Police Authority

Is this the new standard for a Police chase? for a search?

I mean they went this far, why not do this next time they're looking for a fleeing suspect

If not, why not?

If the suspect(s) have just set off two bombs with the probability of setting off more then yes, this should be the standard.

Yet through the entire period of lockdown nothing was done to the suspect.

People were forced out of their homes at gunpoint, terrorized by storm troopers, men, women, children, babies.
Illegal searches without consent( consent under threat of death is not consent).

AND all that totalitarian activity achieved exactly NOTHING!!

Hey stupid, you have one video of one house being evacuated. Where was this house located? Why were no other houses being evacuated?

And yes the lockdown did prevent the suspect from getting out of the area and possibility car jacking another civilian.

No one looked terrorized. And you have no idea whether they had a search warrant or not.

The video leaves a lot to the imagination which just feeds your paranoia.
He escaped the search area during the lock down.
Moving from a yard to the boat according to police who found his blood.

The boat was outside the cordon.


It was a citizen who located him.
He would have been found sooner had the police not locked down the area.

Feel the outrage...

A case of outstanding police work puts the rightwing into a tizzy. Four days from bombing to capture and the nuts whine about a lockdown

How was it outstanding police work?
The lockdown, the armed searches, the forcible removal of families from their homes at gunpoint served no purpose.

Ending the lockdown was the key to finding the suspect.

The police FAILED to locate him.

A civilian recently released from house arrest located him.

But don't let the facts get in the way of your totalitarian ideas!

Where shall we start?

Going through thousands of camera crowd shots to pick out the two suspects who did it
Enhancing the photos and making these two the most memorized thugs in America
Tracking down the suspects in a stolen car through cellphone GPS
Racing through gunfire and exploding bombs to kill one suspect and wound the second
Closing off all escape routes for the second suspect
Using citizen 9-11 to isolate the suspect and keep neighbors away
Using infrared cameras, remotely piloted robots and negotiations to get the suspect to surrender

Mighty fine police wirk and all in the span of four days
What has this country come to? A manhunt for one guy is reason to cordon off a complete city?

That's insane.

I don't care how badly the police want one guy.

Armed tanks rolling through the streets aiming guns at peoples homes? Are you going to let the search for one guy be an excuse for that kind of over reach of authority?

That precident is so wrong on so many levels I don't even know where to start.

I for one am disgusted with what America has become to allow such totalitarian behavior.

You people in Boston are pussies.

That is all.

This one agrees with you....

"With time on my hands as I walked the empty streets, I had the opportunity to think back to the aftermath of terrorist attacks I had covered in Israel before leaving for a sabbatical at Harvard University.

I might be wrong, but my feeling is that in the aftermath of those attacks the opposite always happened.

There was no lockdown in Israel and there was no order by the mayor to seek shelter.

Instead, people were out in the streets, filling up coffee shops right next to the one that had been bombed or standing at bus stops waiting for the next bus from the same line that had just exploded. This has always impressed me as a sign of true resilience, of a refusal to allow terrorism to change our way of life."
Analysis: Boston lockdown | JPost | Israel News
How was it outstanding police work?
The lockdown, the armed searches, the forcible removal of families from their homes at gunpoint served no purpose.

Ending the lockdown was the key to finding the suspect.

The police FAILED to locate him.

A civilian recently released from house arrest located him.

But don't let the facts get in the way of your totalitarian ideas!

Where shall we start?

Going through thousands of camera crowd shots to pick out the two suspects who did it
Enhancing the photos and making these two the most memorized thugs in America
Tracking down the suspects in a stolen car through cellphone GPS
Racing through gunfire and exploding bombs to kill one suspect and wound the second
Closing off all escape routes for the second suspect
Using citizen 9-11 to isolate the suspect and keep neighbors away
Using infrared cameras, remotely piloted robots and negotiations to get the suspect to surrender

Mighty fine police wirk and all in the span of four days

Pointlessly terrorizing citizens and residents, dragging innocents from their homes at gun point, did you not see the news?
Families running barefoot down the street hounded out of their homes by storm troops?
Or do you see only what you want to see?
One guy dragged out of his home naked and paraded in front of cameras.

Oh and don't obfuscate.

How was the fucking lockdown and terrorizing of innocents great police work?
What did the lockdown and terrorizing of innocents achieve?

Fucking retard, answer the question asked, not some shit you made up.

Any terror was being caused by a manic killer on the lose
The police were in the active pursuit of a killer. They are well within their rights to cordon off the streets and shut down routes of escape.

The lockdown closed off that area of Boston (yes it is still a fucking suburb of Boston) and prevented access to civilian transportation (they had already hijacked a car) and public transportation. The suspect could hide but he could not run. In slightly less than a day, he was captured
Outraged citizens heckle police


"He gazed up at the enormous face. Forty years it had taken him to learn what kind of smile was hidden beneath the dark moustache. O cruel, needless misunderstanding! O stubborn, self-willed exile from the loving breast! Two gin-scented tears trickled down the sides of his nose. But it was all right, everything was all right, the struggle was finished. He had won the victory over himself. He loved Big Brother."
Outraged citizens heckle police


"He gazed up at the enormous face. Forty years it had taken him to learn what kind of smile was hidden beneath the dark moustache. O cruel, needless misunderstanding! O stubborn, self-willed exile from the loving breast! Two gin-scented tears trickled down the sides of his nose. But it was all right, everything was all right, the struggle was finished. He had won the victory over himself. He loved Big Brother."

Fucking Big Brother saved the community from deranged mass murderers

The Bastards!
Outraged citizens heckle police


"He gazed up at the enormous face. Forty years it had taken him to learn what kind of smile was hidden beneath the dark moustache. O cruel, needless misunderstanding! O stubborn, self-willed exile from the loving breast! Two gin-scented tears trickled down the sides of his nose. But it was all right, everything was all right, the struggle was finished. He had won the victory over himself. He loved Big Brother."

Fucking Big Brother saved the community from deranged mass murderers

The Bastards!
In your case, it was love at first sight.
What has this country come to? A manhunt for one guy is reason to cordon off a complete city?

That's insane.

I don't care how badly the police want one guy.

Armed tanks rolling through the streets aiming guns at peoples homes? Are you going to let the search for one guy be an excuse for that kind of over reach of authority?

That precident is so wrong on so many levels I don't even know where to start.

I for one am disgusted with what America has become to allow such totalitarian behavior.

You people in Boston are pussies.

That is all.


good lord you're a retard. there were no tanks.

stop being such a pussy.
What has this country come to? A manhunt for one guy is reason to cordon off a complete city?

That's insane.

I don't care how badly the police want one guy.

Armed tanks rolling through the streets aiming guns at peoples homes? Are you going to let the search for one guy be an excuse for that kind of over reach of authority?

That precident is so wrong on so many levels I don't even know where to start.

I for one am disgusted with what America has become to allow such totalitarian behavior.

You people in Boston are pussies.

That is all.


good lord you're a retard. there were no tanks.

stop being such a pussy.
Yeah, you're right....It was just a fleet of armored cars, probably with full-auto weapons on board.

Nothing to worry about here. :rolleyes:
What has this country come to? A manhunt for one guy is reason to cordon off a complete city?

That's insane.

I don't care how badly the police want one guy.

Armed tanks rolling through the streets aiming guns at peoples homes? Are you going to let the search for one guy be an excuse for that kind of over reach of authority?

That precident is so wrong on so many levels I don't even know where to start.

I for one am disgusted with what America has become to allow such totalitarian behavior.

You people in Boston are pussies.

That is all.


good lord you're a retard. there were no tanks.

stop being such a pussy.
Yeah, you're right....It was just a fleet of armored cars, probably with full-auto weapons on board.

Nothing to worry about here. :rolleyes:

it wasn't a tank. period.
"He gazed up at the enormous face. Forty years it had taken him to learn what kind of smile was hidden beneath the dark moustache. O cruel, needless misunderstanding! O stubborn, self-willed exile from the loving breast! Two gin-scented tears trickled down the sides of his nose. But it was all right, everything was all right, the struggle was finished. He had won the victory over himself. He loved Big Brother."

Fucking Big Brother saved the community from deranged mass murderers

The Bastards!

No, big brother locked down a community that WAS NOT FUCKING BOSTON, terrorized people , dragged families out of their homes and performed criminal searches.

With no fucking result.

When martial law was lifted, a citizen found the fucker, not the fucking police, a fucking citizen!!!
You dumb fuck!!

Ever thought of joining the keystone Kops in leftist Massachusetts, look west of Boston, they live totalitarians out in liberal Cambridge, Watertown, newton, natick and fucking Framingham!!

and he was hiding...why?

oh yeah...because of the heavy police presence

good lord you're a retard. there were no tanks.

stop being such a pussy.
Yeah, you're right....It was just a fleet of armored cars, probably with full-auto weapons on board.

Nothing to worry about here. :rolleyes:

it wasn't a tank. period.
Didn't I just admit as much?

You mean to say that having a fleet of armored cars roaming the streets, possibly/probably with full-auto weapons on board, all to catch one badly wounded suspect, isn't at least a tad worrisome?

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