Police Officers Identified Among Those Who Stormed The Capitol!

The media has not only been reluctant, but have been trying to avoid these facts.

Here is THEE definitive video essay as to why and how it happened, and what's CURRENTLY going on in response to it...

What's your assessment of it?

DC police, on orders from Pelosi, let in the Antifa people to discredit the tens of thousands peaceful protestors
You only think that because you have such a low IQ, retard.

The bigoted racist jungle bunny in the video obviously hates honkeys.
I don't think that blatant racism is indicative of a high IQ ya fukkin jerk off

That was a pretty big fail
You only think that because you have such a low IQ, retard.

The bigoted racist jungle bunny in the video obviously hates honkeys.
I don't think that blatant racism is indicative of a high IQ ya fukkin jerk off

That was a pretty big fail
You wouldn't know blatant racism if it bit you in the ass, snowflake retarded PC slave.

All the monkey does is bitch about crackers in the video. That's why I think he is a racist bigot.
The first question I asked when I saw the very first video - was "where in the hell are the capitol police??"
There are 2,300 capitol officers.
Former ICE director, who use to be a capitol officer himself, and still friends with several of them... described what happened as "impossible".
His information was there were actually more officers off that day that usual... which is unheard of on a day where it is known that 10,000s of people are coming to protest. In particular that we have known about and seen social media calls for violence... and they had the day off??

Damn straight there is something fishy here.
And one thing to keep in mind... the capital police answer to CONGRESS - NOT THE WHITE HOUSE.
All of the top commanders are appointed by Congress.

Who are the top officials involved?
Who made the decision to have so many officers off duty that day?

And MARCATL - the reason the media is quiet is what I have bolded.
Fair enough, but what do you say about all the off-duty cops and retired military personnel that were part of those who stormed the Capitol?
They had every right to be there! The few who damaged property will pay for it, what you choose to forget and have defended is the mass destruction over a man who committed suicide, only you could justify this...
The media has not only been reluctant, but have been trying to avoid these facts.

Here is THEE definitive video essay as to why and how it happened, and what's CURRENTLY going on in response to it...

What's your assessment of it?

Shit, you aren't surprised. I'm definitely not surprised. In reality, the media bows to corporate interests, and we try and pretend they don't have a penchant for stabbing us in the back repeatedly.
The media has not only been reluctant, but have been trying to avoid these facts.

Here is THEE definitive video essay as to why and how it happened, and what's CURRENTLY going on in response to it...

What's your assessment of it?

Retired/former military personnel are regular people. There are millions of them.

I'm retired U.S. Navy, and I'm not a "regular people" as you called us. I have an ID card that identifies me as a retired Navy person, and no, I'm not stupid enough to go and storm the Capitol. I had to go through a 1 week course every year, called "Navy Rights and Responsibilities". We covered everything from pay and benefits to the Constitution, and the number one thing that a lot of people brought up was the 1st Amendment. Yes, you can protest, and yes, you can disagree with what I say, BUT, you have to do it peacefully, and that riot at the Capitol was anything but. I also don't like the idiots that broke things and set fire to cars in protest of various black people getting killed by cops. But, at the same time, during the BLM protests, while there were idiots who were breaking and looting, there were also people trying to stop some of them. I didn't see anyone at the Capitol riot trying to stop anyone. And, as far as that former Air Force woman who got shot and killed? While I am sorry that she was killed, she should have known better than to storm the Capitol. Most military (but not all) have respect for that building, no matter who happens to occupy it at any given time. We respect this country, and the important institutions it has. Would I ever go to a protest? Sure, if it was something that I felt strongly about. Would I stick around if it started to get violent? I'd try to stop the violence, but if I couldn't, I'd leave, as that ISN'T part of the 1st Amendment as far as I'm concerned.

And, an MCPO teaching the class summed up the 1st Amendment and how the military should view it in just a couple of words.............I might not agree with what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it. My addition to that thought is "as long as you're peaceful".
DC police, on orders from Pelosi, let in the Antifa people to discredit the tens of thousands peaceful protestors

Really Crusty Skank? You think that Pelosi told the DC police to let people in? Hate to tell you, but there were cops taking selfies with the rioters, as well as one of them took off his uniform hat and put on a MAGA hat. You think that MAGA idiots will listen to Pelosi? And, what proof do you have that it was ANTIFA people? Most ANTIFA people that I've heard of would NEVER wave a Trump or Confederate flag, and they also wouldn't wear MAGA hats.
I'm not going to watch an hour long video, but I watched the first few minutes, which seem to be pretty strong on conjecture. If there are three officers identified who were definitely involved, my guess would be the Oath Keepers?
Everything said in the video is informed by the facts.

His video essays tend to come true, as we're already seeing with the suspensions and arrests of the Capitol police.

I'm curious to know what stood out as particularly conjecture to you.

Really glad that you watched some of it though.
I'm retired U.S. Navy, and I'm not a "regular people" as you called us. I have an ID card that identifies me as a retired Navy person, and no, I'm not stupid enough to go and storm the Capitol. I had to go through a 1 week course every year, called "Navy Rights and Responsibilities". We covered everything from pay and benefits to the Constitution, and the number one thing that a lot of people brought up was the 1st Amendment. Yes, you can protest, and yes, you can disagree with what I say, BUT, you have to do it peacefully, and that riot at the Capitol was anything but. I also don't like the idiots that broke things and set fire to cars in protest of various black people getting killed by cops. But, at the same time, during the BLM protests, while there were idiots who were breaking and looting, there were also people trying to stop some of them. I didn't see anyone at the Capitol riot trying to stop anyone. And, as far as that former Air Force woman who got shot and killed? While I am sorry that she was killed, she should have known better than to storm the Capitol. Most military (but not all) have respect for that building, no matter who happens to occupy it at any given time. We respect this country, and the important institutions it has. Would I ever go to a protest? Sure, if it was something that I felt strongly about. Would I stick around if it started to get violent? I'd try to stop the violence, but if I couldn't, I'd leave, as that ISN'T part of the 1st Amendment as far as I'm concerned.

And, an MCPO teaching the class summed up the 1st Amendment and how the military should view it in just a couple of words.............I might not agree with what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it. My addition to that thought is "as long as you're peaceful".
I believe I've thanked you before thank you for your service brother.
They had every right to be there! The few who damaged property will pay for it, what you choose to forget and have defended is the mass destruction over a man who committed suicide, only you could justify this...
Anyone who crossed the threshold of that building that day needs to be indicted. Many should get much more.

And that ESCECIALLY goes for Law Enforcement Officers...DOUBLY

Oath Keepers shit heads
I am no conspiracy theorist.
But... there are so many glaring problems with what happened that I have to admit something is not right.
When something really doesn't make sense, and it should, then there is something you don't know - that would make it make sense.

Again and again...

1) There are 2,300 Capitol Officers. Say that one more time - 2,300.
2) Capitol authorities were warned by the FBI and the NYPD that there were several known security threats that were going to be there. They were warned weeks in advance about social media posts/groups about possible violence.
3) There were less officers on duty than usual, let alone on a day where a planned massive protests was scheduled.
4) - And here is the real strange thing here - The Capitol Police are under the direct supervision of Congress. It's leaders are appointed by Congress.

Let that sink in.

Oh it has. Whole lot of bullshit going on there.
Retired/former military personnel are regular people. There are millions of them.

I'm retired U.S. Navy, and I'm not a "regular people" as you called us. I have an ID card that identifies me as a retired Navy person, and no, I'm not stupid enough to go and storm the Capitol. I had to go through a 1 week course every year, called "Navy Rights and Responsibilities". We covered everything from pay and benefits to the Constitution, and the number one thing that a lot of people brought up was the 1st Amendment. Yes, you can protest, and yes, you can disagree with what I say, BUT, you have to do it peacefully, and that riot at the Capitol was anything but. I also don't like the idiots that broke things and set fire to cars in protest of various black people getting killed by cops. But, at the same time, during the BLM protests, while there were idiots who were breaking and looting, there were also people trying to stop some of them. I didn't see anyone at the Capitol riot trying to stop anyone. And, as far as that former Air Force woman who got shot and killed? While I am sorry that she was killed, she should have known better than to storm the Capitol. Most military (but not all) have respect for that building, no matter who happens to occupy it at any given time. We respect this country, and the important institutions it has. Would I ever go to a protest? Sure, if it was something that I felt strongly about. Would I stick around if it started to get violent? I'd try to stop the violence, but if I couldn't, I'd leave, as that ISN'T part of the 1st Amendment as far as I'm concerned.

And, an MCPO teaching the class summed up the 1st Amendment and how the military should view it in just a couple of words.............I might not agree with what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it. My addition to that thought is "as long as you're peaceful".
Nothing I disagree with... by "regular people" my point is that military people are no different than everyone else, i.e. - same fallacies, problems etc. as the rest of society.. only that if they were a part of this fiasco that makes them all the more wrong.
only that if they were a part of this fiasco that makes them all the more wrong.
And they did...as did LEOs. And they both need to answer for that
But again... that is all white noise.
What is important to know is WHY were so few Capitol officers there that day.
Why was the Capital Chiefs request for NG hours before violence began denied by senior officials (who are under direct supervision of congress)
Why was weeks of warnings by other law enforcement telling Capitol police, not only ignored, but AGAIN - there were FEWER officers on duty that day than usual.
IT is critical for everyome to know that Capitol Police have 2,300 officers.... who were no where to be seen. They are under the direct command of Congress. So why were so few there, and why was all information something was going to happen ignored???

The media has not only been reluctant, but have been trying to avoid these facts.

Wow, Snark! Do you think your Hollywood produced video used enough colorful adjectives and metaphors?!

Kinda sucks that you spent all last year trying to defund the police! And Obumma spent 8 years defunding the military.

Now you're surprised the police's loyalties are with Trump. News Flash for ya-- -- -- so are the military's. And the vets and most gun owners.

Now you idiots just filled the Capitol with 4,000 troops armed with rifles to "protect" the Cowardly Capitol. I sure hope those guys don't turn on you on the 20th and take the Capitol or back down, let in or side with more protesters! :omg:

You SURE Biden's going to be the next president on the 20th? :21:
only that if they were a part of this fiasco that makes them all the more wrong.
And they did...as did LEOs. And they both need to answer for that
But again... that is all white noise.
What is important to know is WHY were so few Capitol officers there that day.
Why was the Capital Chiefs request for NG hours before violence began denied by senior officials (who are under direct supervision of congress)
Why was weeks of warnings by other law enforcement telling Capitol police, not only ignored, but AGAIN - there were FEWER officers on duty that day than usual.
IT is critical for everyome to know that Capitol Police have 2,300 officers.... who were no where to be seen. They are under the direct command of Congress. So why were so few there, and why was all information something was going to happen ignored???

They are NOT "under the direct command of Congress".

But yes...there are SERIOUS questions that need to be answered about this security debacle...INCLUDING whether or not GOP Congressmen aided and abetted this attack on democracy

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