Police State: "At Least She Wasn't Sexually Assaulted." Police Chief's Bizarre Rant..


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
Huh Whaa? Oh yeah, now we feel much better.

Police chief on bizarre ordeal of arrested jogger: At least she wasn’t sexually assaulted!

Austin, Texas Police Chief Art Acevedo was asked to defend the actions of his officers, who subdued and arrested a jogging woman because she was wearing earbuds and couldn’t hear their instructions. His response to the controversy was this: It could be worse–at least she wasn’t sexually assaulted.

That response upset many Texas residents, and Acevedo was forced to walk back his comments on Monday.

Austin police arrested the jogging woman last week. They were stationed at an intersection near the University of Texas’s Austin campus, giving jaywalking tickets to dozens of people. The woman ran right past them, unable to hear because of her earbuds. Cops pursued and restrained the confused woman, eventually placing her in a squad car and charging her failure to carry identification and violating a traffic signal.

The incident was recorded by an innocent bystander, who turned the footage over to local news. That bystander, Chris Quintero, said the police behaved badly. Many Texans agreed.

But when asked to comment on the situation, Acevedo said that his officers hadn’t behaved nearly as badly as officers around the country who are routinely caught committing sexual assault.

“Cops are actually committing sexual assaults on duty so I thank God that this is what passes for a controversy in Austin, Texas,” he said according to CNN.

He also praised the “mediocrity” of the Austin police department.

“And I’m glad that I’m here having to address mediocrity,” he said.

Read more: Police chief: At least jogger wasn't sexually assaulted! | The Daily Caller
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Gotta get those evil Jaywalker Al Kyders. A real menace to our Society. And remember peeps, always have your papers on ya. This is a new America. Even got a Jaywalker Gestapo now.

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By the way Bod, you get into any state of the union and you get into rural counties left or right, red or blue you get law dogs.

And I am the biggest supporter of the military (think Highway of Heroes up here) and the police but sometimes you get break out spots where it's just not good. And you have to call it.
By the way Bod, you get into any state of the union and you get into rural counties left or right, red or blue you get law dogs.

And I am the biggest supporter of the military (think Highway of Heroes up here) and the police but sometimes you get break out spots where it's just not good. And you have to call it.

Are you calling Austin Texas "rural"? :eusa_eh:
It's the dog kills that are really starting to get to me. Not that they kill them. But they do it in front of you and have the balls in front of you and your kids to say "fuck you. sparky was in my way".

That attitude worries me.
By the way Bod, you get into any state of the union and you get into rural counties left or right, red or blue you get law dogs.

And I am the biggest supporter of the military (think Highway of Heroes up here) and the police but sometimes you get break out spots where it's just not good. And you have to call it.

Are you calling Austin Texas "rural"? :eusa_eh:

Hehehehe. No. I'm just saying that you can have pockets of law dogs. I knew them best in rural. But heck I knew them in the city too (think Toronto).

And don't get me wrong. You'd have cool pods too like all the guys I knew working the strip in Toronto and they'd never harrass anyone coming out of Larry's for example.

I'm not saying all bad. But you get those pods. Not good.
It's the dog kills that are really starting to get to me. Not that they kill them. But they do it in front of you and have the balls in front of you and your kids to say "fuck you. sparky was in my way".

That attitude worries me.

Too much power. They know they can get away with almost anything. The System's rigged in their favor. But this is all to be expected in a Police State. Police have become a special protected class, above the Law. They are no longer held to the same standards other Citizens are. And they fully understand that. It's very sad.
She was charged with not carrying ID?? When did we become Nazi Germany?
Austin is a full on lefty place btw for those lefties here wanting to diss Texas.
She was charged with not carrying ID?? When did we become Nazi Germany?
Austin is a full on lefty place btw for those lefties here wanting to diss Texas.

Yeah, i think most are shocked in realizing they can be arrested for not carrying ID. Or they should be shocked anyway.
Just goes to show you - when the police screw up, they HAVE to charge you with something to try to cover their asses.

No ID ?????

Was she trying to vote?!?!?
The cops were out of line, but I want to respond about the quote. I think what the police were clumsily saying is that a young woman is running a risk by jogging without being able to hear a potential predator.

I live near a very large University and all the time I drive by beautiful young girls out jogging alone, and yes usually with an iPod attached to their hip, and I see them run along roads that offer plenty of privacy for an attacker. Young women need to be situationally aware at all times, but sadly they most often are not. A pretty young women on her own in a risky place is tempting fate.
I guess it is a bit refreshing to get some honesty out of our Police. I mean, the man was being honest. At least his boys didn't rape her. Pretty shocking, but ya gotta give him some credit for being honest.
The cops were out of line, but I want to respond about the quote. I think what the police were clumsily saying is that a young woman is running a risk by jogging without being able to hear a potential predator.

If you read the quote, the cop was saying that all over America suspects are sexually assaulted by police officers and he's proud that his men didn't sexually assault her.

No joke - read the whole thing.

He is really setting the bar high for his men, huh?
The cops were out of line, but I want to respond about the quote. I think what the police were clumsily saying is that a young woman is running a risk by jogging without being able to hear a potential predator.

I live near a very large University and all the time I drive by beautiful young girls out jogging alone, and yes usually with an iPod attached to their hip, and I see them run along roads that offer plenty of privacy for an attacker. Young women need to be situationally aware at all times, but sadly they most often are not. A pretty young women on her own in a risky place is tempting fate.

I hear ya, but he was referring to his fellow Police raping women all across the Country.
Translation: "Hey, the Bitch got off easy. My Boys coulda raped the shit out of her."

Oh man, what a country. :(

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