Police State: Cop Brutally Attacks 78 Year Old Grandma Delivering Cupcakes...

It's both interesting and disturbing observing the Authority-Worshippers turning so ugly on this 78yr old Grandmother. It really does say it all about them. We saw this same kind of ugliness with most German Citizens in Nazi Germany. Many would even gladly turn in family members to their beloved Gestapo.

I expect the Authority-Worshippers on this thread to be claiming she's a member of Al Qaeda or ISIS eventually. Nothing would surprise me at this point. It's very sad.
I expect you have a rubber fist toy to fulfil your copkiller fantasies. Get help before you hurt yourself.

You better just hope a cop doesn't kill you. This Police State grows meaner and larger by the day.
That's what's terrifying about you and the Branch Paulinian. You think THIS is an example of where a citizen bystander should take out their gun and shoot the cop. Was he rough on the lady? Sure he was. But he wasn't threatening her life or doing anything that can't be rectified in the legal system. He certainly wasn't doing anything that would justify shooting him, either legally or morally.

I think you two are very scary people who just want to kill cops, and if you ever do, this thread and your posts will be located and used against you to establish your state of mind.
Again, we dont know if the cop ever touched the woman. All we've got is her word about it. The fact the cop is still on duty suggests there's more to the story here.

I think for some reason you're laying aside your normal reasoning faculties. She was pepper sprayed, and something like that HAS to be in the police report, and if she was pepper sprayed then she was certainly handled because the use of pepper spray is an inextricable part of police procedures to subdue a subject. Your claim that the news report is based only on her testimony is an unjustified assumption. There must have been a police report. What I keep seeing here on this thread is the fear that condemning this particular cop is an affront to respect for law enforcement in general.
What evidence do we have she was pepper sprayed? What was the cop's account of what happened?
The lack of evidence here is stunning. No video, no stills. Just granny in the hospital and her account of it.
When was the last time an incident like this happened and there was no one around taking pictures?

Your scraping for proof to exonerate this cop at all costs. Why? Many incidents happen with no photographic evidence. The news report said she was pepper sprayed, which means there had to have been a police report on the incident, because such a confrontation would not go undocumented. And a confrontation did happen, evidenced by the injuries on her face, neck, belly, and thighs, all of which are being brought into evidence by her attorney.

It's ok to admit that there are bad cops out there. Maybe even liberating.
I am trying to find some kind of corroboration for her story. So far all I see is what she is claiming. ANy balanced story says what both sides have said about. That is lacking here. All that is here is her side.
Why are you so quick to jump on the police brutality bandwagon? Of course there are abusive cops. This might be a case of one. But until there is something more than an old woman asking for tons of money I'll withold judgment.

Do I have to scream PHOTOGRAPHIC EVIDENCE? Watch the video, because it includes pictures of her injuries and her lawyer pursuing the lawsuit on the basis of her injuries. So please stop claiming there's no proof because I don't know what to do with something so erroneous coming from an otherwise respectable poster.
That's what's terrifying about you and the Branch Paulinian. You think THIS is an example of where a citizen bystander should take out their gun and shoot the cop. Was he rough on the lady? Sure he was. But he wasn't threatening her life or doing anything that can't be rectified in the legal system. He certainly wasn't doing anything that would justify shooting him, either legally or morally.

I think you two are very scary people who just want to kill cops, and if you ever do, this thread and your posts will be located and used against you to establish your state of mind.
Again, we dont know if the cop ever touched the woman. All we've got is her word about it. The fact the cop is still on duty suggests there's more to the story here.

I think for some reason you're laying aside your normal reasoning faculties. She was pepper sprayed, and something like that HAS to be in the police report, and if she was pepper sprayed then she was certainly handled because the use of pepper spray is an inextricable part of police procedures to subdue a subject. Your claim that the news report is based only on her testimony is an unjustified assumption. There must have been a police report. What I keep seeing here on this thread is the fear that condemning this particular cop is an affront to respect for law enforcement in general.
What evidence do we have she was pepper sprayed? What was the cop's account of what happened?
The lack of evidence here is stunning. No video, no stills. Just granny in the hospital and her account of it.
When was the last time an incident like this happened and there was no one around taking pictures?

Your scraping for proof to exonerate this cop at all costs. Why? Many incidents happen with no photographic evidence. The news report said she was pepper sprayed, which means there had to have been a police report on the incident, because such a confrontation would not go undocumented. And a confrontation did happen, evidenced by the injuries on her face, neck, belly, and thighs, all of which are being brought into evidence by her attorney.

It's ok to admit that there are bad cops out there. Maybe even liberating.
I am trying to find some kind of corroboration for her story. So far all I see is what she is claiming. ANy balanced story says what both sides have said about. That is lacking here. All that is here is her side.
Why are you so quick to jump on the police brutality bandwagon? Of course there are abusive cops. This might be a case of one. But until there is something more than an old woman asking for tons of money I'll withold judgment.

If she were your own Mother or Grandmother, would you still be so quick to defend the Police?
Ah just declare her Al Qaeda or ISIS, and call it a day. That'll make the loony Authority-Worshippers happy. ;)
Again, we dont know if the cop ever touched the woman. All we've got is her word about it. The fact the cop is still on duty suggests there's more to the story here.

I think for some reason you're laying aside your normal reasoning faculties. She was pepper sprayed, and something like that HAS to be in the police report, and if she was pepper sprayed then she was certainly handled because the use of pepper spray is an inextricable part of police procedures to subdue a subject. Your claim that the news report is based only on her testimony is an unjustified assumption. There must have been a police report. What I keep seeing here on this thread is the fear that condemning this particular cop is an affront to respect for law enforcement in general.
What evidence do we have she was pepper sprayed? What was the cop's account of what happened?
The lack of evidence here is stunning. No video, no stills. Just granny in the hospital and her account of it.
When was the last time an incident like this happened and there was no one around taking pictures?

Your scraping for proof to exonerate this cop at all costs. Why? Many incidents happen with no photographic evidence. The news report said she was pepper sprayed, which means there had to have been a police report on the incident, because such a confrontation would not go undocumented. And a confrontation did happen, evidenced by the injuries on her face, neck, belly, and thighs, all of which are being brought into evidence by her attorney.

It's ok to admit that there are bad cops out there. Maybe even liberating.
I am trying to find some kind of corroboration for her story. So far all I see is what she is claiming. ANy balanced story says what both sides have said about. That is lacking here. All that is here is her side.
Why are you so quick to jump on the police brutality bandwagon? Of course there are abusive cops. This might be a case of one. But until there is something more than an old woman asking for tons of money I'll withold judgment.

If she were your own Mother or Grandmother, would you still be so quick to defend the Police?
Im not defending anyone. I'm asking questions and not seeing answers. Why dont you have answers to the questions? WHy are you so quick to declare this police brutality?
Again, we dont know if the cop ever touched the woman. All we've got is her word about it. The fact the cop is still on duty suggests there's more to the story here.

I think for some reason you're laying aside your normal reasoning faculties. She was pepper sprayed, and something like that HAS to be in the police report, and if she was pepper sprayed then she was certainly handled because the use of pepper spray is an inextricable part of police procedures to subdue a subject. Your claim that the news report is based only on her testimony is an unjustified assumption. There must have been a police report. What I keep seeing here on this thread is the fear that condemning this particular cop is an affront to respect for law enforcement in general.
What evidence do we have she was pepper sprayed? What was the cop's account of what happened?
The lack of evidence here is stunning. No video, no stills. Just granny in the hospital and her account of it.
When was the last time an incident like this happened and there was no one around taking pictures?

Your scraping for proof to exonerate this cop at all costs. Why? Many incidents happen with no photographic evidence. The news report said she was pepper sprayed, which means there had to have been a police report on the incident, because such a confrontation would not go undocumented. And a confrontation did happen, evidenced by the injuries on her face, neck, belly, and thighs, all of which are being brought into evidence by her attorney.

It's ok to admit that there are bad cops out there. Maybe even liberating.
I am trying to find some kind of corroboration for her story. So far all I see is what she is claiming. ANy balanced story says what both sides have said about. That is lacking here. All that is here is her side.
Why are you so quick to jump on the police brutality bandwagon? Of course there are abusive cops. This might be a case of one. But until there is something more than an old woman asking for tons of money I'll withold judgment.

Do I have to scream PHOTOGRAPHIC EVIDENCE? Watch the video, because it includes pictures of her injuries and her lawyer pursuing the lawsuit on the basis of her injuries. So please stop claiming there's no proof because I don't know what to do with something so erroneous coming from an otherwise respectable poster.
There is Zero, absolutely NO PROOF, that supports her story. She might have fallen down a flight of stairs for all anyone knows. Please stop with this nonsense.
I think for some reason you're laying aside your normal reasoning faculties. She was pepper sprayed, and something like that HAS to be in the police report, and if she was pepper sprayed then she was certainly handled because the use of pepper spray is an inextricable part of police procedures to subdue a subject. Your claim that the news report is based only on her testimony is an unjustified assumption. There must have been a police report. What I keep seeing here on this thread is the fear that condemning this particular cop is an affront to respect for law enforcement in general.
What evidence do we have she was pepper sprayed? What was the cop's account of what happened?
The lack of evidence here is stunning. No video, no stills. Just granny in the hospital and her account of it.
When was the last time an incident like this happened and there was no one around taking pictures?

Your scraping for proof to exonerate this cop at all costs. Why? Many incidents happen with no photographic evidence. The news report said she was pepper sprayed, which means there had to have been a police report on the incident, because such a confrontation would not go undocumented. And a confrontation did happen, evidenced by the injuries on her face, neck, belly, and thighs, all of which are being brought into evidence by her attorney.

It's ok to admit that there are bad cops out there. Maybe even liberating.
I am trying to find some kind of corroboration for her story. So far all I see is what she is claiming. ANy balanced story says what both sides have said about. That is lacking here. All that is here is her side.
Why are you so quick to jump on the police brutality bandwagon? Of course there are abusive cops. This might be a case of one. But until there is something more than an old woman asking for tons of money I'll withold judgment.

Do I have to scream PHOTOGRAPHIC EVIDENCE? Watch the video, because it includes pictures of her injuries and her lawyer pursuing the lawsuit on the basis of her injuries. So please stop claiming there's no proof because I don't know what to do with something so erroneous coming from an otherwise respectable poster.
There is Zero, absolutely NO PROOF, that supports her story. She might have fallen down a flight of stairs for all anyone knows. Please stop with this nonsense.

Yes, the stairs did it. Man, you Authority-Worshippers sure is pretty loony. :cuckoo:
What evidence do we have she was pepper sprayed? What was the cop's account of what happened?
The lack of evidence here is stunning. No video, no stills. Just granny in the hospital and her account of it.
When was the last time an incident like this happened and there was no one around taking pictures?

Your scraping for proof to exonerate this cop at all costs. Why? Many incidents happen with no photographic evidence. The news report said she was pepper sprayed, which means there had to have been a police report on the incident, because such a confrontation would not go undocumented. And a confrontation did happen, evidenced by the injuries on her face, neck, belly, and thighs, all of which are being brought into evidence by her attorney.

It's ok to admit that there are bad cops out there. Maybe even liberating.
I am trying to find some kind of corroboration for her story. So far all I see is what she is claiming. ANy balanced story says what both sides have said about. That is lacking here. All that is here is her side.
Why are you so quick to jump on the police brutality bandwagon? Of course there are abusive cops. This might be a case of one. But until there is something more than an old woman asking for tons of money I'll withold judgment.

Do I have to scream PHOTOGRAPHIC EVIDENCE? Watch the video, because it includes pictures of her injuries and her lawyer pursuing the lawsuit on the basis of her injuries. So please stop claiming there's no proof because I don't know what to do with something so erroneous coming from an otherwise respectable poster.
There is Zero, absolutely NO PROOF, that supports her story. She might have fallen down a flight of stairs for all anyone knows. Please stop with this nonsense.

Yes, the stairs did it. Man, you Authority-Worshippers sure is pretty loony. :cuckoo:
Wow. You take the word of some old woman looking for a payday at face value. No wonder you're a narco-libertaran. Maybe you smoked too much ganja to have functioning brain cells.
"Police State: Cop Brutally Attacks 78 Year Old Grandma Delivering Cupcakes..."

The OP only continues to exhibit his ignorance of what actually constitutes a 'police state.'

The OP was written by a nutbag, but you're right and it's something I've written about often, how these people screaming "police state" every time somebody gets tazed have no clue what a real police state is. I would love to ship them off to North Korea to give them the proper context of what a real police state is. We have it good in this country and law enforcement is very restrained. Sheltered morons who've never stepped outside of this country to see real human rights violations wholesale by a government that doesn't hold itself accountable for abuses invent dramas of "police state" dictatorship in this country. The OP author repeatedly in this thread compared the police to Nazis and those who don't want to kill cops in "self defense" to be truckle servants of a Nazi regime. These people sound like teenagers who have a good life but still make life and death out of trivial things so they can have drama in their life. Their home is a concentration camp, the rules are diktats from tyrants and border on child abuse, and they scream things like "you're ruining my life!" That's what these immature Branch Paulinian punks sound like, spoiled teenage brats.
Your scraping for proof to exonerate this cop at all costs. Why? Many incidents happen with no photographic evidence. The news report said she was pepper sprayed, which means there had to have been a police report on the incident, because such a confrontation would not go undocumented. And a confrontation did happen, evidenced by the injuries on her face, neck, belly, and thighs, all of which are being brought into evidence by her attorney.

It's ok to admit that there are bad cops out there. Maybe even liberating.
I am trying to find some kind of corroboration for her story. So far all I see is what she is claiming. ANy balanced story says what both sides have said about. That is lacking here. All that is here is her side.
Why are you so quick to jump on the police brutality bandwagon? Of course there are abusive cops. This might be a case of one. But until there is something more than an old woman asking for tons of money I'll withold judgment.

Do I have to scream PHOTOGRAPHIC EVIDENCE? Watch the video, because it includes pictures of her injuries and her lawyer pursuing the lawsuit on the basis of her injuries. So please stop claiming there's no proof because I don't know what to do with something so erroneous coming from an otherwise respectable poster.
There is Zero, absolutely NO PROOF, that supports her story. She might have fallen down a flight of stairs for all anyone knows. Please stop with this nonsense.

Yes, the stairs did it. Man, you Authority-Worshippers sure is pretty loony. :cuckoo:
Wow. You take the word of some old woman looking for a payday at face value. No wonder you're a narco-libertaran. Maybe you smoked too much ganja to have functioning brain cells.

You would have been a fine Nazi son. You most definitely would have been one of those who gladly turned in family members to the Gestapo. Very sad.
I am trying to find some kind of corroboration for her story. So far all I see is what she is claiming. ANy balanced story says what both sides have said about. That is lacking here. All that is here is her side.
Why are you so quick to jump on the police brutality bandwagon? Of course there are abusive cops. This might be a case of one. But until there is something more than an old woman asking for tons of money I'll withold judgment.

Do I have to scream PHOTOGRAPHIC EVIDENCE? Watch the video, because it includes pictures of her injuries and her lawyer pursuing the lawsuit on the basis of her injuries. So please stop claiming there's no proof because I don't know what to do with something so erroneous coming from an otherwise respectable poster.
There is Zero, absolutely NO PROOF, that supports her story. She might have fallen down a flight of stairs for all anyone knows. Please stop with this nonsense.

Yes, the stairs did it. Man, you Authority-Worshippers sure is pretty loony. :cuckoo:
Wow. You take the word of some old woman looking for a payday at face value. No wonder you're a narco-libertaran. Maybe you smoked too much ganja to have functioning brain cells.

You would have been a fine Nazi son. You most definitely would have been one of those who gladly turned in family members to the Gestapo. Very sad.
blahblahblah. You need a new gig. Now go fuck yourself.
Do I have to scream PHOTOGRAPHIC EVIDENCE? Watch the video, because it includes pictures of her injuries and her lawyer pursuing the lawsuit on the basis of her injuries. So please stop claiming there's no proof because I don't know what to do with something so erroneous coming from an otherwise respectable poster.
There is Zero, absolutely NO PROOF, that supports her story. She might have fallen down a flight of stairs for all anyone knows. Please stop with this nonsense.

Yes, the stairs did it. Man, you Authority-Worshippers sure is pretty loony. :cuckoo:
Wow. You take the word of some old woman looking for a payday at face value. No wonder you're a narco-libertaran. Maybe you smoked too much ganja to have functioning brain cells.

You would have been a fine Nazi son. You most definitely would have been one of those who gladly turned in family members to the Gestapo. Very sad.
blahblahblah. You need a new gig. Now go fuck yourself.

blahblahblah. Go turn some family members in to Homeland Security. Be a good Nazi. Have a nice day.
Right. Parents and family never come to see there kids at school.
When invited, sure. Show up unannounced and see what happens.

Last time I showed up unannounced I was asked to write my name on a piece of paper and then offered directions to the classroom.
During class? Bullshit.

Well, kinda. I was a little early. Planned on catching the teacher during lunch break.
Ha, one Authority-Worshipper nutter actually claimed 'the stairs did it.' The fluck's wrong with these people? :cuckoo:
We have a granny that felt she had the right to disrupt a school and refused to take no for an answer.

Read the story. It's been linked numerous times, no one can do it for you.

The link says nothing about this woman wanting to disrupt school. Nor does it say anything about her refusing "to take no for an answer." To the contrary, the link says that she walked away and got into her car, and was pulled out of the car.

So either provide a source for your new information, or concede that you made it up.
Ha, one Authority-Worshipper nutter actually claimed 'the stairs did it.' The fluck's wrong with these people? :cuckoo:
Are you sure they didnt? Oh, right. When it comes to police brutality you dont need any proof. You just know it happens all the time.
We have a granny that felt she had the right to disrupt a school and refused to take no for an answer.

Read the story. It's been linked numerous times, no one can do it for you.

The link says nothing about this woman wanting to disrupt school. Nor does it say anything about her refusing "to take no for an answer." To the contrary, the link says that she walked away and got into her car, and was pulled out of the car.

So either provide a source for your new information, or concede that you made it up.
I answered that already.

"I hadn't seen my granddaughters for some time and I wanted to see them, and so I baked some cupcakes and bought some cookies for my granddaughters' classroom," said Poole.

You can't show up to a school anytime you feel like it (people have the right to have their kids protected), you certainly can't give a bunch of kids cupcakes or anything else no matter how good intentioned or deranged you are. How does anyone know what's in there? You want your kids as anonymous food tasters, go for it! Not everyone does. Suppose the kids got sick and died. The school would be negligent.

She was waiting at the door of a classroom, when Poole says an officer told her there was a restraining order against her and she had to leave. Poole claims she left campus but pulled over in front of the school on First Street.

She was told to leave, did but then pulled around in front.

"And I was very frightened, and I told him to call the police and he said, 'I am the police,'" said Poole.

She was so senile she didn't even know he was a cop.

From there, the elderly woman claims he got physical.

"He jerked me out of my car with my left arm with such great force, and then threw me onto the pavement. From there he dragged me by my left arm up to the school grounds," said Poole.

So, according to grandma Cupcakes, he told her to leave again then ripped her out of the car and threw her on the ground and somewhere during this pepper sprayed her twice. She must have put up a hell of a fight!

No monetary amount is listed in the lawsuit. Clovis Unified would not comment on the suit since administrators have not received it yet. But, the officer still works for the school district.

So he did all that, the school faces a lawsuit and yet still works there. That makes sense to you? And with nothing but her and her lyers opinion to go on? I said wait for the facts, you don't want to but prefer a lynch mob. What's that say about you?
We have a granny that felt she had the right to disrupt a school and refused to take no for an answer.

Read the story. It's been linked numerous times, no one can do it for you.

The link says nothing about this woman wanting to disrupt school. Nor does it say anything about her refusing "to take no for an answer." To the contrary, the link says that she walked away and got into her car, and was pulled out of the car.

So either provide a source for your new information, or concede that you made it up.
I answered that already.

"I hadn't seen my granddaughters for some time and I wanted to see them, and so I baked some cupcakes and bought some cookies for my granddaughters' classroom," said Poole.

You can't show up to a school anytime you feel like it (people have the right to have their kids protected), you certainly can't give a bunch of kids cupcakes or anything else no matter how good intentioned or deranged you are. How does anyone know what's in there? You want your kids as anonymous food tasters, go for it! Not everyone does. Suppose the kids got sick and died. The school would be negligent.

She was waiting at the door of a classroom, when Poole says an officer told her there was a restraining order against her and she had to leave. Poole claims she left campus but pulled over in front of the school on First Street.

She was told to leave, did but then pulled around in front.

"And I was very frightened, and I told him to call the police and he said, 'I am the police,'" said Poole.

She was so senile she didn't even know he was a cop.

From there, the elderly woman claims he got physical.

"He jerked me out of my car with my left arm with such great force, and then threw me onto the pavement. From there he dragged me by my left arm up to the school grounds," said Poole.

So, according to grandma Cupcakes, he told her to leave again then ripped her out of the car and threw her on the ground and somewhere during this pepper sprayed her twice. She must have put up a hell of a fight!

No monetary amount is listed in the lawsuit. Clovis Unified would not comment on the suit since administrators have not received it yet. But, the officer still works for the school district.

So he did all that, the school faces a lawsuit and yet still works there. That makes sense to you? And with nothing but her and her lyers opinion to go on? I said wait for the facts, you don't want to but prefer a lynch mob. What's that say about you?

Yup, and she's probably Al Qaeda and ISIS too. Whatever you say there, Authority-Worshipper wingnut. :cuckoo:

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