Police Authority

Watertown is a hotbed of liberal indoc and radicalism second only to Cambridge in the commonwealth.

You live nowhere near cambridge or Watertown...

Sorry you ignorant, hysterical little girl, but you're wrong AGAIN .

I'm right .
I'm always right.
Show me otherwise!

"Show" you where I live? Do you want a copy of my driver's license? Just how fucking stupid are you?

And DO NOT - pay attention, asshole - DO NOT misattribute offensive words to me by altering a quote in the manner that you did. Do you understand, you little fucking punk?
Still want to try your shit?
Where? Boston or the cape , I will send you the address of your choice.

What "shit" would that be, idiot? And keep your address to yourself; I have no interest in meeting a low-life piece of shit like you. I wouldn't cross the street to spit on you, asshole. If you are really so eager to get hurt I'm sure you can find someone - probably everyone - nearby to help you out. Leave me out of it, fool.
Stop threatening my family, be a man and try it in person.

I have not threatened you or your family, you lying sack of shit. If you really have so little to say that you have to make shit up like some dim-witted child, then maybe it's time for you to STFU for a while. Go away.
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The good people of Cambridge fought to create this country
The Traitors from North Carolina took up arms against our country

We are talking today, not over a centuary ago.
Today, anti American hatred was instilled in the younger of the fuckwit brothers at the liberal indoc and drug users facility CAMBRIDGE SYRINGE AND LATIN academy.
He was a liberal anti American terrorist!

The two cowards were motivated by a twisted religious fervor, not by the overly liberal public school system.

One of the people that knew the two brothers were interviewed knew of their anti American views but said he thought nothing of it because it's common place their.
Nowhere on the planet is there butt hurt like exists in the American South over the spanking recieved by Lincoln.

You do know that many in the North wanted to really drive your dicks into the dirt so there would be nary a voice speaking up in complaint.

The Confederacy is a clear example of mistaking kindness with weakness. The North gave the South too much respect in the end. They were all law breakers and all of them should have been arrested and sent to prison... given felony convictions ...and denied the right to vote and possession of firearms.

Irrelevant. Cambridge anti American sentiment has shown through.

The good people of Cambridge fought to create this country
The Traitors from North Carolina took up arms against our country

My country took up arms against your country. what state would that be? Did we send troops too your country?

What century are we in right now?
We could split hairs about semantics here, but I honestly do not think that is where either of us wants to go. I see a fatal injury as anything which is capable of causing death. I think the law agrees with me, which is why it is possible to file a murder charge even if the victim does not die immediately, or if he could have been saved if medical treatment had been administered. It is entirely possible to have a fatal wound and keep going for hours, or even days.

A murder charge was filed because the man died. It didn't matter if he died five seconds or five years after the fact. Yes it is possible to be fatally wounded and live several hours or several years afterward, but your not going to be climbing out of any boats with a fatal injury.

This guy was fatally wounded and managed to fight wrestle the weapon out of the hands of the guy who shot him.

Wyoming professor fatally wounded by arrow helped students escape | World news | guardian.co.uk

This guy was fatally wounded and managed to stop the bus he was driving.


Fatal does not mean instant death.

Look just because a headline uses that term means nothing. If you notice the article itself doesn't use that phrase. And yes fatal implies eminent death and in this case the man DID die. Your argument failed.
Huggy......you are 100% correct. Most people on here as so deeply emeshed in the martrix, they actually would need a small bomb to go off inside their head to break it. Its a highly difficult thing to break through, and for the message board OC's making 50K posts per year, it becomes a fucking survival thing to desperately cling to the established narratives.
......no matter which ideology you support.

All these assholes on cable news, no matter which network.......a bunch of phoney, bought clowns melding the mind every day. Its a highly captice audience........like the meatheads on here that really think this is all about which ideology will win out.

Cutting Through the Matrix with Alan Watt - Clearing the rubbish from the road to reality
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What has this country come to? A manhunt for one guy is reason to cordon off a complete city?

That's insane.

I don't care how badly the police want one guy.

Armed tanks rolling through the streets aiming guns at peoples homes? Are you going to let the search for one guy be an excuse for that kind of over reach of authority?

That precident is so wrong on so many levels I don't even know where to start.

I for one am disgusted with what America has become to allow such totalitarian behavior.

You people in Boston are pussies.

That is all.

Why are you tossing your Union brothers and sisters under the bus?
A murder charge was filed because the man died. It didn't matter if he died five seconds or five years after the fact. Yes it is possible to be fatally wounded and live several hours or several years afterward, but your not going to be climbing out of any boats with a fatal injury.

This guy was fatally wounded and managed to fight wrestle the weapon out of the hands of the guy who shot him.

Wyoming professor fatally wounded by arrow helped students escape | World news | guardian.co.uk

This guy was fatally wounded and managed to stop the bus he was driving.


Fatal does not mean instant death.

Look just because a headline uses that term means nothing. If you notice the article itself doesn't use that phrase. And yes fatal implies eminent death and in this case the man DID die. Your argument failed.

You are really stuck on stupid, the professor died after he wrestled with his son. In other words, the wound killed him, making it, by definition, a fatal wound.

Police Chief Chris Walsh said the male faculty member and the killer were found dead in a classroom

Man kills Wyoming professor, woman, self
The Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority has a SWAT team? Why?
You've asked an important question. The best answer is, because they can.

The federal government has been providing money and military combat equipment to every police agency in America that asks for it. Here is a link to a very informative article. I hope you have time to read it: Overkill: The Rise of Paramilitary Police Raids in America | Cato Institute

It lends emphasis to the already imposing question of -- WHY!
The Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority has a SWAT team? Why?
You've asked an important question. The best answer is, because they can.

The federal government has been providing money and military combat equipment to every police agency in America that asks for it. Here is a link to a very informative article. I hope you have time to read it: Overkill: The Rise of Paramilitary Police Raids in America | Cato Institute

It lends emphasis to the already imposing question of -- WHY!

That was my point,
This guy was fatally wounded and managed to fight wrestle the weapon out of the hands of the guy who shot him.

Wyoming professor fatally wounded by arrow helped students escape | World news | guardian.co.uk

This guy was fatally wounded and managed to stop the bus he was driving.


Fatal does not mean instant death.

Look just because a headline uses that term means nothing. If you notice the article itself doesn't use that phrase. And yes fatal implies eminent death and in this case the man DID die. Your argument failed.

You are really stuck on stupid, the professor died after he wrestled with his son. In other words, the wound killed him, making it, by definition, a fatal wound.

Police Chief Chris Walsh said the male faculty member and the killer were found dead in a classroom

Man kills Wyoming professor, woman, self

The story didn't say at what point he was fatally injured. It's more likely he was fatally stabbed while wrestling with his son.

People don't survive fatal injuries and I'm glad you conceded that point. So your initial claim that Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was fatally wounded is pure BULLSHIT!

It took you long enough to realize you were wrong.
Boston Bombing Suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev Reportedly Unarmed When Arrested In Boat, Officials Say
Boston Bombing Suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev Reportedly Unarmed When Arrested In Boat, Officials Say

Makes you wonder what else about the story is not quite true.

Yet the police shot at him, I guess we are lucky they are bad shots.

How could they have known a man hiding in a boat that had previously shot at them was now unarmed?

Are you related to Rdean? TM? Zona? Jakestarkey? Rightwinger? Or some other liberal nut job?

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