Police dashboard camera video shows what really happened.

Did the state fail to update the plate change in the system, or did she just not register that vehicle. I have been ticketed on a parked vehicle before, because the state screwed up registration. Had to go to court to get it thrown out.
The Police have to be quicker about releasing full video footage of arrests gone bad. There is too much death and destruction being caused by video snippets designed to cast Cops in the worst possible light.
Did the state fail to update the plate change in the system, or did she just not register that vehicle. I have been ticketed on a parked vehicle before, because the state screwed up registration. Had to go to court to get it thrown out.
According to the video, she was driving the car then pulled over probably so she could claim she was just sitting in a parked car.
UNDENIABLE proof the blacks are so FKd up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
CLEAR proof
this is how Blake, Brown, Floyd, etc etc etc shit gets started---
--it's the dumbass jackass blacks that are the problem--not the police

..it all crosschecks:
..they are violent= commit rape and murder at high rates = violent = impulse control problems=cannot be CIVIL/smart/etc = cannot take the time to think things out =cannot process information properly = they graduate at lower levels
Where’s the viral link? Tell the whole story. I never heard of this so how big of a viral story was it? Interaction seemed professional to me but how many white people they circle over for turning on the signal then pulling over?
Did the state fail to update the plate change in the system, or did she just not register that vehicle. I have been ticketed on a parked vehicle before, because the state screwed up registration. Had to go to court to get it thrown out.
According to the video, she was driving the car then pulled over probably so she could claim she was just sitting in a parked car.

The last time I got pulled over it was over a license plate light being out. The cop was professional and so was I. No warning, no threats, nothing and I didn't even have to give him all the required data. I thanked for the heads up and said I would take care of it first thing in the morning. Guess what, I replaced the recepticle first thing the next day like a good Citizen.
Where’s the viral link? Tell the whole story. I never heard of this so how big of a viral story was it? Interaction seemed fine to me.
It didn't last long. On Twitter and Facebook a 7 second cut out of this video was spreading around and out came the outrage.
But the police were quick to release the dashcam video within hours and the "story" died with it.

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