Police on the scene of "active multiple shooting" at Buffalo supermarket, 9 people shot : Multiple people are injured & 'several dead'

In the last ten years, I've seen all the black mothers and children slaughtered in this broken messed up so called "poor black culture" democrats enable like god damned pimps. (if you don't vote for Biden you ain't black?) They are forgotten and used like cannon fodder. This is just how fucking despicable the democrats ARE. White racism is a unicorn, democrats pandering is the real threat to blacks.
If there was the possibility that someone might shoot back, there would be fewer incidents like this. Is the perp a racist? Perhaps. I don't believe that there should be crimes called hate crimes. When a black child is killed in places like Chicago at the hands of a black perp, that is just as heinous as if that child were killed by a racist white person.
Spare us. Hate crimes should exist and Chicago has nothing to do with this. Every time some deranged white racist piece of shit kills some black people you guys want to talk about black on black crime. This was white on black crime, shut up about blacks and take all that responsibility you guys claim to have.
Your racism is on full display here, because you know damned good and well that white folks in general don't go along with this sort of thing at all

White ppl secretly LIKE these events happening.


I think you like these events happening, cause it gives you an excuse to spew your hate for white people.

This does nothing for "white people" but give ammo to our enemies. Why would we like that? You are a race baiting, lying moron.
My heart goes out to those who lost their lives to a mental case, otherwise who needed to be looked at somewhere along the lines especially if he was spouting illegal rhetoric, and next he should have probably been flagged for immediate investigation, and possibly a detainment if the alerts were screaming mayday, mayday, mayday or danger, danger will Robinson before he could carry out such a horrendous act.
Why is it when someone white murders folks you guys love to pull out the mental card, now had this guy been black he would have been called a feral animal, savage, thug, etc.
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Really how many folks did Reagan dig up when he paid restitution to Japanese-Americans for being put in interment camps during WWII?

1. Those people were the ones actually imprisoned.

2. They were imprisoned by the government and then paid by the government.

3. You are assuming I support Reagan's action?
I think you like these events happening, cause it gives you an excuse to spew your hate for white people.

This does nothing for "white people" but give ammo to our enemies. Why would we like that? You are a race baiting, lying moron.
So why is it that when someone black murders someone, you don't put the responsibility on that ONE black man, every black man in America is responsible for it.
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Your racism is on full display here, because you know damned good and well that white folks in general don't go along with this sort of thing at all

White ppl secretly LIKE these events happening.

Am I the racist now ? Black people have not done a thing to white people. But I'm the racist ? Ok. Got it.

and they wish the same hell on the shooter for killing the innocent as you do, but attempting to paint with a broad brush a skin color outside of the case in your heated rhetoric is telling about your personal animosity and racism against white folks in general.

This guy comes from your community. OK ? Look at this bitch.

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its always the bottom barrel ugliest scum that want to say that whites have supremacy.

Yeah the idiot piece of crap is a mental case that went out to do damage to the innocent, and let's hope that he doesn't get bailed or treated lightly like we've seen going on in other case's. It's time to get tough on criminals no matter what the color of their skin is. Crime and murder is exactly what it is, and the penalties should be huge instead of lite.

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The death penalty should be acted upon in this case quickly IMO (not this 19 years in prison before it's carried out), and again it matters not what a person's color is. Justice should be blind period.

It won't happen because he's white, He'll probably plead insanity and they'll tell stories about how he was bullied ay school
So that picture is supposed to mean what to anyone ? All I see is a killer who committed a heinous act worthy of the death penalty. The same if he were a black person, Asian or whatever.
Who has defunded the Police? Trump put plenty of Judges on the bench.

Most of these peaceful living diverse communities have jobs, businesses, etc. How about we bring that to some of these communities where crime is out of control and see how that works.
There is absolutely nothing stopping you from opening a business in any of those communities.
No brother this wasn’t a black grocery store. I shop there I’m white. I have shopped at the grocery store on Jefferson like so many other white and Black people. We stand united in the face of the Nazis like Peyton. Just like America did in World War II.

I'm not your brother. You don't shop there. Don't lie. Second he went to black part of town. He had N*gger on his gun and he shot and killed black people. But yet you seem to think this wasn't racial ?

Black people and white people commit crimes. There’s bad eggs everywhere.

The difference is black people go to jail when we commit crims. White people get off with crimes all the time. Secondly black people would not excuse a black man running in white grocery store and start killing whites. Where as whites like you do.

Strong leaders react to this by uniting people. By pointing out that all people could be proud of their history and they could be proud of where they come from. It’s all about unity in the face of the devil.

Been there, Seen it done. But when blk ppl TELL white people "Hey we have a race problem" What are we told "O no....blk just need to work hard and get their crime rate down"

They probably took him to grab a steak before taking him to the precinct. Violent white males coddle and look out for each other. Most violent group of males on planet Earth.
and since that is always a fear for folks they can no longer give a shit about 10 people killed either.

Kind of a shitty way to go about life, but hey to each their own
Well people do care about people getting murdered, but the knowledge of politician's attempting to take advantage of the crisis can't be ignored either.
In the last ten years, I've seen all the black mothers and children slaughtered in this broken messed up so called "poor black culture" democrats enable like god damned pimps. (if you don't vote for Biden you ain't black?) They are forgotten and used like cannon fodder. This is just how fucking despicable the democrats ARE. White racism is a unicorn, democrats pandering is the real threat to blacks.
Spare us the one-sided white racist "black culture" bullshit. Everything you said was retarded. White mothers have been slaughtered and raped, white children molested, od's out the ass, suicides, acts of domestic terror, mass shootings, you have seen all this from white culture over the past ten years. You vote republican and watch them move jobs out of the country while telling you dumb asses that it's those people from the southern border taking your jobs and you swallow it like you did during the last bj you gave 50 years ago. STFU with that ignorant ass bs.

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