Poland Shows the World How to Handle Little Punk Antifa Members

ANTIFA getting owned in Poland... AGAIN.

The ANTIFA tried to block Polish Far Right Nationalist marchers... Got punked.

In every spot where the Trump cult tries to hold a white supremacist rally, antifa now runs their Nazi asses out of town, to the cheers of the locals.

That's reality, which triggers the Trumpflakes badly. People don't like Nazis, and they do like people who oppose Nazis.

So you admit you're a mindless, violent, savage thug who thinks anyone who isn't far-left is a Nazi. Yet you liberals are the REAL Nazis, you sold your souls to the most praised-by-Hitler, Jew-exterminating (hell, the SS had an all-muslim division), human-rights-atrocity-soaked ideology of hate on this planet. The Quran is a book of bloodthirst Hell, the mass-murdering pedophile Mohammed himself bragged about beheading 600 Jewish prisoners in one day.
My hope is to win the lottery and move to Poland or somewhere in Eastern Europe. I hope my children stay there and raise families. I have no special attachment to the USA and never have.
I just love Poland.

They bust these cowards for every infraction of the law they commit and take them to jail promptly. They do not give them any room to bloviate.

They remember their recent experience with Commie thugs, won't cut new Commie thugs any slack.
In every spot where the Trump cult tries to hold a white supremacist rally, antifa now runs their Nazi asses out of town, to the cheers of the locals.

That's reality, which triggers the Trumpflakes badly. People don't like Nazis, and they do like people who oppose Nazis.

People don't like Nazis, and they do like people who oppose Nazis.

Yeah, Eastern Europe loved the Soviet boot.....DERP!
Fascists = bad buys

Antifa = good guys.

It's not a difficult concept, for those who aren't Nazis.

All you are accomplishing is to demonstrate that your Orwellian Programming is a roaring success.
Fascists = bad buys

Antifa = good guys.

It's not a difficult concept, for those who aren't Nazis.

“Antifa” are nothing but a bunch of hooded and masked thugs that like to riot and burn shit to get attention. Running around calling people “fascists” or “Nazis” doesn’t make them fascists and Nazis. These thugs have disrupted the free speech of others, which is violating the First Amendment.
Fascists = bad buys

Antifa = good guys.

It's not a difficult concept, for those who aren't Nazis.

Slave owners = bad guys.

Anti slave owners = good guys.

Not difficult at all.

By the way, if by Antifascist you mean Communists, they're not good guys neither.
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