Police Authority

Let me try to help you break through your retardation.

Ask yourself, what did the totalitarian lockdown achieve?

What did the terrorizing of innocents at gunpoint achieve?

What did the illegal armed home invasions achieve?

What did the forcible removal of innocents, including women and children achieve?


Lifting the totalitarian lockdown was the one thing that worked.

It was that police act that allowed a free citizen to locate the terrorist, correct?

The lockdown minimized the number of cars and people on the road which helps the police and keep citizens safe.

No innocent people were terrorized at gunpoint. That's just paranoid hyperbole on your part.

There was no illegal armed invasions. Again just more of your paranoia.

No one was forcibly removed. Again more paranoia.

I'm not aware of anyone from that area coming forward and saying they are upset by the behavior of the police. The only response to their procedures is the citizens standing out it the streets and cheering them. So, why are people who had absolutely no involvement in it so certain it is something to be outraged about. Some people like to hate the police and find fault with everything they do, until they really need them. Apparently the people in this situation felt they really needed what the police did to try to find this guy and secure the safety of the populace. You may be against their aggressive procedures in theory, but in reality, the people they were protecting knew they were being protected and appreciated it.

Great point.
No it's not a fact.

Well yes, it is a fact - documented and cited.

Obama murders American children - irrefutable. Just ask Abdulrahman al-Awlaki. Oh, you can't - Obama murdered him.

What is a fact is that sometimes innocent people lose their lives during warfare.

Obama murdered Abdulrahman al-Awlaki in Yemen. Are we at war with Yemen?

Children are NOT targeted and you have failed to prove they are.

Abdulrahman al-Awlaki was targeted and murdered.


You lying for Obama doesn't change reality.
The lockdown minimized the number of cars and people on the road which helps the police and keep citizens safe.

No innocent people were terrorized at gunpoint. That's just paranoid hyperbole on your part.

There was no illegal armed invasions. Again just more of your paranoia.

No one was forcibly removed. Again more paranoia.

I'm not aware of anyone from that area coming forward and saying they are upset by the behavior of the police. The only response to their procedures is the citizens standing out it the streets and cheering them. So, why are people who had absolutely no involvement in it so certain it is something to be outraged about. Some people like to hate the police and find fault with everything they do, until they really need them. Apparently the people in this situation felt they really needed what the police did to try to find this guy and secure the safety of the populace. You may be against their aggressive procedures in theory, but in reality, the people they were protecting knew they were being protected and appreciated it.

I'm not aware of any Germans complaining about the SS removing Jews from their neighborhoods either, don't make it right.
If they do say something the statists will attack.

So a one day lockdown is the equivalent of the Jewish Holocaust

I get it now
The lockdown minimized the number of cars and people on the road which helps the police and keep citizens safe.

No innocent people were terrorized at gunpoint. That's just paranoid hyperbole on your part.

There was no illegal armed invasions. Again just more of your paranoia.

No one was forcibly removed. Again more paranoia.

I'm not aware of anyone from that area coming forward and saying they are upset by the behavior of the police. The only response to their procedures is the citizens standing out it the streets and cheering them. So, why are people who had absolutely no involvement in it so certain it is something to be outraged about. Some people like to hate the police and find fault with everything they do, until they really need them. Apparently the people in this situation felt they really needed what the police did to try to find this guy and secure the safety of the populace. You may be against their aggressive procedures in theory, but in reality, the people they were protecting knew they were being protected and appreciated it.

I'm not aware of any Germans complaining about the SS removing Jews from their neighborhoods either, don't make it right.
If they do say something the statists will attack.

This is a ridiculous logical fallacy. No one was removed from their homes and sent to concentration camps. Your argument goes nowhere.
No it's not a fact.

Well yes, it is a fact - documented and cited.

Obama murders American children - irrefutable. Just ask Abdulrahman al-Awlaki. Oh, you can't - Obama murdered him.

What is a fact is that sometimes innocent people lose their lives during warfare.

Obama murdered Abdulrahman al-Awlaki in Yemen. Are we at war with Yemen?

Children are NOT targeted and you have failed to prove they are.

Abdulrahman al-Awlaki was targeted and murdered.


You lying for Obama doesn't change reality.

The target was the father. Not the kid. Correction: The kid was killed when the drone targeted Samir Khan. Again the kid was NOT the target.
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The target was the father. Not the kid.

The father was assassinated - in violation of U.S. law, 2 weeks prior to the murder of the son.

Correction: The kid was killed when the drone targeted Samir Khan. Again the kid was NOT the target.

Samir Khan was killed in the strike that killed Anwar Al-Awlaki. Obama murdered a 16 year old American citizen. You can't wish it away.
The target was the father. Not the kid.

The father was assassinated - in violation of U.S. law, 2 weeks prior to the murder of the son.

Correction: The kid was killed when the drone targeted Samir Khan. Again the kid was NOT the target.

Samir Khan was killed in the strike that killed Anwar Al-Awlaki. Obama murdered a 16 year old American citizen. You can't wish it away.

The kid wasn't the target and you cannot prove he was. He was simply collateral damage.
The kid wasn't the target and you cannot prove he was. He was simply collateral damage.

{Abdulrahman's distraught grandfather is not buying the explanation. Nasser al-Awlaki, who received a university degree in the U.S., had for years sought an injunction in American courts to prevent the Obama Administration from targeting and killing his son, Anwar. He told TIME, "I really feel disappointed that this crime is going to be forgotten. I think the American people ought to know what really happened and how the power of their government is being abused by this Administration. Americans should start asking why a boy was targeted for killing." He continued, "In addition to my grandson's killing, the missile killed my brother's grandson, who was a 17-year-old kid, who was not an American citizen but is a human being, killed in cold blood. I cannot comprehend how my teenage grandson was killed by a Hellfire missile, how nothing was left of him except small pieces of flesh. Why? Is America safer now that a boy was killed?" As for Abdulrahman's father, Nasser says that the U.S. "killed my son Anwar without a trial for any crime he committed ... They killed him just for his freedom of speech." He levels the charges directly at the U.S. President. "I urge the American people to bring the killers to justice. I urge them to expose the hypocrisy of the 2009 Nobel Prize laureate. To some, he may be that. To me and my family, he is nothing more than a child killer."}

Yemen: Death of a U.S.-Born Teen by a Drone Stokes Anger - TIME

Obama is a murdering bastard - a criminal.
The kid wasn't the target and you cannot prove he was. He was simply collateral damage.

{Abdulrahman's distraught grandfather is not buying the explanation. Nasser al-Awlaki, who received a university degree in the U.S., had for years sought an injunction in American courts to prevent the Obama Administration from targeting and killing his son, Anwar. He told TIME, "I really feel disappointed that this crime is going to be forgotten. I think the American people ought to know what really happened and how the power of their government is being abused by this Administration. Americans should start asking why a boy was targeted for killing." He continued, "In addition to my grandson's killing, the missile killed my brother's grandson, who was a 17-year-old kid, who was not an American citizen but is a human being, killed in cold blood. I cannot comprehend how my teenage grandson was killed by a Hellfire missile, how nothing was left of him except small pieces of flesh. Why? Is America safer now that a boy was killed?" As for Abdulrahman's father, Nasser says that the U.S. "killed my son Anwar without a trial for any crime he committed ... They killed him just for his freedom of speech." He levels the charges directly at the U.S. President. "I urge the American people to bring the killers to justice. I urge them to expose the hypocrisy of the 2009 Nobel Prize laureate. To some, he may be that. To me and my family, he is nothing more than a child killer."}

Yemen: Death of a U.S.-Born Teen by a Drone Stokes Anger - TIME

Obama is a murdering bastard - a criminal.

Yea well so was every other American President during wartime. Get over it.
He didn't say the kids are targeted.

And the last time the U.S. was at war was in 1945. There were no drones back then.

(My bold)

Sure there were - the V1 (corrected) buzzbomb was a drone - you programmed it in, launched it in the right direction & when the programming clicked, it dove on its programmed target area. & I believe Joe Kennedy, the eldest of the Kennedy sibs, died in WWII while testing/launching (?) a radio-controlled drone bomber - same principle, get it over the target & remote-control dive it on the aim point.

That's stupid. The V1 was not a drone. It was no more a drone than the rockets that the Arabs launch at Israel. It had not manuevering capabilities whatsoever... no electronics... no video. It was just a bomb with wings that could fly a couple hundred miles or so...in a general direction.

The V1 was the predecessor of cruise missles. (Which themselves led to our modern drones.) Operation Aphrodite - on which Kennedy died - was exactly a drone in the modern sense - a modified B-24, loaded with explosives, & with a radio remote control, to dive into an enemy position. It failed, but the principle was there.
I'm not aware of any Germans complaining about the SS removing Jews from their neighborhoods either, don't make it right.
If they do say something the statists will attack.

So a one day lockdown is the equivalent of the Jewish Holocaust

I get it now

No, the fact that no one said anything is the same, retard.

When you are silent about a problem, you become part of the problem.

People did speak out afterward. They ran into the streets and cheered the police for ridding their neighborhood of a killer

No, the fact that no one said anything is the same, retard.

When you are silent about a problem, you become part of the problem.

People did speak out afterward. They ran into the streets and cheered the police for ridding their neighborhood of a killer
The capture of whom had nothing to do with the lockdown and illegal home invasions/searches.

pure speculation on your part

the dude knew they were looking for him

you're full of shit as usual
Yea well so was every other American President during wartime. Get over it.

So then, we ARE at war with Yemen?

Nah, you just view your little tin god as above the law.

We're at war with terrorist/terrorism wherever they/it may be.

I have no idea what a "tin god" is. I imagine it's something of your own creation.

You may want to wait until they bring the fight here, but I'd rather find them where they're at and kill them there.

When did you become liberal?
We're at war with terrorist/terrorism wherever they/it may be.

So, we can bomb the McDonalds at the corner of Main and Grand with a drone strike, and no problem? Hey, those people were just in the wrong place at the wrong time.

I have no idea what a "tin god" is. I imagine it's something of your own creation.

Let's just say that had BOOOOOSSSHHHH used a drone to murder an American citizen and a child, you would hold a vastly different view.

You may want to wait until they bring the fight here, but I'd rather find them where they're at and kill them there.

Kewl, we'll just randomly kill people at coffee shops.

When did you become liberal?

I've always been a liberal.

When did you become a leftist?

No, the fact that no one said anything is the same, retard.

When you are silent about a problem, you become part of the problem.

People did speak out afterward. They ran into the streets and cheered the police for ridding their neighborhood of a killer
The capture of whom had nothing to do with the lockdown and illegal home invasions/searches.

I didn't see the killer walking away from that boat and strolling to freedom
The kid wasn't the target and you cannot prove he was. He was simply collateral damage.

{Abdulrahman's distraught grandfather is not buying the explanation. Nasser al-Awlaki, who received a university degree in the U.S., had for years sought an injunction in American courts to prevent the Obama Administration from targeting and killing his son, Anwar. He told TIME, "I really feel disappointed that this crime is going to be forgotten. I think the American people ought to know what really happened and how the power of their government is being abused by this Administration. Americans should start asking why a boy was targeted for killing." He continued, "In addition to my grandson's killing, the missile killed my brother's grandson, who was a 17-year-old kid, who was not an American citizen but is a human being, killed in cold blood. I cannot comprehend how my teenage grandson was killed by a Hellfire missile, how nothing was left of him except small pieces of flesh. Why? Is America safer now that a boy was killed?" As for Abdulrahman's father, Nasser says that the U.S. "killed my son Anwar without a trial for any crime he committed ... They killed him just for his freedom of speech." He levels the charges directly at the U.S. President. "I urge the American people to bring the killers to justice. I urge them to expose the hypocrisy of the 2009 Nobel Prize laureate. To some, he may be that. To me and my family, he is nothing more than a child killer."}

Yemen: Death of a U.S.-Born Teen by a Drone Stokes Anger - TIME

Obama is a murdering bastard - a criminal.
He sounds just like the Boston bomber's father.
We're at war with terrorist/terrorism wherever they/it may be.

So, we can bomb the McDonalds at the corner of Main and Grand with a drone strike, and no problem? Hey, those people were just in the wrong place at the wrong time.

I have no idea what a "tin god" is. I imagine it's something of your own creation.

Let's just say that had BOOOOOSSSHHHH used a drone to murder an American citizen and a child, you would hold a vastly different view.

You may want to wait until they bring the fight here, but I'd rather find them where they're at and kill them there.

Kewl, we'll just randomly kill people at coffee shops.

When did you become liberal?

I've always been a liberal.

When did you become a leftist?

Drones aren't the only weapon in our arsenal. So no, on Main street it probably wouldn't be used.

Bush did use drones and I'm sure collateral damage resulted, including children.

Coffee shops? Have we bombed coffee shops? I'm sure those targeted by drones aren't random.

Oh and I could tell you were a liberal by your dishonesty.

Define "leftist" and I'll answer the question.

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