Police Authority

As seen by the actions of those educated at Cambridge syringe and Latin.
The most liberal indoctrination facility in the people's republic of Cambridge.
Junkie terrorists a speciality!

Vag any better ? Still waiting for the tanks, and proof Boston was locked down wingnut

I have consistently and persistently stated that no tanks were in use that day.
I have also persistently and consistently insisted that Boston was not locked down.
You clearly struggle with reading and comprehension.

You as well as the rest of you moonbats with itchy vaginas consistently say it and have said it. You imply police brutality, yet present not one individual who has launched a complaint. Whats worse, you do so with your fat foodstamp collecting ass planted on a couch playing Call Of Duty, and slurping on a soda from your parents fridge while you listen to Alex Jones. You are a nut ball, and a conspiracy fag. Not much more .
"Fatally wounded" usually means death is eminent.

And the guy in the article wasn't hit, "he was thrown from a fleeing sport-utility vehicle". Try reading your own links.

We could split hairs about semantics here, but I honestly do not think that is where either of us wants to go. I see a fatal injury as anything which is capable of causing death. I think the law agrees with me, which is why it is possible to file a murder charge even if the victim does not die immediately, or if he could have been saved if medical treatment had been administered. It is entirely possible to have a fatal wound and keep going for hours, or even days.

A murder charge was filed because the man died. It didn't matter if he died five seconds or five years after the fact. Yes it is possible to be fatally wounded and live several hours or several years afterward, but your not going to be climbing out of any boats with a fatal injury.

This guy was fatally wounded and managed to fight wrestle the weapon out of the hands of the guy who shot him.

Wyoming professor fatally wounded by arrow helped students escape | World news | guardian.co.uk

This guy was fatally wounded and managed to stop the bus he was driving.


Fatal does not mean instant death.
Jeesh, you can't be labeled fatally wounded until after you die. The fucker apparently lay in a boat for hours and then climbed out of it. He may have lost a lot of blood but as of now he's in fair condition so THREE CHEERS TO THE BOSTON POLICE for cornering the little rat.

Have you ever heard of triage? The idea is that you help the people that are in seriously wounded first, leave the people who don't need help until later, and give the people who will die even with help drugs to let them die without pain. Yet you, being a self declared expert in fatality, just declared ever doctor who ever made that decision a murderer.
They make bombs up their and take their anti American hate to the streets.

Nowhere on the planet is there butt hurt like exists in the American South over the spanking recieved by Lincoln.

You do know that many in the North wanted to really drive your dicks into the dirt so there would be nary a voice speaking up in complaint.

The Confederacy is a clear example of mistaking kindness with weakness. The North gave the South too much respect in the end. They were all law breakers and all of them should have been arrested and sent to prison... given felony convictions ...and denied the right to vote and possession of firearms.

Irrelevant. Cambridge anti American sentiment has shown through.

The good people of Cambridge fought to create this country
The Traitors from North Carolina took up arms against our country
I have consistently and persistently stated that no tanks were in use that day.
I have also persistently and consistently insisted that Boston was not locked down.
You clearly struggle with reading and comprehension.

You as well as the rest of you moonbats with itchy vaginas consistently say it and have said it. You imply police brutality, yet present not one individual who has launched a complaint. Whats worse, you do so with your fat foodstamp collecting ass planted on a couch playing Call Of Duty, and slurping on a soda from your parents fridge while you listen to Alex Jones. You are a nut ball, and a conspiracy fag. Not much more .

Show me where I alleged tanks or a lockdown in Boston?

You are a lying pile of shit.

As for the rest of your ranting drivel, may work in your borderline learning disabled mindset, but adults have no interest.

Consent at gunpoint is not consent.

This from the douche wagon who called my children whores, sends me his address and tells me to come kill him, and then go's on about "consent at gun point" ? First, mama's boy, you are no adult. You are just a grumpy Alex Jones sheep who lives across the street from a Jewish nursing home and dreams about the zombie apocalypse. You make accusations about how cops handled this, yet sho nothing to back what you say. When it was pointed out, you had a vaganitus attack and sent that gay PM. I have to ask, Who's sock are you ?
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Irrelevant. Cambridge anti American sentiment has shown through.

The good people of Cambridge fought to create this country
The Traitors from North Carolina took up arms against our country

We are talking today, not over a centuary ago.
Today, anti American hatred was instilled in the younger of the fuckwit brothers at the liberal indoc and drug users facility CAMBRIDGE SYRINGE AND LATIN academy.
He was a liberal anti American terrorist!

Oh I get it

They get their dogma from Cambridge.....not Chechnya
Jeesh, you can't be labeled fatally wounded until after you die. The fucker apparently lay in a boat for hours and then climbed out of it. He may have lost a lot of blood but as of now he's in fair condition so THREE CHEERS TO THE BOSTON POLICE for cornering the little rat.
Poor confused FUCKING RETARD.

It was not Boston police.
It was an MBTA police swat team and elements from Revere police.

And in the interview the MBTA swat team spoke of him sitting up and them pulling him from the boat and putting the cuffs on.

Boston police my arse.
Didn't even happen in Boston.

The Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority has a SWAT team? Why?
They make bombs up their and take their anti American hate to the streets.

Are those the Americans that were cheering their police department?

They were the Cambridge liberals who planted the bombs.

The people cheering the efforts of law enforcement were " the Cambridge liberals who planted the bombs"? Really? Are you trying to be as stupid as humanly possible? You're doing a hell of a job of it.
Watertown is a hotbed of liberal indoc and radicalism second only to Cambridge in the commonwealth.

You live nowhere near cambridge or Watertown...

Sorry you ignorant, hysterical little girl, but you're wrong AGAIN.
I have heard that Cambridge had a lot of anti America sentiment.

Cambridge has a lot of mindless, self-important, far-left douchebags. That's where the place gets its 'image' in the minds of normal Americans, but it's only part of the story. There are also a lot of normal, working-class folks there. A fair amount of poverty there as well. Being in Massachusetts, too many people just automatically vote for any 'D' they see on a ballot, but that's a whole other kettle of fish.
Fuck yea

Not REAL Americans like gun toting North Carolinians

They make bombs up their and take their anti American hate to the streets.

Nowhere on the planet is there butt hurt like exists in the American South over the spanking recieved by Lincoln.

You do know that many in the North wanted to really drive your dicks into the dirt so there would be nary a voice speaking up in complaint.

The Confederacy is a clear example of mistaking kindness with weakness. The North gave the South too much respect in the end. They were all law breakers and all of them should have been arrested and sent to prison... given felony convictions ...and denied the right to vote and possession of firearms.

Every single person who fought for the Confederacy? Oh yeah, that would have worked out real well. :rolleyes: Just how fucking stupid are you, old man?
They make bombs up their and take their anti American hate to the streets.

Nowhere on the planet is there butt hurt like exists in the American South over the spanking recieved by Lincoln.

You do know that many in the North wanted to really drive your dicks into the dirt so there would be nary a voice speaking up in complaint.

The Confederacy is a clear example of mistaking kindness with weakness. The North gave the South too much respect in the end. They were all law breakers and all of them should have been arrested and sent to prison... given felony convictions ...and denied the right to vote and possession of firearms.

Irrelevant. Cambridge anti American sentiment has shown through.

Not in the case at hand.
Jeesh, you can't be labeled fatally wounded until after you die. The fucker apparently lay in a boat for hours and then climbed out of it. He may have lost a lot of blood but as of now he's in fair condition so THREE CHEERS TO THE BOSTON POLICE for cornering the little rat.
Poor confused FUCKING RETARD.

It was not Boston police.
It was an MBTA police swat team and elements from Revere police.

And in the interview the MBTA swat team spoke of him sitting up and them pulling him from the boat and putting the cuffs on.

Boston police my arse.
Didn't even happen in Boston.

Law enforcement from all over the Greater Boston area were involved in the manhunt and eventual capture. Once again you demonstrate that you don't know what the fuck you are talking about.
Irrelevant. Cambridge anti American sentiment has shown through.

The good people of Cambridge fought to create this country
The Traitors from North Carolina took up arms against our country

We are talking today, not over a centuary ago.
Today, anti American hatred was instilled in the younger of the fuckwit brothers at the liberal indoc and drug users facility CAMBRIDGE SYRINGE AND LATIN academy.
He was a liberal anti American terrorist!

The two cowards were motivated by a twisted religious fervor, not by the overly liberal public school system.
Poor confused FUCKING RETARD.

It was not Boston police.
It was an MBTA police swat team and elements from Revere police.

And in the interview the MBTA swat team spoke of him sitting up and them pulling him from the boat and putting the cuffs on.

Boston police my arse.
Didn't even happen in Boston.

Law enforcement from all over the Greater Boston area were involved in the manhunt and eventual capture. Once again you demonstrate that you don't know what the fuck you are talking about.

Who were the officers in the yard Taking down the suspect on the boat, the ones there, at the specific location?
Come on retardofuck, who ?

Refute this or shut the fuck up.

Read it again, you fucking idiot: Law enforcement from all over the Greater Boston area were involved in the manhunt and eventual capture. If you had done more than just catch five minutes of coverage in the TV department in Walmart you might know that.

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