Police Authority

How dare the police and law enforcement use any means necessary to get one of the people
responsible for the murders and injuries of over 200 people,14 people lost limbs.
How dare the police....
How dare they.

They are a disgrace.

Is this what I'm reading here.

Some people had to stay indoors and were not able to tweet bullshit for a few hours.
Get the fuck over it.
What has this country come to? A manhunt for one guy is reason to cordon off a complete city?

That's insane.

I don't care how badly the police want one guy.

Armed tanks rolling through the streets aiming guns at peoples homes? Are you going to let the search for one guy be an excuse for that kind of over reach of authority?

That precident is so wrong on so many levels I don't even know where to start.

I for one am disgusted with what America has become to allow such totalitarian behavior.

You people in Boston are pussies.

That is all.

Can you post a pic of thees tanks and Humvee's with .50 cal machine guns ? Ans if you can, do you think you can link to the declaration of martial law the moonbats are talking about ? And proof that all of Boston was shut down ?
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I seem to remember the country rallying around the President after 9-11. Now all we get is people whining because they had to stay inside for a day

you're confused. only a few people are whining. the majority support the police in boston.

stop fear mongering.

Wasn't in Boston.

FUCKING Watertown is NOT Fucking BOSTON!!

Ok, Watertown, still dont change the fact that only a 20 block area was shut down. Now go head and pull your panties out of your twat moonbat.
What has this country come to? A manhunt for one guy is reason to cordon off a complete city?

That's insane.

I don't care how badly the police want one guy.

Armed tanks rolling through the streets aiming guns at peoples homes? Are you going to let the search for one guy be an excuse for that kind of over reach of authority?

That precident is so wrong on so many levels I don't even know where to start.

I for one am disgusted with what America has become to allow such totalitarian behavior.

You people in Boston are pussies.

That is all.

Get use to it or fight back that are your choices
No it didn't. But thanks for playing.

I seem to remember the country rallying around the President after 9-11. Now all we get is people whining because they had to stay inside for a day

I went to work, you are confused.
But I live in Boston.
Watertown is a fucking insane totalitarian community.

Just like Cambridge, where the terrorists learned to hate America at the libersl indoctrination center, Cambridge syringe and Latin!!

I heard their is a lot of anti America sentiment in Cambridge. Is their any truth too that?
I went to work, you are confused.
But I live in Boston.
Watertown is a fucking insane totalitarian community.

Just like Cambridge, where the terrorists learned to hate America at the libersl indoctrination center, Cambridge syringe and Latin!!

I heard their is a lot of anti America sentiment in Cambridge. Is their any truth too that?

There is , the most liberal community in MA is the people's republic of Cambridge.

Earley coyler gobbed off, he has my address , if I'm still alive tomorrow I wil not grudgingly offer some support to his gobshiite.
He is a cowardly twat who gets a boner for terrorists.!


I predict you will be gone within 24 hours.
No it didn't. But thanks for playing.

I seem to remember the country rallying around the President after 9-11. Now all we get is people whining because they had to stay inside for a day

I went to work, you are confused.
But I live in Boston.
Watertown is a fucking insane totalitarian community.

Just like Cambridge, where the terrorists learned to hate America at the libersl indoctrination center, Cambridge syringe and Latin!!

Methinks you need to find a nice quiet room to calm down
Wasn't in Boston.

FUCKING Watertown is NOT Fucking BOSTON!!

Ok, Watertown, still dont change the fact that only a 20 block area was shut down. Now go head and pull your panties out of your twat moonbat.

And people terrorized at gunpoint , dragged out of their homes by the forces of totalitarianism.

You wanna try your shit mother fucker ?
Fucking bring it.
Check your inbox **** , come and do something about it!!
Fucking pussy.
Come on ****!!!
All fucking mouth and no fucking trousers !!

I wanted to make sure you got my response to your PM.


As for your moonbattyness, I dont know.
Earley coyler gobbed off, he has my address , if I'm still alive tomorrow I wil not grudgingly offer some support to his gobshiite.
He is a cowardly twat who gets a boner for terrorists.!

Not all of us get to collect food stamps and buy Alex Jones with AFDC, and some of us work and like to shower after. Go on and clean the vag. You wont be such grumpy moonbat.
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How dare the police and law enforcement use any means necessary to get one of the people
responsible for the murders and injuries of over 200 people,14 people lost limbs.
How dare the police....
How dare they.

They are a disgrace.

Is this what I'm reading here.

Some people had to stay indoors and were not able to tweet bullshit for a few hours.
Get the fuck over it.

You would have fit right in with the Redcoats who marched on Concord in 1775.
How dare the police and law enforcement use any means necessary to get one of the people
responsible for the murders and injuries of over 200 people,14 people lost limbs.
How dare the police....
How dare they.

They are a disgrace.

Is this what I'm reading here.

Some people had to stay indoors and were not able to tweet bullshit for a few hours.
Get the fuck over it.

You would have fit right in with the Redcoats who marched on Concord in 1775.

the militia was not in the habit of planting bombs

in the masses while in public gatherings

sometimes it is appropriate to step aside
What has this country come to? A manhunt for one guy is reason to cordon off a complete city?

That's insane.

I don't care how badly the police want one guy.

Armed tanks rolling through the streets aiming guns at peoples homes? Are you going to let the search for one guy be an excuse for that kind of over reach of authority?

That precident is so wrong on so many levels I don't even know where to start.

I for one am disgusted with what America has become to allow such totalitarian behavior.

You people in Boston are pussies.

That is all.

(My bold)

Nah, Boston wasn't shut down. It was Watertown, MA - next door. & it wasn't just a question of the Boston & Watertown PD wanting the bombers - FBI, Army National Guard & I'm sure a swarm of tech backup were working in the background, along with SWAT teams, SEALs - it was a national priority to capture the bombers (witness the dedication of NSA & who knows who else on video image processing, & probably sat imaging too.)

I didn't see any armed (?) tanks in coverage. I saw some Hummers, probably up-armored (applique & bullet-resistant glass), with a roof station & partial armoring for a heavy weapon (no heavy weapon in evidence, though); some SWAT vehicles - beefed-up looking, maybe lightly armored vehicles. No tanks, we don't even carry light tanks in the inventory anymore, & an M1 would rip up the pavement. I didn't even see any Bradley IFVs nor M113s - APCs, not even a command track.

The police, ANG, SEALs, FBI are all @ least quasi-military - they have chains of command & I'm sure the order came down: capture these guys.
They should have just let him go so he could plant more bombs and kill more innocent children.

You are too stupid for words.

Hey we let Obama kill innocent kids with drones so what's the difference?

Prove that drones target innocent kids.

There is a difference in collateral damage during war and the targeting of innocent civilians.
He didn't say the kids are targeted.

And the last time the U.S. was at war was in 1945. There were no drones back then.
Hey we let Obama kill innocent kids with drones so what's the difference?

Prove that drones target innocent kids.

There is a difference in collateral damage during war and the targeting of innocent civilians.
He didn't say the kids are targeted.

And the last time the U.S. was at war was in 1945. There were no drones back then.

(My bold)

Sure there were - the V1 (corrected) buzzbomb was a drone - you programmed it in, launched it in the right direction & when the programming clicked, it dove on its programmed target area. & I believe Joe Kennedy, the eldest of the Kennedy sibs, died in WWII while testing/launching (?) a radio-controlled drone bomber - same principle, get it over the target & remote-control dive it on the aim point.
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The impact of this image transcends the question of whether it represents necessity or excess.

The image is not unfamiliar. We've all seen the same thing dozens of times on the evening news -- in Iraqi towns and villages but not on American streets. This is new and rather disturbing. So the question is why?

We know the Boston bombers are Chechen Muslims. And we know there is strong solidarity among those Muslims who harbor a compelling hatred for America because of our persistent aggression in the Middle East, which is outstandingly demonstrated in the unprovoked invasion and occupation of Iraq. So it would seem that combat troops and armored vehicles in the streets of towns and villages has become a familiar representation of America's aggression -- and it may be said that the chickens have come home to roost. It also has been said that What you sow, so shall you reap.

I suggest that what is so disturbing about this imagery is it occurs as poetic justice. Because in the end there really is little difference between bombs brazenly dropped from airplanes onto the streets of a major city, such as Baghdad, and bombs surreptitiously planted on the streets of a major city, such as Boston.
How dare the police and law enforcement use any means necessary to get one of the people
responsible for the murders and injuries of over 200 people,14 people lost limbs.
How dare the police....
How dare they.

They are a disgrace.

Is this what I'm reading here.

Some people had to stay indoors and were not able to tweet bullshit for a few hours.
Get the fuck over it.

You would have fit right in with the Redcoats who marched on Concord in 1775.

the militia was not in the habit of planting bombs

in the masses while in public gatherings

sometimes it is appropriate to step aside

It is never appropriate to step aside. This is what happens with the government is looking for one person, imagine what will happen if we step aside and they are looking for 20 people who are planning to hijack a few planes.

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