Police Authority

Look just because a headline uses that term means nothing. If you notice the article itself doesn't use that phrase. And yes fatal implies eminent death and in this case the man DID die. Your argument failed.

You are really stuck on stupid, the professor died after he wrestled with his son. In other words, the wound killed him, making it, by definition, a fatal wound.

Police Chief Chris Walsh said the male faculty member and the killer were found dead in a classroom

Man kills Wyoming professor, woman, self

The story didn't say at what point he was fatally injured. It's more likely he was fatally stabbed while wrestling with his son.

People don't survive fatal injuries and I'm glad you conceded that point. So your initial claim that Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was fatally wounded is pure BULLSHIT!

It took you long enough to realize you were wrong.

one would think that in order to be fatally wounded

one would have to die

You are really stuck on stupid, the professor died after he wrestled with his son. In other words, the wound killed him, making it, by definition, a fatal wound.

Man kills Wyoming professor, woman, self

The story didn't say at what point he was fatally injured. It's more likely he was fatally stabbed while wrestling with his son.

People don't survive fatal injuries and I'm glad you conceded that point. So your initial claim that Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was fatally wounded is pure BULLSHIT!

It took you long enough to realize you were wrong.

one would think that in order to be fatally wounded

one would have to die


It took two days and forty post to convince QW of that fact.
the story didn't say at what point he was fatally injured. It's more likely he was fatally stabbed while wrestling with his son.

People don't survive fatal injuries and i'm glad you conceded that point. So your initial claim that dzhokhar tsarnaev was fatally wounded is pure bullshit!

It took you long enough to realize you were wrong.

one would think that in order to be fatally wounded

one would have to die


it took two days and forty post to convince qw of that fact.

Look just because a headline uses that term means nothing. If you notice the article itself doesn't use that phrase. And yes fatal implies eminent death and in this case the man DID die. Your argument failed.

You are really stuck on stupid, the professor died after he wrestled with his son. In other words, the wound killed him, making it, by definition, a fatal wound.

Police Chief Chris Walsh said the male faculty member and the killer were found dead in a classroom
Man kills Wyoming professor, woman, self

The story didn't say at what point he was fatally injured. It's more likely he was fatally stabbed while wrestling with his son.

People don't survive fatal injuries and I'm glad you conceded that point. So your initial claim that Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was fatally wounded is pure BULLSHIT!

It took you long enough to realize you were wrong.

:cuckoo:The bus driver probably had got hit with another piece of steel after he stopped the bus because no one can do anything after they are fatally wounded. :cuckoo:
Boston Bombing Suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev Reportedly Unarmed When Arrested In Boat, Officials Say
Boston Bombing Suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev Reportedly Unarmed When Arrested In Boat, Officials Say

Makes you wonder what else about the story is not quite true.

Yet the police shot at him, I guess we are lucky they are bad shots.

How could they have known a man hiding in a boat that had previously shot at them was now unarmed?

Are you related to Rdean? TM? Zona? Jakestarkey? Rightwinger? Or some other liberal nut job?

You are asking the wrong question. Given that police cannot use deadly force unless they are protecting themselves or others why would they shoot when he was not pointing a gun at them?
You are really stuck on stupid, the professor died after he wrestled with his son. In other words, the wound killed him, making it, by definition, a fatal wound.

Man kills Wyoming professor, woman, self

The story didn't say at what point he was fatally injured. It's more likely he was fatally stabbed while wrestling with his son.

People don't survive fatal injuries and I'm glad you conceded that point. So your initial claim that Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was fatally wounded is pure BULLSHIT!

It took you long enough to realize you were wrong.

one would think that in order to be fatally wounded

one would have to die


One would be wrong, which explains why the crime of attempted murder exists.
The story didn't say at what point he was fatally injured. It's more likely he was fatally stabbed while wrestling with his son.

People don't survive fatal injuries and I'm glad you conceded that point. So your initial claim that Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was fatally wounded is pure BULLSHIT!

It took you long enough to realize you were wrong.

one would think that in order to be fatally wounded

one would have to die


It took two days and forty post to convince QW of that fact.

That explains why I am still trying to explain to you why it is possible to be fatally wounded and still do other things.

Case in point, a fatal dose of radiation can take days or weeks to kill you.
What has this country come to? A manhunt for one guy is reason to cordon off a complete city?

That's insane.

I don't care how badly the police want one guy.

Armed tanks rolling through the streets aiming guns at peoples homes? Are you going to let the search for one guy be an excuse for that kind of over reach of authority?

That precident is so wrong on so many levels I don't even know where to start.

I for one am disgusted with what America has become to allow such totalitarian behavior.

You people in Boston are pussies.

That is all.


good lord you're a retard. there were no tanks.

stop being such a pussy.
Yeah, you're right....It was just a fleet of armored cars, probably with full-auto weapons on board.

Nothing to worry about here. :rolleyes:

I saw at least one that looked to have a GRENADE LAUNCHER!
The story didn't say at what point he was fatally injured. It's more likely he was fatally stabbed while wrestling with his son.

People don't survive fatal injuries and I'm glad you conceded that point. So your initial claim that Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was fatally wounded is pure BULLSHIT!

It took you long enough to realize you were wrong.

one would think that in order to be fatally wounded

one would have to die


One would be wrong, which explains why the crime of attempted murder exists.

then it would be a "near fatal" incident

if it was fatal then it would not be attempted

but rather murder to some degree
I seem to remember the country rallying around the President after 9-11. Now all we get is people whining because they had to stay inside for a day

you're confused. only a few people are whining. the majority support the police in boston.

stop fear mongering.

Wasn't in Boston.

FUCKING Watertown is NOT Fucking BOSTON!!

Actually, a good part of Boston WAS shut down! (Note: the ENTIRE MBTA--Braintree to Revere, Cambridge to Milton to Billerica--was shut down!)
maybe this will help

Of all the crimes punished by society, none are more serious than the crime of murder, the intentional and unlawful taking of a human life. Apart from the federal crimes of espionage and treason, murder is the only crime for which the death penalty is a potential punishment, though only in some states.
The crime of attempted murder can be charged when a person intends to commit murder and tries to carry out the killing but, for whatever reason, is unable to accomplish it. Like murder itself, attempted murder is a serious crime and one that comes with some of the most severe penalties in the criminal justice system.

Murder and Attempted Murder
Attempted murder is the failed or aborted attempt to murder another person. Just like other crimes, attempted murder consists of both an action and an intention. In attempted murder, a person must take a direct step towards the killing and must have the specific intent to kill that person.

Attempted Murder | CriminalDefenseLawyer.com
maybe this will help

Of all the crimes punished by society, none are more serious than the crime of murder, the intentional and unlawful taking of a human life. Apart from the federal crimes of espionage and treason, murder is the only crime for which the death penalty is a potential punishment, though only in some states.
The crime of attempted murder can be charged when a person intends to commit murder and tries to carry out the killing but, for whatever reason, is unable to accomplish it. Like murder itself, attempted murder is a serious crime and one that comes with some of the most severe penalties in the criminal justice system.

Murder and Attempted Murder
Attempted murder is the failed or aborted attempt to murder another person. Just like other crimes, attempted murder consists of both an action and an intention. In attempted murder, a person must take a direct step towards the killing and must have the specific intent to kill that person.

Attempted Murder | CriminalDefenseLawyer.com

The point I keep making is that it is entirely possible to be dying and still be able to climb out of a boat. Are you going to join the idiot that insists that it is impossible to do anything after a fatal injury, thus proving you are incredibly stupid, or are you going to admit I am right?
maybe this will help

Of all the crimes punished by society, none are more serious than the crime of murder, the intentional and unlawful taking of a human life. Apart from the federal crimes of espionage and treason, murder is the only crime for which the death penalty is a potential punishment, though only in some states.
The crime of attempted murder can be charged when a person intends to commit murder and tries to carry out the killing but, for whatever reason, is unable to accomplish it. Like murder itself, attempted murder is a serious crime and one that comes with some of the most severe penalties in the criminal justice system.

Murder and Attempted Murder
Attempted murder is the failed or aborted attempt to murder another person. Just like other crimes, attempted murder consists of both an action and an intention. In attempted murder, a person must take a direct step towards the killing and must have the specific intent to kill that person.

Attempted Murder | CriminalDefenseLawyer.com

The point I keep making is that it is entirely possible to be dying and still be able to climb out of a boat. Are you going to join the idiot that insists that it is impossible to do anything after a fatal injury, thus proving you are incredibly stupid, or are you going to admit I am right?

yes that is possible

on the self defense thread some time back i posted

about a guy that shot two intruders

one wondered off down the street and keeled over dead

it was not a "near fatal"event

assuredly it was fatal

so i guess i do not know what you are driving at

since in a near fatal incident the person always survives

the suspect did not receive a fatal wound

or he would be pushing daises with his brother right now
Bull shit. Talk that shit now, but when you need one, you will scream and beg for an "authoritarian" to come listen to you cry.

I take it that you're a cop?

You have a misconception. The public does want the police to do their job. The problem is that in too many places, like New York or Los Angeles, the line between the criminals and the cops is non-existent. We know that the NYPD detective squad was nothing more than part of the Gotti gang for decades. Few believe that it is anything but an extension of the mob today.


Los Angeles Police is probably the most corrupt organization in the nation.

{More than 70 police officers either assigned to or associated with the Rampart CRASH unit were implicated in some form of misconduct, making it one of the most widespread cases of documented police misconduct in United States history. The convicted offenses include unprovoked shootings, unprovoked beatings, planting of false evidence, framing of suspects, stealing and dealing narcotics, bank robbery, perjury, and the covering up of evidence of these activities.[1]}

Rampart scandal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The police are not here to protect or serve the public. The police serve the courts. If they do their jobs, they investigate crimes after the fact and arrest those involved. In metropolitan areas, they are just as likely to be the perpetrators of the crimes.

As for protection, the public is, and always has been, on their own. I do think cops should be armed, but I SURE the hell don't want them better armed than the rest of us.
Yet the police shot at him, I guess we are lucky they are bad shots.

How could they have known a man hiding in a boat that had previously shot at them was now unarmed?

Are you related to Rdean? TM? Zona? Jakestarkey? Rightwinger? Or some other liberal nut job?

You are asking the wrong question. Given that police cannot use deadly force unless they are protecting themselves or others why would they shoot when he was not pointing a gun at them?

No I asked the right question and you're dodging it.

You may need to research rules of engagement for police officers.

When possible, making contact should be accomplished prior to the armed individual(s) becoming active shooters. The goal is to proactively minimize injury and death to innocents by positioning ballistically protected officers in close proximity with the threat, so that accurate application of deadly force can be expeditiously applied, if necessary.

Immediate Action Rapid Deployment tactics should only be established by law enforcement agencies willing to establish clear policy, provide initial and recurrent training in IARD, and provide all first-responding officers with high quality ballistic shields that allow each officer the ability to deliver accurate handgun and/or long-gun firepower when safely positioned behind a lightweight ballistic barrier.

Patrol officers must be capable of neutralizing the threat before any further aggressive action can be taken against innocents, including the officers. Quickly making “contact” is the key to a successful outcome, which is realistically determined by how many innocents are saved, and not by how many are initially murdered and injured prior to the arrival of the first responders. Delaying physical police contact until the armed suicidal individual(s) becomes "active", will lead to a higher casualty count.

The police had to assume the suspect was armed and act accordingly.
Bull shit. Talk that shit now, but when you need one, you will scream and beg for an "authoritarian" to come listen to you cry.

I take it that you're a cop?

You have a misconception. The public does want the police to do their job. The problem is that in too many places, like New York or Los Angeles, the line between the criminals and the cops is non-existent. We know that the NYPD detective squad was nothing more than part of the Gotti gang for decades. Few believe that it is anything but an extension of the mob today.


Los Angeles Police is probably the most corrupt organization in the nation.

{More than 70 police officers either assigned to or associated with the Rampart CRASH unit were implicated in some form of misconduct, making it one of the most widespread cases of documented police misconduct in United States history. The convicted offenses include unprovoked shootings, unprovoked beatings, planting of false evidence, framing of suspects, stealing and dealing narcotics, bank robbery, perjury, and the covering up of evidence of these activities.[1]}

Rampart scandal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The police are not here to protect or serve the public. The police serve the courts. If they do their jobs, they investigate crimes after the fact and arrest those involved. In metropolitan areas, they are just as likely to be the perpetrators of the crimes.

As for protection, the public is, and always has been, on their own. I do think cops should be armed, but I SURE the hell don't want them better armed than the rest of us.

What he said! :clap2:

Cops are people. Every part of the spectrum of human pathe is represented in the police community as is allowed past thier testing and training. The purpose of this thread was and is to explore the dark side of cops and specifically how police authority can be used by those we elect in ways that upon closer inspection we may not be comfortable with.

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