Police Authority

LAPD hasn't been LAPD since the Rampart scandal. It is still operating under a consent decree from the federal government. The goal is to be more sensitive, gay friendly, and accommodating to women. They gutted the SWAT team for these goals. It's so bad that the police had to abandon the anti gang task force because no cops wanted to be part of it.

LAPD remains an extension of MS-13 and the Mexican Mafia. Their primary function is drug trafficking.

A side function being shooting at random citizens in pickup trucks for no reason!
LAPD hasn't been LAPD since the Rampart scandal. It is still operating under a consent decree from the federal government. The goal is to be more sensitive, gay friendly, and accommodating to women. They gutted the SWAT team for these goals. It's so bad that the police had to abandon the anti gang task force because no cops wanted to be part of it.

LAPD remains an extension of MS-13 and the Mexican Mafia. Their primary function is drug trafficking.

A side function being shooting at random citizens in pickup trucks for no reason!

those paper route ladies that got their truck shot up by the cops

received a 4 million dollar settlement
LAPD remains an extension of MS-13 and the Mexican Mafia. Their primary function is drug trafficking.

A side function being shooting at random citizens in pickup trucks for no reason!

those paper route ladies that got their truck shot up by the cops

received a 4 million dollar settlement

Did the cops end up in prison forever? I thought not.

They should have gotten $4 BILLION, and every cop involved should spend the rest of his life in a cell.
A side function being shooting at random citizens in pickup trucks for no reason!

those paper route ladies that got their truck shot up by the cops

received a 4 million dollar settlement

Did the cops end up in prison forever? I thought not.

They should have gotten $4 BILLION, and every cop involved should spend the rest of his life in a cell.

from what i have seen

they did not even get in trouble
No I asked the right question and you're dodging it.

You may need to research rules of engagement for police officers.

When possible, making contact should be accomplished prior to the armed individual(s) becoming active shooters. The goal is to proactively minimize injury and death to innocents by positioning ballistically protected officers in close proximity with the threat, so that accurate application of deadly force can be expeditiously applied, if necessary.

Immediate Action Rapid Deployment tactics should only be established by law enforcement agencies willing to establish clear policy, provide initial and recurrent training in IARD, and provide all first-responding officers with high quality ballistic shields that allow each officer the ability to deliver accurate handgun and/or long-gun firepower when safely positioned behind a lightweight ballistic barrier.

Patrol officers must be capable of neutralizing the threat before any further aggressive action can be taken against innocents, including the officers. Quickly making “contact” is the key to a successful outcome, which is realistically determined by how many innocents are saved, and not by how many are initially murdered and injured prior to the arrival of the first responders. Delaying physical police contact until the armed suicidal individual(s) becomes "active", will lead to a higher casualty count.

The police had to assume the suspect was armed and act accordingly.

Shooting unconscious people is not part of any rules of engagement.

What evidence do you have that they shot an unconscious suspect?

And how can an unconscious suspect climb out of a boat?

Was he climbing out of the boat when they were shooting? If not, I don't get your point.
Obviously you don't understand what fatal means.

If what you say is true and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was fatally wounded how is that he's still alive and recovering from his wounds?

Just admit your description was wrong and move on.

Not only do I know what fatal means, I know that when a doctor says you will die without treatment it does not mean you are dead.

Nor will you hear a doctor say that you are fatally wounded when you're not.

Which is why they said the wounds would have killed him without treatment, which is what I have been saying all along.
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Who cares about that little twat?
The oppressive totalitarian acts by LE against the innocent is the problem.
You know the illegal searches etc.

Next issue, plod could use a spot of marksmanship training!!

That is a great point and part of what brought me to the point of starting this thread. The mindset of the police authority unleashed and the lack of skill and unprofessionalism displayed was mindboggling to say the least. How many shots were fired by the cops? Rediculous! I can see the untrained bad guys going nuts and laying down a "HAIL" of gunfire. BUT I would hope the people we hire to serve our communities would be perfessional in the dispensing of protection and justice and carrying out of thier mission to serve and protect.
Who cares about that little twat?
The oppressive totalitarian acts by LE against the innocent is the problem.
You know the illegal searches etc.

Next issue, plod could use a spot of marksmanship training!!

And again, what court ruled the searches ‘illegal’?

Has there even been a civil rights violation lawsuit filed by anyone against the police?

Or is this merely your subjective, ignorant, and irrelevant opinion?
Who cares about that little twat?
The oppressive totalitarian acts by LE against the innocent is the problem.
You know the illegal searches etc.

Next issue, plod could use a spot of marksmanship training!!

And again, what court ruled the searches ‘illegal’?

Has there even been a civil rights violation lawsuit filed by anyone against the police?

Or is this merely your subjective, ignorant, and irrelevant opinion?

Once again, if the police break into a house without a warrant just because they cannot convince a judge to give them a warrant the court does not need to make a ruling for the search to be illegal.
Who cares about that little twat?
The oppressive totalitarian acts by LE against the innocent is the problem.
You know the illegal searches etc.

Next issue, plod could use a spot of marksmanship training!!

And again, what court ruled the searches ‘illegal’?

Has there even been a civil rights violation lawsuit filed by anyone against the police?

Or is this merely your subjective, ignorant, and irrelevant opinion?

Once again, if the police break into a house without a warrant just because they cannot convince a judge to give them a warrant the court does not need to make a ruling for the search to be illegal.

ya know it seems that in the boston area

they have been conducting illegal searches

under a safe home program
Shooting unconscious people is not part of any rules of engagement.

What evidence do you have that they shot an unconscious suspect?

And how can an unconscious suspect climb out of a boat?

Was he climbing out of the boat when they were shooting? If not, I don't get your point.

Of course you don't get it. That would require at least a minimum amount of intelligence of which you don't possess.

You stated, "Shooting unconscious people is not part of any rules of engagement" implying that the police shot at Dzhokhar Tsarnaev while he was unconscious. In which I responded "What evidence do you have that they shot an unconscious suspect? And how can an unconscious suspect climb out of a boat?"

To answer your question, no, they were not shooting at him as he climbed out of the boat.

So now please answer the questions I posed. That is, if you can understand the questions.
Not only do I know what fatal means, I know that when a doctor says you will die without treatment it does not mean you are dead.

Nor will you hear a doctor say that you are fatally wounded when you're not.

Which is why they said the wounds would have killed him without treatment, which is what I have been saying all along.

No you said he was fatally wounded and that was not accurate.
Who cares about that little twat?
The oppressive totalitarian acts by LE against the innocent is the problem.
You know the illegal searches etc.

Next issue, plod could use a spot of marksmanship training!!

And again, what court ruled the searches ‘illegal’?

Has there even been a civil rights violation lawsuit filed by anyone against the police?

Or is this merely your subjective, ignorant, and irrelevant opinion?
Which nazi court ruled the genocide of the Jewish people illegal?
How many civil right violation lawsuits were filed against the SS whilst their " actions" were going on?
It is clear that they were illegal.
Do we need a court to tell us it is wrong to rape?

who even dared look out the window

when they came and took a neighbor

the aclu is looking into it
What evidence do you have that they shot an unconscious suspect?

And how can an unconscious suspect climb out of a boat?

Was he climbing out of the boat when they were shooting? If not, I don't get your point.

Of course you don't get it. That would require at least a minimum amount of intelligence of which you don't possess.

You stated, "Shooting unconscious people is not part of any rules of engagement" implying that the police shot at Dzhokhar Tsarnaev while he was unconscious. In which I responded "What evidence do you have that they shot an unconscious suspect? And how can an unconscious suspect climb out of a boat?"

To answer your question, no, they were not shooting at him as he climbed out of the boat.

So now please answer the questions I posed. That is, if you can understand the questions.

Wow, you remember what I said, I am impressed.

Tell me something, why mention the fact that he climbed out of the boat if unconscious people cannot climb out of boats?
Nor will you hear a doctor say that you are fatally wounded when you're not.

Which is why they said the wounds would have killed him without treatment, which is what I have been saying all along.

No you said he was fatally wounded and that was not accurate.

The wounds were fatal without treatment, which is 100% accurate given the information that has been released. If you know something the rest of us do not feel free to enlighten us.
Who cares about that little twat?
The oppressive totalitarian acts by LE against the innocent is the problem.
You know the illegal searches etc.

Next issue, plod could use a spot of marksmanship training!!

And again, what court ruled the searches ‘illegal’?

Has there even been a civil rights violation lawsuit filed by anyone against the police?

Or is this merely your subjective, ignorant, and irrelevant opinion?
It is no more subjective than understanding it is wrong to put a gun in a woman's face and threatening to kill her unless she puts out. Consent at gunpoint is never consent, that is not subjective.
You adhere to a rapist philosophy that violently coerced consent is willing consent, that is ignorant, you fucking ignoramus.

Your world view and your rapist philosophy sicken all decent human beings.
You are worthless, ignorant and irrelivant.

You forgot pompous and condescending.

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