Police Authority

This is apples an oranges, but Obama does murder innocent kids.

{When he was killed, on September 30, 2011, President Obama made a speech about it; a few months later, when the Obama administraton's public-relations campaign about its embrace of what has come to be called "targeted killing" reached its climax in a front-page story in the New York Times that presented the President of the United States as the last word in deciding who lives and who dies, he was quoted as saying that the decision to put Anwar al-Awlaki on the kill list -- and then to kill him -- was "an easy one." But Abdulrahman al-Awlaki wasn't on an American kill list.

Nor was he a member of Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninusla. Nor was he "an inspiration," as his father styled himself, for those determined to draw American blood; nor had he gone "operational," as American authorities said his father had, in drawing up plots against Americans and American interests. He was a boy who hadn't seen his father in two years, since his father had gone into hiding. He was a boy who knew his father was on an American kill list and who snuck out of his family's home in the early morning hours of September 4, 2011, to try to find him. He was a boy who was still searching for his father when his father was killed, and who, on the night he himself was killed, was saying goodbye to the second cousin with whom he'd lived while on his search, and the friends he'd made. He was a boy among boys, then; a boy among boys eating dinner by an open fire along the side of a road when an American drone came out of the sky and fired the missiles that killed them all. }

How Team Obama Justifies the Killing of a 16-Year-Old American - Conor Friedersdorf - The Atlantic

Obama murders American children, that is a fact.

It has nothing to do with this case, though.

No it's not a fact. What is a fact is that sometimes innocent people lose their lives during warfare.

Children are NOT targeted and you have failed to prove they are.

Let me get this straight, when we bomb a target, wait until rescuers show up, and bomb it again, that is just part of war?

I have no idea what you are talking about. Fact is children are not targets of drone strikes.
Well yes, it is a fact - documented and cited.

Obama murders American children - irrefutable. Just ask Abdulrahman al-Awlaki. Oh, you can't - Obama murdered him.

Obama murdered Abdulrahman al-Awlaki in Yemen. Are we at war with Yemen?

Abdulrahman al-Awlaki was targeted and murdered.


You lying for Obama doesn't change reality.

The target was the father. Not the kid. Correction: The kid was killed when the drone targeted Samir Khan. Again the kid was NOT the target.

You know this how?

I researched and found it on a govt. website. The kid was killed when an Egyption whose name escapes me was targeted.
The father was assassinated - in violation of U.S. law, 2 weeks prior to the murder of the son.

Samir Khan was killed in the strike that killed Anwar Al-Awlaki. Obama murdered a 16 year old American citizen. You can't wish it away.

The kid wasn't the target and you cannot prove he was. He was simply collateral damage.

You cannot prove he was not the target because Obama refuses to answer questions about who is, and is not, a target. Given the fact that you actually have to resort to lying in an attempt to claim he was not the target, even claiming that he was killed when someone that was killed two weeks earlier died, you really should just shut up.

The CIA has answered all the questions.

After lunch I'll link it.

Edit: I couldn't find where I had read a CIA spokesman speak on the matter od Abdulrahman al-Awlaki. All I could find sourced is by U.S. officials explaining his death wasn't intentional.

If I run across the article I'll post it.
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Yep, except it isn't the people that had to stay inside that are whining. It's the fauxrage of the nutters.

The ACLU has received lots of complaints from people that had to stay inside, and the outrage is coming from a both the left and the right, even if it sounds different.

Boston's Door-to-Door Searches Weren't Illegal, Even Though They Looked Bad

The ACLU would like to hear from the person in that video. Rose said that the organization had received a number of concerned comments from people about the searches that took place, including some from residents of Watertown. None, however, from people whose homes had been searched.
Boston's Door-to-Door Searches Weren't Illegal, Even Though They Looked Bad - Philip Bump - The Atlantic Wire
Milk is a........CONSPIRACY

So you can't answer the question?

It was a fucking stunt.

Yes....a ruse to gain access to the house
Fucking Nazi Bastard!

Watertown resident tells story behind viral photo of Brookline officer delivering milk - Westwood, MA - Westwood Press

On Friday afternoon, April 19, after hours of being locked down in their home by officials trying to find one of the suspects in the deadly Boston Marathon bombing, McKenzie had poured Holden some milk for lunch, and realized they were almost out.

McKenzie’s mother, Trish Sommers, who was in town visiting from Colorado and unable to catch her flight back home, stuck her head outside, and caught the attention of Bradley, one of several officers stationed at the top of the Wellses’ hill.

Richard Road was more or less smack in the middle of most of Friday’s action — Dexter Avenue, where the early morning shootout with bombing suspects took place, is about a half-mile to the left, and Franklin Street, where suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was holed up in a resident’s boat for most of the day, is four or five blocks to the right, McKenzie said. So there was no shortage of law enforcement milling around.

Bradley came running down to see if everything was O.K., McKenzie said. Sommers assured him it was no emergency, just that they were almost out of milk and they had a small child in the house.

“He said, ‘No problem, I’ll get you milk,’” McKenzie said. “I’d say in less than an hour he was back.

“It was super sweet, we didn’t expect that to happen,” she added. “We offered to pay him for the milk, but he wouldn’t take our money.”

The Facist JackBoot!!!!! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr!
In comparing the response of the Boston area police to the Los Angeles area police in the Chris Dorner attacks it is not even close

While the LAPD overreacted in firing on private citizens and ended up burning down a cabin with Dorner in it, the Boston area police conducted a well orchestrated investigation and lockdown which limited the exposure of civilians to danger

Great job

Good point, it isn't like the Boston police shot the wrong car or anything.

Wait, they did. In fact, they shot at a cop and an FBI agent in a police vehicle.

The police radio dispatcher advised, "Lots of shots being fired, stolen SUV from state police, copy, stolen SUV from state police." The false report led to officers firing on a Massachusetts State Police SUV that was occupied by another police officer and an FBI agent. No one was hurt but the origin of the false report remains a mystery.

Boston Marathon manhunt: Looking back through the "fog of war" - CBS News

You really should just drop it, the cops screwed up big time, and managed to shoot at innocent people even though they had the entire area locked down. The only reason they didn't shoot civilians is they got lucky.
What has this country come to? A manhunt for one guy is reason to cordon off a complete city?
That's insane.
I don't care how badly the police want one guy.
Armed tanks rolling through the streets aiming guns at peoples homes? Are you going to let the search for one guy be an excuse for that kind of over reach of authority?
That precident is so wrong on so many levels I don't even know where to start.I for one am disgusted with what America has become to allow such totalitarian behavior.

You people in Boston are pussies.

That is all.

It took a cigarette to find this guy. A man who broke the rules by going outside to smoke a cigarette found this terrorist.
In comparing the response of the Boston area police to the Los Angeles area police in the Chris Dorner attacks it is not even close

While the LAPD overreacted in firing on private citizens and ended up burning down a cabin with Dorner in it, the Boston area police conducted a well orchestrated investigation and lockdown which limited the exposure of civilians to danger

Great job

Excellent point.

Thanks for the laugh. Since the cops actually managed to shoot at a cop and an FBI agent in a state police vehicle I can actually make the point that LAPD did a better job than the idiots in Boston.
So with an armed killer in the area, police lock down the neighborhood and capture the little fucker with no civilians injured

I can see why the rightwingnuts are so outraged

Not what happened though is it?
The totalitarian lockdown failed.
Once the lock down was lifted an ordinary citizen, outside for a cigarette( hated smoker) located and identified the scumbag!!

Totalitarian fail!!

Not so total, your totalitarianism. Was it?
He made the comparison you moron. He said we let Obama kill innocent kids, do you believe that's what we do? If so then you are as much of a retard as he is.

If you voted for Obama in the last election you let Obama target innocent kids, and agreed that it was better than whatever you though Romney would do in the same situation.

I been voting Republican my entire life. Don't plan on changing anytime soon.

Obama never targeted children.

This from the guy that is insisting that Obama accidentally killed a 16 year old in the same attack that killed his father and got someone else in the car with him.
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No it's not a fact. What is a fact is that sometimes innocent people lose their lives during warfare.

Children are NOT targeted and you have failed to prove they are.

Let me get this straight, when we bomb a target, wait until rescuers show up, and bomb it again, that is just part of war?

I have no idea what you are talking about. Fact is children are not targets of drone strikes.

The fact is that drones are actually capable of eliminating collateral damage, yet still kill children. That means that, like it or not, those kids are killed deliberately, not accidentally.
The target was the father. Not the kid. Correction: The kid was killed when the drone targeted Samir Khan. Again the kid was NOT the target.

You know this how?

I researched and found it on a govt. website. The kid was killed when an Egyption whose name escapes me was targeted.

The Egyptian whose name escapes you was actually killed when his father was killed, want to try again?
pure speculation on your part

the dude knew they were looking for him

you're full of shit as usual

"THE dude" was bleeding to death.

He climbed out of the boat on his own. So much for nearly bleeding to death.

People can't walk and bleed at the same time? Dayum, I will have to reevaluate all those movies I saw , not to mention all those medals that were given to people who managed to fight despite being fatally wounded.
The kid wasn't the target and you cannot prove he was. He was simply collateral damage.

You cannot prove he was not the target because Obama refuses to answer questions about who is, and is not, a target. Given the fact that you actually have to resort to lying in an attempt to claim he was not the target, even claiming that he was killed when someone that was killed two weeks earlier died, you really should just shut up.

The CIA has answered all the questions.

After lunch I'll link it.

Please do so I can rub your lying face in the facts.
If you voted for Obama in the last election you let Obama target innocent kids, and agreed that it was better than whatever you though Romney would do in the same situation.

I been voting Republican my entire life. Don't plan on changing anytime soon.

Obama never targeted children.

This from the guy that is insisting that Obama accidentally killed a 16 year old in the same attack that killed his father and got someone else in the car with him.

I corrected myself on that mistake.

I'm sure you've never been mistaken about anything in your life.
The ACLU has received lots of complaints from people that had to stay inside, and the outrage is coming from a both the left and the right, even if it sounds different.

Boston's Door-to-Door Searches Weren't Illegal, Even Though They Looked Bad

The ACLU would like to hear from the person in that video. Rose said that the organization had received a number of concerned comments from people about the searches that took place, including some from residents of Watertown. None, however, from people whose homes had been searched.
Boston's Door-to-Door Searches Weren't Illegal, Even Though They Looked Bad - Philip Bump - The Atlantic Wire

:clap2: Thank you. I figured it was QW calling them and whining.
You cannot prove he was not the target because Obama refuses to answer questions about who is, and is not, a target. Given the fact that you actually have to resort to lying in an attempt to claim he was not the target, even claiming that he was killed when someone that was killed two weeks earlier died, you really should just shut up.

The CIA has answered all the questions.

After lunch I'll link it.

Please do so I can rub your lying face in the facts.

Please point out any lies you think I've told.

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