Police on the scene of "active multiple shooting" at Buffalo supermarket, 9 people shot : Multiple people are injured & 'several dead'

Bull crap.. You attempting to rile up your bud's hoping they'll exact revenge is noted. Your kind of rhetoric is dangerous and serves no purpose in the discourse of the conversation. The deranged shooter regardless of him being white, black or any color should get the death penalty for killing innocent people regardless of their color or regardless of it being this so called "black grocery store" as you put so much emphasis on.

It's only white people who do this cowardly mass shooter stuff

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Still missing the point.... Crime is crime no matter who is committing it, so quit defunding the police, help get rid of (through proper procedures), the bad apple's, and get proper judges back on the benches. Then go to work in the communities helping to solve the issues peacefully. The majority of urban working class communities that have peaceful living black's, white's, and many other diverse families don't have these issue's, but that is changing because crime is getting out of control. Time to unify against evil, and strengthen that which remains of good. It's our only hope.
White supremacy as we know was created by Adolf Hitler.

So what is your Point about he is parroting hate he read from others? Because I do agree with you. Are you saying something should occur like politicians should make some kind of a law Based on the shooting ?

Strong leaders react to this by uniting people.

Shootings happen all the time. Black people white people commit racist acts throughout the year. But not all whites not all blacks are bad people. I say we stand united in the face of this.
Just enforce the laws on the books now, and do it blindly, end of problem.
And this is another thing - This was at a black Grocery store. White people always say "Well ya know if you blk ppl just work hard"

OK. Well sh*t.....we done that...... look what happened today at a black Grocery store ?

If he did this to an Asian community. They would be allocating a BILLION dollars right now. Bunch of black ppl dead and white ppl playing dumb "O well this was anti semetic" This MF walks with N*GGER on his gun.

Because of what ? White genocide ? Instead of just making babies with multiple women he decided that the answer to the population problem was to become a mass shooter.

This is all started from the Kyle Rittenhose thing. That was awink to say "Hey if you go out there and kill blks we'll have ya back"
Like Black Wall Street in Tulsa....There are those who can't STAND black success.
Still missing the point.... Crime is crime no matter who is committing it, so quit defunding the police, help get rid of (through proper procedures), the bad apple's, and get proper judges back on the benches.
Who has defunded the Police? Trump put plenty of Judges on the bench.
Then go to work in the communities helping to solve the issues peacefully. The majority of urban working class communities that have peaceful living black's, white's, and many other diverse families don't have these issue's, but that is changing because crime is getting out of control. Time to unify against evil, and strengthen that which remains of good. It's our only hope.
Most of these peaceful living diverse communities have jobs, businesses, etc. How about we bring that to some of these communities where crime is out of control and see how that works.
White supremacists were around LONG before Hitler, hun. John C. Calhoun is an example.
It’s all good brother. Perhaps my post could’ve been written better let me explain,

White supremacy and black supremacy has long been around. But there were plenty of examples of multiculturalism thriving in the ancient times in middle ages just think of the Roman empire numerous emperors of Rome were Arabs Think of Philip the Arab. Also some were black according to numerous sites that are pro Africa.

Now what I meant by saying Adolf Hitler invented white supremacy as we know it was the Nazis were the first to use machines and industry to try to eliminate an entire group of people the Jews. It was America and its allies that stood up to the Nazis. That’s why I was saying we need to teach young Americans to be proud of our country... that it was us also with the Soviets and British that stood up to Nazism and white supremacy. Something to be very proud of. So that’s something that a lot of the younger generation is not getting they’re not getting the proudness in America.
Where those folks EVER paid restitution for what was done to them?

Unless you are planning to dig up the people that did it, and squeeze them for the money, then you are just a thief with a line of jive to justify your crime.
Your racism is on full display here, because you know damned good and well that white folks in general don't go along with this sort of thing at all

White ppl secretly LIKE these events happening.

Am I the racist now ? Black people have not done a thing to white people. But I'm the racist ? Ok. Got it.

and they wish the same hell on the shooter for killing the innocent as you do, but attempting to paint with a broad brush a skin color outside of the case in your heated rhetoric is telling about your personal animosity and racism against white folks in general.

This guy comes from your community. OK ? Look at this bitch.


its always the bottom barrel ugliest scum that want to say that whites have supremacy.

Yeah the idiot piece of crap is a mental case that went out to do damage to the innocent, and let's hope that he doesn't get bailed or treated lightly like we've seen going on in other case's. It's time to get tough on criminals no matter what the color of their skin is. Crime and murder is exactly what it is, and the penalties should be huge instead of lite.


The death penalty should be acted upon in this case quickly IMO (not this 19 years in prison before it's carried out), and again it matters not what a person's color is. Justice should be blind period.

It won't happen because he's white, He'll probably plead insanity and they'll tell stories about how he was bullied ay school
Too often?

In 2021 there was a total of 6....total killed in mass public shootings for the year, 43....

Deer kill 200 people a year.

Ladders kill 300 people a year.

bathtubs kill 350 people a year.

Cars killed 39,000

We have over 330 million people in this country....6 of them in 2021 committed mass public shootings.......6.

That is not too often...that is the rarest of rare events.......
But nobody ever defended themselves against leftist tyranny with deer, ladders, bathtubs, and cars, so leftists don't care about those.
My heart goes out to those who lost their lives to a mental case, otherwise who needed to be looked at somewhere along the lines especially if he was spouting illegal rhetoric, and next he should have probably been flagged for immediate investigation, and possibly a detainment if the alerts were screaming mayday, mayday, mayday or danger, danger will Robinson before he could carry out such a horrendous act.
Bull crap.. You attempting to rile up your bud's hoping they'll exact revenge is noted. Your kind of rhetoric is dangerous and serves no purpose in the discourse of the conversation. The deranged shooter regardless of him being white, black or any color should get the death penalty for killing innocent people regardless of their color or regardless of it being this so called "black grocery store" as you put so much emphasis on.

It's only white people who do this cowardly mass shooter stuff

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You do realize that of the 10,253 murders in 2019......76 were committed by mass public shooters....the rest by criminals...the majority of those criminals shooting people were not white guys........can you tell which number is actually bigger?
Unless you are planning to dig up the people that did it, and squeeze them for the money, then you are just a thief with a line of jive to justify your crime.
Really how many folks did Reagan dig up when he paid restitution to Japanese-Americans for being put in interment camps during WWII?
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