Police Authority

No it didn't. But thanks for playing.

I seem to remember the country rallying around the President after 9-11. Now all we get is people whining because they had to stay inside for a day

Yep, except it isn't the people that had to stay inside that are whining. It's the fauxrage of the nutters.

The ACLU has received lots of complaints from people that had to stay inside, and the outrage is coming from a both the left and the right, even if it sounds different.
Drones aren't the only weapon in our arsenal. So no, on Main street it probably wouldn't be used.

Why not? Drop a Hellfire at noon and you're bound to get an NRA member, Tea Partier, or some other "terrorist."

Bush did use drones and I'm sure collateral damage resulted, including children.

Bush never used drones outside of operational combat zones. Obama targets civilians in allied nations.

Coffee shops? Have we bombed coffee shops? I'm sure those targeted by drones aren't random.

Abdulrahman was murdered while sitting at a coffee shop. And no, it wasn't random, it was premeditated murder.

Oh and I could tell you were a liberal by your dishonesty.

To speak against Obama is "dishonest?" Obama is the truth and the light?

Define "leftist" and I'll answer the question.

To adhere to the agenda and philosophies of the left. Supportive of a powerful central state that determines what is best for the populace. Severe limits on individual liberty in order to provide security and social justice.

In a nutshell, Obamunism.
the militia was not in the habit of planting bombs

in the masses while in public gatherings

sometimes it is appropriate to step aside

It is never appropriate to step aside. This is what happens with the government is looking for one person, imagine what will happen if we step aside and they are looking for 20 people who are planning to hijack a few planes.

we will not even know it before it goes down

several plots have been thwarted before they had become activated

however i am of the opinion

that if you have the shot take it

check out this

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=lqkGd70m14A"]Neighbor photographs Boston boming suspects' shootout - YouTube[/ame]

Keep telling yourself that the government can stop plots. Almost every plot they have publicized concerns the FBI courting a wacko, giving him wacky ideas, a target, and a fake bomb.
Incorrect. Many people object to the TSA and some of them even reasonably.

Objecting to the police in Boston or the grounding of flights around 9/11 is just frothing nuttery.
It's frothing nuttery to not object.
From the second the lockdown began to the second it ended it achieved nothing other than to establish a precident.
The precident is set, police can bang on your door, point illegal weapons at you screaming GET OUT!GET OUT!HANDS UP OUT OUT OUT.
They can put hands on you, drag you around terrorize and brutalize you, strip you naked and parade you in front of news cameras.
Without a warrent, without probable cause.
These events established that people are more than willing to accept state brutality against the honest law abiding subject.

It wasn't in Boston you retarded hag.

But you cant point to one incident of a person being beaten down and stripped naked in the whole 20 block area. All you can do is repeat the same old Alex Jones bull shit. Tell me something, Where are thees home owners now ? Why haven't they come forward with complaints ?And where are the pictures of tanks rolling down the street ?

I want everyone to take note of where the unbridled support for government trampling on people's rights is coming from here. After you do that I want you to slap the next person that tells you all authoritarian personalities are right wing.
Prove that drones target innocent kids.

There is a difference in collateral damage during war and the targeting of innocent civilians.
He didn't say the kids are targeted.

And the last time the U.S. was at war was in 1945. There were no drones back then.

He made the comparison you moron. He said we let Obama kill innocent kids, do you believe that's what we do? If so then you are as much of a retard as he is.

If you voted for Obama in the last election you let Obama target innocent kids, and agreed that it was better than whatever you though Romney would do in the same situation.
Incorrect. Many people object to the TSA and some of them even reasonably.

Objecting to the police in Boston or the grounding of flights around 9/11 is just frothing nuttery.
It's frothing nuttery to not object.
From the second the lockdown began to the second it ended it achieved nothing other than to establish a precident.
The precident is set, police can bang on your door, point illegal weapons at you screaming GET OUT!GET OUT!HANDS UP OUT OUT OUT.
They can put hands on you, drag you around terrorize and brutalize you, strip you naked and parade you in front of news cameras.
Without a warrent, without probable cause.
These events established that people are more than willing to accept state brutality against the honest law abiding subject.

It wasn't in Boston you retarded hag.

^psyhco alert, perhaps you should turn yourself into the FBI.

The police stopped someone, ordered him to strip naked, and arrested him, yet we are frothing nutters because we think this is wrong.
No one who actually lives in Watertown has called it that, you hysterical little emo-bitch. Go dry out your panties and calm the fuck down. Take a fist-full of valium if that's what it takes. Your ridiculous nonsense has long since crossed the line into offensiveness. The people who actually live in Watertown, and the Boston area, understand the situation and are rightly appreciative of the efforts of law enforcement to capture this piece of shit. Not everyone is afraid of any hint of authority, you arrested-development fucking head-case. For a lot of these folks the police are not generic 'bad-guys' like in the adolescent fantasies inspired by your chronic impotence. They are friends, neighbors, the guy you went to high school with, the guy from down the street who helps plow out your driveway after a blizzard, a fellow Elks member you have a beer with a couple of times a week, etc. You know, regular human beings who happen to do a difficult and dangerous job, the vital importance of which becomes all too clear when something like this happens. You have over-the-hill Hippies, and greasy little petty criminals who get a thrill out of saying (well, typing since they would never have the balls to really say any of this in public) stupid, anachronistic shit like "pigs, man, pigs!" and mentally unstable loons like you who live to give dramatic speeches to the mirror in their bunker (or shed, or garage, or bathroom) but generally keep their lunatic shit to themselves when out in actual society.

In short, shut the fuck up or go be weak and crazy somewhere else, douchebag.

Strange that you think everyone in Watertown agrees with you, could that be because the media is not searching out the people who are disgruntled over the way this was handled? Do you think they would give a Republican governor and president the same pass?

There is nothing strange about the fact that I live here and you don't. What is strange is that you insist on imposing your agenda on a people, place, and circumstance you know nothing about. Get the fuck over yourself.

One thing I know for certain, if you put ten people in a room they and get them talking about what happened that they will end up disagreeing about it. The fat that you are deluded enough to actually believe that 100% of your neighbors support the government in this just indicates your complete and total lack of critical thinking skills.

By the way, how am I imposing my agenda by insisting that I will not allow the government to ignore the rights of everyone? Does the ACLU impose their agenda when they do the same thing, or do you limit your delusional rants to people that are smarter than you?
Let me try to help you break through your retardation.

Ask yourself, what did the totalitarian lockdown achieve?

What did the terrorizing of innocents at gunpoint achieve?

What did the illegal armed home invasions achieve?

What did the forcible removal of innocents, including women and children achieve?


Lifting the totalitarian lockdown was the one thing that worked.

It was that police act that allowed a free citizen to locate the terrorist, correct?

The lockdown minimized the number of cars and people on the road which helps the police and keep citizens safe.

No innocent people were terrorized at gunpoint. That's just paranoid hyperbole on your part.

There was no illegal armed invasions. Again just more of your paranoia.

No one was forcibly removed. Again more paranoia.

I'm not aware of anyone from that area coming forward and saying they are upset by the behavior of the police. The only response to their procedures is the citizens standing out it the streets and cheering them. So, why are people who had absolutely no involvement in it so certain it is something to be outraged about. Some people like to hate the police and find fault with everything they do, until they really need them. Apparently the people in this situation felt they really needed what the police did to try to find this guy and secure the safety of the populace. You may be against their aggressive procedures in theory, but in reality, the people they were protecting knew they were being protected and appreciated it.

Pay more attention.

Just a side note, people stood in the streets and cheered the SS also. I prefer to look at the implications of something, even if I like the result, over blindly allowing the government to get ignore the rights of people, even if they don't object.

Come to think if it, one of the biggest problems the ACLU had when they were fighting the way the Bush administration picked people up and detained them was the lack of people that were willing to fight the government over what they did. A lot of them thought it helped the government to be able to lock people up, even if it was them that was locked up. I didn't notice you complaining about the ACLU sticking their noses in even though no one was actually complaining.
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He made the comparison you moron. He said we let Obama kill innocent kids, do you believe that's what we do? If so then you are as much of a retard as he is.

This is apples an oranges, but Obama does murder innocent kids.

{When he was killed, on September 30, 2011, President Obama made a speech about it; a few months later, when the Obama administraton's public-relations campaign about its embrace of what has come to be called "targeted killing" reached its climax in a front-page story in the New York Times that presented the President of the United States as the last word in deciding who lives and who dies, he was quoted as saying that the decision to put Anwar al-Awlaki on the kill list -- and then to kill him -- was "an easy one." But Abdulrahman al-Awlaki wasn't on an American kill list.

Nor was he a member of Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninusla. Nor was he "an inspiration," as his father styled himself, for those determined to draw American blood; nor had he gone "operational," as American authorities said his father had, in drawing up plots against Americans and American interests. He was a boy who hadn't seen his father in two years, since his father had gone into hiding. He was a boy who knew his father was on an American kill list and who snuck out of his family's home in the early morning hours of September 4, 2011, to try to find him. He was a boy who was still searching for his father when his father was killed, and who, on the night he himself was killed, was saying goodbye to the second cousin with whom he'd lived while on his search, and the friends he'd made. He was a boy among boys, then; a boy among boys eating dinner by an open fire along the side of a road when an American drone came out of the sky and fired the missiles that killed them all. }

How Team Obama Justifies the Killing of a 16-Year-Old American - Conor Friedersdorf - The Atlantic

Obama murders American children, that is a fact.

It has nothing to do with this case, though.

No it's not a fact. What is a fact is that sometimes innocent people lose their lives during warfare.

Children are NOT targeted and you have failed to prove they are.

Let me get this straight, when we bomb a target, wait until rescuers show up, and bomb it again, that is just part of war?
The lockdown minimized the number of cars and people on the road which helps the police and keep citizens safe.

No innocent people were terrorized at gunpoint. That's just paranoid hyperbole on your part.

There was no illegal armed invasions. Again just more of your paranoia.

No one was forcibly removed. Again more paranoia.

I'm not aware of anyone from that area coming forward and saying they are upset by the behavior of the police. The only response to their procedures is the citizens standing out it the streets and cheering them. So, why are people who had absolutely no involvement in it so certain it is something to be outraged about. Some people like to hate the police and find fault with everything they do, until they really need them. Apparently the people in this situation felt they really needed what the police did to try to find this guy and secure the safety of the populace. You may be against their aggressive procedures in theory, but in reality, the people they were protecting knew they were being protected and appreciated it.

Great point.

That was the main reason most people had no problem with Nazi Germany, people were cheering. We still see it today when reporters talk about places like North Korea, the people cheer, so it must be good.
In comparing the response of the Boston area police to the Los Angeles area police in the Chris Dorner attacks it is not even close

While the LAPD overreacted in firing on private citizens and ended up burning down a cabin with Dorner in it, the Boston area police conducted a well orchestrated investigation and lockdown which limited the exposure of civilians to danger

Great job
I'm not aware of anyone from that area coming forward and saying they are upset by the behavior of the police. The only response to their procedures is the citizens standing out it the streets and cheering them. So, why are people who had absolutely no involvement in it so certain it is something to be outraged about. Some people like to hate the police and find fault with everything they do, until they really need them. Apparently the people in this situation felt they really needed what the police did to try to find this guy and secure the safety of the populace. You may be against their aggressive procedures in theory, but in reality, the people they were protecting knew they were being protected and appreciated it.

I'm not aware of any Germans complaining about the SS removing Jews from their neighborhoods either, don't make it right.
If they do say something the statists will attack.

So a one day lockdown is the equivalent of the Jewish Holocaust

I get it now

A few years ago people scoffed when nutters pointed out that something like this might happen, now they defend it.
I seem to remember the country rallying around the President after 9-11. Now all we get is people whining because they had to stay inside for a day

Yep, except it isn't the people that had to stay inside that are whining. It's the fauxrage of the nutters.

The ACLU has received lots of complaints from people that had to stay inside, and the outrage is coming from a both the left and the right, even if it sounds different.
No it's not a fact.

Well yes, it is a fact - documented and cited.

Obama murders American children - irrefutable. Just ask Abdulrahman al-Awlaki. Oh, you can't - Obama murdered him.

Obama murdered Abdulrahman al-Awlaki in Yemen. Are we at war with Yemen?

Children are NOT targeted and you have failed to prove they are.
Abdulrahman al-Awlaki was targeted and murdered.


You lying for Obama doesn't change reality.

The target was the father. Not the kid. Correction: The kid was killed when the drone targeted Samir Khan. Again the kid was NOT the target.

You know this how?
In comparing the response of the Boston area police to the Los Angeles area police in the Chris Dorner attacks it is not even close

While the LAPD overreacted in firing on private citizens and ended up burning down a cabin with Dorner in it, the Boston area police conducted a well orchestrated investigation and lockdown which limited the exposure of civilians to danger

Great job

Excellent point.
Drones aren't the only weapon in our arsenal. So no, on Main street it probably wouldn't be used.

Why not? Drop a Hellfire at noon and you're bound to get an NRA member, Tea Partier, or some other "terrorist."

Bush did use drones and I'm sure collateral damage resulted, including children.

Bush never used drones outside of operational combat zones. Obama targets civilians in allied nations.

Abdulrahman was murdered while sitting at a coffee shop. And no, it wasn't random, it was premeditated murder.

Oh and I could tell you were a liberal by your dishonesty.

To speak against Obama is "dishonest?" Obama is the truth and the light?

Define "leftist" and I'll answer the question.

To adhere to the agenda and philosophies of the left. Supportive of a powerful central state that determines what is best for the populace. Severe limits on individual liberty in order to provide security and social justice.

In a nutshell, Obamunism.

So when in 2002 Bush used a Drone in Yemen it was in a combat zone?

You need to come up with more believable lies.

On November 3, 2002, the CIA used a drone to fire laser-guided Hellfire missiles at a
passenger vehicle traveling in a thinly populated region of Yemen. At that time, the Air
Force controlled the entire drone fleet, but the Air Force rightly raised concerns about the
legality of attacking in a place where there was no armed conflict. CIA agents based in
Djibouti carried out the killing. All six passengers in the vehicle were killed, including
an American.5 In January 2003, the United Nations Commission on Human Rights
received a report on the Yemen strike from its special rapporteur on extrajudicial,
summary, or arbitrary killing. The rapporteur concluded that the strike constituted “a
clear case of extrajudicial killing.”

The United States has also used combat drones in Somalia probably starting in late 2006
during the Ethiopian invasion when the U.S. assisted Ethiopia in its attempt to install a
new government in that volatile country.

The United States has been carrying out drone attacks in Pakistan since 2004.

Abdulrahman wasn't the target you moron, some Egyption was.

You really are dense and dishonest.

I'm right of Rush Limbaugh. And even he thinks your line of thinking is full of shit.
The target was the father. Not the kid.

The father was assassinated - in violation of U.S. law, 2 weeks prior to the murder of the son.

Correction: The kid was killed when the drone targeted Samir Khan. Again the kid was NOT the target.
Samir Khan was killed in the strike that killed Anwar Al-Awlaki. Obama murdered a 16 year old American citizen. You can't wish it away.

The kid wasn't the target and you cannot prove he was. He was simply collateral damage.

You cannot prove he was not the target because Obama refuses to answer questions about who is, and is not, a target. Given the fact that you actually have to resort to lying in an attempt to claim he was not the target, even claiming that he was killed when someone that was killed two weeks earlier died, you really should just shut up.
He didn't say the kids are targeted.

And the last time the U.S. was at war was in 1945. There were no drones back then.

He made the comparison you moron. He said we let Obama kill innocent kids, do you believe that's what we do? If so then you are as much of a retard as he is.

If you voted for Obama in the last election you let Obama target innocent kids, and agreed that it was better than whatever you though Romney would do in the same situation.

I been voting Republican my entire life. Don't plan on changing anytime soon.

Obama never targeted children.

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