Police Chief says Officer Wilson will likely not be charged.

Im not sure if a person can grab a 6'5 large man by the neck while seated in a vehicle through a window. I wonder if anyone here has a similar type of vehicle
and perform a test. It would be just interesting to see if that is feasable
it was an SUV. I doubt he was literally trying to pull him into the car. I think he was just trying to intimidate Brown and then realized he had bitten off more than he could chew and pulled his weapon. Brown probably hit him and then tried to grab the weapon.
As I said before, even if Wilson DID have the suspect by the neck, can the eyewitnesses say WHY? Did they see the suspect go for the officer's gun? Did they witness the suspect punching the officer? As always, context matters. You can't excuse the suspect's actions with "fight or flight" if he initiated the struggle and went for the officer's weapon. That's one very stupid thing to do.
Because he was trying to hold onto him. Why else would he have him around the neck? I can excuse his actions in going for the gun and or punching Wilson since Wilson grabbed him first.

But you don't know that Wilson grabbed him first. A police officer does not attempt to apprehend a suspect by reaching out of his car, BTW. He always gets out of the vehicle precisely so he has freedom to move. The fact that the suspect was that close to the car in the first place is very suspicious to me. Obviously, his body language was threatening.
I wasnt there but I trust the witnesses as I have seen cops pull the same manuever plenty of times growing up. By the same token you dont know Wilson didnt grab him. By Wilsons own admission he backedup right next to him. You cant use the excuse his body language was threatening. That doesnt even make sense.

You're so full of shit your eyes are brown and your breath smells like crap.

You have never seen a cop reach out his window and grab someone by the neck.
It would put the officer at a distinct disadvantage to do so.

I think there is a lot of truth to that statement. I've always seen cops get out of the car before dealing with suspects. The only time they don't is if they just want to talk with someone, and if they are telling someone to get off the street, there is no reason for that person to approach the officer's vehicle.

It seems that your arm hanging out the window in contact with a large individual would actually put you at a disadvantage as he could turn and grab your arm, pull you out the window. Is that wrong? It would be great if someone actually had the same type of SUV and a very large friend to try this with.
The bottom line, as always, still remains. When a cop with a gun tells you to do something, freakin' do it. All your chestbeating and posturing is of absolutely no use. How much ego stroking do you get from the morgue?
Because he was trying to hold onto him. Why else would he have him around the neck? I can excuse his actions in going for the gun and or punching Wilson since Wilson grabbed him first.

But you don't know that Wilson grabbed him first. A police officer does not attempt to apprehend a suspect by reaching out of his car, BTW. He always gets out of the vehicle precisely so he has freedom to move. The fact that the suspect was that close to the car in the first place is very suspicious to me. Obviously, his body language was threatening.
I wasnt there but I trust the witnesses as I have seen cops pull the same manuever plenty of times growing up. By the same token you dont know Wilson didnt grab him. By Wilsons own admission he backedup right next to him. You cant use the excuse his body language was threatening. That doesnt even make sense.

You're so full of shit your eyes are brown and your breath smells like crap.

You have never seen a cop reach out his window and grab someone by the neck.
It would put the officer at a distinct disadvantage to do so.

A gun equalizes that disadvantage. They do it to intimidate people. I have seen it done countless times.

You have seen policemen reach out of their car windows and grab suspects around the neck? Where did that happen, and why haven't those policemen been trained better?
They dont have to be suspects to a crime. Its about intimidation.
Because he was trying to hold onto him. Why else would he have him around the neck? I can excuse his actions in going for the gun and or punching Wilson since Wilson grabbed him first.

But you don't know that Wilson grabbed him first. A police officer does not attempt to apprehend a suspect by reaching out of his car, BTW. He always gets out of the vehicle precisely so he has freedom to move. The fact that the suspect was that close to the car in the first place is very suspicious to me. Obviously, his body language was threatening.
I wasnt there but I trust the witnesses as I have seen cops pull the same manuever plenty of times growing up. By the same token you dont know Wilson didnt grab him. By Wilsons own admission he backedup right next to him. You cant use the excuse his body language was threatening. That doesnt even make sense.

You're so full of shit your eyes are brown and your breath smells like crap.

You have never seen a cop reach out his window and grab someone by the neck.
It would put the officer at a distinct disadvantage to do so.

I think there is a lot of truth to that statement. I've always seen cops get out of the car before dealing with suspects. The only time they don't is if they just want to talk with someone, and if they are telling someone to get off the street, there is no reason for that person to approach the officer's vehicle.

It seems that your arm hanging out the window in contact with a large individual would actually put you at a disadvantage as he could turn and grab your arm, pull you out the window. Is that wrong? It would be great if someone actually had the same type of SUV and a very large friend to try this with.

I'm sure that is being tried even now.
As I said before, even if Wilson DID have the suspect by the neck, can the eyewitnesses say WHY? Did they see the suspect go for the officer's gun? Did they witness the suspect punching the officer? As always, context matters. You can't excuse the suspect's actions with "fight or flight" if he initiated the struggle and went for the officer's weapon. That's one very stupid thing to do.
Because he was trying to hold onto him. Why else would he have him around the neck? I can excuse his actions in going for the gun and or punching Wilson since Wilson grabbed him first.

But you don't know that Wilson grabbed him first. A police officer does not attempt to apprehend a suspect by reaching out of his car, BTW. He always gets out of the vehicle precisely so he has freedom to move. The fact that the suspect was that close to the car in the first place is very suspicious to me. Obviously, his body language was threatening.
I wasnt there but I trust the witnesses as I have seen cops pull the same manuever plenty of times growing up. By the same token you dont know Wilson didnt grab him. By Wilsons own admission he backedup right next to him. You cant use the excuse his body language was threatening. That doesnt even make sense.

You're so full of shit your eyes are brown and your breath smells like crap.

You have never seen a cop reach out his window and grab someone by the neck.
It would put the officer at a distinct disadvantage to do so.

A gun equalizes that disadvantage. They do it to intimidate people. I have seen it done countless times.

What you have seen countless times is irrelevant to this case. This is a different case that you did not see.
As I said before, even if Wilson DID have the suspect by the neck, can the eyewitnesses say WHY? Did they see the suspect go for the officer's gun? Did they witness the suspect punching the officer? As always, context matters. You can't excuse the suspect's actions with "fight or flight" if he initiated the struggle and went for the officer's weapon. That's one very stupid thing to do.
Because he was trying to hold onto him. Why else would he have him around the neck? I can excuse his actions in going for the gun and or punching Wilson since Wilson grabbed him first.

But you don't know that Wilson grabbed him first. A police officer does not attempt to apprehend a suspect by reaching out of his car, BTW. He always gets out of the vehicle precisely so he has freedom to move. The fact that the suspect was that close to the car in the first place is very suspicious to me. Obviously, his body language was threatening.
I wasnt there but I trust the witnesses as I have seen cops pull the same manuever plenty of times growing up. By the same token you dont know Wilson didnt grab him. By Wilsons own admission he backedup right next to him. You cant use the excuse his body language was threatening. That doesnt even make sense.

You're so full of shit your eyes are brown and your breath smells like crap.

You have never seen a cop reach out his window and grab someone by the neck.
It would put the officer at a distinct disadvantage to do so.

A gun equalizes that disadvantage. They do it to intimidate people. I have seen it done countless times.

You're a fucken liar. So tell me Asslips,how is it possible for anyone sitting in a car to reach an average mans neck who is standing?
Im not sure if a person can grab a 6'5 large man by the neck while seated in a vehicle through a window. I wonder if anyone here has a similar type of vehicle
and perform a test. It would be just interesting to see if that is feasable
it was an SUV. I doubt he was literally trying to pull him into the car. I think he was just trying to intimidate Brown and then realized he had bitten off more than he could chew and pulled his weapon. Brown probably hit him and then tried to grab the weapon.

Maybe, but this is where I think the physical evidence is going to be the most important
But you don't know that Wilson grabbed him first. A police officer does not attempt to apprehend a suspect by reaching out of his car, BTW. He always gets out of the vehicle precisely so he has freedom to move. The fact that the suspect was that close to the car in the first place is very suspicious to me. Obviously, his body language was threatening.
I wasnt there but I trust the witnesses as I have seen cops pull the same manuever plenty of times growing up. By the same token you dont know Wilson didnt grab him. By Wilsons own admission he backedup right next to him. You cant use the excuse his body language was threatening. That doesnt even make sense.

You're so full of shit your eyes are brown and your breath smells like crap.

You have never seen a cop reach out his window and grab someone by the neck.
It would put the officer at a distinct disadvantage to do so.

A gun equalizes that disadvantage. They do it to intimidate people. I have seen it done countless times.

You have seen policemen reach out of their car windows and grab suspects around the neck? Where did that happen, and why haven't those policemen been trained better?
They dont have to be suspects to a crime. Its about intimidation.

Okay, so you have NOT seen this happen?
The bottom line, as always, still remains. When a cop with a gun tells you to do something, freakin' do it. All your chestbeating and posturing is of absolutely no use. How much ego stroking do you get from the morgue?
Well like I told you before, it has nothing to do with chest beating. Its about survival. No one is going to stand passively by while someone grabs them around the neck. Well at least most people with any instincts.
I wasnt there but I trust the witnesses as I have seen cops pull the same manuever plenty of times growing up. By the same token you dont know Wilson didnt grab him. By Wilsons own admission he backedup right next to him. You cant use the excuse his body language was threatening. That doesnt even make sense.

You're so full of shit your eyes are brown and your breath smells like crap.

You have never seen a cop reach out his window and grab someone by the neck.
It would put the officer at a distinct disadvantage to do so.

A gun equalizes that disadvantage. They do it to intimidate people. I have seen it done countless times.

You have seen policemen reach out of their car windows and grab suspects around the neck? Where did that happen, and why haven't those policemen been trained better?
They dont have to be suspects to a crime. Its about intimidation.

Okay, so you have NOT seen this happen?
I already said I did see it happen. Countless times regardless of the person being a suspect or not.
Im not sure if a person can grab a 6'5 large man by the neck while seated in a vehicle through a window. I wonder if anyone here has a similar type of vehicle
and perform a test. It would be just interesting to see if that is feasable
it was an SUV. I doubt he was literally trying to pull him into the car. I think he was just trying to intimidate Brown and then realized he had bitten off more than he could chew and pulled his weapon. Brown probably hit him and then tried to grab the weapon.

Maybe, but this is where I think the physical evidence is going to be the most important
I dont know how much good its going to be. No one has denied a struggle occurred. What can the evidence tell us that we dont already know?
The bottom line, as always, still remains. When a cop with a gun tells you to do something, freakin' do it. All your chestbeating and posturing is of absolutely no use. How much ego stroking do you get from the morgue?
Well like I told you before, it has nothing to do with chest beating. Its about survival. No one is going to stand passively by while someone grabs them around the neck. Well at least most people with any instincts.

If I'm dealing with an armed cop and he does that, I'm not fighting him. That's just absolutely stupid.
You're so full of shit your eyes are brown and your breath smells like crap.

You have never seen a cop reach out his window and grab someone by the neck.
It would put the officer at a distinct disadvantage to do so.

A gun equalizes that disadvantage. They do it to intimidate people. I have seen it done countless times.

You have seen policemen reach out of their car windows and grab suspects around the neck? Where did that happen, and why haven't those policemen been trained better?
They dont have to be suspects to a crime. Its about intimidation.

Okay, so you have NOT seen this happen?
I already said I did see it happen. Countless times regardless of the person being a suspect or not.

I really am curious. Where and when have you seen policemen reach out of their vehicles and grab suspects around the neck?
Breaking News:

7 Black Witnesses Come Forward Corroborating Officer Wilsons Testimony Before Grand Jury.

Report At least seven black witnesses have corroborated Darren Wilson 8217 s testimony before the Ferguson grand jury Hot Air

We can always count on you for total idiocy. Hotair.com? And you do know that the proceedings of a grand jury are secret, right?

Grand Jury Secrecy Rules
Washingtonpost.com Special Report Clinton Accused
My link and the links hotair sources to are correct. Also the autopsy report confirms Wilsons testimony. Face it, this White patriot Wilson is innocent and will not be indicted for shooting a 3/5ths human known as a negro.

Even if your source IS correct, let's quote it, shall we?

Or did the witnesses corroborate the fatal shooting later, after Brown had moved away from the car and Wilson had gotten out? That’s what the case will turn on: If Wilson ends up being indicted, prosecutors will argue that, yes, Brown might have reached for Wilson’s gun but the subsequent shooting was unnecessary. Brown was already wounded; Wilson was shooting out of rage, not to repel a mortal threat. Realistically, though, how likely is it that he’s going to be indicted at this point? Crump says he has seven witnesses who’ll say that Wilson gunned Brown down unjustifiably. Great, says the defense, we have seven witnesses who say the opposite plus a pile of forensic evidence that shows Brown, who’d just committed a robbery at the local convenience store, not only assaulted a police officer but attempted to seize his firearm. There’s little doubt, barring some bombshell evidence that the public doesn’t know about, that Wilson’s not going to be convicted. The question now is whether he’ll be charged. One theory for all the leaks lately is that law enforcement is trying to prepare the public for the fact that grand jury is unlikely to return an indictment, but I don’t know: Given what Crump said in the excerpt above plus protesters vowing that “it’s going to be a war” if Wilson isn’t charged, sounds like releasing the evidence early isn’t going to calm anyone down

I again, reiterate. If you feel the way you do about minorities, and you wish to keep the peace, this Wilson is not a professional you want tending to the business of keeping, in your words, the "3/5ths human known as a negro," element in check. With that sort of sloppy work, you are liable to have a race war. Is that what you really want? More chaos, more mayhem, more affirmative action, really? REALLY?!

If that is what you want, just get more idiot, aggressive, neanderthal cops like this on the beat, and you will have more biased, partial, non-color blind laws on the books.

Instead of justice looking like this. . . .
It will forever have to be super sensitive, biased, partial jurisdictions with two sets of laws, one for the majority, and one for minorities. Do you really want that? Do you want justice to look like this?

Well, if we don't get rid of cops that let their passions rule their decision making, the liberals you hate so much WILL pass two sets of laws for different segments of society, and justice will end up looking like that.

I saw the video of Brown acting like a punk in the convenience store. I UNDERSTOOD WHY those kids were acting that way. I could empathize with them. Does it excuse their behavior? Hell no. But if you don't demand the termination of cops that are overzealous, we WILL HAVE two sets of laws. The fault of these kids acting this way lay in the black community, but it will be solved in the white community if blacks don't solve it themselves. This is exactly what Bill Cosby was railing against in his famous "Pound Cake" speech.

None the less, even if no indictment is warranted, I still maintain that Wilson IS NOT police officer material. He is construction worker material only. Or better still, maybe he needs to be put on mental health disability and be a paid poster. It seems he'd fit right in with you and cultsmasher.

Outstanding! "SkeeveMcGutter" should move to Brazil where the cops shoot homeless kids in the street. He would be right at home.
The bottom line, as always, still remains. When a cop with a gun tells you to do something, freakin' do it. All your chestbeating and posturing is of absolutely no use. How much ego stroking do you get from the morgue?
Well like I told you before, it has nothing to do with chest beating. Its about survival. No one is going to stand passively by while someone grabs them around the neck. Well at least most people with any instincts.

If I'm dealing with an armed cop and he does that, I'm not fighting him. That's just absolutely stupid.
Maybe that explains the incredulity of some whites in this case. To me it makes perfect sense.
A gun equalizes that disadvantage. They do it to intimidate people. I have seen it done countless times.

You have seen policemen reach out of their car windows and grab suspects around the neck? Where did that happen, and why haven't those policemen been trained better?
They dont have to be suspects to a crime. Its about intimidation.

Okay, so you have NOT seen this happen?
I already said I did see it happen. Countless times regardless of the person being a suspect or not.

I really am curious. Where and when have you seen policemen reach out of their vehicles and grab suspects around the neck?
In my neighborhood when growing up. Inner city.
A gun equalizes that disadvantage. They do it to intimidate people. I have seen it done countless times.

You have seen policemen reach out of their car windows and grab suspects around the neck? Where did that happen, and why haven't those policemen been trained better?
They dont have to be suspects to a crime. Its about intimidation.

Okay, so you have NOT seen this happen?
I already said I did see it happen. Countless times regardless of the person being a suspect or not.

I really am curious. Where and when have you seen policemen reach out of their vehicles and grab suspects around the neck?

Gee, you're right. It's simply ridiculous.

But I have seen them put an illegal chokehold on a guy in Staten Island and then beat up a grandmother in California.

Any other stupid questions?


Because he was trying to hold onto him. Why else would he have him around the neck? I can excuse his actions in going for the gun and or punching Wilson since Wilson grabbed him first.

But you don't know that Wilson grabbed him first. A police officer does not attempt to apprehend a suspect by reaching out of his car, BTW. He always gets out of the vehicle precisely so he has freedom to move. The fact that the suspect was that close to the car in the first place is very suspicious to me. Obviously, his body language was threatening.
I wasnt there but I trust the witnesses as I have seen cops pull the same manuever plenty of times growing up. By the same token you dont know Wilson didnt grab him. By Wilsons own admission he backedup right next to him. You cant use the excuse his body language was threatening. That doesnt even make sense.

You're so full of shit your eyes are brown and your breath smells like crap.

You have never seen a cop reach out his window and grab someone by the neck.
It would put the officer at a distinct disadvantage to do so.

A gun equalizes that disadvantage. They do it to intimidate people. I have seen it done countless times.

What you have seen countless times is irrelevant to this case. This is a different case that you did not see.
What you think is relevant or not is irrelevant to me. Its only irrelevant to you because you dont want to believe cops do just what I described.

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