Police Authority

Because he suffered from severe blood loss and couldn't move.
Slipping in and out of consciousness !!!!

The police, after 15 hours of terrorising the innocent and imprisoning the innocent figured he had bled out. They found the blood at his initial hiding place.

Oh and the boat was outside the cordon area , you fucking retard!!

if there had not been the manhunt, he would not have been hiding

fact remains, he was caught

i know that upsets you
It does not, I am very happy he was caught.
But the police terrorizing and brutalizing the people in the cordon area had no impact on his capture.
Lifting the totalitarian lockdown caused the **** to be captured, by a civilian, not a fucking pig!

you're full of shit
Because he suffered from severe blood loss and couldn't move.
Slipping in and out of consciousness

The police, after 15 hours of terrorising the innocent and imprisoning the innocent figured he had bled out. They found the blood at his inittial hiding place.

Oh and the boat was outside the cordon area , you fucking retard!!


Watch the fucking news you fucking dope!
The fucking pigs said that at the fucking news conference this fucking morning, you fucking retard!!

Some of us have to work for a living.

So you can't prove your claim?

So then you lied which is probably par for the course with you.

Your concession is noted.
It does not, I am very happy he was caught.
But the police terrorizing and brutalizing the people in the cordon area had no impact on his capture.
Lifting the totalitarian lockdown caused the **** to be captured, by a civilian, not a fucking pig!

you're full of shit
Ordering entire families, out of their homes at gunpoint is terrorizing and brutalizing.
Illegal searches, is not terrorizing?

Consent at gunpoint is not consent.
Unless you are a rapist!!

Another precident set in the rape of Watertown!!
Consent at gunpoint, is consent in law!!
No one has claimed to being forced out of their home at gunpoint.
What has this country come to? A manhunt for one guy is reason to cordon off a complete city?

That's insane.

I don't care how badly the police want one guy.

Armed tanks rolling through the streets aiming guns at peoples homes? Are you going to let the search for one guy be an excuse for that kind of over reach of authority?

That precident is so wrong on so many levels I don't even know where to start.

I for one am disgusted with what America has become to allow such totalitarian behavior.

You people in Boston are pussies.

That is all.

Every self proclaimed liberal on this board should be screaming their heads off about this.
What has this country come to? A manhunt for one guy is reason to cordon off a complete city?

That's insane.

I don't care how badly the police want one guy.

Armed tanks rolling through the streets aiming guns at peoples homes? Are you going to let the search for one guy be an excuse for that kind of over reach of authority?

That precident is so wrong on so many levels I don't even know where to start.

I for one am disgusted with what America has become to allow such totalitarian behavior.

You people in Boston are pussies.

That is all.

They should have just let him go so he could plant more bombs and kill more innocent children.

You are too stupid for words.

I would rather have him running around free than have the government send two brigades worth of troops to take over my neighborhood.
The guy had already killed a cop

Why should police expose themselve to further gunfire?

If they don't want to get shot at they can stay home, I won't hold it against them. In fact, I will admit that is one of the reasons I am not a police officer.
Watch the fucking news you fucking dope!
The fucking pigs said that at the fucking news conference this fucking morning, you fucking retard!!

Some of us have to work for a living.

So you can't prove your claim?

So then you lied which is probably par for the course with you.

Your concession is noted.
Ther is no concession, you fucking retard.
Chicken shit liar I have shown every point I made is factual, watch this space, ****.

No you haven't. But don't stop lying now.
Dear Huggy: Until we perfect the idea of self-governance and self-policing, where people
turn themselves in and cooperate with authorities in exchange for state paid defense,
then yes, we will depend on law enforcement and their best judgment to go after the
ones who don't agree to turn themselves in voluntarily.

If you don't like this, then let's you and me get to work teaching all citizens in every community to be self-policing. And in the course of training people on laws, due process, police procedures and conflict resolution to diffuse aggression and prevent violence,
then communities will naturally screen out those who are criminally ill or rebellious and will not cooperate with the programs. So if you really believe in upholding the laws, it would take whole communities agreeing to enforce them, or else evict residents who refuse to sign.

Are you serious about enforcing this? I'm ready to give it a shot, and see if districts will experiment with resident-enforced ordinances in order to qualify to live there as citizens.
And screen people out in advance who have no interest in obeying or enforcing civil laws.

What has this country come to? A manhunt for one guy is reason to cordon off a complete city?

That's insane.

I don't care how badly the police want one guy.

Armed tanks rolling through the streets aiming guns at peoples homes? Are you going to let the search for one guy be an excuse for that kind of over reach of authority?

That precident is so wrong on so many levels I don't even know where to start.

I for one am disgusted with what America has become to allow such totalitarian behavior.

You people in Boston are pussies.

That is all.

Seriously, if you are this serious about enforcing Constitutional principles, I'll back you 100%.
I believe it would be a patriotic gesture to the families and fellow officers of the aspiring lawman who got shot to death at MIT. To set up citizen patrols and districts where whole neighborhoods and civic homeowners organizations take vows to uphold and enforce the laws, resolve conflicts civilly to prevent lawsuits and abuses, and remediate any violations where restitution is paid by the responsibility parties as a condition of their resident district.

Tell me if you are serious, or you are just mouthing off, wanting "other people" to change things without considering the work it would take and offering to participate yourself.
What has this country come to? A manhunt for one guy is reason to cordon off a complete city?

That's insane.

I don't care how badly the police want one guy.

Armed tanks rolling through the streets aiming guns at peoples homes? Are you going to let the search for one guy be an excuse for that kind of over reach of authority?

That precident is so wrong on so many levels I don't even know where to start.

I for one am disgusted with what America has become to allow such totalitarian behavior.

You people in Boston are pussies.

That is all.

They should have just let him go so he could plant more bombs and kill more innocent children.

You are too stupid for words.

I would rather have him running around free than have the government send two brigades worth of troops to take over my neighborhood.

Yea that's what happened. :cuckoo:
Bradley came running down to see if everything was O.K., McKenzie said. Sommers assured him it was no emergency, just that they were almost out of milk and they had a small child in the house.

“He said, ‘No problem, I’ll get you milk,’” McKenzie said. “I’d say in less than an hour he was back.

“It was super sweet, we didn’t expect that to happen,” she added. “We offered to pay him for the milk, but he wouldn’t take our money.”
So a Police State is OK if a Prison Guard brings you Milk? :confused:


Did you see all of those citizens taking to the streets to applaud those Nazi guards?

I saw photos of the people of Germany cheering the SS, does that make the SS less reprehensible, or does it just make the people of Watertown a lot more like Nazi Germany than you want to admit?
So with an armed killer in the area, police lock down the neighborhood and capture the little fucker with no civilians injured

I can see why the rightwingnuts are so outraged

I like the way you left out all the details, like the fact that the armed killer was not in the area they searched.
It does not, I am very happy he was caught.
But the police terrorizing and brutalizing the people in the cordon area had no impact on his capture.
Lifting the totalitarian lockdown caused the **** to be captured, by a civilian, not a fucking pig!

you're full of shit
Ordering entire families, out of their homes at gunpoint is terrorizing and brutalizing.
Illegal searches, is not terrorizing?

Consent at gunpoint is not consent.
Unless you are a rapist!!

Another precident set in the rape of Watertown!!
Consent at gunpoint, is consent in law!!

Dear Pauli: If the police/citizens suffered a violent disruption of the peace due to the criminal suspect hiding among them instead of turning himself in to AVOID This, then who is ultimately at fault?

Why not hold such criminals or suspects responsibility for the cost and damage to others?
As part of their crime?

Before anyone else is put to death, why not hold him financially responsible for restitution, not only for medical bills and rescue efforts, and the distress, losses of life, and restoration work, but also the cost of compensating these people for harassment or other violations they suffered indirectly from all the criminal acts including evading law enforcement.

If you SERIOUSLY feel these people are so violated, why not go to bat on their behalf?
why not start a petition asking for them to receive compensation and demanding the wrongdoers pay the cost, not law abiding taxpayers and not govt trying to do its job.

And if you support putting to death the criminal responsible instead of holding him to work for life to pay restitution, are you willing to pay for that cost? or just expect "other taxpayers" to pay while you gripe about government?

How do you expect to correct this, and how do you propose to pay for it?
Law abiding taxpaying citizens? or the criminals who committed the wrongs in the first place?
The lockdown minimized the number of cars and people on the road which helps the police and keep citizens safe.

The police were lazy, and wanted to make it easier on themselves. That explains why they kept Dunkin Donuts open.

No innocent people were terrorized at gunpoint. That's just paranoid hyperbole on your part.

If you don't think having a loaded gun pointed at you is terrifying you have never had a loaded gun pointed at you.

There was no illegal armed invasions. Again just more of your paranoia.

The ACLU has received multiple complaints from people that the police were breaking the law and violating civil rights.

No one was forcibly removed. Again more paranoia.

Anytime a man with a gun shows up force is used.
The lockdown minimized the number of cars and people on the road which helps the police and keep citizens safe.

No innocent people were terrorized at gunpoint. That's just paranoid hyperbole on your part.

There was no illegal armed invasions. Again just more of your paranoia.

No one was forcibly removed. Again more paranoia.

Is this the new standard for a Police chase? for a search?

I mean they went this far, why not do this next time they're looking for a fleeing suspect

If not, why not?

If the suspect(s) have just set off two bombs with the probability of setting off more then yes, this should be the standard.

This should never be the standard in a free country.
HUGGY is a born republican from a republican father and mother born from republican grandparents. HUGGY is an Eisenhower republican. Eisenhower warned the country against the military/political industrial complex.. AKA fascism which the current form of the republican/religious idealogues/morons have embraced. Eisenhower built the interstate hyways we now enjoy. The current republicans won't even repair the wear and tear on them. They are disgusting assholes. Them being disgusting assholes does not make me "left" anything. I am also a strict constitutionalist and I embrace the concept of revolution as performed by our founders to create the country we should be taking care of.

I cannot and will not endorse religious zealots. I do not endorse foreign entaglements as was warned against by our founders. I E: Viet Nam, Korea, Iraq, Afgahnistan..etc.

If we hadn't gotten involved with our military or CIA in the middle East and Iran there would NEVER have been any terrorism by muslims. The truth is that it never mattered who controlled the oil production. We NEVER made oil cheaper by our meddling in ME politics. They were going to sell the oil anyway. We were going to buy the oil anyway.

Viet Nam was a huge waste of treasure and lives and it didn't accomplish ANYTHING.

The Weathermen wouldn't have existed without our atrocities commited in Viet Nam, Thailand and Cambodia.

I support ALL efforts made by our brave and righteous citizens that resisted our disgusting horrendous war on the people of oriental herritage.

If you don't like THAT... Bite me!
There were no army tanks in Boston. There was a large police presence as they hunted for a suspect that had already killed and maimed innocent people. A suspect that threw bombs and grenades and fired upon (and killed) police just hours before.

You're being a little hysterical. I bet if you polled people in Boston you would find that they were not forced to do anything against their will.

There were no tanks in Boston, that is correct.

Watertown was packed with armored cars, stormtroops and guns, innocents were terrorized by stormtroops, dragged from homes, at least one stripped naked and paraded through streets, bare foot residents in a terrified and confused state chased out of their homes by stormtroops who then carried out illegal searches. Some iv the victims of this totalitarian action were carrying babies.
The precident has been set.
This will be the norm from now on.

You're a fucking moron, you little emo-bitch. You have no idea what the hell you are talking about; you're just trying to impose your political agenda (and psychological issue with authority figures) on to a situation I guess you weren't within 100 miles of. Go see your shrink and STFU.

Oh, and put away the Star Wars action figures. You're too old for them now.
So with an armed killer in the area, police lock down the neighborhood and capture the little fucker with no civilians injured

I can see why the rightwingnuts are so outraged

I like the way you left out all the details, like the fact that the armed killer was not in the area they searched.

It was locked down pretty tight wasn't it? Nobody on the streets. No cars to hijack. No city buses running.

No place for a wounded man to go
The guy had already killed a cop

Why should police expose themselve to further gunfire?

So it's ok for cops to terrorise people and evict them from their homes at gun point?

It is if the bombing happen in a red state with a republican in the WH.

The ‘outrage’ from most on the right is about partisan politics, not concern for Americans’ civil liberties.
So with an armed killer in the area, police lock down the neighborhood and capture the little fucker with no civilians injured

I can see why the rightwingnuts are so outraged

I like the way you left out all the details, like the fact that the armed killer was not in the area they searched.

It was locked down pretty tight wasn't it? Nobody on the streets. No cars to hijack. No city buses running.

No place for a wounded man to go

Yet he managed to go someplace and hide from them.

By the way, what makes you think a wounded man could get on a bus without someone noticing? Do you think Boston is Chicago?
The guy had already killed a cop

Why should police expose themselve to further gunfire?

So it's ok for cops to terrorise people and evict them from their homes at gun point?

It is if the bombing happen in a red state with a republican in the WH.

The ‘outrage’ from most on the right is about partisan politics, not concern for Americans’ civil liberties.

Strange how you haven't said one word about civil liberties in here, is that because it happened in a blue state with a Democrat in the White House?

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