages
The women were not harmed, they were just insulted by boorish behavior

They chose to just let it go and just get on with their lives. It was only when Trump claimed "I do not act that way" that the women said......"Yes you do"

Nice revisionist history there.

More Women Accuse Trump of Groping and Sexual Harassment

The other woman, Rachel Crooks, said she was a 22-year-old receptionist working for a separate real-estate company located in Trump Tower in 2005 when he kissed her on the mouth immediately after meeting her for the first time. “I was so upset that he thought I was so insignificant that he could do that,” she told the Times

One, Jessica Leeds,74, told the Times that Trump groped her more than three decades ago, when they were seated next to each other in first-class on a commercial flight. “He was like an octopus,” she said, recounting how he grabbed her breasts and tried to put his hand up her skirt. “His hands were everywhere.”

These seem like actionable harassment to me, especially if they take place in a work environment.

And as Weinstein's case is showing guys like him don't stop at 10 or 20, they keep going and going and going, and they do things that can eventually be proven because they get so brazen.

Yet once the press dug into these stories they found not even one shred of proof for them.

That's because this stuff only happens when others don't see it happening you dolt.

Sexual assault isn't done in broad daylight when everyone can see. That's because decent people would stop it. It happens in private so that the assailant can plausibly deny it later.

Then how come they are currently nailing Weinstein?

Harvey isn't as powerful as he once was and women are gaining more power in Hollywood. The woman who opened the floodgates, is a highly respected actress and an award winning director.

Notice that the women telling the stories all begin with "When I was just starting out in Hollywood". They were "nobodies" at the time. Reese Witherspoon was 16 and had just been given her first big movie role. The women he assaulted may be big stars now but they weren't anyone you would have heard of then.

Sarah Polley told her story about meeting Harvey Weinstein. She was 19 and her agent went with her, telling her she would not leave the room. Polley said that told her "everything she needed to know about Harvey Weinstein". He offered to make her a big star, if she "cooperated". She declined.

Many women did speak out about Harvey Weinstein. He crushed them like bugs. He planted stories about them in the Hollywood press, labelled them "demanding" and "difficult to work with", and made sure that they never got acting jobs again.
No, we know he said something stupid, that's it.

And 15 women came forward and confirmed what he told Billy Bush. That he sexually assaults women.

They didn't confirm anything. They said something, and nothing got proven or even carried forward.

That is the typical progressive ploy. Make an accusation, never back it up, but since it's been said you idiots keep forwarding it like you proved something in a structured setting like a court.

People are actually investigating weinstein and he isn't denying crap. he is doing the usual "I have a sickness" bullshit you progressive dupes fall for every time someone with the "right" politics does something terrible like this.

Police are actually investigating Weinstein, until the investigate Trump all you have is basically politically motivated bull-crap.

The women didn't "make an accusation". They confirmed what Trump said. Trump admitted he did this. They agreed.

But in typical sexist fashion, any woman who accuses a powerful white male of sexual impropriety, even after he confesses to committing sexual improprieties, is lying and has ulterior motives for coming forward.

And you wonder why this shit never gets reported.

Can you link specifically he agreed that he committed the specific incidents these women accused him of?

This "shit" never gets exposed because people don't come forward. Weinstein could have been nipped in the bud decades ago, but some of the women were scared, and some decided to put up with it, then pass along the abuse when it became their turn to have responsibility in the industry.

Coming forward now when the dogpile is (rightly) ongoing is not brave, someone blowing the whistle back in 1992 would have been brave.

Being groped, grabbed, assaulted by men is so commonplace, that women don't bother reporting it. What good would it do? The men won't be charged, and if charged, the women will be attacked, vilified and accused of lying or just being in it for the money.

Most women don't even report being raped. Those who do say that reporting the crime and the subsequent attempts to have their attacker convicted are just as bad as the rape.

This is especially true if the man is very successful. In one large law firm I worked for, there was a lawyer who billed more than a $1 million per year, which would get you a corner office on Bay Street at the time, who was widely known to sexually harass the staff. We took care to never be alone with him. Every couple of years, the firm would pay a nice settlement to a secretary he attacked and send her on her way. This was tolerated in a large law firm (300+ lawyers), because he was one of the highest billing lawyers in the firm. The partners considered it part of the cost of having him as a partner and it was factored into his compensation package.

I have a friend who worked for a stock brokerage firm. One night, while working late, the top broker at the firm raped her. When she complained, she was fired.

Look around you man. Every woman I know has, at some point in their lives, been sexually assaulted or harassed, myself included, and both of my daughters. We don't report it because it's not worth it.

Nothing happens, nothing changes. Assholes like YOU would just say we're lying.

The only way to change the system IS to report the incidents, and fight against people who would wash it under the carpet.

CHANGE THE SYSTEM. Instead of worrying about someone saying mean things at a campus rally or a guy making a half assed attempt at hitting on someone once concentrate on things like Rape, and assault and FORCE THE ISSUE.

And you know nothing of me, I have "older brother" syndrome, and if someone guns for women at my jobsite, be it harassment or just treating them like shit, I gun for the asshole (man or woman) pulling off the bullshit.

I had a permit person get yelled at over the phone by some Construction Companies CFO to the point she was on the verge of tears. I immediately went to the Contractor's trailer and teared into the PM to the terms of "Who the fuck does CFO think he is to talk to my people like that, and he should get his ass down here RIGHT NOW and do the same to me if he has the balls"

Needless to say he apologized to her personally.
Our President fabricated stories about:

Obama's birth certificate
Thousands of Muslims dancing in the streets of NJ on 9-11
The size of his inauguration crowd
Obama tapping his wires

Can anyone point to a story about Trump that the media fabricated?

As I stated, its less about fabrication, and more about embellishment.

As an example, yes Trump did say the whole "grab em by the pussy" thing, but by the way its projected by the MSM, bloggers and many posters on this board, one would think he actually did it, and the video is proof that he did it.

The video is proof he said it, nothing more.

He said he did it, dope.

he said he did "what" specifically?
What is proof?
A video of Trump groping someone?

Like I said, the action did not cross criminality. It was women affirming that Trump acts like an asshole in his dealings with women

So it comes down to....Who do we believe?
Ten women telling of similar incidents of behavior or Lying Donnie denying it

Then why don't they press civil charges?

They didn't accuse him of being boorish they accused him of harassment or assault.

If there was actually something there SOMEONE in the press would have found enough evidence to nail him, but they didn't.

You have NOTHING, you lose, good day sir.

In order to press civil charges you need to prove damages
The women were not harmed, they were just insulted by boorish behavior

They chose to just let it go and just get on with their lives. It was only when Trump claimed "I do not act that way" that the women said......"Yes you do"

Nice revisionist history there.

More Women Accuse Trump of Groping and Sexual Harassment

The other woman, Rachel Crooks, said she was a 22-year-old receptionist working for a separate real-estate company located in Trump Tower in 2005 when he kissed her on the mouth immediately after meeting her for the first time. “I was so upset that he thought I was so insignificant that he could do that,” she told the Times

One, Jessica Leeds,74, told the Times that Trump groped her more than three decades ago, when they were seated next to each other in first-class on a commercial flight. “He was like an octopus,” she said, recounting how he grabbed her breasts and tried to put his hand up her skirt. “His hands were everywhere.”

These seem like actionable harassment to me, especially if they take place in a work environment.

And as Weinstein's case is showing guys like him don't stop at 10 or 20, they keep going and going and going, and they do things that can eventually be proven because they get so brazen.

Yet once the press dug into these stories they found not even one shred of proof for them.

Unfortunately, women in our society deal with inappropriate behavior from men all the time. They have a hard enough time proving a he said/she said accusation of rape in a court of law

Very few will file charges because of an unwanted kiss or roving hands

Trump is a creep. His statements about women, his choices of the women he surrounds himself with and anecdotal evidence affirms it
Why did Hillary cover for Weinstein for so many years?
Why did Hillary cover for Bill for so many years?

Hillary is a sexual predator enabler.
Did she?

Did Weinstein sexually harass her?
What is proof?
A video of Trump groping someone?

Like I said, the action did not cross criminality. It was women affirming that Trump acts like an asshole in his dealings with women

So it comes down to....Who do we believe?
Ten women telling of similar incidents of behavior or Lying Donnie denying it

Then why don't they press civil charges?

They didn't accuse him of being boorish they accused him of harassment or assault.

If there was actually something there SOMEONE in the press would have found enough evidence to nail him, but they didn't.

You have NOTHING, you lose, good day sir.

In order to press civil charges you need to prove damages
The women were not harmed, they were just insulted by boorish behavior

They chose to just let it go and just get on with their lives. It was only when Trump claimed "I do not act that way" that the women said......"Yes you do"

Nice revisionist history there.

More Women Accuse Trump of Groping and Sexual Harassment

The other woman, Rachel Crooks, said she was a 22-year-old receptionist working for a separate real-estate company located in Trump Tower in 2005 when he kissed her on the mouth immediately after meeting her for the first time. “I was so upset that he thought I was so insignificant that he could do that,” she told the Times

One, Jessica Leeds,74, told the Times that Trump groped her more than three decades ago, when they were seated next to each other in first-class on a commercial flight. “He was like an octopus,” she said, recounting how he grabbed her breasts and tried to put his hand up her skirt. “His hands were everywhere.”

These seem like actionable harassment to me, especially if they take place in a work environment.

And as Weinstein's case is showing guys like him don't stop at 10 or 20, they keep going and going and going, and they do things that can eventually be proven because they get so brazen.

Yet once the press dug into these stories they found not even one shred of proof for them.

Unfortunately, women in our society deal with inappropriate behavior from men all the time. They have a hard enough time proving a he said/she said accusation of rape in a court of law

Very few will file charges because of an unwanted kiss or roving hands

Trump is a creep. His statements about women, his choices of the women he surrounds himself with and anecdotal evidence affirms it
Why did Hillary cover for Weinstein for so many years?
Why did Hillary cover for Bill for so many years?

Hillary is a sexual predator enabler.

Hillary would have had no idea about Harvey Weinstein. Lots of people who worked with him didn't know because what happened went on behind closed doors. Unless you witness something, you don't know what really happened.

Bill Clinton is not a sexual predator in the same way as Donald Trump is a sexual predator. Clinton is a sexual opportunist. Regardless of how Repulicans try to paint it, Clinton doesn't force himself on women but he doesn't pass up opportunities. There is a difference. He doesn't force himself on women when they say "No".
Then why don't they press civil charges?

They didn't accuse him of being boorish they accused him of harassment or assault.

If there was actually something there SOMEONE in the press would have found enough evidence to nail him, but they didn't.

You have NOTHING, you lose, good day sir.

In order to press civil charges you need to prove damages
The women were not harmed, they were just insulted by boorish behavior

They chose to just let it go and just get on with their lives. It was only when Trump claimed "I do not act that way" that the women said......"Yes you do"

Nice revisionist history there.

More Women Accuse Trump of Groping and Sexual Harassment

The other woman, Rachel Crooks, said she was a 22-year-old receptionist working for a separate real-estate company located in Trump Tower in 2005 when he kissed her on the mouth immediately after meeting her for the first time. “I was so upset that he thought I was so insignificant that he could do that,” she told the Times

One, Jessica Leeds,74, told the Times that Trump groped her more than three decades ago, when they were seated next to each other in first-class on a commercial flight. “He was like an octopus,” she said, recounting how he grabbed her breasts and tried to put his hand up her skirt. “His hands were everywhere.”

These seem like actionable harassment to me, especially if they take place in a work environment.

And as Weinstein's case is showing guys like him don't stop at 10 or 20, they keep going and going and going, and they do things that can eventually be proven because they get so brazen.

Yet once the press dug into these stories they found not even one shred of proof for them.

Unfortunately, women in our society deal with inappropriate behavior from men all the time. They have a hard enough time proving a he said/she said accusation of rape in a court of law

Very few will file charges because of an unwanted kiss or roving hands

Trump is a creep. His statements about women, his choices of the women he surrounds himself with and anecdotal evidence affirms it
Why did Hillary cover for Weinstein for so many years?
Why did Hillary cover for Bill for so many years?

Hillary is a sexual predator enabler.
Did she?

Did Weinstein sexually harass her?
I would say you are playing stupid but we all know it is not an act.
Then why don't they press civil charges?

They didn't accuse him of being boorish they accused him of harassment or assault.

If there was actually something there SOMEONE in the press would have found enough evidence to nail him, but they didn't.

You have NOTHING, you lose, good day sir.

In order to press civil charges you need to prove damages
The women were not harmed, they were just insulted by boorish behavior

They chose to just let it go and just get on with their lives. It was only when Trump claimed "I do not act that way" that the women said......"Yes you do"

Nice revisionist history there.

More Women Accuse Trump of Groping and Sexual Harassment

The other woman, Rachel Crooks, said she was a 22-year-old receptionist working for a separate real-estate company located in Trump Tower in 2005 when he kissed her on the mouth immediately after meeting her for the first time. “I was so upset that he thought I was so insignificant that he could do that,” she told the Times

One, Jessica Leeds,74, told the Times that Trump groped her more than three decades ago, when they were seated next to each other in first-class on a commercial flight. “He was like an octopus,” she said, recounting how he grabbed her breasts and tried to put his hand up her skirt. “His hands were everywhere.”

These seem like actionable harassment to me, especially if they take place in a work environment.

And as Weinstein's case is showing guys like him don't stop at 10 or 20, they keep going and going and going, and they do things that can eventually be proven because they get so brazen.

Yet once the press dug into these stories they found not even one shred of proof for them.

That's because this stuff only happens when others don't see it happening you dolt.

Sexual assault isn't done in broad daylight when everyone can see. That's because decent people would stop it. It happens in private so that the assailant can plausibly deny it later.

Then how come they are currently nailing Weinstein?

Harvey isn't as powerful as he once was and women are gaining more power in Hollywood. The woman who opened the floodgates, is a highly respected actress and an award winning director.

Notice that the women telling the stories all begin with "When I was just starting out in Hollywood". They were "nobodies" at the time. Reese Witherspoon was 16 and had just been given her first big movie role. The women he assaulted may be big stars now but they weren't anyone you would have heard of then.

Sarah Polley told her story about meeting Harvey Weinstein. She was 19 and her agent went with her, telling her she would not leave the room. Polley said that told her "everything she needed to know about Harvey Weinstein". He offered to make her a big star, if she "cooperated". She declined.

Many women did speak out about Harvey Weinstein. He crushed them like bugs. He planted stories about them in the Hollywood press, labelled them "demanding" and "difficult to work with", and made sure that they never got acting jobs again.

And maybe this will lead to more doing so in the future. It still doesn't excuse the ones who allowed it to continue for decades.

Anyone who enabled the creep needs to step up and admit their culpability, and the reason they let him slide all these years, be it fear or expediency.
Then why don't they press civil charges?

They didn't accuse him of being boorish they accused him of harassment or assault.

If there was actually something there SOMEONE in the press would have found enough evidence to nail him, but they didn't.

You have NOTHING, you lose, good day sir.

In order to press civil charges you need to prove damages
The women were not harmed, they were just insulted by boorish behavior

They chose to just let it go and just get on with their lives. It was only when Trump claimed "I do not act that way" that the women said......"Yes you do"

Nice revisionist history there.

More Women Accuse Trump of Groping and Sexual Harassment

The other woman, Rachel Crooks, said she was a 22-year-old receptionist working for a separate real-estate company located in Trump Tower in 2005 when he kissed her on the mouth immediately after meeting her for the first time. “I was so upset that he thought I was so insignificant that he could do that,” she told the Times

One, Jessica Leeds,74, told the Times that Trump groped her more than three decades ago, when they were seated next to each other in first-class on a commercial flight. “He was like an octopus,” she said, recounting how he grabbed her breasts and tried to put his hand up her skirt. “His hands were everywhere.”

These seem like actionable harassment to me, especially if they take place in a work environment.

And as Weinstein's case is showing guys like him don't stop at 10 or 20, they keep going and going and going, and they do things that can eventually be proven because they get so brazen.

Yet once the press dug into these stories they found not even one shred of proof for them.

Unfortunately, women in our society deal with inappropriate behavior from men all the time. They have a hard enough time proving a he said/she said accusation of rape in a court of law

Very few will file charges because of an unwanted kiss or roving hands

Trump is a creep. His statements about women, his choices of the women he surrounds himself with and anecdotal evidence affirms it
Why did Hillary cover for Weinstein for so many years?
Why did Hillary cover for Bill for so many years?

Hillary is a sexual predator enabler.

Hillary would have had no idea about Harvey Weinstein. Lots of people who worked with him didn't know because what happened went on behind closed doors. Unless you witness something, you don't know what really happened.

Bill Clinton is not a sexual predator in the same way as Donald Trump is a sexual predator. Clinton is a sexual opportunist. Regardless of how Repulicans try to paint it, Clinton doesn't force himself on women but he doesn't pass up opportunities. There is a difference. He doesn't force himself on women when they say "No".
Yeah, Bill is not a sexual predator. Shoving cigars up the vaginas of his employees is normal accepted behavior in Leftardia.

They Knew: Clinton Confidant Warned "Top-Level" Dems About Weinstein, and Was Ignored

Further Proof Hillary Knew All About Harvey Weinstein's Sexual Abuse of Women
In order to press civil charges you need to prove damages
The women were not harmed, they were just insulted by boorish behavior

They chose to just let it go and just get on with their lives. It was only when Trump claimed "I do not act that way" that the women said......"Yes you do"

Nice revisionist history there.

More Women Accuse Trump of Groping and Sexual Harassment

The other woman, Rachel Crooks, said she was a 22-year-old receptionist working for a separate real-estate company located in Trump Tower in 2005 when he kissed her on the mouth immediately after meeting her for the first time. “I was so upset that he thought I was so insignificant that he could do that,” she told the Times

One, Jessica Leeds,74, told the Times that Trump groped her more than three decades ago, when they were seated next to each other in first-class on a commercial flight. “He was like an octopus,” she said, recounting how he grabbed her breasts and tried to put his hand up her skirt. “His hands were everywhere.”

These seem like actionable harassment to me, especially if they take place in a work environment.

And as Weinstein's case is showing guys like him don't stop at 10 or 20, they keep going and going and going, and they do things that can eventually be proven because they get so brazen.

Yet once the press dug into these stories they found not even one shred of proof for them.

That's because this stuff only happens when others don't see it happening you dolt.

Sexual assault isn't done in broad daylight when everyone can see. That's because decent people would stop it. It happens in private so that the assailant can plausibly deny it later.

Then how come they are currently nailing Weinstein?

Harvey isn't as powerful as he once was and women are gaining more power in Hollywood. The woman who opened the floodgates, is a highly respected actress and an award winning director.

Notice that the women telling the stories all begin with "When I was just starting out in Hollywood". They were "nobodies" at the time. Reese Witherspoon was 16 and had just been given her first big movie role. The women he assaulted may be big stars now but they weren't anyone you would have heard of then.

Sarah Polley told her story about meeting Harvey Weinstein. She was 19 and her agent went with her, telling her she would not leave the room. Polley said that told her "everything she needed to know about Harvey Weinstein". He offered to make her a big star, if she "cooperated". She declined.

Many women did speak out about Harvey Weinstein. He crushed them like bugs. He planted stories about them in the Hollywood press, labelled them "demanding" and "difficult to work with", and made sure that they never got acting jobs again.

And maybe this will lead to more doing so in the future. It still doesn't excuse the ones who allowed it to continue for decades.

Anyone who enabled the creep needs to step up and admit their culpability, and the reason they let him slide all these years, be it fear or expediency.

Those who allowed it to continue for decades are his business partners, the studios he worked with, and the agents and the Hollywood press who knew it was going on and covered up the story.

Ronan Farrow tried to do an expose on Weinstein and the network quashed the story. Lots of women came forward with allegations and had their careers crushed.

Men who make other people big money are always protected by those who benefit. Just like you're protecting Donald Trump now.
Wow, I'm still waiting for a fabricated media story about Trump.


Just one story?


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