Poland Shows the World How to Handle Little Punk Antifa Members

Fascists = bad buys

Antifa = good guys.

It's not a difficult concept, for those who aren't Nazis.

Slave owners = bad guys.

Anti slave owners = good guys.

Not difficult at all.

Slave owners = bad guys.=democrats

Anti slave owners = good guys.=republicans

That's exactly what I meant.

Not to mention KKK, segregation, Jim Crow, lynching laws... soooooo long history of doing harm, and now they claim, we're good guys. Right.... I might start to believe that when they stand in Congress and publicly apologize.
I just love Poland.

They bust these cowards for every infraction of the law they commit and take them to jail promptly. They do not give them any room to bloviate.

They remember their recent experience with Commie thugs, won't cut new Commie thugs any slack.

NKVD Order No. 00485
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Polish Operation of the NKVD (1937–38)[1]

First page of one of the copies of the order, archived by the Kharkov branch of the NKVD
Location Soviet Union, modern-day Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan and others
Date 1937–1938
Target Ethnic Poles
Attack type
Prison shootings
Deaths At least 111,091 Poles executed
Perpetrators NKVD security forces
The Soviet NKVD Order № 00485 issued on August 11, 1937 laid the foundation for the systematic elimination of the Polish minority in the Soviet Union between 1937 and 1938. The order was called "On the liquidation of Polish sabotage and espionage groups and units of the POW" (POW stands for Polish Military Organization, Polska Organizacja Wojskowa) (Russian: О ликвидации польских диверсионно-шпионских групп и организаций ПОВ). It is dated August 9, 1937, was issued by the Central Committee Politburo (VKP b), and signed by Nikolai Yezhov, the People's Commissar for Internal Affairs. The operation was at the center of the national operations of the NKVD, and the largest ethnically-motivated shooting action of the Great Terror.[1][2][3]

Arrests and executions[edit]
Main article: Polish Operation of the NKVD (1937–38)
According to the Order, the entire operation was to be completed in three months. Subject to arrest and immediate elimination were persons of the following categories: "prisoners of war from the Polish army who after the 1920 war had remained in the Soviet Union, deserters and political émigrés from Poland [such as Polish communists admitted through prisoners' exchange], former members of the Polish Socialist Party (PPS) and other anti-Soviet political parties; and the inhabitants of Polish districts in border regions."[4] The order was supplemented by a secret letter from Ezhov, specifying the various accusations to be used against the Polish minority, which were fabricated by the Moscow NKVD executive. The order aimed at the arrest of "absolutely all Poles" and confirmed that "the Poles should be completely destroyed".[4] Member of the NKVD Administration for the Moscow District, A. O. Postel (Арон Осипович Постель) explained that although there was no word-for-word quote of "all Poles" in the actual Order, that was exactly how the letter was to be interpreted by the NKVD executioners.[4]

Particularly affected were ethnic Poles employed in the so-called "strategic" sectors of the economy such as transportation and telecommunications (i.e. railway engineers and postal workers), the defense industry, the armed forces, and the security services, as well as members of Polish cultural organizations.[4] The Order created an extrajudicial sentencing body composed of two NKVD soldiers, the so-called "Dvoika" (twosome) completing the paperwork.[4] The Order also established the so-called "album procedure" of convictions: the lists of convicted already during the initial investigations by lower NKVD organs were compiled into "albums" by the mid-rank NKVD organs and sent to the USSR NKVD for approval. After the approval the convictions (shooting or imprisonment) were immediately put into effect.

A similar procedure was applied to all other national operations of 1937-1938: German, Latvian, Finnish, Estonian, Romanian, Greek, and others. The procedure was amended in September 1938. To expedite the process, regional NKVD units were instructed to set up so-called "Special Troikas" (not to be confused with the regional Troikas established under the NKVD Order № 00447) authorized to try the "national operations" cases locally.

According to official Soviet state documents, the anti-Polish operation of the NKVD affected 139,815 people, 111,071 of whom were condemned to death without trial and executed immediately afterwards.[5]

NKVD Order No. 00485 - Wikipedia
Fascists = bad buys

Antifa = good guys.

It's not a difficult concept, for those who aren't Nazis.

Slave owners = bad guys.

Anti slave owners = good guys.

Not difficult at all.

Slave owners = bad guys.=democrats

Anti slave owners = good guys.=republicans

That's exactly what I meant.

Not to mention KKK, segregation, Jim Crow, lynching laws... soooooo long history of doing harm, and now they claim, we're good guys. Right.... I might start to believe that when they stand in Congress and publicly apologize.

Democrats like FDR, and Truman killed 10's of thousands, way more than the KKK.
Fascists = bad buys

Antifa = good guys.

It's not a difficult concept, for those who aren't Nazis.

Slave owners = bad guys.

Anti slave owners = good guys.

Not difficult at all.

Slave owners = bad guys.=democrats

Anti slave owners = good guys.=republicans

That's exactly what I meant.

Not to mention KKK, segregation, Jim Crow, lynching laws... soooooo long history of doing harm, and now they claim, we're good guys. Right.... I might start to believe that when they stand in Congress and publicly apologize.

Democrats like FDR, and Truman killed 10's of thousands, way more than the KKK.

War sux.
Fascists = bad buys

Antifa = good guys.

It's not a difficult concept, for those who aren't Nazis.

Antifa are the fascists, despite their protests to the contrary.

Yup and we should do what the poles are doing. Take those idiots to the ground and right straight to jail when they break the law.

Better yet, send em to the sandpit in the ME. See how they like living in a third world toilet. Bet they would find all kinds of facists in that shithole.
Last edited:
Fascists = bad buys

Antifa = good guys.

It's not a difficult concept, for those who aren't Nazis.

Antifa are the fascists, despite their protests to the contrary.

Yup and we should do what the poles are doing. Take those idiots to the ground and right straight to jail when they break the law.

Better yet, send em to the sandpit in the ME. See how they like living in a third world toilet.

There was a town in the US, that just enforced a no mask policy for an Antifa rally.

A lot of whining, but settled them right down.

Fucking vile cowardly thugs.

Always pay attention to where they really act up. So far, from what I am noted, it always seems to be somewhere where the local politicians are on their side.

Especially when they give the much loved, "Stand down order".

THat's when Antifa really feels brave.
Fascists = bad buys

Antifa = good guys.

It's not a difficult concept, for those who aren't Nazis.

Antifa are the fascists, despite their protests to the contrary.

Yup and we should do what the poles are doing. Take those idiots to the ground and right straight to jail when they break the law.

Better yet, send em to the sandpit in the ME. See how they like living in a third world toilet.

There was a town in the US, that just enforced a no mask policy for an Antifa rally.

A lot of whining, but settled them right down.

Fucking vile cowardly thugs.

Always pay attention to where they really act up. So far, from what I am noted, it always seems to be somewhere where the local politicians are on their side.

Especially when they give the much loved, "Stand down order".

THat's when Antifa really feels brave.

Yup. They don't like it when people fight back. Bunch of pussies.
When the Trump-thugs cry, an angel gets his wings. Lots of happy angels from this thread.

Trump thugs were inspired by the murder-terror spree they went on in Charlottesville. They thought they'd have a happy future of murdering and terrorizing everyone who opposed their new Stalinist utopia.

And then antifa stepped in, and began kicking their candy asses across the nation. Now, wherever the Trump thugs show up for a new terror spree, antifa sends them home in tears. It's gotten to the point where the Trump thugs don't bother trying any more. Mission accomplished. They're all back in their basement bunkers, crying on the internet.

You almost feel sorry for the Trump thugs. They were told how tough they are, how the nation supports them ... yet they're getting their asses kicked by those awful liberals, and the locals are cheering those liberals for doing it. That dose of reality has triggered them badly.
When the Trump-thugs cry, an angel gets his wings. Lots of happy angels from this thread.

Trump thugs were inspired by the murder-terror spree they went on in Charlottesville. They thought they'd have a happy future of murdering and terrorizing everyone who opposed their new Stalinist utopia.

And then antifa stepped in, and began kicking their candy asses across the nation. Now, wherever the Trump thugs show up for a new terror spree, antifa sends them home in tears. It's gotten to the point where the Trump thugs don't bother trying any more. Mission accomplished. They're all back in their basement bunkers, crying on the internet.

You almost feel sorry for the Trump thugs. They were told how tough they are, how the nation supports them ... yet they're getting their asses kicked by those awful liberals, and the locals are cheering those liberals for doing it. That dose of reality has triggered them badly.


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